La 4e edition francaise du « Net Gay Barometre » (NGB) a interroge les HRSH utilisateurs sur leur... more La 4e edition francaise du « Net Gay Barometre » (NGB) a interroge les HRSH utilisateurs sur leur sexualite, leur sante et la prevention. Cet article vise a dresser le portrait des repondants dont la consommation concerne des substances psychoactives associees au « chemsex ». Methode : Parmi les repondants du NGB (N.=17 385), 68,1 % ont rapporte avoir consomme, dans les 12 derniers mois, une ou plusieurs substances (alcool ou drogue), quel qu’en soit le contexte. Quatre categories de substances sont degagees par analyse factorielle : A (alcool et cannabis, pour 89,9 % de l’echantillon), B (Viagra/poppers, pour 58,1 %), C (cocaine, MDMA, GHB, ecstasy, amphetamines, ketamine, crystal et cathinones, pour 18,7 %) et D (crack, heroine et produits pharmacologiques, pour 7,3 %). Pour dresser un portrait des repondants qui consomment au moins une des substances de categorie C de maniere peu frequente ou plus regulierement, nous avons cree trois groupes a des fins d’analyse. Le premier group...
Basee sur les resultats du Net Gay Barometre quebecois cette l’etude vise a d’optimiser l’utilisa... more Basee sur les resultats du Net Gay Barometre quebecois cette l’etude vise a d’optimiser l’utilisation des donnees extraites du sondage pour soutenir les decisions et les actions dans la lutte contre le VIH et les ITSS aupres des hommes qui ont des relations sexuelles avec d’autres hommes au Quebec. Suite a diverses reunions et discussions sur la presentation thematique des resultats de l’enquete, nous avons effectue : un recodage de certaines donnees, une segmentation de l’echantillon complet selon le statut serologique. Le rapport general, en cours de redaction, suit les thematiques de l’enquete et presente les resultats par tranches d’âges pour les repondants seronegatifs et seroinconnus. Ces donnees permettront de produire une cartographie par region sociosanitaire. Ce rapport de 124 pages se trouvent divisees en deux parties : la premiere contraste les 3 475 participants de statut seronegatif et sero-inconnu selon quatre groupes d’âge d’appartenance (16-24 ans, 25-39 ans, 40-59 ...
À l'échelle mondiale, près de deux millions d'enfants de moins de 15 ans ont contracté le VIH en ... more À l'échelle mondiale, près de deux millions d'enfants de moins de 15 ans ont contracté le VIH en période périnatale (1). Au Canada, 2 851 nourrissons ont été exposés au virus du sida en période périnatale et 523 enfants ont contracté le VIH à la nais sance entre 1985 et 2007 (2). Les programmes de dépistage et la prophylaxie antirétrovirale durant la grossesse ont réduit considé rablement la transmission du VIH de la mère à l'enfant. De plus, l'accès à une médication antirétrovirale de plus en plus efficace permet maintenant à la presque totalité des enfants occidentaux d'accéder à l'âge adulte. Le vieillissement de cette cohorte entraîne de nouveaux enjeux sur les plans médical, psychologique, social et sexuel. Ces jeunes doivent composer avec une sexualité émergente dans le contexte d'une infection transmissible sexuellement et stigmatisée. Le dévoilement du diagnostic aux jeunes infectés est également un processus complexe et angoissant pour les parents (36). Ces derniers invoquent diverses raisons afin de garder secret le statut infectieux de leur enfant. Certains craignent que leur enfant ne dévoile à leur tour son statut sérologique et s'expose à vivre rejet et stigmatisation (5). D'autres redoutent la colère de leur enfant contre eux (36). Des études ont, par ailleurs, démontré
Health-care providers play a major role in providing good quality care and in preventing psycholo... more Health-care providers play a major role in providing good quality care and in preventing psychological distress among mothers living with HIV (MLHIV). The objectives of this study are to explore the impact of health-care services and satisfaction with care providers on psychological distress in MLHIV. One hundred MLHIV were recruited from community and clinical settings in the province of Quebec (Canada). Prevalence estimation of clinical psychological distress and univariate and multivariable logistic regression models were performed to predict clinical psychological distress. Forty-five percent of the participants reported clinical psychological distress. In the multivariable regression, the following variables were significantly associated with psychological distress while controlling for sociodemographic variables: resilience, quality of communication with the care providers, resources, and HIV disclosure concerns. The multivariate results support the key role of personal, structural, and medical resources in understanding psychological distress among MLHIV. Interventions that can support the psychological health of MLHIV are discussed.
