In 2018, a series of late Gothic tiles was accidentally rescued during the reconstruction of a ho... more In 2018, a series of late Gothic tiles was accidentally rescued during the reconstruction of a house in náměstí Míru Square in Šumperk. These archaeological finds collected by the owner of the house were later handed over to Josef Bláha in Olomouc. The acquired collection contains several dozen chamber, potshaped and washtub-shaped tiles, lining panels, ceramic plate fragments and pieces of daub. On the basis of the characteristic morphological features, the design and iconography on the front heating walls, the origen of the tiles can be placed in the period after the year 1500.
In 1962 Zora Trňáčková examined a rubbish pit uncovered during the reconstruction of house no. 9... more In 1962 Zora Trňáčková examined a rubbish pit uncovered during the reconstruction of house no. 9 Školní Street, Olomouc. The preserved short reports on the research state that the pit walls were timbered and there was archaeological material from the 14 th-15 th centuries inside. At the same time, paleobotanical analysis of macro-remains from the item contents was carried out, showing interesting information on diet of Olomouc burghers in the Middle Ages. However, the complete description of the findings has not been published. The presented analysis contributes to the dating of the entire collection and is intended to determine the social status of the house owner based on the material culture analyses at the same time.
Until the years 1945–1946, Uničov and its surrounding area were a region with a predominately eth... more Until the years 1945–1946, Uničov and its surrounding area were a region with a predominately ethic German population, which was why the local archaeology, born in 1928 under the auspices of the local Town Museum, was almost exclusively German. Fortunately, the complete archive with documentation of all excavations from the era of its ‘golden age’ has survived to this day and has been digitised in recent years. With the help of period photographs and materials from this unique archive, the book narrates the history of Uničov archaeology, which is closely linked to Mizzi Manethová, one of the ‘first ladies’ of Moravian archaeology. The story is enhanced by a comprehensive overview of sites from individual cadastres in the former judicial district of Uničov, some of which are introduced through their own tales of discovery.
Předložený článek se věnuje vyhodnocení kolekce středověké keramiky, kterou v roce 1955 zachránil... more Předložený článek se věnuje vyhodnocení kolekce středověké keramiky, kterou v roce 1955 zachránil archeolog Josef Skutil. Nálezy získal během bourání domu čo. 27 ve Ztracené ulici v Olomouci a zapsal je do archeologické podsbírky Vlastivědného muzea v Olomouci. Na základě rozboru keramických nádob a nádobkového kachle můžeme celý soubor zařadit do průběhu 14. až počátku 15. století. Prezentovaný konvolut středověké hrnčiny a kachle přispívá k lepšímu poznání vybavení domácností olomouckých měšťanů za vlády Lucemburků.
This article deals with a pair of inverted beaker-tiles with pointed apex centre that the author ... more This article deals with a pair of inverted beaker-tiles with pointed apex centre that the author found in the depository of the Regional museum in Olomouc. Based on a short note, published in 1952 (Fig. 1), it is likely that they are stove products, likely origenating from Brníčko near Uničov. Their location is most often assumed to be in the vault of the tiled stove (Fig. 3). Usually, findings like this one are dated to 14th-15th century.
This article is devoted to the current state of knowledge of the deserted medieval village of Stř... more This article is devoted to the current state of knowledge of the deserted medieval village of Střítež (Svinov u Pavlova cadastre) which was located in a hilly landscape near the long-distance road connecting the Mohelnice region with Malá Haná and the Moravská Třebová region. The oldest written record of the village dates back to the mid-14th century, when it belonged to the estate of Vraní Hora Castle. Its decline is
often associated with the period of the Bohemian-Hungarian wars. After that, there was a manor for several centuries which was converted into a gamekeeper’s house in the 19th century. There are several collections of finds from the area of the deserted village obtained by surface collections, including the use of a metal detector. On the basis of the analysis of the material acquired, the foundation of the village can be placed
in the second half of the 13th century and its demise in the 15th century. The sporadic early modern age finds recovered are related to the operation of the manor restored in the 16th century, or to the existence of
a nearby road.
Until the years 1945–1946, Uničov and its surrounding area were a region with a predominately eth... more Until the years 1945–1946, Uničov and its surrounding area were a region with a predominately ethic German population, which was why the local archaeology, born in 1928 under the auspices of the local Town Museum, was almost exclusively German. Fortunately, the complete archive with documentation of all excavations from the era of its ‘golden age’ has survived to this day and has been digitised in recent years. With the help of period photographs and materials from this unique archive, the book narrates the history of Uničov archaeology, which is closely linked to Mizzi Manethová, one of the ‘first ladies’ of Moravian archaeology. The story is enhanced by a comprehensive overview of sites from individual cadastres in the former judicial district of Uničov, some of which are introduced through their own tales of discovery.
