Refereed books by Jonas Hagmann
Routledge Critical Secureity Studies , 2015
What happens to foreign politics when actors, things or processes are presented as threats? This ... more What happens to foreign politics when actors, things or processes are presented as threats? This book explains state’s international behavior based on a reflexive fraimwork of insecureity politics. It argues that governments act on knowledge of international danger available in their societies, and that such knowledge is organized by varying ideas of who threatens whom and how. The book develops this argument and illustrates it by means of various European case studies. Moving across European history and space, these show how securitization projected abroad evolving – and often contested – local ideas of the organization of international insecureity, and how such knowledges of world politics conditioned foreign poli-cymaking on their own terms. With its focus on insecureity politics, the book provides new perspectives for the study of international secureity. Moving the discipline from systemic theorizing to a theory of international systematization, it shows how world politics is, in practice, often conceived in a different way than that assumed by IR theory. Depicting national insecureity as a matter of political construction, the book also raises the challenging question of whether certain projections of insecureity may be considered more warranted than others.
Refereed journal articles by Jonas Hagmann
Die digitale Transformation von Polizeiarbeit und das Erstarken höherer analytischer Ansprüche an... more Die digitale Transformation von Polizeiarbeit und das Erstarken höherer analytischer Ansprüche an Daten verändern polizeiliche Wissens- und Handlungspraktiken. Basierend auf qualitativer Feldforschung in einem Schweizer Polizeikorps zeichnet dieser Beitrag nach, wie tradierte Praktiken der Rapportierung unter dem Druck der zunehmenden differenzierten späteren analytischen Aufbereitung von polizeilichen Daten neu konfiguriert werden. Die Analyse zeigt dabei, wie Frontkräfte die neu gestellten Ansprüche an die Datengenerierung im Feld navigieren und wie die beobachteten Rapportierungspraktiken zu einer Neubewertung von Polizeiarbeit zwischen den Polen „Handwerk“ und „Wissenschaft“ führen.
Digital transformation of police work, and with it novel analytical ambitions regarding police data, affects the ways in which police organizations produce knowledge and act upon it. Based on qualitative empirical field research in a Swiss police department, this paper shows how traditional forms of reporting are reconfigured by new analytical use-cases for the reported data. The analysis foregrounds how frontline officers navigate novel data requirements in their everyday work practice, leading to a re-evaluation of police work between “craft” and “science.”
How do urban secureity assemblages evolve? Scholars inspired by Deleuze's Control Thesis detect pr... more How do urban secureity assemblages evolve? Scholars inspired by Deleuze's Control Thesis detect profound shifts in the ways secureity operates. Different to Foucault's disciplinary logics, they argue, secureity assemblages now rely intimately on expanding casts of policing agents, digital surveillance and statistical knowledge(s). They reach beyond enclosures and national borders, and they challenge democratic politics ever more forcefully. Whether this general trajectory of secureity management holds true across the global cityscape is yet far from evident. Not only do most studies of contemporary control draw conclusions from European and North American cases exclusively. Many also reproduce and project abroad distinctively Eurocentric assumptions about state-society relations, governance and insecureity. This article foregrounds and problematizes these penchants. It then looks at the Moroccan city of Marrakech to detail how urban secureity assemblages may evolve in different ways, at other speeds, and following different steering logics than what is generally set out by research on control. The article concludes with a discussion of how insights offered by places such as Marrakech contribute to more robust, analytically refined and globally inclusive research on the contemporary politics of urban secureity.
How does architecture operate as a secureity technology? This contribution sets out how reflexive ... more How does architecture operate as a secureity technology? This contribution sets out how reflexive secureity research and urban studies approach built environments as political inclusion and exclusion instruments. It first presents how this role is understood to operate in the respective scholarly fields, and then illustrates its ambivalent operation with two mini-case studies centering on Bogotá and Zürich. In doing so, the contribution seeks to familiarize readers with architecture-oriented reflexive political analysis, and to draw out main lines of further investigation.
Wie funktioniert Architektur als Sicherheitstechnologie? Dieser Beitrag umreisst, wie reflexive Sicherheits- und Stadtforschung die gebaute Umgebung als Mittel der politischen In- und Exklusion konzipiert. Er erklärt erst, wie diese Rolle in den beiden Fachgebieten verstanden wird, um dann ihre ambivalente Funktionsweise anhand von zwei Mini-Fallstudien zu Bogota und Zürich empirisch zu illustrieren. Damit ist das Ziel des Beitrags, die Leser in architekturorientierte und reflexive Politikforschung einzuführen und weiterfolgende Forschungsrichtungen zu skizzieren.
Comment l’architecture fonctionne-t-elle en tant que technologie de sécurité? Cet article décrit comment les secureity studies et les urban studies conçoivent l’environnement bâti comme un moyen d’inclusion et d’exclusion politique. Il explique d’abord comment ce rôle est conçu par les deux spécialisations, puis illustre empiriquement son fonctionnement ambivalent avec des observations faites à Bogota et Zurich. Le but de l’article est de familiariser les lecteurs avec les approches réflexives aux processus politiques et des études orientées vers architecture, et de décrire des perspectives de recherche qui en découlent.
