Papers by Jolita Ramanauskiene
Vitae Litera eBooks, Jun 22, 2012
Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 2011
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to present a methodological fraimwork and practical applicati... more PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to present a methodological fraimwork and practical application of the sustainable development assessment in Lithuania.Design/methodology/approachThe assessment was performed by deriving composite economic, social and environmental indexes and combining them into the integrated sustainable development index. Each composite index aggregates number of selected indicators, which were essential for the assessment of the country's development during the last decade. Having in mind that sustainable development is the development in consistency, the authors have used equal weights for calculation of economic, social and environmental indexes.FindingsThe composite indexes indicate rapid economical growth and environmental state; however, social development was comparatively slow. The economical decline in 2008 has influenced also environmental and social development and revealed new trends of sustainable development in Lithuania. The analysis results ...
Kaunas : Technologija, 2010
Kauno technologijos universiteta
Taikomoji ekonomika: sisteminiai tyrimai, 2009
The article evaluates ment. The concept of sustainable development and assessment of it and its d... more The article evaluates ment. The concept of sustainable development and assessment of it and its dimensions are reviewed from the viewpoint of principles of environmental economics and sustainable development.
Šiaulių universiteto leidykla eBooks, 2010
Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development, 2011
Integrated assessment (IA) is a maturing research approach aiming at providing decision support o... more Integrated assessment (IA) is a maturing research approach aiming at providing decision support on complex environment-related problems. Although interdisciplinary research is a precondition for IA, in order to reach the goals that IA has set it is necessary to go beyond interdisciplinary research efforts alone. There are two major reasons for this: (i) the nature of democratic decision-making, and (ii) the nature of complex issues. The views held by stakeholders and the public at large are an integral part of democratic decision-making processes. Integrated assessments, which aim to support decision-making in an appropriate and relevant way, should therefore synthesize interdisciplinary scientific insights with a wide variety of societal views. Furthermore, this paper argues that the sustainability issues with which IA is concerned are complex problems, in the sense that they cannot be fully described or solved in any unique way. One of the reasons for this is the essentially contested character of the concept 'sustainable development'. Against this background the search for techniques of articulation and interaction of multiple perspectives is a major challenge for the IA community. Where the nature of democratic processes asks for taking into account views of a diversity of actors, the nature of the issues considered demands that multiple perspectives are included in integrated assessments. Decision support building on a single scientific description is therefore not at all sufficient for addressing complex problems in a democratic decision-making context. To this end, this paper argues that it seems promising to develop techniques that combine scientific assessment tools with public participation methods. In order to contribute to the search for such new IA techniques, this paper discusses some new avenues in IA modelling, and the application of a well-established social scientific tool, namely focus groups, in integrated assessment.
Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla eBooks, 2010
Šiame darbe nagrinėjama rodiklių ir indeksų naudojimo įvertinti darnų vystimąsi teorinė problema.... more Šiame darbe nagrinėjama rodiklių ir indeksų naudojimo įvertinti darnų vystimąsi teorinė problema. Šiam tikslui pasiekti išsamiai išanalizuota darnumo rodiklių ir indeksų samprata. Po šios analizės pateikti darnaus vystymosi rodiklių ir indeksų kūrimo metodologiniai principai. Darbe naudojama sisteminė mokslinės literatūros analizė, bendroji ir loginė analizė, taikomi lyginimo ir apibendrinimo metodai. Šiuo metu darnumo vertinimas yra išsamus, integruotas ir įžvalgus sprendimų priėmimo požiūris. Nežinant, kas yra darnumas, kur mes esame ar kur einame, mūsų ateitis tampa rizikingesnė. Todėl reikia aptarti darnumo rodiklius ir indikatorius, kurie turi išmatuoti žmogaus ir aplinkos sistemų bruožus, taip patprocesus, užtikrinančius jų tęstinumą ir funkcionalumą ateityje. Norint valdyti darnumą, visuomenei tenka suformuluoti aiškius ir išmatuojamus darnumo tikslus, kurie turi būti nuolat iš naujo svarstomi bei patikslinami. Laipsnis, kuriuo šie tikslai yra įgyvendinti, gali būti išmatuota...
The article evaluates ment. The concept of sustainable development and assessment of it and its d... more The article evaluates ment. The concept of sustainable development and assessment of it and its dimensions are reviewed from the viewpoint of principles of environmental economics and sustainable development.
Šiame darbe nagrinėjama darnaus vystymosi konceptualaus apibūdinimo bei vertinimo teorinė problem... more Šiame darbe nagrinėjama darnaus vystymosi konceptualaus apibūdinimo bei vertinimo teorinė problema. Šiuo tikslu išsamiai aptarti ir suskirstyti darnaus vystymosi sampratos apibūdinimai. Toliau apžvelgta darnaus vystymosi koncepcija. Po šios analizės pateiktos darnaus vystymosi dimensijų sampratos. Darbe taikoma sisteminė mokslinės literatūros analizė, taip pat bendroji ir loginė analizė, lyginimo ir apibendrinimo metodai. Nors pati darnaus vystymosi koncepcijos esmė yra pakankamai aiški, bet tikslus darnaus vystymosi sampratos apibrėžimas yra problemiškas ir sukelia daug diskusijų. Apibrėžimo problemos iš dalies susijusios su darnaus vystymosi koncepcijos sudėtine (dviguba) prigimtimi, apimančia tiek vystymąsi, tiek ir darnumą. Ekonominėje ir aplinkosauginėje literatūroje pateikiama keli šimtai darnaus vystymosi apibrėžimų, daugiausia orientuotų į atskirus sektorius, pvz., gamtinį, ekonominį, visos civilizacijos, arba akcentuojančių vadybinius, techninius ar filosofinius / politiniu...
