Effect of rice straw variety, urea ammoniation and level of supplement on compensatory growth of fat-tail sheep after a period of feed quality restriction
Evaluasi Potensi Hijauan Pakan Kambing PE Peternakan Rakyat di Dataran Tinggi dan Dataran Rendah di Jawa Timur
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1) Menyeleksi potensi penggunaan dan pasokan hijauan leguminosa ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1) Menyeleksi potensi penggunaan dan pasokan hijauan leguminosa pohon (LP) dan rerumputan di dataran tinggi (DT) dan dataran rendah (DR) pada musim kemarau dan penghujan dan 2) Mengevaluasi subtitusi konsentrat dengan daun LP terseleksi dalam pakan dasar silase dari beberapa jenis rerumputan yang terseleksi secara in vitro dan in vivo. Metode yang digunakan pada Penelitian Tahap 1, survei dengan teknik wawancara dan observasi lapang terhadap 64 dan 44 responden peternak kambing PE (total sampling) di DT dan DR untuk memperoleh data lingkungan, penggunaan hijauan dalam pakan, yang terdiri atas jumlah pengguna (%) setiap jenis hijauan, komposisi pakan, kuantitas hijauan (estimasi produksi) sumber protein dan sumber serat tertinggi dan terbanyak dalam penggunaan, dan kualitas hijauan. Metode penelitian Tahap 2 adalah percobaan yang meliputi uji laboratorium (percobaan 1) dan uji in vivo (percobaan 2). Uji laboratorium dilakukan dengan menganalisis bahan...
Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Animal Science)
This study aimed to evaluate the performance of PE goats by giving concentrate (CP 16%) with 30% ... more This study aimed to evaluate the performance of PE goats by giving concentrate (CP 16%) with 30% of Sengon, Lamtoro, and Gamal leaves (1:1:1 mixture). The study used 20 young male PE goats as experimental material. The range of initial body weight was 23.99 to30.24 kg, arranged in randomized block design with four treatments and five replications. Basal feed was given ad libitum according to the provision of farmers. The treatment test consists of: K0,75 = feeding concentrate 0.75% BW; K1,0 = 1.00% BW concentrate feeding; K1,25 = feeding concentrate 1.25% BW; K1,50 = 1.50% BW concentrate feed. The higher the level of concentrate feeding, the higher the total and digested nutrient intake (P<0.01).Concentration of 1.5% of body weight result in the highest DM intake of 843.66±98.15 g/head/ day(equivalent to 3.14% BW). Crude protein intake of 144.82±16.19 g/head/day and TDN intake of up to 635.31±60.44 g/head/day has met the needs of livestock. Digested CP intake was 112.49±13.88 g/head/day (11.66% higher than K1.25), nitrogen retention of 1.19±0.10 g/kgBB0,75, and able to increase ADG up to 112.2±4.1 g/head/day, with a feed conversion of 6.60.
International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research, 2022
Beef cattle are the third commodity (6.16%) in providing meat for consumption of the Indonesians.... more Beef cattle are the third commodity (6.16%) in providing meat for consumption of the Indonesians. East Java province is the centre of the largest beef cattle population in Indonesia. The management of calf feed is one of the critical points in the production of beef cattle. This study aims to assess the feeding management of beef cow-calf from birth to post-weaning in small-scale beef cattle farms in East Java Province. The survey was conducted on one group of beef cattle farmers (40-60 farmers) in each regency/municipality as many as 475 farmers. Data analysis is carried out descriptively about the activities of the management of cow feeding. The results of the survey of feeding management of beef cow-calf in East Java Province showed that: (1) Management of newborn calf in the condition "Good Enough", (2) Management of colostrum feeding in the condition "Good Enough", (3) Management of milk, milk replace and calf starter feeding in the condition "Bad"...