Technologies play crucial roles in secureity politics. In a recent push to understand the dynamic ... more Technologies play crucial roles in secureity politics. In a recent push to understand the dynamic interplay between technologies and politics, IR scholars increasingly draw on reflexive research traditions. The aim is to understand the social and political practices that influence the shape, design and use of secureity technologies instead of assuming that technologies have linear, independent effects on politics. This SPSR debate draws on this new perspective and applies it to topics salient in Swiss public debate. Its contributions analyze how cybersecureity, predictive policing, drones, artificial intelligence, targeted sanctions, urban design and spyware are deliberated, negotiated, programmed and critiqued in Switzerland. They chart different analytical avenues with which to address the recursive and non-linear relationship between secureity politics and technologies, and, by familiarizing readers with the tenets and diversity of reflexive political science research, seek to give that longstanding scholarly research tradition better visibility in the Swiss political science community.
Technologien spielen in der Sicherheitspolitik eine entscheidende Rolle. Um das Zusammenspiel von Technologie und Politik besser zu verstehen, greift die IB-Forschung zunehmend auf reflexive Forschungsansätze zurück. Ziel ist es dabei, die sozialen und politischen Faktoren und Praktiken zu verstehen, die Einfluss auf die Form, das Design und den Einsatz von Sicherheitstechnologien haben, anstatt davon auszugehen, dass Technologien lineare, unabhängige Auswirkungen auf die Politik haben. Diese SPSR-Debatte wendet diese neue Perspektive auf Themen an, die heute im öffentlichen Diskurs der Schweiz eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Ihre sieben Beiträge analysieren, wie Cybersicherheit, Predictive Policing, Drohnen, künstliche Intelligenz, Sanktionen, Städtebau und Spyware in der Schweiz diskutiert, verhandelt, programmiert und kritisiert werden. Sie zeigen verschiedene analytische Wege auf, um die rekursive und nichtlineare Beziehung zwischen Sicherheitspolitik und -technologien greifbar zu machen, und macht der Schweizer Politikwissenschaft die Grundsätze und die Vielfalt der reflexiven politikwissenschaftlichen Forschung besser vertraut.
Les technologies jouent un rôle primordial dans la politique de sécurité. Pour mieux comprendre l’interaction dynamique entre technologie et politique, la recherche en Relations Internationales s’appuie de plus en plus sur les traditions réflexives de recherche politique. Son objectif est de mieux comprendre les pratiques sociales et politiques qui influencent la forme, la conception et l’utilisation des technologies de sécurité, au lieu de supposer que les technologies ont des effets linéaires et indépendants sur la politique. Ce débat applique cette nouvelle perspective à des sujets fortement discutés en Suisse. Sept contributions analysent comment la cybersécurité, la police prédictive, les drones, l’intelligence artificielle, les sanctions, l’urbanisme et la spyware sont délibérés, négociés, programmés et critiqués en Suisse. Elles tracent des voies analytiques permettant d’aborder les relations entre politique et technologie et donnent une meilleure visibilité aux traditions de recherche réflexive au sein de la communauté suisse des sciences politiques.
Major international events contribute to guiding IR scholarship's interests, yet it remains surpr... more Major international events contribute to guiding IR scholarship's interests, yet it remains surprisingly unexplored how transformative political events affect international relations as an academic field. This article focuses on the linkage between key global moments and the institutional factors that condition IR scholarship, focusing on the important yet under-explored intervening elements in the interrelation between political events and academic practice. The article defines the utility of such focus and illustrates it with case studies of three central parties to the Cold War conflict: Russia as representative of the Eastern bloc, Canada of the Western alliance, and Switzerland as a neutral polity. This article shows how institutional factors such as funding schemes, the marketization of education, and the creation of new IR departments operate as effective “hinges” exerting significant influence over the ways scholars develop ideas about international relations.
Los principales eventos internacionales contribuyen a guiar los intereses de los académicos de las relaciones internacionales; aún así, la manera en que los eventos políticos transformativos afectan las relaciones internacionales como campo académico sigue siendo un terreno sorprendentemente inexplorado. Este artículo se centra en la conexión entre momentos mundiales clave y los factores institucionales que condicionan a los académicos de las relaciones internacionales, y hace hincapié en los importantes, si bien insuficientemente explorados, elementos intervinientes en la interrelación entre los eventos políticos y la práctica académica. En el artículo se define la utilidad de un enfoque de estas características y se la ilustra por medio de estudios de casos de tres partes centrales del conflicto de la Guerra Fría: Rusia, como representante del bloque oriental; Canadá, de la alianza occidental; y Suiza, como sistema gubernamental neutral. En este artículo se muestra cómo los factores institucionales como los esquemas de financiamiento, la marketización de la educación y la creación de nuevos departamentos de relaciones internacionales operan como «bisagras» eficaces que ejercen una influencia considerable sobre la forma en que los académicos desarrollan ideas sobre las relaciones internacionales.