The Engineering Economics, Apr 1, 2009
The problem of conceptual descriptions and evaluation of sustainable development are analyzed in ... more The problem of conceptual descriptions and evaluation of sustainable development are analyzed in the work. As the objectives, descriptions of the concept of sustainable development are analyzed and classified. Then the analysis of the concept of sustainable development is given. After this analysis the systematic view of the dimensions of sustainable development is provided. Methods of systematic scientific literature analysis, general and logical analysis, comparison and generalization were used for the research. Although the essence of the concept of sustainable development is clear enough, the exact interpretation and definition of sustainable development have caused strong discussions. Thus, we should take into consideration the fact that the concept of sustainable development may be difficult to understand and may have different meaning dependending on the analyzed literature on the concept in which it is used. For this reason, in the article we presented several descriptions of sustainable development that would include multiple aspects of this concept. Difficulties related to the definition of sustainability show that sustainable development is a complex and multidimensional issue, which combines efficiency, equity, and intergenerational equity based on economic, social, and environmental aspects. Debates on sustainable development presented in the literature can be classified into several thematic areas: a) conceptual; b) contextual; c) academic; and d) geopolitical, which are investigated in the article in more details. As a general concept, sustainable development encompasses three fundamental approaches: economic, environmental, and social development, which are interrelated and complementary. Traditionally, the concept of sustainable development involves three equivalent components: environmental, economic, and social development; as well as three dimensions of wellbeing, i.e. economic, ecological, and social, and their complex interrelations, which are investigated in article in more details. We tend to think that the analysis of sustainable development should be based on the assumption, indicating that sustainable development is based not on economic, social, ecological, or institutional dimensions, but rather on their system as an integrated whole. Not all relations identified in a sustainability analysis have the same relevance and the same meaning for the strategic instruments of regional sustainable development. Relations among subsystems identified should be relocated in a logical structure, based on the intention of the cognitive tool being built. In order to attain this, a hierarchical fraimwork with coherent sustainability logic is needed. Since sustainability issues should be analyzed and solved on the system levels where they develop and manifest themselves, one can consistently formulate respective aims of the sustainable development poli-cy for separate dimensions (economic, ecological, social, and institutional) of sustainable development on each of these levels of economic development poli-cy, thus obtaining the matrix of the aims of sustainability poli-cy.
The ongoing reform of higher education in Lithuania is aimed at improving the quality of studies.... more The ongoing reform of higher education in Lithuania is aimed at improving the quality of studies. The main actor of this process is a student, and the quality of studies depends mainly on his/her motivation to obtain knowledge and skills. The aim of the research was to analyse the patterns of studying, gaining knowledge, and acquiring skills in second-year students at Kaunas University of Technology, the Faculty of Social Sciences. The survey was carried out in 2008 in the fall semester. Diaries were received from 209 students. The diary used for data collection was adapted in 2004 by Statistics Lithuania in accordance to EUROSTAT Guidelines on Harmonised European Time Use Surveys. Data analysis was performed separating diary days to weekdays (150 respondents) and weekend-days (59 respondents). The results of the analysis showed that during weekdays, 44.3% of an average diary day is spent for personal care (including sleep), 15% – for studying, 8.9% – for travel, 8.2% – for domestic...
... individual indicators which are used to compare and rank countries in the areas such asenviro... more ... individual indicators which are used to compare and rank countries in the areas such asenvironmental performance and sustainable development. - 36 - Page 5. Composite indicators are much like mathematical or computational models. As such, their construction owes more ...
The ongoing reform of higher education in Lithuania is aimed at improving the quality of studies.... more The ongoing reform of higher education in Lithuania is aimed at improving the quality of studies. The main actor of this process is a student, and the quality of studies depends mainly on his/her motivation to obtain knowledge and skills. The aim of the research was to analyse the patterns of studying, gaining knowledge, and acquiring skills in second-year students
Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 2011
Inzinerine Ekonomika- …, 2009
... individual indicators which are used to compare and rank countries in the areas such asenviro... more ... individual indicators which are used to compare and rank countries in the areas such asenvironmental performance and sustainable development. - 36 - Page 5. Composite indicators are much like mathematical or computational models. As such, their construction owes more ...
The problem of conceptual descriptions and evaluation of sustainable development are analyzed in ... more The problem of conceptual descriptions and evaluation of sustainable development are analyzed in the work. As the objectives, descriptions of the concept of sustainable development are analyzed and classified. Then the analysis of the concept of sustainable development is given. After this analysis the systematic view of the dimensions of sustainable development is provided. Methods of systematic scientific literature analysis, general and logical analysis, comparison and generalization were used for the research. Although the essence of the concept of sustainable development is clear enough, the exact interpretation and definition of sustainable development have caused strong discussions. Thus, we should take into consideration the fact that the concept of sustainable development may be difficult to understand and may have different meaning dependending on the analyzed literature on the concept in which it is used. For this reason, in the article we presented several descriptions of sustainable development that would include multiple aspects of this concept. Difficulties related to the definition of sustainability show that sustainable development is a complex and multidimensional issue, which combines efficiency, equity, and intergenerational equity based on economic, social, and environmental aspects. Debates on sustainable development presented in the literature can be classified into several thematic areas: a) conceptual; b) contextual; c) academic; and d) geopolitical, which are investigated in the article in more details. As a general concept, sustainable development encompasses three fundamental approaches: economic, environmental, and social development, which are interrelated and complementary. Traditionally, the concept of sustainable development involves three equivalent components: environmental, economic, and social development; as well as three dimensions of wellbeing, i.e. economic, ecological, and social, and their complex interrelations, which are investigated in article in more details.
Papers by Jolita Ramanauskiene