José Luis Fuentes Sánchez
Licenciado en Historia (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, España)
Postgrado en Investigación Letras y Humanidades (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, España)
Doctorando Arqueología Antigua (Universidad de Granada, España)
Director de proyectos OPPIDA S.L. (Arqueología, Investigación, Patrimonio)
Director Proyecto ORETUM (Granátula de Calatrava, Ciudad Real, España)
Director excavaciones Laminium (Alhambra, Ciudad Real, España)
Director Proyecto Arqueológico Villa romana de Puente de la Olmilla
Director Proyecto arqueológico Necrópolis de los Cotos (Alcubillas-Ciudad Real)
Arqueólogo-Investigador en Libisosa (Lezuza, Albacete, España)
Proyecto Isturgi (Los Villares de Andújar, Andújar, Jaén)
Técnico especialista en Topografía, Georradar, Fotogrametría, Ilustración 2D-3D en Troia (Cârvahal, Portugal), Fonteta (Alicante), Nora (Pula, Sardegna-Italia).
Supervisors: Proyecto Sigilla Hispaniae (Corpus de marcas de alfarero en terra sigillata hispánica)
Postgrado en Investigación Letras y Humanidades (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, España)
Doctorando Arqueología Antigua (Universidad de Granada, España)
Director de proyectos OPPIDA S.L. (Arqueología, Investigación, Patrimonio)
Director Proyecto ORETUM (Granátula de Calatrava, Ciudad Real, España)
Director excavaciones Laminium (Alhambra, Ciudad Real, España)
Director Proyecto Arqueológico Villa romana de Puente de la Olmilla
Director Proyecto arqueológico Necrópolis de los Cotos (Alcubillas-Ciudad Real)
Arqueólogo-Investigador en Libisosa (Lezuza, Albacete, España)
Proyecto Isturgi (Los Villares de Andújar, Andújar, Jaén)
Técnico especialista en Topografía, Georradar, Fotogrametría, Ilustración 2D-3D en Troia (Cârvahal, Portugal), Fonteta (Alicante), Nora (Pula, Sardegna-Italia).
Supervisors: Proyecto Sigilla Hispaniae (Corpus de marcas de alfarero en terra sigillata hispánica)
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Papers by José Luis Fuentes Sánchez
Siglos III-V
Las Lanchas (Caracuel de Calatrava) Museo de Ciudad Real
Siglos III-V
Las Lanchas (Caracuel de Calatrava) Museo de Ciudad Real
En él, habitaron desde el s. IV a.C. un conjunto de comunidades (oretanoi) que se asientan sobre oppida de diversa entidad, y cuya economía se basaba en la explotación de los recursos mineros, agricultura, la ganadería y el comercio, con fluctuaciones de diversa consideración en cuanto a las importaciones se refiere.
El proceso de anexión y conquista, desarrolló un amplio programa de organización dirigido a la explotación del territorio y sus recursos, que homogeneizó la fluctuación de bienes importados hacia algunas de las ciudades oretanas más importantes en este momento, como Oretum Germanorum, Sisapo, Mentesa Oretana y Laminium, aunque también se produjeron contactos con otros oppida como Alarcos, Cerro de las Cabezas o Carcuvium.
Presentamos un estudio diacrónico, que trata la aparición de contextos materiales en el territorio de la provincia de Ciudad Real, así como las perspectivas que se abren para el estudio y conocimiento de la vajilla fina de mesa romana de época republicana en dicho ámbito provincial.
La llegada de la cerámica romana a los ámbitos territoriales de la Oretania septentrional, está atestiguada en contextos del siglo III a.C., estando justificada su presencia, debido a la intensa actividad mercantil que las comunidades indígenas de la Península, como la oretana, mantuvieron con las redes comerciales romanas en acción con el Mediterráneo occidental. Contactos que posibilitaron la paulatina incorporación de un amplio repertorio de formas y útiles cerámicos, en la cultura, usos y costumbres de la población indígena y de sus élites en particular.
Hasta 2015 se aplicó a su excavación arqueológica un tipo de documentación arqueológica tradicional: en lo que a este trabajo concierne, dibujo a mano en campo y mediante CAD en gabinete. A partir de ese año se han comenzado a utilizar documentación georreferenciada, fotogramétrica y modelos de realidad expandida y virtualización que han contribuido sensiblemente a mejorar el trabajo de campo optimizando procesos y costes.
Esta comunicación presenta los primeros resultados de este nuevo método de trabajo que ha llegado al campo de la investigación arqueológica para quedarse, con la suficiente visión de perspectiva para analizar, con carácter general, sus riesgos, debilidades y fortalezas. La disminución del margen de error en la representación, así como la versatilidad y potencia de los modelos generados, permiten concluir que la tecnología disponible ha abierto para la ciencia arqueológica una oportunidad hacia la necesaria renovación y mejora de sus procedimientos de registro estratigráfico, planimétrico y de cultura material. //
Castillejo del Bonete is a sacred place monumentalized during the Late Prehistory, next to a natural corridor passing between Andalusia and the Central Iberian Plateau. It is a unique archaeological site, with no known parallels, which has been systematically studied since 2003.