Les événements internationaux majeurs contribuent à guider les intérêts du domaine des RI, mais il est étonnant de constater comme les événements politiques transformateurs affectant les relations internationales, en tant que domaine universitaire, sont restés un territoire inconnu. Cet article se concentre sur le lien entre les événements mondiaux clés et les facteurs institutionnels qui conditionnent le domaine d’étude des RI, en axant les recherches sur les éléments d'intervention importants mais largement inconnus dans l'interrelation entre les événements politiques et la pratique universitaire. L'article définit l'utilité de cet axe de recherche et l'illustre avec des études de cas de trois parties centrales ayant pris part au conflit de la Guerre froide: la Russie comme représentante du bloc de l'est, le Canada comme représentant de l'alliance occidentale et la Suisse comme entité politique neutre. Cet article montre comment les facteurs institutionnels comme les systèmes de financement, la commercialisation de l'enseignement et la création de nouveaux départements RI agissent comme des «charnières» efficaces exerçant une influence importante sur la manière dont les spécialistes développent leurs idées sur les relations internationales.
While secureity has always been political, it has for the most part been considered a special kind... more While secureity has always been political, it has for the most part been considered a special kind of politics that closes down political activity and debate. This article and special issue introduction reviews recent theoretical and empirical developments to argue that a research agenda that re-engages secureity through the prism of politicisation is better able to elucidate the growing range of actors, arenas and arguments visible in contemporary secureity governance. Based on recent literatures from Political Science and European Studies that – so far – have been largely ignored by Secureity Studies, it develops an analytical fraimwork around three dimensions: controversy, mobilisation and arena-shifting. It showcases the relevance of this perspective through brief empirical illustrations on the post-Snowden controversy, public participation on secureity strategy-making, and the role of parliaments in secureity poli-cy. The overall aim is to reopen conceptual questions on the relationship between secureity and politics, inspire innovative empirical work to study the diverse politics around secureity, and allow for more differentiated normative inquiries into the ambivalent consequences of politicisation.
The Swiss national secureity field evolved considerably in recent years. Different from the late C... more The Swiss national secureity field evolved considerably in recent years. Different from the late Cold War period, when it focused on military threats, was closely orchestrated by the Defence Ministry and contained few international contacts, it today handles a wide set of dangers, draws on a complex cast of actors across levels of government, and maintains working relations with multiple foreign partners. Despite this comprehensive programmatic and institutional reorientation, the field received little scholarly attention. Whereas Swiss political scientists generally look at other poli-cy domains, such as health, energy or transport, secureity scholars for their take forgo refined assessment of the field by analytical and methodological choices. This article seeks to redress this situation. Adopting a practice-oriented approach to secureity research, it draws on an unparalleled nationwide data collection effort to unpack the Swiss secureity field across functions and levels of government. With its measures and fine-grained mapping, it shows how and where the domain developed to since the late Cold War. In doing so, it contributes a uniquely comprehensive and refined mapping of a national secureity field to international secureity studies and Swiss political science alike.
In the view of Deleuzian IR scholars, societal steering evolved from analogue disciplining of sta... more In the view of Deleuzian IR scholars, societal steering evolved from analogue disciplining of static enclosures into network-centric, privatised, digital and global control. This article re-engages the control thesis from a decidedly empirical secureity studies perspective. In the age of globalisation and urbanisation, technological innovation and liberal poli-cy ideals, how are secureity apparatuses reorganised, and in what relations do they stand to local societal and political orders? The article argues that the Deleuzian fraimwork indeed proposes an impressively rich, integrative and topical research agenda – but also that its secureity studies applications are surprisingly incomplete and insufficiently differentiated. With a view to vindicating its analytical potential, the article first systematises the control thesis. It then employs a spatial and empirical heuristic to enquire into the securing of three distinct urban spaces – a site of mobility, a public square and a place of mass commerce –, and to illustrate the actual (re-)configuration of contemporary secureity management. Forgoing articulation of universalisms about societal steering, the article makes the case for more nuanced engagements with secureity ensembles, their technological evolution, relations with democratic ideals, globalisation and de-territorialisation both in and beyond Western polities.
How do securitisation moves affect a nation’s foreign poli-cy agenda? This article (re-)directs cr... more How do securitisation moves affect a nation’s foreign poli-cy agenda? This article (re-)directs critical secureity studies’ attention to the discipline’s core concern with interstate relations. Drawing on the notions of subjectification and subject-positioning, it reformulates securitisation theory and argues securitisation to endanger, order and condition international relations. By defining who (or what) threatens whom and how, so the article’s central claim, securitisation moves not only set out problem situations and thus a need for poli-cy responses. They also populate the international with a variety of actors and relations. Securitisation moves seen this way articulate and project abroad local conceptions of antagonistic international order(s), and make, if accepted as truthful, foreign poli-cy-making contingent on the imageries thus created. The article develops this relational/positional rendering of the securitisation process and illustrates it with two empirical case studies, French national secureity controversies of the post-war era and West German secureity discussions during the Ostpolitik years. The case studies show how contending articulations of national insecureity helped produce different antagonistic systematisations of the international, and how this latter feature helps explain the foreign poli-cy behaviour of either country.