We developed and validated a set of self-administered, multi-dimensional indicators of sexual hea... more We developed and validated a set of self-administered, multi-dimensional indicators of sexual health among Canadians aged 16-24 years. This study used a mixed-method qualitative and quantitative approach to develop and validate indicators of sexual health. We used the four-stage Dillman method to identify, focus-test, pilot-test, and validate key metrics to measure sexual health. We collected quantitative data to validate the measures through a computer-assisted self-interviewing program among a purposive sample of 1,158 people aged 16-24 years recruited from four Canadian provinces. The survey contained 75 items measuring five dimensions of sexual health: (1) physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being in relation to sexuality; (2) approach to sexuality; (3) sexual relationships; (4) sexual experiences; and (5) discrimination, coercion, and violence. Principal components analysis for composite measures found seven components with eigenvalues ≥1. The factor structure was stab...
Dans le cas de la transmission de la mère à l’enfant du VIH, l’un des principaux enjeux concerne ... more Dans le cas de la transmission de la mère à l’enfant du VIH, l’un des principaux enjeux concerne le dévoilement du diagnostic aux jeunes infectés (Champion et al., 1999; Murphy et al., 2002; Wiener et al., 2007), qui pourrait être vécu comme un point de bifurcation biographique. L’objectif est d’explorer l’expérience du dévoilement du diagnostic du point de vue d’adolescents vivant avec le VIH depuis la naissance. Vingt-neuf jeunes (10-18 ans) VIH+ ont accordé une entrevue individuelle semi-dirigée portant sur le dévoilement du statut sérologique. Les données recueillies ont fait l’objet d’une analyse de contenu (Paillé et Mucchielli, 2005; Sabourin, 2008). Le dévoilement du statut sérologique s’inscrit dans une trajectoire en trois temps : 1) une réalité cachée où les adolescents ignorent leur statut sérologique; 2) une réalité enfin dévoilée où ils apprennent, vers l’âge de 11 ans, qu’ils sont infectés par le VIH et; 3) une réalité à intégrer progressivement où le dévoilement part...
The objective of the present study was to determine the factors independently associated with dis... more The objective of the present study was to determine the factors independently associated with disclosure of seropositivity to one's steady sexual partner in people living with HIV (PLHIV) who are recipients of services provided by Association de Lutte Contre le Sida, a Moroccan community-based organization (CBO) working on AIDS response. Between May and October 2011, 300 PLHIV were interviewed about their sociodemographic and economic characteristics, their sexual life and disclosure of their serostatus to their friends, family and to their steady sexual partner. A weighted logistic regression was used to study factors associated with serostatus disclosure to one's steady sexual partner. We restricted the analysis to people who declared they had a steady sexual partner (n = 124). Median age was 36 years old, 56 % were men and 62 % declared that they had disclosed their serostatus to their steady sexual partner. The following factors were independently associated with disclosure: living with one's steady sexual partner [OR 95 % CI: 9.85 (2.86-33.98)], having a higher living-standard index [2.06 (1.14-3.72)], regularly discussing HIV with friends [6.54 (1.07-39.77)] and CBO members [4.44 (1.27-15.53)], and having a higher social exclusion score [1.24 (1.07-1.44)]. Unemployment (as opposed to being a housewife) was negatively associated with disclosure [0.12 (0.02-0.87)]. Despite the potential positive effects for the prevention of HIV transmission and for adherence to HIV treatment, many PLHIV had not disclosed their serostatus to their steady sexual partner. Some factors shown here to be significantly associated with such disclosure will help in the development of future support interventions.
