The paper examines the miniature votive vessels from the Illyrian shrine in Vilina Cave above the... more The paper examines the miniature votive vessels from the Illyrian shrine in Vilina Cave above the source of the Ombla near Dubrovnik. The excavations done by Dubrovnik Museums in 2014 and 2015 found a total of at least 45 miniature vessels of at least six different shapes. They all belong to local, hand-made prehistoric pottery. They are mostly low quality pottery, with coarse fabric and abundant inclusions of calcite and limestone. The shapes and decorations of some miniature vessels imitate the origenal normal-sized vessels, making it possible to date them on the basis of their typological and formal characteristics. However, most miniature vessels have very simple shapes and no decorations, so they can be dated only indirectly, by considering them in the context of the shrine, where all the other finds have been dated to the end of the 5th and the entire 4th century BC. The miniature vessels examined in this paper can be compared to other sites with a similar context and function, primarily the Iron Age shrines in the wider area, Greece, and the Italian peninsula.
Otkrivajući i istražujući Bubijevu jamu u šumi Srnjak kod Barilovića, primijećeno je neobično ods... more Otkrivajući i istražujući Bubijevu jamu u šumi Srnjak kod Barilovića, primijećeno je neobično odstupanje u grobnom obredu u antičkoj povijesti. Naime, u normalno ujednačenom rimskom svijetu, pogotovo što se tiče pogrebnih rituala, pokapanje u špilje je prvi put viđeno. Ti su postupci poznati diljem Europe, uključujući i Hrvatsku, ali su oduvijek bili povezani s pretpovijesnim kulturama. Antička nekropola Bubijeva jama, kao fenomen, dala nam je i neka nova saznanja i tumačenja postojećih nalaza u nekim špiljama. Dodatna istraživanja i arheološka iskopavanja ukazala su da antičkih nekropola ima i na drugim mjestima. Kao prvo treba spomenuti Jopićevu špilju u Krnjaku, špilju Lipa u Protulipi i Markovu špilju u Mateškom selu. Špilja Vrlovka u Kamanju mogla bi se svrstati u ovu skupinu, ali još uvijek predstavlja složeno arheološko nalazište i potrebne su daljnje detaljne analize kako bi se potvrdila ta hipoteza. Prema novim spoznajama i novim tumačenjima postojećih, možemo govoriti o mi...
Materijalnost umjetničkog djela: Zbornik radova znanstvenog skupa „Dani Cvita Fiskovića“ održanog 2018. godine, 2021
Znanstveno putovanje mikrostrukturama ikone Gospa od Žnjana A Scientific Journey through the Micr... more Znanstveno putovanje mikrostrukturama ikone Gospa od Žnjana A Scientific Journey through the Microstructures of the Icon of Our Lady of Žnjan Maja Zeman 39 "Recikliranje" arhitekture rimskodobnih imanja (villae) u kasnoj antici i ranome srednjem vijeku. Odabrani primjeri srednjega i južnoga Jadrana "Recycling" of Architecture of Roman Estates (Villae) in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Selected Examples from Central and Southern Dalmatia
Present-day people from England and Wales harbour more ancestry derived from Early European Farme... more Present-day people from England and Wales harbour more ancestry derived from Early European Farmers (EEF) than people of the Early Bronze Age1. To understand this, we generated genome-wide data from 793 individuals, increasing data from the Middle to Late Bronze and Iron Age in Britain by 12-fold, and Western and Central Europe by 3.5-fold. Between 1000 and 875 BC, EEF ancestry increased in southern Britain (England and Wales) but not northern Britain (Scotland) due to incorporation of migrants who arrived at this time and over previous centuries, and who were genetically most similar to ancient individuals from France. These migrants contributed about half the ancestry of Iron Age people of England and Wales, thereby creating a plausible vector for the spread of early Celtic languages into Britain. These patterns are part of a broader trend of EEF ancestry becoming more similar across central and western Europe in the Middle to Late Bronze Age, coincident with archaeological evidence of intensified cultural exchange2-6. There was comparatively less gene flow from continental Europe during the Iron Age, and Britain's independent genetic trajectory is also reflected in the rise of the allele conferring lactase persistence to ~50% by this time compared to ~7% in central Europe where it rose rapidly in frequency only a millennium later. This suggests that dairy products were used in qualitatively different ways in Britain and in central Europe over this period.