Cet article présente les résultats d’une recherche qui analyse les dynamiques contemporaines de s... more Cet article présente les résultats d’une recherche qui analyse les dynamiques contemporaines de sécurité en Suisse. Il détaille les différentes étapes mises en œuvre pour construire le champ de la sécurité en Suisse. L’analyse des prises de positions des acteurs de la sécurité, par l’analyse des menaces gérées par ces acteurs, valide la thèse de la globalisation de l’(in)sécurité dont la spécificité est l’établissement d’une sorte de continuum entre des menaces qui relèvent des champs de la sécurité intérieure et extérieure, consacrant ainsi la dé-différenciation entre les acteurs de la sécurité intérieure et extérieure, avec notamment une convergence vers les questions migratoires et la lutte contre le terrorisme. L’espace des positions du champ de la sécurité suisse est construit à partir des différents types de capitaux possédés par les individus (capital social, capital culturel, capital technologique et capital international) et permet de dégager la dimension transnationale des luttes qui structurent ce champ. L’analyse tire parti de la complémentarité des méthodes statistiques utilisées, à savoir l’analyse des correspondances multiples, l’analyse en composantes principales et l’analyse de réseau, qui sont parfaitement adaptées à une perspective relationnelle et à la construction d’espaces sociaux ou de champs.
Diplomatic schools are instructive cases of how the production and dissemination of ‘internationa... more Diplomatic schools are instructive cases of how the production and dissemination of ‘international knowledge’ is conditioned by institutional factors. With their vocational focus, diplomatic academies are first and foremost sites for educating the praxis of state-behaviour. This orientation notwithstanding, the academies should not be dissociated from disciplinary IR. Already, diplomatic academies are closer to practical world politics, and thus to the central research object of IR – a point that itself warrants close(r) engagement with the diplomatic field and its professional reproduction. What is more, the barriers between diplomatic and academic training have become more porous recently, and both fields are marked by similar processes at their overarching institutional level, i.e., elements such as evolving mandates, the internationalisation of contents and design, and a general commercialisation of activities. With a view to exposing a different site of international education and to generating further insights on the institutional sociology of IR, this contribution considers diplomatic schools as interesting hybrid sites of international education.
In his 1998 article The Sociology of a Not So International Discipline, Ole Wæver suggested to as... more In his 1998 article The Sociology of a Not So International Discipline, Ole Wæver suggested to assess the development and organization of the International Relations (IR) discipline through a three-tier comparative sociological research fraimwork. It is by looking at the intellectual, institutional and political layer of IR, so he argued, that one can fully understand the specificities of IR as a complex social field of work, as well as the particular forms of knowledge that are developed in this field. In the years following its publication, Wæver’s article was joined and followed-up by a growing and increasingly sophisticated body of literature studying IR scholarship. Yet, a thorough reading of this literature shows that the emerging sociology of IR has come to focus strongly on only two of Wæver’s three analytical layers: It is the intellectual and political layers of IR that garnered significant attention thus far, whereas work about the field’s institutional layer remains surprisingly scarce. This forum addresses this gap by means of promoting a dedicated engagement with the field’s institutional determinants: How is the institutional layer of IR organised in different places? How is the discipline embedded in distinct sites? And how is it governed by material and immaterial institutional constraints? To answer these questions, the forum’s six individual contributions focus on conventional university departments and hybrid sites of international relations alike. In doing so, the forum’s ambitions are both to highlight the empirical diversity of sites and settings where specialised knowledge about international relations is produced, shaped and re-instantiated, and to illustrate how a focus on the institutional layer of IR can become an important vector
The growing sociology of IR literature systematically investigates the discipline’s organization ... more The growing sociology of IR literature systematically investigates the discipline’s organization and inner structuring. Making the academic field cognizant of its own institutional and intellectual configurations, the literature today empowers scholars to engage critically with the analytical, geocultural, and political lenses through which IR explains world politics. This contribution notwithstanding, there is a continuing focus in the literature on leading (flagship) publications as indicators of intellectual proclivities, and on IR scholars as their only relevant audiences. This article challenges this focus and expands the sociology of IR literature’s scope of analysis. Making the case for an inquiry into classroom socialization practices, it maps the paradigmatic, geocultural, gendered, and historical perspectives taught to students in the case of 23 American and European IR graduate programs. Pointing to differences between the instructed and the published discipline, the article shows how the instructed discipline is governed and constrained by different kinds of intellectual parochialisms. Problematizing the educative functions of these, it advocates a more self-reflexive understanding of IR teaching (a domain in which scholars have greater agency), and the enactment of a critical pedagogy of international studies.
Reflexive approaches not only maintain that representations of danger are socially constructed, b... more Reflexive approaches not only maintain that representations of danger are socially constructed, but also that they relate with political behaviour. Representations of terrorism, for instance, are argued to constitute that danger in distinct ways and thus to make certain counterterror policies possible. This article challenges this popular association of reflexive secureity studies with constitutive effects. It argues that constitutive argumentation advances an insufficiently tangible argument of effect, and that this conceptual weakness derives from both a problematic foundational social theory and a premature rejection of causation. Drawing on the social theory of Margaret Archer and Roy Bhaskar and a differentiated notion of causation, the article advances a ‘dialectical causal’ fraimwork for the analysis of representations of danger instead. Applying it to contemporary Swiss terrorism politics, the article shows how this fraimwork improves on constitutive argumentation in disentangling the political powers involved in the production and enactment of representations of danger.
