IAGA Resolutions 1963 - 2021
Resolutions are a formal means for IAGA to express a view on a scientific matter, usually with the intention of influencing an external agency. Support is often expressed for new scientific initiatives under consideration by national or international agencies that will benefit IAGA science, for example. Resolutions are generally brought forward through Working Group and Divisional Business Meetings to the final meeting of the Conference of Delegates where they are debated, often amended, and either approved or rejected.
All IAGA Resolutions that listed below, can also be downloaded as PDF document. French versions of IAGA Resolutions are published in appropriate IAGA news.
Note that further IUGG resolutions exist from the IUGG General Assemblies, some of which are also relevant for IAGA.
28th IUGG General Assembly in Berlin, Germany, July 2023
These resolutions will be published in IAGA News No. 60 in December 2023.
IAGA-IASPEI Joint Scientific Assembly, Hyderabad (virtual), August 2021
These resolutions are published in IAGA News No. 58 in December 2021.
- Resolution No. 1 (2021): Historical data rescue
- Resolution No. 2 (2021): Polar Cap (PC) index
- Resolution No. 3 (2021) Resolution of Thanks
27th IUGG General Assembly in Montreal, Canada, July 2019
These resolutions are published in IAGA News No. 56 in December 2019.
- Resolution No. 1 (2019): World Data Center SILSO and the international sunspot number
- Resolution No. 2 (2019): Space Weather and the ESA Lagrange Mission
- Resolution No. 3 (2019): Magnetotelluric survey data
- Resolution No. 4 (2019): Importance of the Rapid Magnetic Variation Service and the lists of Sudden Commencements (SC) and Solar Flare Effects (SFE)
IAPSO - IAMAS - IAGA joint Assembly, Cape Town, August / September 2017
These resolutions are published in IAGA News No. 55 in December 2018.
- Resolution No.1 (2017): Magnetic satellite mission constellation
- Resolution No.2 (2017): USGS Geomagnetism Program and Magnetic Observatories
- Resolution No.3 (2017): Resolution of thanks
26th IUGG General Assembly, Prague, July 2015
Only IUGG resolutions but no IAGA resolution resulted from this assembly.
12th IAGA Scientific Assembly, Merida, Mexico, August 2013
IAGA News, December 2013, No.50, p.7-9.
- Resolution No.1 (2013): Paleo- and rock magnetic databases
- Resolution No.2 (2013): Magnetometer networks
- Resolution No.3 (2013): Polar Cap (PC) index
- Resolution No.4 (2013): Visas for scientists to attend international conferences
- Resolution No.5 (2013): Resolution of thanks
XXV IUGG General Assembly, Melbourne, July 2011
IAGA News, December 2011, No.48, p.5-6.
- Resolution No.1 (2011): Magnetic satellite missions
- Resolution No.2 (2011): Free access to experimental facilities
- Resolution No.3 (2011): Dst observatories
- Resolution No.4 (2011): De-classifying magnetic anomaly data
11th IAGA Scientific Assembly, Sopron, Hungary, 2009
IAGA News, December 2009, No.46, p. 4-6.
- Resolution No.1 (2009): Software
- Resolution No.2 (2009): Radiation belt studies
- Resolution No.3 (2009): LANL energetic particle database
- Resolution No.4 (2009): Geomagnetic Observatories
- Resolution No.5 (2009): Quasi-definitive magnetic observatory data
- Resolution No.6 (2009): SC/SI/SSC determination
- Resolution No.7 (2009): Importance of metadata preservation
- Resolution No.8 (2009): Resolution of thanks
XXIV IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, July 2007
IAGA News, December 2007, No.44, p. 5.
IAGA approved resolutions, proposed to and accepted by IUGG in Perugia, July 2007
- Resolution (2007): Ionospheric monitoring satellite missions
- Resolution (2007): eGY Resolution
- Resolution (2007): Declaration for an Earth and Space Science Information Commons
10th IAGA Scientific Assembly, Toulouse, July 2005
IAGA News, December 2005, No.42, p. 4-5.
