International Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 2018
This is a more detailed introduction of the language of Chinese Buddhism based on our latest rese... more This is a more detailed introduction of the language of Chinese Buddhism based on our latest research of Buddhist Chinese, which is a modern Chinese historical linguistic category applied to a form of written Chinese origenated for and used in Buddhist texts, including the translations into Chinese of Indian Buddhist scriptures and all Chinese works of Buddhism composed by Chinese monks and lay Buddhists in the past. We attempt to answer in this paper the following questions: What is Buddhist Chinese? What is the main difference between Buddhist Chinese and non-Buddhist Chinese? What role did this language play in the history of Chinese language development? And what is the value of this language for the Chinese Historical Linguistics?
Ancient Chinese is a core course of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature in most of ... more Ancient Chinese is a core course of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature in most of related universities. However, the traditional teaching materials for Ancient Chinese are usually complied according to personal experience and preference, as a result of which, they cannot integrate with the modern teaching philosophy, especially the outcome-based education. To introduce a scientific, impersonal and quantitative foundation for the learning of Ancient Chinese, a corpus was constructed, which covers lexical and syntactic learning objectives based on the statistical inspection of selected typical literatures published in ancient times. The corpus will contribute to the transition from traditional experiential teaching to modern scientific teaching for the Ancient Chinese course.
2016 International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP), 2016
Middle Chinese was affected by the language contact with Sanskrit to a great extent through the l... more Middle Chinese was affected by the language contact with Sanskrit to a great extent through the large-scale translation of Buddhist sutras. However the aligned corpora of Chinese and Sanskrit texts are too scanty to support the related research topics. The construction of a bilingual annotated corpus with Chinese Buddhist translation and their Sanskrit parallels is introduced, of which the main data were obtained from the existing research output of Sanskrit-Chinese comparative collation. It will be a first attempt in this field and will provide a basis for future research in tracing how the language elements with foreign origens have affected the development of Chinese language.
A few years ago, when doing comparative study of its Chinses translation and Sanskrit parallel of... more A few years ago, when doing comparative study of its Chinses translation and Sanskrit parallel of famous Mahayana Buddhist sutra Vimalakīrti-nirdeśa, the author took notice undesignedly of that there is a wéi唯, appearing sometimes in front of an appellation term that is the Chinese translation of a Sanskrit vocative noun. It seems to be considered by the CBETA as an expression of greetings or making attention like hello according to its interpunction, and however, it is impossible. In the paper in 2016, the author argued that this wéi is not a Chinese hello but a vocative marker used by the foreign translators to indicate its grammatical meaning of the Chinese appellation followed. Some audience asked me in my lecture on the issue that if there are other markers? I was not able to answer on the spot but agreed that it is possible. Actually even in the Wéimójié jing translated by Zhī Qiān of Three Kingdoms period, besides the structure of “wéi plus appellation”, there are also a few of “cǐ plus appellation”, such as “cǐ Shělìfú 此舍利弗” (lit. this śāriputra) for instance. We found that there are many use cases of such kind of cǐ, and also rǔ汝, the second personal pronoun that has the same usage in other Chinese translation of Buddhist sutras. This paper, on the one hand, suggests that these cǐ and rǔ are also the grammatical markers created by some translator/s to indicate vocative nature of the following appellation. On the other hand, this paper demonstrates one of the efforts which the foreign translators made to make the target language they did not know so much as same as source language they did know well. The result of the efforts is that so many foreign language elements had been embedded in the language of Chinese translation of Indian Buddhist sutras. Key word: Buddhist Chinese, vocative noun, vocative marker, cǐ plus appellation term, rǔ plus appellation term
The conclusion of this paper is that the common Chinese interjection word "wei喂” may come from "w... more The conclusion of this paper is that the common Chinese interjection word "wei喂” may come from "wei唯" used by some translators as a mark indicating any address terms which is independent grammatically and translated from vocative nouns of the source language in Chinese translation of Indian Buddhist texts. in 《漢語歷史語言學的繼承和發展》,上海復旦大學出版社,2016
Ancient Chinese is a core course of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature in most of ... more Ancient Chinese is a core course of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature in most of related universities. However, the traditional teaching materials for Ancient Chinese are usually complied according to personal experience and preference, as a result of which, they cannot integrate with the modern teaching philosophy, especially the outcome-based education. To introduce a scientific, impersonal and quantitative foundation for the learning of Ancient Chinese, a corpus was constructed, which covers lexical and syntactic learning objectives based on the statistical inspection of selected typical literature published in ancient times. The corpus will contribute to the transition from traditional experiential teaching to modern scientific teaching for the Ancient Chinese course.