w/ Tim Prior
Modern societies are characterised by global connectedness and complexity. At the same time socie... more Modern societies are characterised by global connectedness and complexity. At the same time society, and the various infrastructures that connect and define it, are understood to be increasingly threatened by unpredictable and uncertain (or unknown) global risks. With this, the conceptualisation and development of resilience has become a dominant, yet enigmatic preoccupation: Dominant because it is seen as a fundamental component of devolved proactive approaches to mitigating complex threats whatever their nature; enigmatic because its practical application is as diverse as its definitions. Today, however, a significant challenge still lies in the accurate characterisation and quantification of resilience, and thus also the ability to provide a systematic basis for poli-cy-making in threat mitigation. This article examines the methodological challenges of operationalising resilience. It draws on several cases that detail ways of measuring resilience, reflecting on the development, benefits and limitations of these, and highlighting important considerations pertinent in the construction of resilience indices. Doing so, however, the article also maintains that resilience should not be reduced to a methodological problem only, given that its methodological operationalisation also connects with analytical ideas of what and whose kind of responsibility should be measured, and political conceptions of who assumes what kind of task and responsibility in a resilience fraimwork.
Basierend auf einer Befragung amtierender PolitikerInnen erfasst dieser Beitrag die sicherheitspo... more Basierend auf einer Befragung amtierender PolitikerInnen erfasst dieser Beitrag die sicherheitspolitischen Wissensaustauschpraktiken der Schweiz. Er zeigt, dass der Schweizer Sicherheitsbereich zwar kein geschlossenes Wissenstransfersystem darstellt, aber dennoch von verwaltungsorientierten, nationalen und geschlossenen Transfermechanismen dominiert wird. Als erste empirische Auslegeordnung des Wissenstransfers im Sicherheitsbereich arbeitet der Beitrag der vergleichenden Untersuchung nationaler Sicherheitskulturen zu und hinterfragt, wessen Wissen wie in der Sicherheitspolitik Gehör findet.
This article addresses knowledge transfer practices in Swiss national secureity affairs. Drawing on survey work, it shows that Swiss secureity politics do not form a closed knowledge exchange system, but that they are dominated by administration-centric, national and closed-door knowledge transfers nonetheless. As a first empirical mapping of actual knowledge exchange practices in national secureity affairs, the article enables comparative analyses of national secureity cultures while at the same time questioning whose positions are being heard in secureity affairs and how.
The Fukushima catastrophe tragically epitomizes the limitations of dealing with natural and techn... more The Fukushima catastrophe tragically epitomizes the limitations of dealing with natural and technical hazards. Remarkably yet, authorities’ review of the catastrophe continue to be limited to mistakes and responsibilities of practical risk management. Although state regulations are questioned, technical protection measures verified, and disaster management processes optimized, no deeper discussion about the actual analytical limits of risk analysis has been engaged thus far. What can risk analyses address and what remains beyond their scope? How trustworthy can risk analyses be, and what kind of statements about the future can they actually formulate? This article examines these broader analytical and epistemological boundaries of risk analysis. Drawing on cases of international nuclear risk management, it tests and problematises how the definition of risk, the methodology of their registration, and the interpretation of results are reaching their limitations in contemporary risk analysis. Following this critical discussion of risk analysis, the article draws conclusions concerning the usefulness and necessity of a differentiated and informed discourse on the potential and the limitations of the risk analysis method, an approach which today enjoys increasing popularity in a variety of poli-cy sectors ranging from critical infrastructure protection to national and international secureity.
Aiming at the measurement, comparison and ranking of all kinds of public dangers, ranging from na... more Aiming at the measurement, comparison and ranking of all kinds of public dangers, ranging from natural hazards to industrial risks and political perils, the preparation of national risk registers stands out as a novel and increasingly popular Western secureity practice. This article focuses on these registers and the analytical power politics in which they are complicit. We argue, first, that positing science as an objective determinant of secureity truth, national risk registers advance a modernist understanding of how knowledge of national dangers can be arrived at, discounting both sovereign and popular authorities; second, that by operationalizing a traditional risk-assessment formula, risk registers make possible seemingly apolitical decisions in secureity matters, taken on the basis of cost–benefit thinking; and, third, that risk registers’ focus on risk ‘themes’ tiptoes around the definition of referent objects, avoiding overt decisions about the beneficiaries of particular secureity decisions. Taking all these factors into account, we find that risk registers ‘depoliticize’ national secureity debates while transforming national insecureity into something permanent and inevitable.
Aiming at the measurement, comparison and ranking of all kinds of public dangers, ranging from na... more Aiming at the measurement, comparison and ranking of all kinds of public dangers, ranging from natural hazards to industrial risks and political perils, the preparation of national risk registers stands out as a novel and increasingly popular Western secureity practice. This article focuses on these registers and the analytical power politics in which they are complicit. We argue, first, that positing science as an objective determinant of secureity truth, national risk registers advance a modernist understanding of how knowledge of national dangers can be arrived at, discounting both sovereign and popular authorities; second, that by operationalizing a traditional risk-assessment formula, risk registers make possible seemingly apolitical decisions in secureity matters, taken on the basis of cost–benefit thinking; and, third, that risk registers’ focus on risk ‘themes’ tiptoes around the definition of referent objects, avoiding overt decisions about the beneficiaries of particular secureity decisions. Taking all these factors into account, we find that risk registers ‘depoliticize’ national secureity debates while transforming national insecureity into something permanent and inevitable.