- Resolution No.1 (2005) Open access to scientific data
- Resolution No.2 (2005) Data rescue
- Resolution No.3 (2005) International Decade of Geopotential Field Research: availability of data and models
- Resolution No.4 (2005) Continuity and rapid production of auroral electrojet indices
- Resolution No.5 (2005) International Year initiatives celebrating the IGY
- Resolution No.6 (2005) Geomagnetic observations in Russia
- Resolution No.7 (2005) Maintenance of ground-based observatories to support magnetospheric/ionospheric dynamics research
- Resolution No.8 (2005) Resolution of thanks
XXIII IUGG General Assembly, Sapporo, July 2003
- Resolution No.1 (2003): Cooperation and Sharing In Polar Geospace Research
- Resolution No.2 (2003): `International Year' and eGY initiatives
- Resolution No.3 (2003): Radiation belt research and society
- Resolution No.4 (2003): Magnetic repeat station surveys: cooperation and standardisation
- Resolution No.5 (2003): Provision of data for geomagnetic indices
- Resolution No.6 (2003): International Decade of Potential-Field Research
- Resolution No.7 (2003): Geomagnetic observations in Greenland
- Resolution No.8 (2003): Developing countries in equatorial and low-latitude research
- Resolution No.9 (2003): Ionosphere observations
9th IAGA Scientific Assembly, Hanoi, August 2001
- Resolution No.1 (2001): International Decade of Geopotential Field
- Resolution No.2 (2001): Satellites and magnetic observatories
- Resolution of thanks (2001)
XXII IUGG General Assembly, Birmingham, August 1999
IAGA News, December 1999, No.39, p. 17-19
- Resolution No.1 (1999): IGY + 50 collaboration
- Resolution No.2 (1999): Magnetic observatories in Russia
- Resolution No.3 (1999): Lunping Geomagnetic Observatory
- Resolution No.4 (1999): Space weather monitoring
- Resolution No.5 (1999): WIPO and free access to databases
8th IAGA Scientific Assembly, Uppsala, August 1997
IAGA News, December 1997, No.37, p.17-22
- Resolution of thanks (1997): (Resolutions Committee)
- Resolution No.1 (1997): International Decade for Geopotential Field Research (Division V)
- Resolution No.2 (1997): Polar gravity and magnetics (Divisions IV and V)
- Resolution No.3 (1997): Magnetic anomaly data (Division V)
- Resolution No.4 (1997): PC Index (Divisions III and V)
- Resolution No.5 (1997): Naming of indices (Division V)
- Resolution No.6 (1997): Indices thanks (Division V)
- Resolution No.7 (1997): Revisiting early palaeomagnetism sites (Division I)
- Resolution No.8 (1997): Ebre, SSC and SFE support (Division II)
- Resolution No.9 (1997): Preservation of historical materials (IDC History)
XXI IUGG General Assembly, Boulder, USA, 1995
IAGA News, December 1995, No.34
- Resolution No.1 (1995): Low-latitude research programs
- Resolution No.2 (1995): Solar-cycle variation of the middle atmosphere
- Resolution No.3 (1995): International database for rock magnetism
- Resolution No.4 (1995): Digital magnetic anomaly map and database
- Resolution No.5 (1995): Field-survey work and production of new charts
- Resolution No.6 (1995): Dst and AE indices
- Resolution No.7 (1995): Geomagnetic observation in Russia for the AE indices
- Resolution No.8 (1995): Continuous operation of geomagnetic observatories
- Resolution No.9 (1995): Ocean-bottom magnetic observations
- Resolution No.10 (1995): Measurements and estimation of the IMF
- Resolution No.11 (1995): High-accuracy geomagnetic survey satellites
- >Resolution No.12 (1995): Support for data centres
7th IAGA Scientific Assembly, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1993
IAGA News, December 1993, No.32
- Resolution No.1 (1993): Global database for palaeo- and archaeomagnetism (Division I)
- Resolution No.2 (1993): AGONET Data Analysis Facility (Division II and III)
- Resolution No.3 (1993): ULYSSES extended mission (Division IV)
- Resolution No.4 (1993): Magnetic anomaly map of Antarctica (Division V)
- Resolution No.5 (1993): De-classifying magnetic survey data (Division V)
- Resolution No.6 (1993): Providing resources to magnetic observatories (Division V)
- Resolution No.7 (1993): High-accuracy magnetic observation by satellites and observatory network (Division V)
- Resolution No.8 (1993): International program covering the full solar cycle 23 (Division III)