The HIV infection of a family member can impact family quality of life (FQoL). The objectives of ... more The HIV infection of a family member can impact family quality of life (FQoL). The objectives of this study are to (1) describe patterns of FQoL among mothers living with HIV (MLHIV) and (2) identify key factors associated with FQoL in families affected by HIV. Recruitment took place in HIV-specialized clinics and community organizations. A 100 MLHIV and 67 of their children participated in this study. Mothers were on average 40.8 years old and reported having an average of two dependent children at home (M = 2.1, SD = 1.0). Participating children were 16.2 years old, on average. Half of the children were boys (50.8%). More than half were aware of their mother's positive HIV status (68.2%) and 19.7% were diagnosed with HIV. All HIV-positive children were aware of their status. A latent profile analysis was performed on the five continuous indicators of FQoL, and three main profiles of self-reported FQoL among MLHIV were established: high FQoL (33%), moderate FQoL (58%), and low FQoL (9%). Among the mothers' characteristics, education, physical functioning, social support, and resilience increased FQoL, while anxiety and irritability decreased FQoL. Among the children's characteristics, resilience followed the FQoL profile. A trend was observed toward children's greater awareness of the mother's HIV status in high and low FQoL profiles. Additionally, irritability tended to be higher within the lower FQoL profile. FQoL profiles can be used to identify families needing special care, particularly for family interventions with both parents and children. Other relevant indicators must be studied (e.g., closeness and support between family members, availability and accessibility of care, family structure, father-child relationships, and medical condition of the mother) and longitudinal research conducted to estimate the direction of causality between FQoL profile and individual family member characteristics.
Self-determination was examined as a protective factor against the detri-mental impact of negativ... more Self-determination was examined as a protective factor against the detri-mental impact of negative life events on suicide ideation in adolescents. It is pos-tulated that for highly self-determined adolescents, negative life events have a weaker impact on both hopelessness and suicide ideation than for non-self-deter-mined adolescents. In turn, hopelessness is hypothesized to generate less suicide ideation for highly self-determined individuals. Results from multigroup analyses confirm that both the direct and indirect links between negative life events and suicide ideation were significantly weaker among participants high in self-deter-mination. The protective role of self-determination against negative life events is discussed. Adolescents represent the future of societies. The high prevalence of suicide and suicidal behavior among this population is therefore alarming. In a survey of 15,000 adolescents (12–17 year olds) in British Columbia, 16%
Au Quebec, 19 % des adolescents sont fumeurs, 23 % des enfants presentent un surplus de poids, tr... more Au Quebec, 19 % des adolescents sont fumeurs, 23 % des enfants presentent un surplus de poids, trois jeunes sur cinq ne font pas suffisamment d'activite physique pour en obtenir des bienfaits et 15 % presentent des symptomes relies a des troubles de sante mentale. Constat alarmant ou defis motivants pour le milieu scolaire, a qui on a confie le mandat de l'education a la sante ? Au primaire, au secondaire, au collegial et a l'universite, des gens engages dans l'education a la sante ont developpe des outils, imagine des methodes et explore des pistes pour contribuer, selon leurs moyens, a l'education a la sante en milieu scolaire. Cet ouvrage collectif, qui presente leurs projets, leurs recherches et leurs reflexions, demontre l'importance de faire participer parents, eleves, personnel enseignant et non enseignant, et autres acteurs des milieux communautaire et de la sante publique. Les intervenants des milieux scolaires de tous les ordres d'enseignement y...
Contemporary studies have shown the existence of differences between men and women and ethnocultu... more Contemporary studies have shown the existence of differences between men and women and ethnocultural groups on attitudes towards power relations in the sexual sphere sociosexual roles and the control of sexual drives. This study wanted to verify if these hypotheses are confirmed in the province of Quebec (Canada). Responses to a self-administered questionnaire of 114 Latin American respondents (59 men and 55 women) were compared to an equivalent number of Quebeckers enrolled in the same post-secondary schools in the Montreal area. An analysis of variance with two criteria of classification (gender and ethnocultural group) indicates significant differences between men and women on the three dimensions and one difference between groups towards equality in the sociosexual context. These data seem to question the existence of specific sexual scripts among young Latin-Americans adults which can help direct sexual education. (authors)
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) became publicly available in Quebec for gay, bisexual and other m... more Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) became publicly available in Quebec for gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBM) in 2013. We used baseline data from Engage, a cohort of GBM recruited by respondent-driven sampling, to examine patterns of combination HIV prevention use among Montreal GBM since PrEP became available. Latent class analysis, stratified by HIV status, was used to categorize GBM by self-reported use of biomedical and behavioural prevention strategies. Correlates of resulting classes were identified using multinomial logistic regression. Among HIV-negative/unknown GBM (n = 968), we identified four classes: low use of prevention (32%), condoms (40%), seroadaptive behaviour (21%), and biomedical (including PrEP; 7%). Those using prevention (condoms, seroadaptive behaviour, and biomedical) had a higher number of anal sex partners and were more likely to report a recent sexually transmitted infection diagnosis. GBM using biomedical prevention also had a higher le...