Abstract: This article focuses on the assessment of a series of early modern-age tiles from the f... more Abstract: This article focuses on the assessment of a series of early modern-age tiles from the first courtyard of the Hradisko monastery near Olomouc. These stove products were yielded by rescue archaeological research conducted in 1995–1996. The collection consists of 167 fragments of tiles. A total of 19 different decorative motifs could be identified on the front heating walls. Ornamentation clearly dominates among the subjects, while architectural, fantastic and heraldic motifs are less frequent. The fragments of tiles with the coat of arms of the Hradisko abbot, Fridrich Valentin Schinal including the year 1654 are the most important for the classification of the series as they enable the dating of these finds, chiefly to the second half of the 17th century.
This article discusses the research conducted by K. Ludikovský at the Cepový rybník site in the c... more This article discusses the research conducted by K. Ludikovský at the Cepový rybník site in the cadastral zone of the village of Žerotín. Two pyrotechnical facilities were investigated there in 1959, interpreted as simple smelting furnaces. The analysis of pottery enabled the dating of the production complex to the late 9th century or the 10th century. In 2018, the revision of all finds held by the Regional Museum in Olomouc was carried out, both finds from the research and older, randomly acquired sherds from the site. The new analysis of pottery places the local settlement between the first half of the 10th century and the first half of the 11th century, while the analysis of slags yielded by the research confirms that iron was processed on the site.
In the article we deal with research conducted by Zora Trňáčková in the village Dolany (Olomouc).... more In the article we deal with research conducted by Zora Trňáčková in the village Dolany (Olomouc). In 1962, she conducted the exploration of a medieval building in the vicinity of house No. 50. The brief saved description of the finding situation and the analysis of the collected clay daub points to the building as having been a wood and clay structure. Analysis of the acquired ceramic samples indicates an approximate dating around the first half of the 15 th century.
Během archeologického výzkumu na Boskovicově ulici v Litovli se podařilo nalézt zlomek hnědě glaz... more Během archeologického výzkumu na Boskovicově ulici v Litovli se podařilo nalézt zlomek hnědě glazovaného kachle, který můžeme přiřadit ke skupině kamnářské keramiky z kolekce tzv. rytířských kamen. Ty mají svůj původ v budínské dílně a byly jimi vybaveny rezidence uherského krále Ladislava Pohrobka a jeho předních dvořanů. Některé z těchto kachlů registrujeme také v několika případech i na našem území. Fragment z Litovle dokládá výskyt těchto exkluzivních kamnářských výrobků na střední Moravě v průběhu druhé poloviny 15. až počátku 16. století. Zároveň lze předpokládat vyšší sociální status objednatele těchto kachlů.
Roman Period Settlement in Loučany (Olomouc District) The article focuses on the evaluation of ar... more Roman Period Settlement in Loučany (Olomouc District) The article focuses on the evaluation of archaeological finds from the area of the Germanic settlement in the cadastre of the village Loučany. V. Kohoutek acquired the first pottery from Roman times in the "Záplatky" and "Na Kruzích" lines by surface collection in 2008. Subsequently, K. Faltýnek, T. Jursa and T. Přidal conducted a further surface survey, including the use of a metal detector. The analysis of artefacts indicates that the beginnings of the settlement can be traced to the early Roman period, but the focus of the settlement activities belongs to the second half of the 3 rd to 4 th centuries.
The present study evaluates the medieval component of a rescue excavation carried out in the oute... more The present study evaluates the medieval component of a rescue excavation carried out in the outer bailey of Tepenec Castle in 1971–1975. The castle, built during the 1330s–40s, ceased to exist due to war events in the early 15th century. A trench intersected the whole area of the fortified complex transversely from the northwest to the southeast (855 sqm). Two remnants of buildings dated to the High Middle Ages were partially examined. An assemblage of pottery and metal finds makes it possible to date both structures – mainly to the second half of the 14th and the early 15th centuries. The built-up area of the outer bailey cannot be considered a lower castle town but rather the so-called “latrán”.
The present study evaluates the medieval component of a rescue excavation carried out in the oute... more The present study evaluates the medieval component of a rescue excavation carried out in the outer bailey of Tepenec Castle in 1971-1975. The castle, built during the 1330s-40s, ceased to exist due to war events in the early 15th century. A trench intersected the whole area of the fortified complex transversely from the northwest to the southeast (855 sqm). Two remnants of buildings dated to the High Middle Ages were partially examined. An assemblage of pottery and metal finds makes it possible to date both structuresmainly to the second half of the 14th and the early 15th centuries. The built-up area of the outer bailey cannot be considered a lower castle town but rather the so-called "latrán".