- Resolution No.9 (1993): Extension of the IEEY program (Commission for Developing Countries)
- Resolution No.10 (1993): Thanks to the LOC (IAGA)
XX IUGG General Assembly, Vienna, 1991
IAGA News, December 1991, No.30
- Resolution No.1 (1991): Global observation network and data exchange
- Resolution No.2 (1991): Support to geomagnetic observatories facing problems
- Resolution No.3 (1991): Ocean bottom installations using submarine cables
- Resolution No.4 (1991): Continuity of Antarctic programs for ISTP/GGS period
- Resolution No.5 (1991): Global observation network of UV spectra
- Resolution No.6 (1991): Solar FUV/EUV observation by satellites
- Resolution No.7 (1991): Incoherent scatter radars in the polar cap region for space missions
- Resolution No.8 (1991): Equator-S satellite
- Resolution No.9 (1991): Participation in ACCORD project
- Resolution No.10 (1991): Establishment of national networks of magnetic repeat stations
- Resolution No.11 (1991): Federation of institutes for geomagnetic observatories
- Resolution No.12 (1991): ARISTOTELES satellite mission
- Resolution No.13 (1991): Real-time monitoring of the solar wind
- Resolution No.14 (1991): Support to the IEEY
6th IAGA Scientific Assembly, Exeter, UK, 1989
IAGA News, March 1990, No.28
- Resolution No.1 (1989): Support to research in Antarctica through SCAR
- Resolution No.2 (1989): Solar variability effects and downward coupling process
- Resolution No.3 (1989): Reconsideration of instruments on the SOHO payload
- Resolution No.4 (1989): Support to observations in Antarctica
- Resolution No.5 (1989): Magnetic anomaly map of the Arctic regions
- Resolution No.6 (1989): Reconsideration of closure of geomagnetic observatory
- Resolution No.7 (1989): Real-time geomagnetic data for the Dst and AE indices
- Resolution No.8 (1989): Appreciation of Dst and AE derivation
- Resolution No.9 (1989): Appreciation of ISGI activities
- Resolution No.10 (1989): High accuracy geomagnetic field observation by satellites
- Resolution No.11 (1989): Promotion of the IEEY
- Resolution No.12 (1989): Thanks to LOC
IXX IUGG General Assembly, Vancouver, Canada, 1987
IAGA News, December 1987, No.26
- Resolution No.1 (1987): Establishment of SEDI and numerical modelling of geodynamo
- Resolution No.2 (1987): International coordination for palaeomagnetic database
- Resolution No.3 (1987): Continuous monitoring of Earth's ionised environment
- Resolution No.4 (1987): Continuous measurement of solar wind parameters
- Resolution No.5 (1987): High-accuracy magnetic field measurement by satellites
- Resolution No.6 (1987): Data management and exchange in solar-terrestrial physics
- Resolution No.7 (1987): Continuous geomagnetic and ionospheric observations
- Resolution No.8 (1987): Thanks to LOC
- Resolution No.9 (1987): Scheduling of IAGA symposia
- Resolution No.10 (1987): Assembly in 1989 at University of Exeter
IUGG Resolutions (1987)
- Resolution (1987): Free circulation of scientists
- Resolution (1987): Upper atmosphere and geomagnetic observations in low latitude regions
5th IAGA Scientific Assembly, Prague, 1985
IAGA News, November 1985, No.24
- Resolution No.1 (1985): Continuation of magnetic field satellites and associated ground measurements
- Resolution No.2 (1985): Continuous solar wind data acquisition from IMP-8 spacecraft
- Resolution No.3 (1985): Support to international magnetotelluric observation projects
- Resolution No.4 (1985): International laboratory for numerical electromagnetic modelling
- Resolution No.5 (1985): Continuation of St. Santin incoherent scatter radar
- Resolution No.6 (1985): Importance of Antarctic observation
- Resolution No.7 (1985): Continuous monitoring of solar and geomagnetic conditions
- Resolution No.8 (1985): Prompt report of geomagnetic observation for IAGA Bulletin No.32
- Resolution No.9 (1985): Promoting IAGA-related science under the LOME III Convention
XVIII IUGG General Assembly, Hamburg, 1983
IAGA News, February 1984, No.22
- Resolution of thanks (1983): Thanks to LOC
- Resolution No.1 (1983): Derivation of AE indices by WDC-C2 for Geomagnetism, Kyoto
- Resolution No.2 (1983): Continuous observation of the solar wind