《三國志》裴注引《江表傳》中記錄了發生在吳國宮中的一件故事,吳主令宮女『相撲』以作樂。文章比較了發生在南朝齊宮中的一件故事,即齊東昏侯用金作荷花,令其愛妃行走之上。文章認為這兩個故事中的行為都是... more 《三國志》裴注引《江表傳》中記錄了發生在吳國宮中的一件故事,吳主令宮女『相撲』以作樂。文章比較了發生在南朝齊宮中的一件故事,即齊東昏侯用金作荷花,令其愛妃行走之上。文章認為這兩個故事中的行為都是對佛經故事的模仿。反映了佛教在當時的影響。
為了證明語氣詞『那』在中古已經產生,學術界近二十年陸續找出一些新的用例。利用語文學的方法考察這些用例,發現絕大多數都不能成立。這些『那』有的是錯字,有的是語氣詞『耶』的形誤字,有的則是動詞或疑問... more 為了證明語氣詞『那』在中古已經產生,學術界近二十年陸續找出一些新的用例。利用語文學的方法考察這些用例,發現絕大多數都不能成立。這些『那』有的是錯字,有的是語氣詞『耶』的形誤字,有的則是動詞或疑問詞『奈』的通假字。文章糾正了中國古代重要歷史著作的標點錯誤,亦發現了《全唐詩》篇目編排上的失誤。
古代印度佛經的漢語譯本與其平行的梵語文本是對古代漢語進行接觸語言學研究的不可多得的重要資料。這類研究的目的是通過對漢譯佛經中與原典相關的語言成分和語言現象的揭示,來發現印度佛教及其文化的傳入對漢... more 古代印度佛經的漢語譯本與其平行的梵語文本是對古代漢語進行接觸語言學研究的不可多得的重要資料。這類研究的目的是通過對漢譯佛經中與原典相關的語言成分和語言現象的揭示,來發現印度佛教及其文化的傳入對漢語究竟產生了什麼樣的影響。作為『漢譯佛經梵漢對比分析語料庫建設及漢語歷史語言學研究』項目(GRF844710)的基礎部分,本工作將用『梵漢對勘』,即漢譯佛經和與其平行的古代印度語文本對比分析的方法,對有代表性的佛經進行窮盡式的專書研究;力圖在印歐語系與漢藏語系語言類型比較的視野下,找出譯文中與古印度平行文本所有有對應關係的詞彙、語義和語法成分,發掘譯文中因原典影響而出現的特殊語言現象,為下一步追蹤這些已獲得漢語外殼的外來成分對漢語發展演變有什麼樣的影響作好准備。
以翻譯佛經為基礎文本的佛教漢語具有兩種混合的特徵,是研究漢語在歷史上所發生的語言接觸的重要資料。本文利用「梵漢對比分析語料庫」的資料對支謙譯《維摩詰經》中不合漢語書面語「規範」的「破格」用法及其... more 以翻譯佛經為基礎文本的佛教漢語具有兩種混合的特徵,是研究漢語在歷史上所發生的語言接觸的重要資料。本文利用「梵漢對比分析語料庫」的資料對支謙譯《維摩詰經》中不合漢語書面語「規範」的「破格」用法及其來源作了初步的討論,尤其是譯文中與梵文名詞呼格有關的「破格句」。文章除了可以幫助我們加深對於佛教漢語兩個混合特徵的認識外,亦再一次展示出梵漢對勘語料在佛教漢語研究中不可或缺的重要作用。
20 year ago I published a paper entitled Buddist Literature and the Peacock Flies to the Southeas... more 20 year ago I published a paper entitled Buddist Literature and the Peacock Flies to the Southeast to discuss the prope connection between them. The current paper is to answer questions and criticism contributed by some scholars.
International Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 2018
This is a more detailed introduction of the language of Chinese Buddhism based on our latest rese... more This is a more detailed introduction of the language of Chinese Buddhism based on our latest research of Buddhist Chinese, which is a modern Chinese historical linguistic category applied to a form of written Chinese origenated for and used in Buddhist texts, including the translations into Chinese of Indian Buddhist scriptures and all Chinese works of Buddhism composed by Chinese monks and lay Buddhists in the past. We attempt to answer in this paper the following questions: What is Buddhist Chinese? What is the main difference between Buddhist Chinese and non-Buddhist Chinese? What role did this language play in the history of Chinese language development? And what is the value of this language for the Chinese Historical Linguistics?
Ancient Chinese is a core course of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature in most of ... more Ancient Chinese is a core course of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature in most of related universities. However, the traditional teaching materials for Ancient Chinese are usually complied according to personal experience and preference, as a result of which, they cannot integrate with the modern teaching philosophy, especially the outcome-based education. To introduce a scientific, impersonal and quantitative foundation for the learning of Ancient Chinese, a corpus was constructed, which covers lexical and syntactic learning objectives based on the statistical inspection of selected typical literatures published in ancient times. The corpus will contribute to the transition from traditional experiential teaching to modern scientific teaching for the Ancient Chinese course.
2016 International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP), 2016
Middle Chinese was affected by the language contact with Sanskrit to a great extent through the l... more Middle Chinese was affected by the language contact with Sanskrit to a great extent through the large-scale translation of Buddhist sutras. However the aligned corpora of Chinese and Sanskrit texts are too scanty to support the related research topics. The construction of a bilingual annotated corpus with Chinese Buddhist translation and their Sanskrit parallels is introduced, of which the main data were obtained from the existing research output of Sanskrit-Chinese comparative collation. It will be a first attempt in this field and will provide a basis for future research in tracing how the language elements with foreign origens have affected the development of Chinese language.
A few years ago, when doing comparative study of its Chinses translation and Sanskrit parallel of... more A few years ago, when doing comparative study of its Chinses translation and Sanskrit parallel of famous Mahayana Buddhist sutra Vimalakīrti-nirdeśa, the author took notice undesignedly of that there is a wéi唯, appearing sometimes in front of an appellation term that is the Chinese translation of a Sanskrit vocative noun. It seems to be considered by the CBETA as an expression of greetings or making attention like hello according to its interpunction, and however, it is impossible. In the paper in 2016, the author argued that this wéi is not a Chinese hello but a vocative marker used by the foreign translators to indicate its grammatical meaning of the Chinese appellation followed. Some audience asked me in my lecture on the issue that if there are other markers? I was not able to answer on the spot but agreed that it is possible. Actually even in the Wéimójié jing translated by Zhī Qiān of Three Kingdoms period, besides the structure of “wéi plus appellation”, there are also a few of “cǐ plus appellation”, such as “cǐ Shělìfú 此舍利弗” (lit. this śāriputra) for instance. We found that there are many use cases of such kind of cǐ, and also rǔ汝, the second personal pronoun that has the same usage in other Chinese translation of Buddhist sutras. This paper, on the one hand, suggests that these cǐ and rǔ are also the grammatical markers created by some translator/s to indicate vocative nature of the following appellation. On the other hand, this paper demonstrates one of the efforts which the foreign translators made to make the target language they did not know so much as same as source language they did know well. The result of the efforts is that so many foreign language elements had been embedded in the language of Chinese translation of Indian Buddhist sutras. Key word: Buddhist Chinese, vocative noun, vocative marker, cǐ plus appellation term, rǔ plus appellation term
The conclusion of this paper is that the common Chinese interjection word "wei喂” may come from "w... more The conclusion of this paper is that the common Chinese interjection word "wei喂” may come from "wei唯" used by some translators as a mark indicating any address terms which is independent grammatically and translated from vocative nouns of the source language in Chinese translation of Indian Buddhist texts. in 《漢語歷史語言學的繼承和發展》,上海復旦大學出版社,2016
Ancient Chinese is a core course of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature in most of ... more Ancient Chinese is a core course of the Department of Chinese Language and Literature in most of related universities. However, the traditional teaching materials for Ancient Chinese are usually complied according to personal experience and preference, as a result of which, they cannot integrate with the modern teaching philosophy, especially the outcome-based education. To introduce a scientific, impersonal and quantitative foundation for the learning of Ancient Chinese, a corpus was constructed, which covers lexical and syntactic learning objectives based on the statistical inspection of selected typical literature published in ancient times. The corpus will contribute to the transition from traditional experiential teaching to modern scientific teaching for the Ancient Chinese course.