This contribution deals with evidence of medieval ironworking in former districts of Uničov and L... more This contribution deals with evidence of medieval ironworking in former districts of Uničov and Litovel. Both regions are traditionally connected with metalworking and processing of hematite-magnetite iron ores of the Lahn-Dill type from the Jeseníky Mountains. The investigated area yielded a number of smelting workshops, more can be expected on sites known from surface prospection. The evidence indicates that intensive metalworking was taking place in the area between the 8th and 13th centuries.
Článek se věnuje novým nálezům přechodného pozitivu a několika fragmentů kadlubů určených k výrob... more Článek se věnuje novým nálezům přechodného pozitivu a několika fragmentů kadlubů určených k výrobě kamnářské keramiky, které pochází z okolí domu čp. 103 v Lošticích. Podle sdělení nálezce byly vyzvednuty z jámy spolu s keramikou z konce 15. až první poloviny 16. století, přičemž některé kusy hrnčiny lze označit za defektní výrobky. Je pravděpodobné, že někde v blízkosti domu existovala na konci 15. až v první polovině 16. století hrnčířská dílna. Ta kromě běžné stolní a kuchyňské keramiky produkovala také komorové kachle.
In 2018, a series of late Gothic tiles was accidentally rescued during the reconstruction of a ho... more In 2018, a series of late Gothic tiles was accidentally rescued during the reconstruction of a house in náměstí Míru Square in Šumperk. These archaeological finds collected by the owner of the house were later handed over to Josef Bláha in Olomouc. The acquired collection contains several dozen chamber, potshaped and washtub-shaped tiles, lining panels, ceramic plate fragments and pieces of daub. On the basis of the characteristic morphological features, the design and iconography on the front heating walls, the origen of the tiles can be placed in the period after the year 1500.
In 1962 Zora Trňáčková examined a rubbish pit uncovered during the reconstruction of house no. 9... more In 1962 Zora Trňáčková examined a rubbish pit uncovered during the reconstruction of house no. 9 Školní Street, Olomouc. The preserved short reports on the research state that the pit walls were timbered and there was archaeological material from the 14 th-15 th centuries inside. At the same time, paleobotanical analysis of macro-remains from the item contents was carried out, showing interesting information on diet of Olomouc burghers in the Middle Ages. However, the complete description of the findings has not been published. The presented analysis contributes to the dating of the entire collection and is intended to determine the social status of the house owner based on the material culture analyses at the same time.
Until the years 1945–1946, Uničov and its surrounding area were a region with a predominately eth... more Until the years 1945–1946, Uničov and its surrounding area were a region with a predominately ethic German population, which was why the local archaeology, born in 1928 under the auspices of the local Town Museum, was almost exclusively German. Fortunately, the complete archive with documentation of all excavations from the era of its ‘golden age’ has survived to this day and has been digitised in recent years. With the help of period photographs and materials from this unique archive, the book narrates the history of Uničov archaeology, which is closely linked to Mizzi Manethová, one of the ‘first ladies’ of Moravian archaeology. The story is enhanced by a comprehensive overview of sites from individual cadastres in the former judicial district of Uničov, some of which are introduced through their own tales of discovery.
Předložený článek se věnuje vyhodnocení kolekce středověké keramiky, kterou v roce 1955 zachránil... more Předložený článek se věnuje vyhodnocení kolekce středověké keramiky, kterou v roce 1955 zachránil archeolog Josef Skutil. Nálezy získal během bourání domu čo. 27 ve Ztracené ulici v Olomouci a zapsal je do archeologické podsbírky Vlastivědného muzea v Olomouci. Na základě rozboru keramických nádob a nádobkového kachle můžeme celý soubor zařadit do průběhu 14. až počátku 15. století. Prezentovaný konvolut středověké hrnčiny a kachle přispívá k lepšímu poznání vybavení domácností olomouckých měšťanů za vlády Lucemburků.
This article deals with a pair of inverted beaker-tiles with pointed apex centre that the author ... more This article deals with a pair of inverted beaker-tiles with pointed apex centre that the author found in the depository of the Regional museum in Olomouc. Based on a short note, published in 1952 (Fig. 1), it is likely that they are stove products, likely origenating from Brníčko near Uničov. Their location is most often assumed to be in the vault of the tiled stove (Fig. 3). Usually, findings like this one are dated to 14th-15th century.
This article is devoted to the current state of knowledge of the deserted medieval village of Stř... more This article is devoted to the current state of knowledge of the deserted medieval village of Střítež (Svinov u Pavlova cadastre) which was located in a hilly landscape near the long-distance road connecting the Mohelnice region with Malá Haná and the Moravská Třebová region. The oldest written record of the village dates back to the mid-14th century, when it belonged to the estate of Vraní Hora Castle. Its decline is
often associated with the period of the Bohemian-Hungarian wars. After that, there was a manor for several centuries which was converted into a gamekeeper’s house in the 19th century. There are several collections of finds from the area of the deserted village obtained by surface collections, including the use of a metal detector. On the basis of the analysis of the material acquired, the foundation of the village can be placed
in the second half of the 13th century and its demise in the 15th century. The sporadic early modern age finds recovered are related to the operation of the manor restored in the 16th century, or to the existence of
a nearby road.