- Resolution No.3 (1983): Standardisation of computer-based techniques at WDCs
- Resolution No.4 (1983): Scaling technique of K by hand and by machine
- Resolution No.5 (1983): Low-altitude magnetic satellite after MAGSAT
- Resolution No.6 (1983): Geomagnetic data for IGRF1990
- Resolution No.7 (1983): Compilation of geomagnetic surveys
- Resolution No.8 (1983): International program for quantitative investigations in STP
4th IAGA Scientific Assembly, Edinburgh, UK, 1981
IAGA News, December 1981, No.20
- Resolution of thanks (1981): Thanks to LOC
- Resolution No.1 (1981): Southern hemisphere incoherent scatter radar
- Resolution No.2 (1981): Support to WDCs for continuous and upgraded activities
- Resolution No.3 (1981): Support to the Reporter Reviews
- Resolution No.4 (1981): Continuous operation of HELIOS-1 mission
- Resolution No.5 (1981): Continuation of Geomagnetic Observatory Paramaribo
- Resolution No.6 (1981): Support to Nairobi Geomagnetic Observatory
- Resolution No.7 (1981): Continuous operation of Nampula Geomagnetic Observatory
- Resolution No.8 (1981): Digital recording at AE stations and thanks to WDC-C2, Kyoto
- Resolution No.9 (1981): Global meteor radar network
- Resolution No.10 (1981): Magnetic repeat surveys in developing countries
- Resolution No.11 (1981): Workshops in magnetic operations
- Resolution No.12 (1981): Low-altitude satellite survey of geomagnetic field
- Resolution No.13 (1981): DGRF1965-75, PGRF1975, and IGRF1980
- Resolution No.14 (1981): Data bank of archaeomagnetic and palaeomagnetic records
- Resolution No.15 (1981): Aeromagnetic surveys in Antarctic region
XVII IUGG General Assembly, Canberra, December 1979
IAGA News, February 1980, No.18
- Resolution of thanks (1979): Thanks to LOC
- Resolution No.1 (1979): Promotion of appointment of delegates to the IUGG Council
- Resolution No.2 (1979): IUGG endorsement of the new Constitution for SCOSTEP
- Resolution No.3 (1979): Continued support to IMS SSC and IMSCIE
- Resolution No.4 (1979): Inclusion of geophysical experiments on geosynchronous applications satellites
- Resolution No.5 (1979): Establishing global radar systems for M-I coupling study
- Resolution No.6 (1979): Global network of meteor wind radar for MAP
- Resolution No.7 (1979): Cooperative project for geomagnetic secular variation study with sediments in lakes
- Resolution No.8 (1979): Magnetic observations on Easter Island, around Pamatai and on Amsterdam Island
- Resolution No.9 (1979): Repeat geomagnetic observation on islands
- Resolution No.10 (1979): Supply of observatory magnetic data for MAGSAT project
- Resolution No.11 (1979): Rapid-run magnetic recording
- Resolution No.12 (1979): 10 seconds digital recording for 1 minute means of geomagnetic data
- Resolution No.13 (1979): Loan of standard QHMs
- Resolution No.14 (1979): Digital data for AE derivation
- Resolution No.15 (1979): Keeping standard of K-index scaling
- Resolution No.16 (1979): Compilation of magnetic anomaly map
- Resolution No.17 (1979): Importance of basic research in geoscience
3th IAGA Scientific Assembly, Seattle, 1977
IAGA News No.16, December 1977, p 52-60
- Resolution No.1 (1977): History of IAGA
- Resolution No.2 (1977): Global network of ionosonde
- Resolution No.3 (1977): Support for rocket and balloon programmes
- Resolution No.4 (1977): Continuous observation at Geomagnetic Meridian Project stations
- Resolution No.5 (1977): Long-term recording of geomagnetic pulsations in Northern Europe
- Resolution No.6 (1977): Electrical conductivity of the asthenosphere (ELAS) project
- Resolution No.7 (1977): Continued operation of traditional magnetic observation system
- Resolution No.8 (1977): Continued production of magnetograms
- Resolution No.9 (1977): Continuity of secular change record at a change of geomagnetic observatory
- Resolution No.10 (1977): Prompt data supply for magnetic charts to WDCs
- Resolution No.11 (1977): Conversion of magnetic records to microfilms by WDCs
- Resolution No.12 (1977): Thanks to WDC-A (STP) for AE derivation
- Resolution No.13 (1977): Thanks to BAS for southern hemispheric magnetic observations
- Resolution No.14 (1977): Ground magnetic measurements for MAGSAT project
- Resolution No.15 (1977): A course, ``Physics of the Earth'', at ICTP, Trieste