The current study aimed to document intervention practices, challenges, and training needs concer... more The current study aimed to document intervention practices, challenges, and training needs concerning the intersections between HIV and intimate partner violence (IPV) among community service providers (n = 12). A direct content analysis using the Trauma-Informed Approach was performed. Results revealed that community service providers need to create a safe, trusting, and mutually collaborative environment in which the intersections between HIV and IPV trauma are recognized, screened, and discussed with women. These results also highlight the need to consolidate partnerships between HIV and IPV organizations to provide relevant services that consider traumatic experiences. Overall, these findings support the urgent need to develop, implement, and evaluate targeted community interventions that jointly address HIV and IPV.
The web currently offers a large spectrum of interactive tools enabling the dissemination of heal... more The web currently offers a large spectrum of interactive tools enabling the dissemination of health-related messages aimed at prevention. The REZO programme, developed by the community-based organization Action Sero Zero (based in Montreal, Quebec), provides a good example of how the Internet can be used to promote healthcare and health promotion among sexually active male homosexuals in Quebec. A recent assessment of this program suggests that the organization appears to be meeting the challenge of adapting to an exponential increase of knowledge in the field of sexual health and health prevention as well as to rapid changes in communication technologies.
La 4e edition francaise du « Net Gay Barometre » (NGB) a interroge les HRSH utilisateurs sur leur... more La 4e edition francaise du « Net Gay Barometre » (NGB) a interroge les HRSH utilisateurs sur leur sexualite, leur sante et la prevention. Cet article vise a dresser le portrait des repondants dont la consommation concerne des substances psychoactives associees au « chemsex ». Methode : Parmi les repondants du NGB (N.=17 385), 68,1 % ont rapporte avoir consomme, dans les 12 derniers mois, une ou plusieurs substances (alcool ou drogue), quel qu’en soit le contexte. Quatre categories de substances sont degagees par analyse factorielle : A (alcool et cannabis, pour 89,9 % de l’echantillon), B (Viagra/poppers, pour 58,1 %), C (cocaine, MDMA, GHB, ecstasy, amphetamines, ketamine, crystal et cathinones, pour 18,7 %) et D (crack, heroine et produits pharmacologiques, pour 7,3 %). Pour dresser un portrait des repondants qui consomment au moins une des substances de categorie C de maniere peu frequente ou plus regulierement, nous avons cree trois groupes a des fins d’analyse. Le premier group...
Basee sur les resultats du Net Gay Barometre quebecois cette l’etude vise a d’optimiser l’utilisa... more Basee sur les resultats du Net Gay Barometre quebecois cette l’etude vise a d’optimiser l’utilisation des donnees extraites du sondage pour soutenir les decisions et les actions dans la lutte contre le VIH et les ITSS aupres des hommes qui ont des relations sexuelles avec d’autres hommes au Quebec. Suite a diverses reunions et discussions sur la presentation thematique des resultats de l’enquete, nous avons effectue : un recodage de certaines donnees, une segmentation de l’echantillon complet selon le statut serologique. Le rapport general, en cours de redaction, suit les thematiques de l’enquete et presente les resultats par tranches d’âges pour les repondants seronegatifs et seroinconnus. Ces donnees permettront de produire une cartographie par region sociosanitaire. Ce rapport de 124 pages se trouvent divisees en deux parties : la premiere contraste les 3 475 participants de statut seronegatif et sero-inconnu selon quatre groupes d’âge d’appartenance (16-24 ans, 25-39 ans, 40-59 ...
