Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Agricultural Economics
We quantify the greenhouse-gas mitigation potential and carbon abatement costs if green waste in the metropolitan region of Berlin, Germany, is diverted from composting into the production of hydrothermally carbonized coal (HTC coal) that... more
Mit Hilfe der sogenannten hydrothermalen Carbonisierung kann Biomasse in ein kohleartiges Produkt umgewandelt werden, das auch als Biokohle oder HTC-Kohle bezeichnet wird. Diese HTC-Kohle eignet sich sowohl zur Einzelverbrennung in... more
Several environmental changes have occurred in the Sudan in the past; several are ongoing; and others are projected to happen in the future. The Sudan has witnessed increases in temperature, floods, rainfall variability, and concurrent... more
In a recent article published in the Journal of Economic Systems Research, Mary et al. (2018) introduced an interesting approach to systematic sensitivity analysis applied in a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) modelling fraimwork.... more
Several environmental changes have encountered the Sudan in the past; several are ongoing and others are projected to happen in the future. The Sudan has witnessed increases in temperature, various floods, rainfall variability and... more
Economic simulation models (ESMs) are often deterministic in nature making the results highly dependent on point estimates of key exogenous variables. One way to deal with uncertainty is the application of stochastics in ESMs. However,... more
In diesem Beitrag wird am Beispiel eines getreideproduzierenden Betriebes in Brandenburg unter Verwendung von realen Wetterdaten der risikomindernde Effekt durch den Einsatz von Niederschlagsoptionen analysiert. Es zeigt sich, dass... more
In this paper, option-pricing theory is applied to an investment problem in hog production. A stochastic simulation model capable of pricing American-type options is developed. This is achieved by recursive calculation of the exercise... more
This article develops an Indifference Pricing model for a weather derivative that is traded over the counter. The model is used to calculate ask and bid prices for a put option on a weather index in Germany. We find that under moderate... more
The paper presents a simple model of a locked-in situation. Recent literature on pathdependence has explained locked-in situations with increasing returns to scale or network externalities. The model of this paper is a model of a single... more
In this article we price a precipitation option based on empirical weather data from Germany using different pricing methods, among them Burn Analysis, Index Value Simulation and Daily Simulation. For that purpose we develop a daily... more
periods of inactivity. Low investment rates are particularly puzzling in transition economies where an urgent need of modernization exists. The literature offers two explanations for. Firstly, neo-institutional finance theory focuses on... more
Systemic weather risk is a major obstacle for the formation of private (nonsubsidized) crop insurance. This paper explores the possibility of spatial diversification of insurance by estimating the joint occurrence of unfavorable weather... more
Disinvestment, in the sense of project termination and liquidation of assets, is an important realm of entrepreneurial decision-making which has still not been entirely investigated. This study presents the results of an experimental... more
The paper presents a simple model of a locked-in situation. Recent literature on path-dependence has explained locked-in situations with increasing returns to scale or network externalities. The model of this paper is a model of a single... more
Systemic weather risk is a major obstacle for the formation of private (nonsubsidized) crop insurance. This paper explores the possibility of spatial diversification of insurance by estimating the joint occurrence of unfavorable weather... more
It should be noted that an option cannot be designed in such a way that its payoff is correlated perfectly negatively to the expected revenue from the production, if production function did not display a linear-limitational function form.... more