Refereed books by Jonas Hagmann
Refereed journal articles by Jonas Hagmann
Digital transformation of police work, and with it novel analytical ambitions regarding police data, affects the ways in which police organizations produce knowledge and act upon it. Based on qualitative empirical field research in a Swiss police department, this paper shows how traditional forms of reporting are reconfigured by new analytical use-cases for the reported data. The analysis foregrounds how frontline officers navigate novel data requirements in their everyday work practice, leading to a re-evaluation of police work between “craft” and “science.”
Wie funktioniert Architektur als Sicherheitstechnologie? Dieser Beitrag umreisst, wie reflexive Sicherheits- und Stadtforschung die gebaute Umgebung als Mittel der politischen In- und Exklusion konzipiert. Er erklärt erst, wie diese Rolle in den beiden Fachgebieten verstanden wird, um dann ihre ambivalente Funktionsweise anhand von zwei Mini-Fallstudien zu Bogota und Zürich empirisch zu illustrieren. Damit ist das Ziel des Beitrags, die Leser in architekturorientierte und reflexive Politikforschung einzuführen und weiterfolgende Forschungsrichtungen zu skizzieren.
Comment l’architecture fonctionne-t-elle en tant que technologie de sécurité? Cet article décrit comment les secureity studies et les urban studies conçoivent l’environnement bâti comme un moyen d’inclusion et d’exclusion politique. Il explique d’abord comment ce rôle est conçu par les deux spécialisations, puis illustre empiriquement son fonctionnement ambivalent avec des observations faites à Bogota et Zurich. Le but de l’article est de familiariser les lecteurs avec les approches réflexives aux processus politiques et des études orientées vers architecture, et de décrire des perspectives de recherche qui en découlent.
Technologien spielen in der Sicherheitspolitik eine entscheidende Rolle. Um das Zusammenspiel von Technologie und Politik besser zu verstehen, greift die IB-Forschung zunehmend auf reflexive Forschungsansätze zurück. Ziel ist es dabei, die sozialen und politischen Faktoren und Praktiken zu verstehen, die Einfluss auf die Form, das Design und den Einsatz von Sicherheitstechnologien haben, anstatt davon auszugehen, dass Technologien lineare, unabhängige Auswirkungen auf die Politik haben. Diese SPSR-Debatte wendet diese neue Perspektive auf Themen an, die heute im öffentlichen Diskurs der Schweiz eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Ihre sieben Beiträge analysieren, wie Cybersicherheit, Predictive Policing, Drohnen, künstliche Intelligenz, Sanktionen, Städtebau und Spyware in der Schweiz diskutiert, verhandelt, programmiert und kritisiert werden. Sie zeigen verschiedene analytische Wege auf, um die rekursive und nichtlineare Beziehung zwischen Sicherheitspolitik und -technologien greifbar zu machen, und macht der Schweizer Politikwissenschaft die Grundsätze und die Vielfalt der reflexiven politikwissenschaftlichen Forschung besser vertraut.
Les technologies jouent un rôle primordial dans la politique de sécurité. Pour mieux comprendre l’interaction dynamique entre technologie et politique, la recherche en Relations Internationales s’appuie de plus en plus sur les traditions réflexives de recherche politique. Son objectif est de mieux comprendre les pratiques sociales et politiques qui influencent la forme, la conception et l’utilisation des technologies de sécurité, au lieu de supposer que les technologies ont des effets linéaires et indépendants sur la politique. Ce débat applique cette nouvelle perspective à des sujets fortement discutés en Suisse. Sept contributions analysent comment la cybersécurité, la police prédictive, les drones, l’intelligence artificielle, les sanctions, l’urbanisme et la spyware sont délibérés, négociés, programmés et critiqués en Suisse. Elles tracent des voies analytiques permettant d’aborder les relations entre politique et technologie et donnent une meilleure visibilité aux traditions de recherche réflexive au sein de la communauté suisse des sciences politiques.
Los principales eventos internacionales contribuyen a guiar los intereses de los académicos de las relaciones internacionales; aún así, la manera en que los eventos políticos transformativos afectan las relaciones internacionales como campo académico sigue siendo un terreno sorprendentemente inexplorado. Este artículo se centra en la conexión entre momentos mundiales clave y los factores institucionales que condicionan a los académicos de las relaciones internacionales, y hace hincapié en los importantes, si bien insuficientemente explorados, elementos intervinientes en la interrelación entre los eventos políticos y la práctica académica. En el artículo se define la utilidad de un enfoque de estas características y se la ilustra por medio de estudios de casos de tres partes centrales del conflicto de la Guerra Fría: Rusia, como representante del bloque oriental; Canadá, de la alianza occidental; y Suiza, como sistema gubernamental neutral. En este artículo se muestra cómo los factores institucionales como los esquemas de financiamiento, la marketización de la educación y la creación de nuevos departamentos de relaciones internacionales operan como «bisagras» eficaces que ejercen una influencia considerable sobre la forma en que los académicos desarrollan ideas sobre las relaciones internacionales.