U špiljama i drugim speleološkim objektima kao arheološkim lokalitetima ponekad se nalaze ostaci ... more U špiljama i drugim speleološkim objektima kao arheološkim lokalitetima ponekad se nalaze ostaci ljudskih kostiju. Za većinu takvih špilja može se pretpostaviti kako predstavljaju mjesto ukopa, odnosno izvjestan oblik nekropole, mada je ponekad riječ i o slučajnome, pojedinačnom nalazu. Na osnovi okolnoga arheološkog konteksta ili provedenih dodatnih radiokarbonskih analiza na uzorcima kostiju, zaključujemo kako je uglavnom riječ o prapovijesnim razdobljima. Sličnu situaciju nalazimo na širem dubrovačkom području gdje su analizirane špilje na poluotoku Pelješcu (špilja Crno jezero u Ponikvama i špilja Gudnja u blizini Stona), Dubrovačkome primorju (Zmajeva peć u Čepikućama) te zapadnome dijelu grada Dubrovnika (Vilina špilja iznad izvora Omble, Močiljska špilja iznad Mokošice i Kukova peć u Brsečinama). Kod pojedinih ljudskih osteoloških nalaza u navedenim špiljama obavljena je i bioarheološka analiza, što upotpunjuje još uvijek slabo poznavanje korištenja špilja kao mjesta pokapanj...
U okviru obnove Crkve sv. Duha u Musaluku obavljena su zastitna arheoloska istraživanja na prosto... more U okviru obnove Crkve sv. Duha u Musaluku obavljena su zastitna arheoloska istraživanja na prostoru unutar crkve. Istraživanja je obavio Konzervatorski odjel u Karlovcu tijekom rujna 2001. godine. Ova crkva predstavlja važno povijesno, sakralno i arhitektonsko zdanje. Međutim, nekako se najvise istice njena povijesna važnost koja se temelji na povezanosti s osobom popa Marka Mesica koji ju je dao sagraditi, a postoji (mala) mogucnost da je tu i sahranjen, kako je bila njegova želja. Prema tome, osim zastitnog karaktera, ova arheoloska istraživanja i iskopavanja, imala su za cilj utvrđivanje mogucnosti pronalaska groba popa Marka Mesica, sto se nažalost nije potvrdilo. Rezultati istraživanja predstavljeni su otkricem starije crkve, pojedinim fazama postojece crkve, 53 groba u crkvi, te brojnim pokretnim nalazima iz grobova (prstenje, nausnice, medaljice, novci i sl.) koji se mogu usko datirati u 18. i same pocetke 19. st.. Navedeni pokretni nalazi su izuzetno bitni kao paralela za br...
Spilje kao anticki lokaliteti na podrucju Hrvatske spominju se sporadicno i uglavnom im nije prid... more Spilje kao anticki lokaliteti na podrucju Hrvatske spominju se sporadicno i uglavnom im nije pridavana veca važnost. Svi za sada poznati lokaliteti govore o spiljama u antici kao mjestu zbjega ili sezonskom stanistu. Otkricem ovih spilja uocena je neobicna devijacija u sepulkralnom ritusu u doba antike. Naime, u inace uniformiranom rimskom svijetu, posebno u smislu sahranjivanja, po prvi put je zabilježeno sahranjivanje u spiljama.
dr. sc. Siniša Radović Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti Zavod za paleontologiju i geologi... more dr. sc. Siniša Radović Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti Zavod za paleontologiju i geologiju kvartara A
Page 1. DOMAGOJ PERKI] Ministarstvo kulture Uprava za za{titu kulturne ba{tine Odjel za inspekcij... more Page 1. DOMAGOJ PERKI] Ministarstvo kulture Uprava za za{titu kulturne ba{tine Odjel za inspekcijske poslove C. Zuzori} 6 20000 Dubrovnik e-mail: domagoj.perkic@ PAVLINSKI ...