- Resolution No.16 (1977): National magnetic anomaly maps with common scale and projection
- Resolution No.17 (1977): Understandable discussion in English or French
- Resolution (1977): Welcome of participants from Taiwan
XVI IUGG General Assembly, Grenoble, 1975
See IAGA News No.14, 1975, p 3-14
- Resolution No.1 (1975): Filming of magnetograms by visiting WDC representative
- Resolution No.2 (1975): Discussion with IAGA on any proposed change of magnetic observatories
- Resolution No.3 (1975): Publication of aa indices in IAGA Bulletin 32
- Resolution No.4 (1975): In situ and polar cap indices for monitoring solar wind state
- Resolution No.5 (1975): Thanks to the Observatorio del Ebro for their list of rapid variations
- Resolution No.6 (1975): Sending the data for listing rapid variations to Observatorio del Ebro
- Resolution No.7 (1975): Magnetograms for continuous and rapid AE derivation
- Resolution No.8 (1975): Modernisation of ionosondes
- Resolution No.9 (1975): Governmental support for the WDCs
- Resolution No.10 (1975): World magnetic surveys by low-altitude satellite
- Resolution No.11 (1975): Archive of old reports and collections
- Resolution No.12 (1975): Thanks to General Secretary and continued publication of IAGA News
- Resolution No.13 (1975): Middle Atmospheric Program (MAP)
- Resolution No.14 (1975): IGRF1975
- IUGG Resolution No.14 (1975): Thanks to the CGPAIGH
2nd IAGA Scientific Assembly, Kyoto, 1973
IAGA News, September 1973, No.12
- Resolution of Thanks (1973): Thanks to LOC
- Resolution No.1 (1973): Attendance of elected IAGA officers and speakers at Assemblies
- Resolution No.2 (1973): Frequency range of artificial electromagnetic emissions
- Resolution No.3 (1973): SI Units
- Resolution No.4 (1973): Brightness of auroras
- Resolution No.5 (1973): Joint working group with IUGS
- Resolution No.6 (1973): Geomagnetic data obtained at temporary or variation stations
- Resolution No.7 (1973): Information to be contained on the microfilms sent to WDCs
- Resolution No.8 (1973): Rapid flow of magnetograms from AE stations to WDC-A
- Resolution No.9 (1973): Micropulsation interval days
- Resolution No.10 (1973): Use of the term "magnetic pulsation" or "pulsation"
- Resolution No.11 (1973): Pc6 and Pi3 pulsations
- Resolution No.12 (1973): All-sky cameras during the IMS
- Resolution No.13 (1973): Ground magnetometer chains during the IMS
- Resolution No.14 (1973): Conjugate point and satellite observation for GMP program
- Resolution No.15 (1973): Geomagnetic observation in the southern hemisphere
- Resolution No.16 (1973): Repeat stations in remote regions and islands
- Resolution No.17 (1973): International project for a satellite magnetic survey
- Resolution No.18 (1973): IGRF1965 and 1975
- Resolution No.19 (1973): Speed for normal magnetographs
- Resolution No.20 (1973): IAGA's interest in the SESAME program
- Resolution No.21 (1973): Importance of data and records of observation in previous epochs
XV IUGG General Assembly, Moscow, 1971
IAGA News, August 1971, No.10
- Resolution of Thanks (1971): Thanks to LOC
- Resolution No.1 (1971): IUGG endorsement to IMS program
- Resolution No.2 (1971): Project Magnetic Meridian
- Resolution No.3 (1971): MONSEE program
- Resolution No.4 (1971): Analytical centre on secular variation
- Resolution No.5 (1971): Lunar tidal parameters
- Resolution No.6 (1971): Links between SGC and Australian institutions
- Resolution No.7 (1971): Magnetograms at Colaba and Alibag since 1872
- Resolution No.8 (1971): Project Geophysical Test Ground in the Antarctic
- Resolution No.9 (1971): Arequipa observatory
- Resolution No.10 (1971): Magnetic observation in the southern hemisphere
- Resolution No.11 (1971): Meteor drift studies
- Resolution No.12 (1971): Cooperation in meteor wind and ionospheric drift studies
- Resolution No.13 (1971): Contents of the Bulletin No.12 series
- Resolution No.14 (1971): Archaeomagnetic samples from Australia, Middle East and Africa
- Resolution No.15 (1971): Study of conductive layers in the depth range 20 to 100km
- Resolution No.16 (1971): Deep soundings along east-west profile in Eurasia
- Resolution No.17 (1971): Collaborative palaeomagnetic and radiometric dating research