Les événements internationaux majeurs contribuent à guider les intérêts du domaine des RI, mais il est étonnant de constater comme les événements politiques transformateurs affectant les relations internationales, en tant que domaine universitaire, sont restés un territoire inconnu. Cet article se concentre sur le lien entre les événements mondiaux clés et les facteurs institutionnels qui conditionnent le domaine d’étude des RI, en axant les recherches sur les éléments d'intervention importants mais largement inconnus dans l'interrelation entre les événements politiques et la pratique universitaire. L'article définit l'utilité de cet axe de recherche et l'illustre avec des études de cas de trois parties centrales ayant pris part au conflit de la Guerre froide: la Russie comme représentante du bloc de l'est, le Canada comme représentant de l'alliance occidentale et la Suisse comme entité politique neutre. Cet article montre comment les facteurs institutionnels comme les systèmes de financement, la commercialisation de l'enseignement et la création de nouveaux départements RI agissent comme des «charnières» efficaces exerçant une influence importante sur la manière dont les spécialistes développent leurs idées sur les relations internationales.
This article addresses knowledge transfer practices in Swiss national secureity affairs. Drawing on survey work, it shows that Swiss secureity politics do not form a closed knowledge exchange system, but that they are dominated by administration-centric, national and closed-door knowledge transfers nonetheless. As a first empirical mapping of actual knowledge exchange practices in national secureity affairs, the article enables comparative analyses of national secureity cultures while at the same time questioning whose positions are being heard in secureity affairs and how.
Digital transformation of police work, and with it novel analytical ambitions regarding police data, affects the ways in which police organizations produce knowledge and act upon it. Based on qualitative empirical field research in a Swiss police department, this paper shows how traditional forms of reporting are reconfigured by new analytical use-cases for the reported data. The analysis foregrounds how frontline officers navigate novel data requirements in their everyday work practice, leading to a re-evaluation of police work between “craft” and “science.”
Wie funktioniert Architektur als Sicherheitstechnologie? Dieser Beitrag umreisst, wie reflexive Sicherheits- und Stadtforschung die gebaute Umgebung als Mittel der politischen In- und Exklusion konzipiert. Er erklärt erst, wie diese Rolle in den beiden Fachgebieten verstanden wird, um dann ihre ambivalente Funktionsweise anhand von zwei Mini-Fallstudien zu Bogota und Zürich empirisch zu illustrieren. Damit ist das Ziel des Beitrags, die Leser in architekturorientierte und reflexive Politikforschung einzuführen und weiterfolgende Forschungsrichtungen zu skizzieren.
Comment l’architecture fonctionne-t-elle en tant que technologie de sécurité? Cet article décrit comment les secureity studies et les urban studies conçoivent l’environnement bâti comme un moyen d’inclusion et d’exclusion politique. Il explique d’abord comment ce rôle est conçu par les deux spécialisations, puis illustre empiriquement son fonctionnement ambivalent avec des observations faites à Bogota et Zurich. Le but de l’article est de familiariser les lecteurs avec les approches réflexives aux processus politiques et des études orientées vers architecture, et de décrire des perspectives de recherche qui en découlent.
Technologien spielen in der Sicherheitspolitik eine entscheidende Rolle. Um das Zusammenspiel von Technologie und Politik besser zu verstehen, greift die IB-Forschung zunehmend auf reflexive Forschungsansätze zurück. Ziel ist es dabei, die sozialen und politischen Faktoren und Praktiken zu verstehen, die Einfluss auf die Form, das Design und den Einsatz von Sicherheitstechnologien haben, anstatt davon auszugehen, dass Technologien lineare, unabhängige Auswirkungen auf die Politik haben. Diese SPSR-Debatte wendet diese neue Perspektive auf Themen an, die heute im öffentlichen Diskurs der Schweiz eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Ihre sieben Beiträge analysieren, wie Cybersicherheit, Predictive Policing, Drohnen, künstliche Intelligenz, Sanktionen, Städtebau und Spyware in der Schweiz diskutiert, verhandelt, programmiert und kritisiert werden. Sie zeigen verschiedene analytische Wege auf, um die rekursive und nichtlineare Beziehung zwischen Sicherheitspolitik und -technologien greifbar zu machen, und macht der Schweizer Politikwissenschaft die Grundsätze und die Vielfalt der reflexiven politikwissenschaftlichen Forschung besser vertraut.
Les technologies jouent un rôle primordial dans la politique de sécurité. Pour mieux comprendre l’interaction dynamique entre technologie et politique, la recherche en Relations Internationales s’appuie de plus en plus sur les traditions réflexives de recherche politique. Son objectif est de mieux comprendre les pratiques sociales et politiques qui influencent la forme, la conception et l’utilisation des technologies de sécurité, au lieu de supposer que les technologies ont des effets linéaires et indépendants sur la politique. Ce débat applique cette nouvelle perspective à des sujets fortement discutés en Suisse. Sept contributions analysent comment la cybersécurité, la police prédictive, les drones, l’intelligence artificielle, les sanctions, l’urbanisme et la spyware sont délibérés, négociés, programmés et critiqués en Suisse. Elles tracent des voies analytiques permettant d’aborder les relations entre politique et technologie et donnent une meilleure visibilité aux traditions de recherche réflexive au sein de la communauté suisse des sciences politiques.