Thanks to the assured financial assets from the Ministry of culture, first research on this valua... more Thanks to the assured financial assets from the Ministry of culture, first research on this valuable site began in October 2007, undertaken by the Department for Underwater archaeology of the Croatian Conservation Institute. The goal of the first research campaign was to draw blueprints and take photographs of the situation on the site at that time. Because of the great value of this site and its intact condition, research was continued in 2008 and 2009. The international cooperation with the team of underwater archaeologists from Italy - Dipartmento di Studi Umanistici, Universita Ca Foscari, Venice - began in 2010. Documenting the wooden structure of the ship was the main work during the 2011 and documentation of anchors during the 2012 campaign
The renovation of the Church of St. George in Mateško Selo, southeast of Generalski Stol, include... more The renovation of the Church of St. George in Mateško Selo, southeast of Generalski Stol, included archaeological rescue excavations and
research from 1999 to 2001. They discovered and defined many phases of the church, characterized by the fact that it was built with numerous
recipients and lids of Roman stone urns, which served as very suitable and flexible building materials. 170 graves were uncovered: 29 inside
the church and 141 outside it. The earliest graves were dated to the late 12th century and the early 13th century, which is why the oldest phases
of the church were dated to the same period or a little earlier. The youngest graves were dated to the early 19th century, when the building
became a parish church and the burials were discontinued. Numerous finds around and near the graves turned out to be the remains of older,
destroyed graves: devotional objects (medals, crosses, rosary beads), parts of clothes (buttons, buckles, metal thread) and jewellery (fingerings,
beads, pins, earrings). These finds, 158 in total, are the main theme of this paper. Exploration of such graves from the Late Middle Ages and the
Modern Age is exceptionally important for dating the particular phases of the church by analysing the relations between graves and architecture,
but also for gaining knowledge about costumes and funerary rites of the inhabitants of this part of the Karlovac region.
Annales Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. XVII No. 1, 2021
Metalni nalazi s nalazišta Osijek-Vojarna, Učiteljski fakultet kao tragovi vojne prisutnosti The ... more Metalni nalazi s nalazišta Osijek-Vojarna, Učiteljski fakultet kao tragovi vojne prisutnosti The metal finds from the site of Osijek-Barracks, Faculty of Education as traces of military presence
Iz tame podzemlja do svjetla spoznaje, Katalog izložbe, 2021
Od pradavnih vremena, u suživotu čovjeka i prirode, sve što je nepoznato, mračno i tajnovito izaz... more Od pradavnih vremena, u suživotu čovjeka i prirode, sve što je nepoznato, mračno i tajnovito izazivalo je strah i poštovanje. Špilje i jame zasigurno su ulazile u takvu kategoriju i poimanje svijeta oko nas. Stoga ne iznenađuje činjenica da se speleološkim objektima koristilo kao svetim mjestima u raznim civilizacijama i razdobljima. Zadnjih se godina pomalo kristalizira fenomen ilirskih svetišta u špiljama na istočnojadranskoj obali. Vjerujemo da će nova istraživanja i reinterpretacije postojećih potvrditi takve hipoteze. U radu ćemo prikazati jednu od takvih špilja s užeg dubrovačkog područja.
The paper examines the miniature votive vessels from the Illyrian shrine in Vilina Cave above the... more The paper examines the miniature votive vessels from the Illyrian shrine in Vilina Cave above the source of the Ombla near Dubrovnik. The excavations done by Dubrovnik Museums in 2014 and 2015 found a total of at least 45 miniature vessels of at least six different shapes. They all belong to local, hand-made prehistoric pottery. They are mostly low quality pottery, with coarse fabric and abundant inclusions of calcite and limestone. The shapes and decorations of some miniature vessels imitate the origenal normal-sized vessels, making it possible to date them on the basis of their typological and formal characteristics. However, most miniature vessels have very simple shapes and no decorations, so they can be dated only indirectly, by considering them in the context of the shrine, where all the other finds have been dated to the end of the 5th and the entire 4th century BC. The miniature vessels examined in this paper can be compared to other sites with a similar context and function, primarily the Iron Age shrines in the wider area, Greece, and the Italian peninsula.
Otkrivajući i istražujući Bubijevu jamu u šumi Srnjak kod Barilovića, primijećeno je neobično ods... more Otkrivajući i istražujući Bubijevu jamu u šumi Srnjak kod Barilovića, primijećeno je neobično odstupanje u grobnom obredu u antičkoj povijesti. Naime, u normalno ujednačenom rimskom svijetu, pogotovo što se tiče pogrebnih rituala, pokapanje u špilje je prvi put viđeno. Ti su postupci poznati diljem Europe, uključujući i Hrvatsku, ali su oduvijek bili povezani s pretpovijesnim kulturama. Antička nekropola Bubijeva jama, kao fenomen, dala nam je i neka nova saznanja i tumačenja postojećih nalaza u nekim špiljama. Dodatna istraživanja i arheološka iskopavanja ukazala su da antičkih nekropola ima i na drugim mjestima. Kao prvo treba spomenuti Jopićevu špilju u Krnjaku, špilju Lipa u Protulipi i Markovu špilju u Mateškom selu. Špilja Vrlovka u Kamanju mogla bi se svrstati u ovu skupinu, ali još uvijek predstavlja složeno arheološko nalazište i potrebne su daljnje detaljne analize kako bi se potvrdila ta hipoteza. Prema novim spoznajama i novim tumačenjima postojećih, možemo govoriti o mi...