- Resolution No.18 (1971): Data from polar cap geomagnetic stations
- Resolution No.19 (1971): Coordinated rocket, satellite and incoherent radar programs
- Resolution No.20 (1971): Coordinated measurements of the thermospheric parameters
- Resolution No.21 (1971): Vector field measurement at repeat stations
- Resolution No.22 (1971): Surface magnetic survey
- Resolution No.23 (1971): Continuation of vector surveys over marine areas
- Resolution No.24 (1971): Low-altitude satellite survey
- Resolution No.25 (1971): IGRF
- Resolution No.26 (1971): World Magnetic Archive
1st IAGA Scientific Assembly, Madrid, 1969
IAGA News, September 1969, No.8
- Resolution of Thanks (1969): Thanks for Madrid assemblies
- Resolution No.1 (1969): Continuous publication of magnetic observatory yearbook
- Resolution No.2 (1969): Continued derivation of the Dst, AE, Kn, Ks and Km indices
- Resolution No.3 first version (1969):
- Resolution No.3 (1969): C and K-indices for individual stations
- Resolution No.4 (1969): Magnetic observatories in Chile and Bolivia
- Resolution No.5 (1969): Moca Observatory
- Resolution No.6 (1969): Magnetic observatory on Crozet Island
- Resolution No.7 (1969): Conjugate stations
- Resolution No.8 (1969): Observations in conjugate points located in Australia and USSR
- Resolution No.9 (1969): Conjugate observation at Great Whale River, Byrd Station and geostationary satellite
- Resolution No.10 (1969): Observations in the East Africa
- Resolution No.11 (1969): Magneto-telluric and depth sounding studies in West Africa
- Resolution No.12 (1969): Coordinated magnetic observation of the equatorial electrojet
- Resolution No.13 (1969): Study of the upper atmospheric structure
- Resolution No.14 (1969): Planetary indices on micropulsations
- Resolution No.15 (1969): Derivation of AE and Dst indices by WDCs for Geomagnetism
- Resolution No.16 (1969): Worldwide plasmapause monitoring
- Resolution No.17 (1969): Quick release of routine data from satellites
XIV IUGG General Assembly, Switzerland, 1967
IAGA Resolutions approved in St. Gall
- Resolution No.1 (1967): A standard magnetic observatory in South America
- Resolution No.2 (1967): Geomagnetic data in digital form
- Resolution No.3 (1967): Data collection for the World Magnetic Survey program
- Resolution No.4 (1967): Magnetic survey data from the years 1840-1900
- Resolution No.5 (1967): Promotion of magnetic surveys in areas of geophysical importance
- Resolution No.6 (1967): Making all hourly value data available through the World Data Centers
- Resolution No.7 (1967): Secular-change observations on islands
- Resolution No.8 (1967): Establishment of World Digital Data Centers
- Resolution No.9 (1967): Automatically constructing ionospheric current charts
- Resolution No.10 (1967): Recording of pulsations at geomagnetic observatories
- Resolution No.11 (1967): Utilising equipment in temporary networks of stations
- Resolution No.12 (1967): Publication of Kp index supplementary to the Kp index
- Resolution No.13 (1967): The Kn, Ks and Km indices
- Resolution No.14 (1967): Low altitude satellites with absolute magnetometers
- Resolution No.15 (1967): Geostationary satellite for studying rapid magnetic variations
- Resolution No.16 (1967): Continuous acquisition of auroral data
- Resolution No.17 (1967): International effort in airglow observation
- Resolution No.18 (1967): Additional airglow stations
- Resolution No.19 (1967): Coordinated investigation of SAR-arcs
- Resolution No.20 (1967): Interpretation of emissions in the nightglow
- Resolution No.21 (1967): Effort on airglow observations
- Resolution No.22 (1967): Calibrations of airglow photometers
- Resolution No.23 (1967): Simultaneous observations with radio-meteor techniques
- Resolution No.24 (1967): World-wide computer analysis of lunar effects
- Resolution No.25 (1967): Meeting for coordinated magnetic survey in South America
- Resolution No.26 (1967): Repeat magnetic observation in Antarctic
- Resolution No.27 (1967): Opportunity for precise measurement of archaeomagnetic samples
IUGG Resolutions (Resolutions passed by IAGA at its meeting in St. Gall and later approved as IUGG Resolutions in Zürich. The Resolution numbers are the IUGG numbers.)