À l'échelle mondiale, près de deux millions d'enfants de moins de 15 ans ont contracté le VIH en ... more À l'échelle mondiale, près de deux millions d'enfants de moins de 15 ans ont contracté le VIH en période périnatale (1). Au Canada, 2 851 nourrissons ont été exposés au virus du sida en période périnatale et 523 enfants ont contracté le VIH à la nais sance entre 1985 et 2007 (2). Les programmes de dépistage et la prophylaxie antirétrovirale durant la grossesse ont réduit considé rablement la transmission du VIH de la mère à l'enfant. De plus, l'accès à une médication antirétrovirale de plus en plus efficace permet maintenant à la presque totalité des enfants occidentaux d'accéder à l'âge adulte. Le vieillissement de cette cohorte entraîne de nouveaux enjeux sur les plans médical, psychologique, social et sexuel. Ces jeunes doivent composer avec une sexualité émergente dans le contexte d'une infection transmissible sexuellement et stigmatisée. Le dévoilement du diagnostic aux jeunes infectés est également un processus complexe et angoissant pour les parents (36). Ces derniers invoquent diverses raisons afin de garder secret le statut infectieux de leur enfant. Certains craignent que leur enfant ne dévoile à leur tour son statut sérologique et s'expose à vivre rejet et stigmatisation (5). D'autres redoutent la colère de leur enfant contre eux (36). Des études ont, par ailleurs, démontré
Health-care providers play a major role in providing good quality care and in preventing psycholo... more Health-care providers play a major role in providing good quality care and in preventing psychological distress among mothers living with HIV (MLHIV). The objectives of this study are to explore the impact of health-care services and satisfaction with care providers on psychological distress in MLHIV. One hundred MLHIV were recruited from community and clinical settings in the province of Quebec (Canada). Prevalence estimation of clinical psychological distress and univariate and multivariable logistic regression models were performed to predict clinical psychological distress. Forty-five percent of the participants reported clinical psychological distress. In the multivariable regression, the following variables were significantly associated with psychological distress while controlling for sociodemographic variables: resilience, quality of communication with the care providers, resources, and HIV disclosure concerns. The multivariate results support the key role of personal, structural, and medical resources in understanding psychological distress among MLHIV. Interventions that can support the psychological health of MLHIV are discussed.
We developed and validated a set of self-administered, multi-dimensional indicators of sexual hea... more We developed and validated a set of self-administered, multi-dimensional indicators of sexual health among Canadians aged 16-24 years. This study used a mixed-method qualitative and quantitative approach to develop and validate indicators of sexual health. We used the four-stage Dillman method to identify, focus-test, pilot-test, and validate key metrics to measure sexual health. We collected quantitative data to validate the measures through a computer-assisted self-interviewing program among a purposive sample of 1,158 people aged 16-24 years recruited from four Canadian provinces. The survey contained 75 items measuring five dimensions of sexual health: (1) physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being in relation to sexuality; (2) approach to sexuality; (3) sexual relationships; (4) sexual experiences; and (5) discrimination, coercion, and violence. Principal components analysis for composite measures found seven components with eigenvalues ≥1. The factor structure was stab...
Dans le cas de la transmission de la mère à l’enfant du VIH, l’un des principaux enjeux concerne ... more Dans le cas de la transmission de la mère à l’enfant du VIH, l’un des principaux enjeux concerne le dévoilement du diagnostic aux jeunes infectés (Champion et al., 1999; Murphy et al., 2002; Wiener et al., 2007), qui pourrait être vécu comme un point de bifurcation biographique. L’objectif est d’explorer l’expérience du dévoilement du diagnostic du point de vue d’adolescents vivant avec le VIH depuis la naissance. Vingt-neuf jeunes (10-18 ans) VIH+ ont accordé une entrevue individuelle semi-dirigée portant sur le dévoilement du statut sérologique. Les données recueillies ont fait l’objet d’une analyse de contenu (Paillé et Mucchielli, 2005; Sabourin, 2008). Le dévoilement du statut sérologique s’inscrit dans une trajectoire en trois temps : 1) une réalité cachée où les adolescents ignorent leur statut sérologique; 2) une réalité enfin dévoilée où ils apprennent, vers l’âge de 11 ans, qu’ils sont infectés par le VIH et; 3) une réalité à intégrer progressivement où le dévoilement part...