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, 2014
This research aims to study the profile of dairy goats feeding people in the rainy season and the... more This research aims to study the profile of dairy goats feeding people in the rainy season and the dry lowland in East Java province, Indonesia. The area selected is Kediri and Blitar districts considering a buffer zone of Kelud agro tourism, development of dairy goat breeder for 10 years increased but there is a decrease in land for agriculture. Selection of the location of each district based on stratified sampling based on the number of farmers. Survey research methods with interview techniques and field observations on 44 dairy goat breeders taken total sampling, to obtain data on materials preparation, administration and composition of the feed, concentrate feed ingredients. Data feed intake, milk production and profits derived from measurements of the entire dairy goats belonging to 19 farmers, selected from 44 respondents with stratified sampling technic based on proximity between the locations of the breeder farm. Rainfall in wet and dry was 1933 vs. 566 mm / 6 months. A tota...
Kambing Boerja adalah persilangan Boer jantan dengan kambing lokal betina. Persilangan ini mempun... more Kambing Boerja adalah persilangan Boer jantan dengan kambing lokal betina. Persilangan ini mempunyai produksi daging tinggi, tetai belum banyak dikaji khusunya pada cempe betina. Untuk mendukung tampilan produksi diupayakan dengan menggunakan daun kelor sebagai sumber asam amino. Daun kelor dikenal sebagai “Magig Leaf” karena kandungan senyawa aktif dan komposisi nutrisinya yang sangat baik sehingga digunakan sebagai bahan pangan/pakan pada kondisi mal nurisi dan penyakit.. Tujuan peneltian untuk memperoleh informasi tampilan produksi yang dilihat dari konsumsi nutrisi bahan kering (BK), bahan organik (BO) dan protein kasar (PK) serta pertambahan bobot badan harian (pbbh) pada cempe betina Boerja. Penelitian dilakukan di experimental farm dengan perlakuan aras daun kelor dalam pakan 0% (P0) sekaligus sebagai kontrol, 0,025% (P1), 0,05% (P3) dan 0,075% (P3) dari total Bahan Kering (BK) pakan komplit. Data konsumsi BK, BO dan PK dari setiap periode yang berlangsung selama 14 hari....
The Effect Of Feeding Gliricidia Sepium Leaf in The Dry Season on Ettawah Cross Bred Goat Milk Production and Quality at Households of Tumpang Regency in Malang Districts
This research was conducted during dry season in Tumpang Regency of Malang Districts. Theaim of t... more This research was conducted during dry season in Tumpang Regency of Malang Districts. Theaim of this research was to study Gliricidia sepium (G. sepium) leaf in ration and its effect on milkproduction and quality of Ettawah Crossed Bred Goats (ECDG). Twenty five households weresurveyed and divided into 5 groups based on the level of G. sepium used in ration. The 5 groupswere Gs-0 (no G. sepium in the ration); Gs-1 (G.sepium 1-20% of the ration), Gs-2 (G. sepium of 2130%),Gs-3(G.sepiumof31-40%),andGs-4(G.sepiumof41-50%). Every week samples of milk were sampled for fat quality assessed by the Gerber method in a laboratory. Milk production data wasconverted to ECM values (Hemme, 2010). Dry matter (DM) of the ration was measured in proximateanalyses (AOAC, 1990). The botany composition measuring G. sepium percentage in ration (% DM)were 0 % (Gs-0) 15,62% (Gs-1) 24,94% (Gs-2); 36,94% (Gs-3) and 43,24% (Gs-4). The Crops wastepercentage of DM was 30,63 % (Gs-0) 19,84% (Gs-1) 6,05% (Gs-2); ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
This research had run during dry seasons in the farm of farmer in Tulungagung District, East Java... more This research had run during dry seasons in the farm of farmer in Tulungagung District, East Java Province of Indonesia for 3 months. This study was carried out for measurements for average daily gain (ADG), dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM) and Crude Protein (CP) consumptions and digestibility, also feed convertion ratio (FCR) on the effect of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis(H r-s) leaves supplementation in daily ration for Ettawah Crossed Bred Goats (ECBG). The experiment method was used in this study and 12 (twelve) heads of ECBG in average of weight 17.33 ± 0.33 kg and 8 months age as the object of research. The ECBGs were divided into 3 groups of treatment supplementation level in main ration. Individual cages were used in this research. The Level of H r-s leaves as supplement were 0% (P0); 2% (P1) and 4% (P2) based on total DM ration. Data of nutirent consumption were collected dail, data of nutrient digestibility were collected during 1 week in the and of research used in vivo tech...