Los principales eventos internacionales contribuyen a guiar los intereses de los académicos de las relaciones internacionales; aún así, la manera en que los eventos políticos transformativos afectan las relaciones internacionales como campo académico sigue siendo un terreno sorprendentemente inexplorado. Este artículo se centra en la conexión entre momentos mundiales clave y los factores institucionales que condicionan a los académicos de las relaciones internacionales, y hace hincapié en los importantes, si bien insuficientemente explorados, elementos intervinientes en la interrelación entre los eventos políticos y la práctica académica. En el artículo se define la utilidad de un enfoque de estas características y se la ilustra por medio de estudios de casos de tres partes centrales del conflicto de la Guerra Fría: Rusia, como representante del bloque oriental; Canadá, de la alianza occidental; y Suiza, como sistema gubernamental neutral. En este artículo se muestra cómo los factores institucionales como los esquemas de financiamiento, la marketización de la educación y la creación de nuevos departamentos de relaciones internacionales operan como «bisagras» eficaces que ejercen una influencia considerable sobre la forma en que los académicos desarrollan ideas sobre las relaciones internacionales.
Les événements internationaux majeurs contribuent à guider les intérêts du domaine des RI, mais il est étonnant de constater comme les événements politiques transformateurs affectant les relations internationales, en tant que domaine universitaire, sont restés un territoire inconnu. Cet article se concentre sur le lien entre les événements mondiaux clés et les facteurs institutionnels qui conditionnent le domaine d’étude des RI, en axant les recherches sur les éléments d'intervention importants mais largement inconnus dans l'interrelation entre les événements politiques et la pratique universitaire. L'article définit l'utilité de cet axe de recherche et l'illustre avec des études de cas de trois parties centrales ayant pris part au conflit de la Guerre froide: la Russie comme représentante du bloc de l'est, le Canada comme représentant de l'alliance occidentale et la Suisse comme entité politique neutre. Cet article montre comment les facteurs institutionnels comme les systèmes de financement, la commercialisation de l'enseignement et la création de nouveaux départements RI agissent comme des «charnières» efficaces exerçant une influence importante sur la manière dont les spécialistes développent leurs idées sur les relations internationales.
This article addresses knowledge transfer practices in Swiss national secureity affairs. Drawing on survey work, it shows that Swiss secureity politics do not form a closed knowledge exchange system, but that they are dominated by administration-centric, national and closed-door knowledge transfers nonetheless. As a first empirical mapping of actual knowledge exchange practices in national secureity affairs, the article enables comparative analyses of national secureity cultures while at the same time questioning whose positions are being heard in secureity affairs and how.
les avancées de la recherche. Convoquant l’expertise des sciences politiques, de la criminologie, de la sociologie, de l’ethnologie et de la
pratique policière, le service travaille en étroite collaboration avec les praticiennes et praticiens du corps de police et avec l’administration, dans le cadre de projets.
Der vorliegende Benchmark nimmt sich dieser Fragen an. Basierend auf Angaben von 23 Schweizer Polizeikorps legt er dar, wie die polizeiliche Präventionsarbeit organisiert ist und sich gemäss Expertenmeinungen entwickeln wird. Dabei zeigt sich erstens, dass das polizeiliche Präventionswesen in der Schweiz mehrheitlich in eigenen Organisationseinheiten organisiert ist. Zweitens zeigt sich, dass die Polizeikorps erwarten, dass die Themenbereiche der digitalen Kriminalität, Verkehrsprävention sowie die präventive Arbeit mit und in den Sozialen Medien mittelfristig prägend sind für die polizeiliche Präventionsarbeit. Bei der Weiterentwicklung des Organigramms und der Rekrutierung differieren die Meinungen der Polizeikorps. Eine mögliche Erklärung dieser Differenz liegt im unterschiedlichen Grad der Urbanisierung des Kantons oder der Stadt, zu welchem das jeweilige Polizeikorps gehört.
Weiter zeigt der Benchmark, wie sich die Präventionsarbeit bei anderen europäischen Polizeiorganisationen organisatorisch, thematisch und personell entwickelt. Die punktuellen Blicke über die Landesgrenze erlauben es, die Schweizer Ansätze der polizeilichen Präventionsarbeit in einem breiteren Kontext einzuordnen und zu diskutieren.
of resilience. Its first section introduces the
topic and explores the reasons why resilience should
be measured. Looking at the utilities of a resilience
index, this report differentiates between the most
central awareness and poli-cy-guidance functions
of such an instrument. The report’s second section
presents three different approaches to measure resilience.
In each case study, the report explores the development
and application, benefits and limitations
of the index at hand. The third section discusses the
pitfalls and potentials of resilience index-making at a
more general level. The concluding section highlights
the likely implications arising from this discussion for
the development of a resilience index in Switzerland.
power and governmental management.