The objective of the present study was to determine the factors independently associated with dis... more The objective of the present study was to determine the factors independently associated with disclosure of seropositivity to one's steady sexual partner in people living with HIV (PLHIV) who are recipients of services provided by Association de Lutte Contre le Sida, a Moroccan community-based organization (CBO) working on AIDS response. Between May and October 2011, 300 PLHIV were interviewed about their sociodemographic and economic characteristics, their sexual life and disclosure of their serostatus to their friends, family and to their steady sexual partner. A weighted logistic regression was used to study factors associated with serostatus disclosure to one's steady sexual partner. We restricted the analysis to people who declared they had a steady sexual partner (n = 124). Median age was 36 years old, 56 % were men and 62 % declared that they had disclosed their serostatus to their steady sexual partner. The following factors were independently associated with disclosure: living with one's steady sexual partner [OR 95 % CI: 9.85 (2.86-33.98)], having a higher living-standard index [2.06 (1.14-3.72)], regularly discussing HIV with friends [6.54 (1.07-39.77)] and CBO members [4.44 (1.27-15.53)], and having a higher social exclusion score [1.24 (1.07-1.44)]. Unemployment (as opposed to being a housewife) was negatively associated with disclosure [0.12 (0.02-0.87)]. Despite the potential positive effects for the prevention of HIV transmission and for adherence to HIV treatment, many PLHIV had not disclosed their serostatus to their steady sexual partner. Some factors shown here to be significantly associated with such disclosure will help in the development of future support interventions.
The HIV infection of a family member can impact family quality of life (FQoL). The objectives of ... more The HIV infection of a family member can impact family quality of life (FQoL). The objectives of this study are to (1) describe patterns of FQoL among mothers living with HIV (MLHIV) and (2) identify key factors associated with FQoL in families affected by HIV. Recruitment took place in HIV-specialized clinics and community organizations. A 100 MLHIV and 67 of their children participated in this study. Mothers were on average 40.8 years old and reported having an average of two dependent children at home (M = 2.1, SD = 1.0). Participating children were 16.2 years old, on average. Half of the children were boys (50.8%). More than half were aware of their mother's positive HIV status (68.2%) and 19.7% were diagnosed with HIV. All HIV-positive children were aware of their status. A latent profile analysis was performed on the five continuous indicators of FQoL, and three main profiles of self-reported FQoL among MLHIV were established: high FQoL (33%), moderate FQoL (58%), and low FQoL (9%). Among the mothers' characteristics, education, physical functioning, social support, and resilience increased FQoL, while anxiety and irritability decreased FQoL. Among the children's characteristics, resilience followed the FQoL profile. A trend was observed toward children's greater awareness of the mother's HIV status in high and low FQoL profiles. Additionally, irritability tended to be higher within the lower FQoL profile. FQoL profiles can be used to identify families needing special care, particularly for family interventions with both parents and children. Other relevant indicators must be studied (e.g., closeness and support between family members, availability and accessibility of care, family structure, father-child relationships, and medical condition of the mother) and longitudinal research conducted to estimate the direction of causality between FQoL profile and individual family member characteristics.