Jurnal Gamma, Apr 27, 2010
The objective of this research was to know the mengkudu meal as natural feed aditif for quality i... more The objective of this research was to know the mengkudu meal as natural feed aditif for quality increase of layer ration especially is dry matter, organic matter and mineral; nitrogen balance and biologis digestibility of ration. The material was used in this experiment five teen layer hens, in eighteen months old, devide into five groups treatment namely P0 (0%), P1 (0,5%), P2 (1,0%), P3 (1,5%) and P4 (2,0%) of mengkudu meal in ration. Individual cages and force feeding methods for used in this treatment. The quality of ration and nutrient in feces was analyzed by procsimat (AOAC, 1996). The result of this research: mengkudu meal as natural feed aditif have effect not significan't for quality increase of layer ration. Based on value of each variable on quality ration, mengkudu meal give quality increase up to 1,5% added in ration; and it was decrease total price of ration.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems, Nov 15, 2022
The leather coloring technique using the eco-printing method is carried out by transferring the c... more The leather coloring technique using the eco-printing method is carried out by transferring the colors and motifs of plants on the leather material by direct contact. This process requires mordant to maximize the color. The use of mordant is done in three ways, namely mordant is done at the beginning (pre-mordanting), mordant is done simultaneously (meta-mordanting), and mordant is done at the end (post-mordanting). This study aims to determine the quality of eco-printing leather with the implementation of different mordant methods. The research materials were 16 pieces of sheep's crust leather. The research treatment was using various mordant methods, namely pre-mordanting, metamordanting, and post-mordanting. Colorfastness, tensile strength, elongation, tear strength, flexibility, and fracture resistance were among the eco-printing leather qualities evaluated. The research was carried out in an experimental setting using a completely randomized design. To conclude, the best mordant method was carried out at the beginning of the eco-printing process on leather media (premordanting), where the quality of eco-printing leather obtained of 5.44 ± 0.968 mm, crack resistance (distance) of 8.78 ± 0.97 mm, the tensile strength of 1743.64 ± 45.26 N/cm 2 , leather elongation of 55.15 ± 10.26 %, tear strength of 268.24±132.49 N/cm, sewing strength of 1247.12 ± 649.91 N/cm, colorfastness of wet rubbing rated 4 (good), and dry rub of 4 (good).
INSTITUTIONAL FOR DAIRY CATTLE FARMING CLUSTER IN MALANG REGENCY. Institutional farmers become on... more INSTITUTIONAL FOR DAIRY CATTLE FARMING CLUSTER IN MALANG REGENCY. Institutional farmers become one of the ideal facilities to empower dairy farmers. The strategy considered effective in developing dairy cattle agribusiness is through a cluster-based regional institutional approach. This study aims to identify the institutional profile of the dairy farming cluster cluster in Malang Regency. The study was conducted in November 2019 with survey methods in Ngantang and Kasembon Subdistricts which are the centers of dairy cattle population in Malang Regency. Research respondents were dairy farmers, administrators of the Farmers Group and the Association of Farmers Groups, KUB, KUD, and institutions related to dairy cattle agribusiness in Ngantang and Kasembon Districts. The institution of dairy farming is an agribusiness industry cluster consisting of five subsystems, namely: (1) upstream institutions, namely breeding companies, feed and drug companies, equipment industries, and others; ...