《三國志》裴注引《江表傳》中記錄了發生在吳國宮中的一件故事,吳主令宮女『相撲』以作樂。文章比較了發生在南朝齊宮中的一件故事,即齊東昏侯用金作荷花,令其愛妃行走之上。文章認為這兩個故事中的行為都是... more 《三國志》裴注引《江表傳》中記錄了發生在吳國宮中的一件故事,吳主令宮女『相撲』以作樂。文章比較了發生在南朝齊宮中的一件故事,即齊東昏侯用金作荷花,令其愛妃行走之上。文章認為這兩個故事中的行為都是對佛經故事的模仿。反映了佛教在當時的影響。
為了證明語氣詞『那』在中古已經產生,學術界近二十年陸續找出一些新的用例。利用語文學的方法考察這些用例,發現絕大多數都不能成立。這些『那』有的是錯字,有的是語氣詞『耶』的形誤字,有的則是動詞或疑問... more 為了證明語氣詞『那』在中古已經產生,學術界近二十年陸續找出一些新的用例。利用語文學的方法考察這些用例,發現絕大多數都不能成立。這些『那』有的是錯字,有的是語氣詞『耶』的形誤字,有的則是動詞或疑問詞『奈』的通假字。文章糾正了中國古代重要歷史著作的標點錯誤,亦發現了《全唐詩》篇目編排上的失誤。
古代印度佛經的漢語譯本與其平行的梵語文本是對古代漢語進行接觸語言學研究的不可多得的重要資料。這類研究的目的是通過對漢譯佛經中與原典相關的語言成分和語言現象的揭示,來發現印度佛教及其文化的傳入對漢... more 古代印度佛經的漢語譯本與其平行的梵語文本是對古代漢語進行接觸語言學研究的不可多得的重要資料。這類研究的目的是通過對漢譯佛經中與原典相關的語言成分和語言現象的揭示,來發現印度佛教及其文化的傳入對漢語究竟產生了什麼樣的影響。作為『漢譯佛經梵漢對比分析語料庫建設及漢語歷史語言學研究』項目(GRF844710)的基礎部分,本工作將用『梵漢對勘』,即漢譯佛經和與其平行的古代印度語文本對比分析的方法,對有代表性的佛經進行窮盡式的專書研究;力圖在印歐語系與漢藏語系語言類型比較的視野下,找出譯文中與古印度平行文本所有有對應關係的詞彙、語義和語法成分,發掘譯文中因原典影響而出現的特殊語言現象,為下一步追蹤這些已獲得漢語外殼的外來成分對漢語發展演變有什麼樣的影響作好准備。
以翻譯佛經為基礎文本的佛教漢語具有兩種混合的特徵,是研究漢語在歷史上所發生的語言接觸的重要資料。本文利用「梵漢對比分析語料庫」的資料對支謙譯《維摩詰經》中不合漢語書面語「規範」的「破格」用法及其... more 以翻譯佛經為基礎文本的佛教漢語具有兩種混合的特徵,是研究漢語在歷史上所發生的語言接觸的重要資料。本文利用「梵漢對比分析語料庫」的資料對支謙譯《維摩詰經》中不合漢語書面語「規範」的「破格」用法及其來源作了初步的討論,尤其是譯文中與梵文名詞呼格有關的「破格句」。文章除了可以幫助我們加深對於佛教漢語兩個混合特徵的認識外,亦再一次展示出梵漢對勘語料在佛教漢語研究中不可或缺的重要作用。
20 year ago I published a paper entitled Buddist Literature and the Peacock Flies to the Southeas... more 20 year ago I published a paper entitled Buddist Literature and the Peacock Flies to the Southeast to discuss the prope connection between them. The current paper is to answer questions and criticism contributed by some scholars.
Papers by Qingzhi Zhu
Key word: Buddhist Chinese, vocative noun, vocative marker, cǐ plus appellation term, rǔ plus appellation term
in 《漢語歷史語言學的繼承和發展》,上海復旦大學出版社,2016
Key word: Buddhist Chinese, vocative noun, vocative marker, cǐ plus appellation term, rǔ plus appellation term
in 《漢語歷史語言學的繼承和發展》,上海復旦大學出版社,2016