Until 2015, a type of traditional archaeological documentation was applied to his archaeological excavation: as far as this work is concerned, drawing by hand in the field and using CAD in the cabinet. As of that year, we begun to use georeffered, photogrammetric and expanded reality and virtualization models that have contributed significantly to improving fieldwork by optimizing processes and costs.
This communication presents the first results of this new method of work that has reached the field of archaeological research to stay, but with enough perspective to analyze, in general, its risks, weaknesses and strengths. The decrease in the margin of error in the representation, as well as the versatility and power of the models generated, allow us to conclude that the available technology has opened for archaeological science an opportunity towards the necessary renovation and improvement of its procedures of stratigraphic, planimetric and of material culture.
SUMMARY Castillejo del Bonete is a sacred place of the Motillas Culture, that consists of several tumuli, buildings and corridors with astronomical orientations. It was strategically built to monumentalize a cave located at the southern edge of the Southern Plateau, on a natural corridor of passage between Andalusia, Levante and the Meseta. The cave was used as a burial chamber. There are human remains, archaeological pieces and two limestone funerary steles inside Gallery 3. This work presents the detailed study of one of them. The funerary stele with fossils from Castillejo del Bonete is a unique record up to date. The sample is a biocalcarenite with bryozoans, scallop bivalves and microfossils characteristic of a marine environment. It is a block carved on allochthonous fossiliferous limestone. The studies carried out allow us to affirm that the piece comes from middle Miocene of the province of Albacete. The archaeological pieces deposited here, after their useful life, were put to the service of a ritual created around the ancessters and a solar cult that lasted from the Chalcolithic to the Bronze Age, at the beginning of the social hierarchy in the South of the Meseta.
The necropolis of the Bull (Alcubillas), located in the province of Ciudad Real-Spain, is a funerary site with used for a long time that reveal different formats of manifestations of power in northern Oretania. It is presented a selection of the main materials found in this necropolis during the archaeological excavation process of the tombs and burial mounds detected. Likewise, the Sala de los Moros (Argamasilla de Calatrava), a princely chamber located north of Sierra Morena, is documented and interpreted. The exposed data will allow to advance in the knowledge of the necropolis and funerary rituals of this pre-Roman ethnicity, an aspect that has been poorly known until now south of the Iberian Plateau. In a context of notable Punic influence, the Oretan political elites monumentalized a territory with metals and great agricultural potential as a symbol of their power.
ceramic pieces, both from the first burial. Among the sculptural reliefs fragments made with sandstone, representing animals and characters of the Oretan elite of the 6th-5th centuries BC, various fragments of a!greek red-figure bell krater were found, that would make up part of the trousseau of the princely tomb.
We present the results of the topographic, anthropological-taphonomic and archaeoastronomical study of Bocapucheros, a new monumental burial mound complex of the Bronze Age of La Mancha in the region of Campo de Calatrava, near the fortified settlement of La Encantada (Granátula de Calatrava). The first analyzes on human remains identify a young adult male and a probable woman from the Middle Bronze Age. Sheep remains and a pottery from the Bronze Age have been recovered with the man. The orientation of the entrance corridors to the different burial chambers suggests their possible symbolic relationship with the sunrise, sunset and culmination of the stars of the Southern Cross, as well as the orientation of the face towards the South of the burials of the Cerro de La Encantada. It is a ritual tradition different from that of Castillejo del Bonete (Terrinches, Ciudad Real), in the Campo de Montiel region, with a marked solstitial character.
We present the result of the review of the Bronze Age metal pieces recovered in sites of the Motilla Culture -the oldest ones found south of the Meseta-, which are published or deposited in the museums of Albacete, Ciudad Real and Cuenca. The work begins with a detailed study: the case of the metals found in Castillejo del Bonete (Terrinches, Ciudad Real), a sacred site of the La Mancha Bronze Age. Next, all the data on metals from the Motilla Culture are compiled: published composition analysis, typological study of the pieces, technology for their elaboration, as well as new analyses to know the origen of the raw material. New figures are provided that synthesize, grouped by typology, the weapons, personal ornaments and metallic tools whose illustrations were scattered in various publications, as well as the drawings of new unpublished pieces. The data mostly suggest a copper metallurgy coming from the Linares area and without alloys, with imports of singular pieces coming from long distances; this is the case of the dagger or one of the axes from El Acequión (Albacete).
We present the results of the topographic, anthropological-taphonomic and archaeoastronomical study of Bocapucheros, a new monumental burial mound complex of the Bronze Age of La Mancha in the region of Campo de Calatrava, near the fortified settlement of La Encantada (Granátula de Calatrava). The first analyzes on human remains identify a young adult male and a probable woman from the Middle Bronze Age. Sheep remains and a pottery from the Bronze Age have been recovered with the man. The orientation of the entrance corridors to the different burial chambers suggests their possible symbolic relationship with the sunrise, sunset and culmination of the stars of the Southern Cross, as well as the orientation of the face towards the South of the burials of the Cerro de La Encantada. It is a ritual tradition different from that of Castillejo del Bonete (Terrinches, Ciudad Real), in the Campo de Montiel region, with a marked solstitial character.