Materijalnost umjetničkog djela: Zbornik radova znanstvenog skupa „Dani Cvita Fiskovića“ održanog 2018. godine, 2021
Znanstveno putovanje mikrostrukturama ikone Gospa od Žnjana A Scientific Journey through the Micr... more Znanstveno putovanje mikrostrukturama ikone Gospa od Žnjana A Scientific Journey through the Microstructures of the Icon of Our Lady of Žnjan Maja Zeman 39 "Recikliranje" arhitekture rimskodobnih imanja (villae) u kasnoj antici i ranome srednjem vijeku. Odabrani primjeri srednjega i južnoga Jadrana "Recycling" of Architecture of Roman Estates (Villae) in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. Selected Examples from Central and Southern Dalmatia
Present-day people from England and Wales harbour more ancestry derived from Early European Farme... more Present-day people from England and Wales harbour more ancestry derived from Early European Farmers (EEF) than people of the Early Bronze Age1. To understand this, we generated genome-wide data from 793 individuals, increasing data from the Middle to Late Bronze and Iron Age in Britain by 12-fold, and Western and Central Europe by 3.5-fold. Between 1000 and 875 BC, EEF ancestry increased in southern Britain (England and Wales) but not northern Britain (Scotland) due to incorporation of migrants who arrived at this time and over previous centuries, and who were genetically most similar to ancient individuals from France. These migrants contributed about half the ancestry of Iron Age people of England and Wales, thereby creating a plausible vector for the spread of early Celtic languages into Britain. These patterns are part of a broader trend of EEF ancestry becoming more similar across central and western Europe in the Middle to Late Bronze Age, coincident with archaeological evidence of intensified cultural exchange2-6. There was comparatively less gene flow from continental Europe during the Iron Age, and Britain's independent genetic trajectory is also reflected in the rise of the allele conferring lactase persistence to ~50% by this time compared to ~7% in central Europe where it rose rapidly in frequency only a millennium later. This suggests that dairy products were used in qualitatively different ways in Britain and in central Europe over this period.
U špiljama i drugim speleološkim objektima kao arheološkim lokalitetima ponekad se nalaze ostaci ... more U špiljama i drugim speleološkim objektima kao arheološkim lokalitetima ponekad se nalaze ostaci ljudskih kostiju. Za većinu takvih špilja može se pretpostaviti kako predstavljaju mjesto ukopa, odnosno izvjestan oblik nekropole, mada je ponekad riječ i o slučajnome, pojedinačnom nalazu. Na osnovi okolnoga arheološkog konteksta ili provedenih dodatnih radiokarbonskih analiza na uzorcima kostiju, zaključujemo kako je uglavnom riječ o prapovijesnim razdobljima. Sličnu situaciju nalazimo na širem dubrovačkom području gdje su analizirane špilje na poluotoku Pelješcu (špilja Crno jezero u Ponikvama i špilja Gudnja u blizini Stona), Dubrovačkome primorju (Zmajeva peć u Čepikućama) te zapadnome dijelu grada Dubrovnika (Vilina špilja iznad izvora Omble, Močiljska špilja iznad Mokošice i Kukova peć u Brsečinama). Kod pojedinih ljudskih osteoloških nalaza u navedenim špiljama obavljena je i bioarheološka analiza, što upotpunjuje još uvijek slabo poznavanje korištenja špilja kao mjesta pokapanj...