Effect of rice straw variety, urea ammoniation and level of supplement on compensatory growth of fat-tail sheep after a period of feed quality restriction
Evaluasi Potensi Hijauan Pakan Kambing PE Peternakan Rakyat di Dataran Tinggi dan Dataran Rendah di Jawa Timur
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1) Menyeleksi potensi penggunaan dan pasokan hijauan leguminosa ... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : 1) Menyeleksi potensi penggunaan dan pasokan hijauan leguminosa pohon (LP) dan rerumputan di dataran tinggi (DT) dan dataran rendah (DR) pada musim kemarau dan penghujan dan 2) Mengevaluasi subtitusi konsentrat dengan daun LP terseleksi dalam pakan dasar silase dari beberapa jenis rerumputan yang terseleksi secara in vitro dan in vivo. Metode yang digunakan pada Penelitian Tahap 1, survei dengan teknik wawancara dan observasi lapang terhadap 64 dan 44 responden peternak kambing PE (total sampling) di DT dan DR untuk memperoleh data lingkungan, penggunaan hijauan dalam pakan, yang terdiri atas jumlah pengguna (%) setiap jenis hijauan, komposisi pakan, kuantitas hijauan (estimasi produksi) sumber protein dan sumber serat tertinggi dan terbanyak dalam penggunaan, dan kualitas hijauan. Metode penelitian Tahap 2 adalah percobaan yang meliputi uji laboratorium (percobaan 1) dan uji in vivo (percobaan 2). Uji laboratorium dilakukan dengan menganalisis bahan...
Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Animal Science)
This study aimed to evaluate the performance of PE goats by giving concentrate (CP 16%) with 30% ... more This study aimed to evaluate the performance of PE goats by giving concentrate (CP 16%) with 30% of Sengon, Lamtoro, and Gamal leaves (1:1:1 mixture). The study used 20 young male PE goats as experimental material. The range of initial body weight was 23.99 to30.24 kg, arranged in randomized block design with four treatments and five replications. Basal feed was given ad libitum according to the provision of farmers. The treatment test consists of: K0,75 = feeding concentrate 0.75% BW; K1,0 = 1.00% BW concentrate feeding; K1,25 = feeding concentrate 1.25% BW; K1,50 = 1.50% BW concentrate feed. The higher the level of concentrate feeding, the higher the total and digested nutrient intake (P<0.01).Concentration of 1.5% of body weight result in the highest DM intake of 843.66±98.15 g/head/ day(equivalent to 3.14% BW). Crude protein intake of 144.82±16.19 g/head/day and TDN intake of up to 635.31±60.44 g/head/day has met the needs of livestock. Digested CP intake was 112.49±13.88 g/head/day (11.66% higher than K1.25), nitrogen retention of 1.19±0.10 g/kgBB0,75, and able to increase ADG up to 112.2±4.1 g/head/day, with a feed conversion of 6.60.
International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research, 2022
Beef cattle are the third commodity (6.16%) in providing meat for consumption of the Indonesians.... more Beef cattle are the third commodity (6.16%) in providing meat for consumption of the Indonesians. East Java province is the centre of the largest beef cattle population in Indonesia. The management of calf feed is one of the critical points in the production of beef cattle. This study aims to assess the feeding management of beef cow-calf from birth to post-weaning in small-scale beef cattle farms in East Java Province. The survey was conducted on one group of beef cattle farmers (40-60 farmers) in each regency/municipality as many as 475 farmers. Data analysis is carried out descriptively about the activities of the management of cow feeding. The results of the survey of feeding management of beef cow-calf in East Java Province showed that: (1) Management of newborn calf in the condition "Good Enough", (2) Management of colostrum feeding in the condition "Good Enough", (3) Management of milk, milk replace and calf starter feeding in the condition "Bad"...