Self-determination was examined as a protective factor against the detri-mental impact of negativ... more Self-determination was examined as a protective factor against the detri-mental impact of negative life events on suicide ideation in adolescents. It is pos-tulated that for highly self-determined adolescents, negative life events have a weaker impact on both hopelessness and suicide ideation than for non-self-deter-mined adolescents. In turn, hopelessness is hypothesized to generate less suicide ideation for highly self-determined individuals. Results from multigroup analyses confirm that both the direct and indirect links between negative life events and suicide ideation were significantly weaker among participants high in self-deter-mination. The protective role of self-determination against negative life events is discussed. Adolescents represent the future of societies. The high prevalence of suicide and suicidal behavior among this population is therefore alarming. In a survey of 15,000 adolescents (12–17 year olds) in British Columbia, 16%
Au Quebec, 19 % des adolescents sont fumeurs, 23 % des enfants presentent un surplus de poids, tr... more Au Quebec, 19 % des adolescents sont fumeurs, 23 % des enfants presentent un surplus de poids, trois jeunes sur cinq ne font pas suffisamment d'activite physique pour en obtenir des bienfaits et 15 % presentent des symptomes relies a des troubles de sante mentale. Constat alarmant ou defis motivants pour le milieu scolaire, a qui on a confie le mandat de l'education a la sante ? Au primaire, au secondaire, au collegial et a l'universite, des gens engages dans l'education a la sante ont developpe des outils, imagine des methodes et explore des pistes pour contribuer, selon leurs moyens, a l'education a la sante en milieu scolaire. Cet ouvrage collectif, qui presente leurs projets, leurs recherches et leurs reflexions, demontre l'importance de faire participer parents, eleves, personnel enseignant et non enseignant, et autres acteurs des milieux communautaire et de la sante publique. Les intervenants des milieux scolaires de tous les ordres d'enseignement y...
Contemporary studies have shown the existence of differences between men and women and ethnocultu... more Contemporary studies have shown the existence of differences between men and women and ethnocultural groups on attitudes towards power relations in the sexual sphere sociosexual roles and the control of sexual drives. This study wanted to verify if these hypotheses are confirmed in the province of Quebec (Canada). Responses to a self-administered questionnaire of 114 Latin American respondents (59 men and 55 women) were compared to an equivalent number of Quebeckers enrolled in the same post-secondary schools in the Montreal area. An analysis of variance with two criteria of classification (gender and ethnocultural group) indicates significant differences between men and women on the three dimensions and one difference between groups towards equality in the sociosexual context. These data seem to question the existence of specific sexual scripts among young Latin-Americans adults which can help direct sexual education. (authors)
Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) became publicly available in Quebec for gay, bisexual and other m... more Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) became publicly available in Quebec for gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBM) in 2013. We used baseline data from Engage, a cohort of GBM recruited by respondent-driven sampling, to examine patterns of combination HIV prevention use among Montreal GBM since PrEP became available. Latent class analysis, stratified by HIV status, was used to categorize GBM by self-reported use of biomedical and behavioural prevention strategies. Correlates of resulting classes were identified using multinomial logistic regression. Among HIV-negative/unknown GBM (n = 968), we identified four classes: low use of prevention (32%), condoms (40%), seroadaptive behaviour (21%), and biomedical (including PrEP; 7%). Those using prevention (condoms, seroadaptive behaviour, and biomedical) had a higher number of anal sex partners and were more likely to report a recent sexually transmitted infection diagnosis. GBM using biomedical prevention also had a higher le...
The current study aimed to document intervention practices, challenges, and training needs concer... more The current study aimed to document intervention practices, challenges, and training needs concerning the intersections between HIV and intimate partner violence (IPV) among community service providers (n = 12). A direct content analysis using the Trauma-Informed Approach was performed. Results revealed that community service providers need to create a safe, trusting, and mutually collaborative environment in which the intersections between HIV and IPV trauma are recognized, screened, and discussed with women. These results also highlight the need to consolidate partnerships between HIV and IPV organizations to provide relevant services that consider traumatic experiences. Overall, these findings support the urgent need to develop, implement, and evaluate targeted community interventions that jointly address HIV and IPV.
The web currently offers a large spectrum of interactive tools enabling the dissemination of heal... more The web currently offers a large spectrum of interactive tools enabling the dissemination of health-related messages aimed at prevention. The REZO programme, developed by the community-based organization Action Sero Zero (based in Montreal, Quebec), provides a good example of how the Internet can be used to promote healthcare and health promotion among sexually active male homosexuals in Quebec. A recent assessment of this program suggests that the organization appears to be meeting the challenge of adapting to an exponential increase of knowledge in the field of sexual health and health prevention as well as to rapid changes in communication technologies.
• 1985 : integration of sexuality education in Quebec's school curriculum as part of a specific c... more • 1985 : integration of sexuality education in Quebec's school curriculum as part of a specific course. (Boucher, 2003) • With the recent educational Reform, there is no more course dedicated to sexuality education. It should now be provided by the interdisciplinary collaboration of different teachers.
Papers by Joanne Otis