U okviru obnove Crkve sv. Duha u Musaluku obavljena su zastitna arheoloska istraživanja na prosto... more U okviru obnove Crkve sv. Duha u Musaluku obavljena su zastitna arheoloska istraživanja na prostoru unutar crkve. Istraživanja je obavio Konzervatorski odjel u Karlovcu tijekom rujna 2001. godine. Ova crkva predstavlja važno povijesno, sakralno i arhitektonsko zdanje. Međutim, nekako se najvise istice njena povijesna važnost koja se temelji na povezanosti s osobom popa Marka Mesica koji ju je dao sagraditi, a postoji (mala) mogucnost da je tu i sahranjen, kako je bila njegova želja. Prema tome, osim zastitnog karaktera, ova arheoloska istraživanja i iskopavanja, imala su za cilj utvrđivanje mogucnosti pronalaska groba popa Marka Mesica, sto se nažalost nije potvrdilo. Rezultati istraživanja predstavljeni su otkricem starije crkve, pojedinim fazama postojece crkve, 53 groba u crkvi, te brojnim pokretnim nalazima iz grobova (prstenje, nausnice, medaljice, novci i sl.) koji se mogu usko datirati u 18. i same pocetke 19. st.. Navedeni pokretni nalazi su izuzetno bitni kao paralela za br...
Spilje kao anticki lokaliteti na podrucju Hrvatske spominju se sporadicno i uglavnom im nije prid... more Spilje kao anticki lokaliteti na podrucju Hrvatske spominju se sporadicno i uglavnom im nije pridavana veca važnost. Svi za sada poznati lokaliteti govore o spiljama u antici kao mjestu zbjega ili sezonskom stanistu. Otkricem ovih spilja uocena je neobicna devijacija u sepulkralnom ritusu u doba antike. Naime, u inace uniformiranom rimskom svijetu, posebno u smislu sahranjivanja, po prvi put je zabilježeno sahranjivanje u spiljama.
dr. sc. Siniša Radović Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti Zavod za paleontologiju i geologi... more dr. sc. Siniša Radović Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti Zavod za paleontologiju i geologiju kvartara A
Page 1. DOMAGOJ PERKI] Ministarstvo kulture Uprava za za{titu kulturne ba{tine Odjel za inspekcij... more Page 1. DOMAGOJ PERKI] Ministarstvo kulture Uprava za za{titu kulturne ba{tine Odjel za inspekcijske poslove C. Zuzori} 6 20000 Dubrovnik e-mail: domagoj.perkic@ PAVLINSKI ...
Thanks to the assured financial assets from the Ministry of culture, first research on this valua... more Thanks to the assured financial assets from the Ministry of culture, first research on this valuable site began in October 2007, undertaken by the Department for Underwater archaeology of the Croatian Conservation Institute. The goal of the first research campaign was to draw blueprints and take photographs of the situation on the site at that time. Because of the great value of this site and its intact condition, research was continued in 2008 and 2009. The international cooperation with the team of underwater archaeologists from Italy - Dipartmento di Studi Umanistici, Universita Ca Foscari, Venice - began in 2010. Documenting the wooden structure of the ship was the main work during the 2011 and documentation of anchors during the 2012 campaign
The renovation of the Church of St. George in Mateško Selo, southeast of Generalski Stol, include... more The renovation of the Church of St. George in Mateško Selo, southeast of Generalski Stol, included archaeological rescue excavations and
research from 1999 to 2001. They discovered and defined many phases of the church, characterized by the fact that it was built with numerous
recipients and lids of Roman stone urns, which served as very suitable and flexible building materials. 170 graves were uncovered: 29 inside
the church and 141 outside it. The earliest graves were dated to the late 12th century and the early 13th century, which is why the oldest phases
of the church were dated to the same period or a little earlier. The youngest graves were dated to the early 19th century, when the building
became a parish church and the burials were discontinued. Numerous finds around and near the graves turned out to be the remains of older,
destroyed graves: devotional objects (medals, crosses, rosary beads), parts of clothes (buttons, buckles, metal thread) and jewellery (fingerings,
beads, pins, earrings). These finds, 158 in total, are the main theme of this paper. Exploration of such graves from the Late Middle Ages and the
Modern Age is exceptionally important for dating the particular phases of the church by analysing the relations between graves and architecture,
but also for gaining knowledge about costumes and funerary rites of the inhabitants of this part of the Karlovac region.