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, 2014
This research aims to study the profile of dairy goats feeding people in the rainy season and the... more This research aims to study the profile of dairy goats feeding people in the rainy season and the dry lowland in East Java province, Indonesia. The area selected is Kediri and Blitar districts considering a buffer zone of Kelud agro tourism, development of dairy goat breeder for 10 years increased but there is a decrease in land for agriculture. Selection of the location of each district based on stratified sampling based on the number of farmers. Survey research methods with interview techniques and field observations on 44 dairy goat breeders taken total sampling, to obtain data on materials preparation, administration and composition of the feed, concentrate feed ingredients. Data feed intake, milk production and profits derived from measurements of the entire dairy goats belonging to 19 farmers, selected from 44 respondents with stratified sampling technic based on proximity between the locations of the breeder farm. Rainfall in wet and dry was 1933 vs. 566 mm / 6 months. A tota...
Kambing Boerja adalah persilangan Boer jantan dengan kambing lokal betina. Persilangan ini mempun... more Kambing Boerja adalah persilangan Boer jantan dengan kambing lokal betina. Persilangan ini mempunyai produksi daging tinggi, tetai belum banyak dikaji khusunya pada cempe betina. Untuk mendukung tampilan produksi diupayakan dengan menggunakan daun kelor sebagai sumber asam amino. Daun kelor dikenal sebagai “Magig Leaf” karena kandungan senyawa aktif dan komposisi nutrisinya yang sangat baik sehingga digunakan sebagai bahan pangan/pakan pada kondisi mal nurisi dan penyakit.. Tujuan peneltian untuk memperoleh informasi tampilan produksi yang dilihat dari konsumsi nutrisi bahan kering (BK), bahan organik (BO) dan protein kasar (PK) serta pertambahan bobot badan harian (pbbh) pada cempe betina Boerja. Penelitian dilakukan di experimental farm dengan perlakuan aras daun kelor dalam pakan 0% (P0) sekaligus sebagai kontrol, 0,025% (P1), 0,05% (P3) dan 0,075% (P3) dari total Bahan Kering (BK) pakan komplit. Data konsumsi BK, BO dan PK dari setiap periode yang berlangsung selama 14 hari....
The Effect Of Feeding Gliricidia Sepium Leaf in The Dry Season on Ettawah Cross Bred Goat Milk Production and Quality at Households of Tumpang Regency in Malang Districts
This research was conducted during dry season in Tumpang Regency of Malang Districts. Theaim of t... more This research was conducted during dry season in Tumpang Regency of Malang Districts. Theaim of this research was to study Gliricidia sepium (G. sepium) leaf in ration and its effect on milkproduction and quality of Ettawah Crossed Bred Goats (ECDG). Twenty five households weresurveyed and divided into 5 groups based on the level of G. sepium used in ration. The 5 groupswere Gs-0 (no G. sepium in the ration); Gs-1 (G.sepium 1-20% of the ration), Gs-2 (G. sepium of 2130%),Gs-3(G.sepiumof31-40%),andGs-4(G.sepiumof41-50%). Every week samples of milk were sampled for fat quality assessed by the Gerber method in a laboratory. Milk production data wasconverted to ECM values (Hemme, 2010). Dry matter (DM) of the ration was measured in proximateanalyses (AOAC, 1990). The botany composition measuring G. sepium percentage in ration (% DM)were 0 % (Gs-0) 15,62% (Gs-1) 24,94% (Gs-2); 36,94% (Gs-3) and 43,24% (Gs-4). The Crops wastepercentage of DM was 30,63 % (Gs-0) 19,84% (Gs-1) 6,05% (Gs-2); ...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
This research had run during dry seasons in the farm of farmer in Tulungagung District, East Java... more This research had run during dry seasons in the farm of farmer in Tulungagung District, East Java Province of Indonesia for 3 months. This study was carried out for measurements for average daily gain (ADG), dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM) and Crude Protein (CP) consumptions and digestibility, also feed convertion ratio (FCR) on the effect of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis(H r-s) leaves supplementation in daily ration for Ettawah Crossed Bred Goats (ECBG). The experiment method was used in this study and 12 (twelve) heads of ECBG in average of weight 17.33 ± 0.33 kg and 8 months age as the object of research. The ECBGs were divided into 3 groups of treatment supplementation level in main ration. Individual cages were used in this research. The Level of H r-s leaves as supplement were 0% (P0); 2% (P1) and 4% (P2) based on total DM ration. Data of nutirent consumption were collected dail, data of nutrient digestibility were collected during 1 week in the and of research used in vivo tech...