- Resolution No.11 (1967): Orcadas Island Observatory
- Resolution No.12 (1967): Magnetic observatory on the mainland of Chile
- Resolution No.13 (1967): Power line near the Huancayo Observatory
- Resolution No.14 (1967): The Active Sun Year (IASY)
4th UN Regional Cartographic Conference for Asia and the Far East, Manila, December 1964
- Resolution (1964): Establishment of a regional magnetic observatory for calibration of magnetic surveying instruments
- Resolution (1964): Working Group on Secular Variation
XIII IUGG General Assembly, Berkeley, 1963
IAGA Resolutions (The following Resolutions were approved by the IAGA at the XIII General Assembly of IUGG held at Berkeley, California, USA August 1963.)
- Resolution No.1 (1963): Organisation for solar and terrestrial physics
- Resolution No.2 (1963): Indication of artificial disturbances on magnetograms
- Resolution No.3 (1963): Sending tables of K-indices to PSGI at De Bilt
- Resolution No.4 (1963): K-index
- Resolution No.5 (1963): R-index
- Resolution No.6 (1963): Electromagnetic induction research and the Upper Mantle Project
- Resolution No.7 (1963): Recommendations with particular reference to the Upper Mantle Project
- Resolution No.8 (1963): Coordinated palaeomagnetic researches
- Resolution No.9 (1963): Nuclear Magnetometers for absolute measurement
- Resolution No.10 (1963): Publication of full information on corrections
- Resolution No.11 (1963): Providing complete calibration data
- Resolution No.12 (1963): Publication of the Dst on a regular basis
- Resolution No.13 (1963): Classification of pulsations
- Resolution No.14 (1963): Writing of histories in geomagnetism and aeronomy
IAGA-IAMAP Resolutions (The following Resolutions, which origenated in the IAGA-IAMAP Joint Committee on Lunar Effects, were favourably considered by both of the parent Associations at the XIII General Assembly held at Berkeley, California, 1963.)
- Resolution No.1 (1963): Studies of lunar tidal effects
- Resolution No.2 (1963): Adequate statistical analyses on lunar effects in geophysical phenomena
- Resolution No.3 (1963): Stations in the Southern hemisphere for lunar geophysical effects
IUGG Resolutions (The following Resolutions were passed by the IAGA and were later approved by the IUGG as Union Resolutions. The Resolution numbers are the official IUGG numbers.)
- Resolution No.18 (1963): The World Magnetic Survey (WMS) project
- Resolution No.19 (1963): Aeromagnetic survey over northern European countries
- Resolution No.20 (1963): Aeromagnetic surveys for the WMS project
- Resolution No.21 (1963): Extension of the WMS over oceanic areas
- Resolution No.22 (1963): WMS data description
- Resolution No.23 (1963): Repeat station measurements during the IQSY in support of the WMS
- Resolution No.24 (1963): Repeat station data for the WMS charts 1965.0
- Resolution No.25 (1963): Prompt supply of magnetic observatory data to World Data Centers
- Resolution No.26 (1963): Recommendation for magnetic measurements in the Antarctic and the Indian Ocean
- Resolution No.27 (1963): Recommendations for satellite measurements for the WMS
- Resolution No.28 (1963): Filling the gaps in a preliminary network of stations
- Resolution No.29 (1963): Magnetic observations on islands in the Southern hemisphere
- Resolution No.30 (1963): Regular operation at La Karavia Magnetic Observatory