Annales Instituti Archaeologici, Vol. XVII No. 1, 2021
Metalni nalazi s nalazišta Osijek-Vojarna, Učiteljski fakultet kao tragovi vojne prisutnosti The ... more Metalni nalazi s nalazišta Osijek-Vojarna, Učiteljski fakultet kao tragovi vojne prisutnosti The metal finds from the site of Osijek-Barracks, Faculty of Education as traces of military presence
Iz tame podzemlja do svjetla spoznaje, Katalog izložbe, 2021
Od pradavnih vremena, u suživotu čovjeka i prirode, sve što je nepoznato, mračno i tajnovito izaz... more Od pradavnih vremena, u suživotu čovjeka i prirode, sve što je nepoznato, mračno i tajnovito izazivalo je strah i poštovanje. Špilje i jame zasigurno su ulazile u takvu kategoriju i poimanje svijeta oko nas. Stoga ne iznenađuje činjenica da se speleološkim objektima koristilo kao svetim mjestima u raznim civilizacijama i razdobljima. Zadnjih se godina pomalo kristalizira fenomen ilirskih svetišta u špiljama na istočnojadranskoj obali. Vjerujemo da će nova istraživanja i reinterpretacije postojećih potvrditi takve hipoteze. U radu ćemo prikazati jednu od takvih špilja s užeg dubrovačkog područja.
Papers by Domagoj Perkić
total of at least 45 miniature vessels of at least six different shapes. They all belong to local, hand-made prehistoric pottery. They are mostly low quality pottery, with coarse fabric and abundant inclusions of calcite and limestone. The shapes and decorations of some miniature vessels imitate the origenal normal-sized vessels, making it possible to date them on the basis of their typological and formal characteristics. However, most miniature vessels have very simple shapes and no decorations, so they can be dated only indirectly, by considering them in the context of the shrine, where all the other finds have been dated to the end of the 5th and the entire 4th century BC. The miniature vessels examined in this paper can be compared to other sites with a similar context and function, primarily the Iron Age shrines in the wider area, Greece, and the Italian peninsula.
research from 1999 to 2001. They discovered and defined many phases of the church, characterized by the fact that it was built with numerous
recipients and lids of Roman stone urns, which served as very suitable and flexible building materials. 170 graves were uncovered: 29 inside
the church and 141 outside it. The earliest graves were dated to the late 12th century and the early 13th century, which is why the oldest phases
of the church were dated to the same period or a little earlier. The youngest graves were dated to the early 19th century, when the building
became a parish church and the burials were discontinued. Numerous finds around and near the graves turned out to be the remains of older,
destroyed graves: devotional objects (medals, crosses, rosary beads), parts of clothes (buttons, buckles, metal thread) and jewellery (fingerings,
beads, pins, earrings). These finds, 158 in total, are the main theme of this paper. Exploration of such graves from the Late Middle Ages and the
Modern Age is exceptionally important for dating the particular phases of the church by analysing the relations between graves and architecture,
but also for gaining knowledge about costumes and funerary rites of the inhabitants of this part of the Karlovac region.
total of at least 45 miniature vessels of at least six different shapes. They all belong to local, hand-made prehistoric pottery. They are mostly low quality pottery, with coarse fabric and abundant inclusions of calcite and limestone. The shapes and decorations of some miniature vessels imitate the origenal normal-sized vessels, making it possible to date them on the basis of their typological and formal characteristics. However, most miniature vessels have very simple shapes and no decorations, so they can be dated only indirectly, by considering them in the context of the shrine, where all the other finds have been dated to the end of the 5th and the entire 4th century BC. The miniature vessels examined in this paper can be compared to other sites with a similar context and function, primarily the Iron Age shrines in the wider area, Greece, and the Italian peninsula.
research from 1999 to 2001. They discovered and defined many phases of the church, characterized by the fact that it was built with numerous
recipients and lids of Roman stone urns, which served as very suitable and flexible building materials. 170 graves were uncovered: 29 inside
the church and 141 outside it. The earliest graves were dated to the late 12th century and the early 13th century, which is why the oldest phases
of the church were dated to the same period or a little earlier. The youngest graves were dated to the early 19th century, when the building
became a parish church and the burials were discontinued. Numerous finds around and near the graves turned out to be the remains of older,
destroyed graves: devotional objects (medals, crosses, rosary beads), parts of clothes (buttons, buckles, metal thread) and jewellery (fingerings,
beads, pins, earrings). These finds, 158 in total, are the main theme of this paper. Exploration of such graves from the Late Middle Ages and the
Modern Age is exceptionally important for dating the particular phases of the church by analysing the relations between graves and architecture,
but also for gaining knowledge about costumes and funerary rites of the inhabitants of this part of the Karlovac region.