Jurnal Gamma, Apr 27, 2010
The objective of this research was to know the mengkudu meal as natural feed aditif for quality i... more The objective of this research was to know the mengkudu meal as natural feed aditif for quality increase of layer ration especially is dry matter, organic matter and mineral; nitrogen balance and biologis digestibility of ration. The material was used in this experiment five teen layer hens, in eighteen months old, devide into five groups treatment namely P0 (0%), P1 (0,5%), P2 (1,0%), P3 (1,5%) and P4 (2,0%) of mengkudu meal in ration. Individual cages and force feeding methods for used in this treatment. The quality of ration and nutrient in feces was analyzed by procsimat (AOAC, 1996). The result of this research: mengkudu meal as natural feed aditif have effect not significan't for quality increase of layer ration. Based on value of each variable on quality ration, mengkudu meal give quality increase up to 1,5% added in ration; and it was decrease total price of ration.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems, Nov 15, 2022
The leather coloring technique using the eco-printing method is carried out by transferring the c... more The leather coloring technique using the eco-printing method is carried out by transferring the colors and motifs of plants on the leather material by direct contact. This process requires mordant to maximize the color. The use of mordant is done in three ways, namely mordant is done at the beginning (pre-mordanting), mordant is done simultaneously (meta-mordanting), and mordant is done at the end (post-mordanting). This study aims to determine the quality of eco-printing leather with the implementation of different mordant methods. The research materials were 16 pieces of sheep's crust leather. The research treatment was using various mordant methods, namely pre-mordanting, metamordanting, and post-mordanting. Colorfastness, tensile strength, elongation, tear strength, flexibility, and fracture resistance were among the eco-printing leather qualities evaluated. The research was carried out in an experimental setting using a completely randomized design. To conclude, the best mordant method was carried out at the beginning of the eco-printing process on leather media (premordanting), where the quality of eco-printing leather obtained of 5.44 ± 0.968 mm, crack resistance (distance) of 8.78 ± 0.97 mm, the tensile strength of 1743.64 ± 45.26 N/cm 2 , leather elongation of 55.15 ± 10.26 %, tear strength of 268.24±132.49 N/cm, sewing strength of 1247.12 ± 649.91 N/cm, colorfastness of wet rubbing rated 4 (good), and dry rub of 4 (good).
INSTITUTIONAL FOR DAIRY CATTLE FARMING CLUSTER IN MALANG REGENCY. Institutional farmers become on... more INSTITUTIONAL FOR DAIRY CATTLE FARMING CLUSTER IN MALANG REGENCY. Institutional farmers become one of the ideal facilities to empower dairy farmers. The strategy considered effective in developing dairy cattle agribusiness is through a cluster-based regional institutional approach. This study aims to identify the institutional profile of the dairy farming cluster cluster in Malang Regency. The study was conducted in November 2019 with survey methods in Ngantang and Kasembon Subdistricts which are the centers of dairy cattle population in Malang Regency. Research respondents were dairy farmers, administrators of the Farmers Group and the Association of Farmers Groups, KUB, KUD, and institutions related to dairy cattle agribusiness in Ngantang and Kasembon Districts. The institution of dairy farming is an agribusiness industry cluster consisting of five subsystems, namely: (1) upstream institutions, namely breeding companies, feed and drug companies, equipment industries, and others; ...
Papers by Asmah Hidayati