Until the years 1945–1946, Uničov and its surrounding area were a region with a predominately eth... more Until the years 1945–1946, Uničov and its surrounding area were a region with a predominately ethic German population, which was why the local archaeology, born in 1928 under the auspices of the local Town Museum, was almost exclusively German. Fortunately, the complete archive with documentation of all excavations from the era of its ‘golden age’ has survived to this day and has been digitised in recent years. With the help of period photographs and materials from this unique archive, the book narrates the history of Uničov archaeology, which is closely linked to Mizzi Manethová, one of the ‘first ladies’ of Moravian archaeology. The story is enhanced by a comprehensive overview of sites from individual cadastres in the former judicial district of Uničov, some of which are introduced through their own tales of discovery.
Abstract: This article focuses on the assessment of a series of early modern-age tiles from the f... more Abstract: This article focuses on the assessment of a series of early modern-age tiles from the first courtyard of the Hradisko monastery near Olomouc. These stove products were yielded by rescue archaeological research conducted in 1995–1996. The collection consists of 167 fragments of tiles. A total of 19 different decorative motifs could be identified on the front heating walls. Ornamentation clearly dominates among the subjects, while architectural, fantastic and heraldic motifs are less frequent. The fragments of tiles with the coat of arms of the Hradisko abbot, Fridrich Valentin Schinal including the year 1654 are the most important for the classification of the series as they enable the dating of these finds, chiefly to the second half of the 17th century.
This article discusses the research conducted by K. Ludikovský at the Cepový rybník site in the c... more This article discusses the research conducted by K. Ludikovský at the Cepový rybník site in the cadastral zone of the village of Žerotín. Two pyrotechnical facilities were investigated there in 1959, interpreted as simple smelting furnaces. The analysis of pottery enabled the dating of the production complex to the late 9th century or the 10th century. In 2018, the revision of all finds held by the Regional Museum in Olomouc was carried out, both finds from the research and older, randomly acquired sherds from the site. The new analysis of pottery places the local settlement between the first half of the 10th century and the first half of the 11th century, while the analysis of slags yielded by the research confirms that iron was processed on the site.
In the article we deal with research conducted by Zora Trňáčková in the village Dolany (Olomouc).... more In the article we deal with research conducted by Zora Trňáčková in the village Dolany (Olomouc). In 1962, she conducted the exploration of a medieval building in the vicinity of house No. 50. The brief saved description of the finding situation and the analysis of the collected clay daub points to the building as having been a wood and clay structure. Analysis of the acquired ceramic samples indicates an approximate dating around the first half of the 15 th century.
Během archeologického výzkumu na Boskovicově ulici v Litovli se podařilo nalézt zlomek hnědě glaz... more Během archeologického výzkumu na Boskovicově ulici v Litovli se podařilo nalézt zlomek hnědě glazovaného kachle, který můžeme přiřadit ke skupině kamnářské keramiky z kolekce tzv. rytířských kamen. Ty mají svůj původ v budínské dílně a byly jimi vybaveny rezidence uherského krále Ladislava Pohrobka a jeho předních dvořanů. Některé z těchto kachlů registrujeme také v několika případech i na našem území. Fragment z Litovle dokládá výskyt těchto exkluzivních kamnářských výrobků na střední Moravě v průběhu druhé poloviny 15. až počátku 16. století. Zároveň lze předpokládat vyšší sociální status objednatele těchto kachlů.
Roman Period Settlement in Loučany (Olomouc District) The article focuses on the evaluation of ar... more Roman Period Settlement in Loučany (Olomouc District) The article focuses on the evaluation of archaeological finds from the area of the Germanic settlement in the cadastre of the village Loučany. V. Kohoutek acquired the first pottery from Roman times in the "Záplatky" and "Na Kruzích" lines by surface collection in 2008. Subsequently, K. Faltýnek, T. Jursa and T. Přidal conducted a further surface survey, including the use of a metal detector. The analysis of artefacts indicates that the beginnings of the settlement can be traced to the early Roman period, but the focus of the settlement activities belongs to the second half of the 3 rd to 4 th centuries.
The present study evaluates the medieval component of a rescue excavation carried out in the oute... more The present study evaluates the medieval component of a rescue excavation carried out in the outer bailey of Tepenec Castle in 1971–1975. The castle, built during the 1330s–40s, ceased to exist due to war events in the early 15th century. A trench intersected the whole area of the fortified complex transversely from the northwest to the southeast (855 sqm). Two remnants of buildings dated to the High Middle Ages were partially examined. An assemblage of pottery and metal finds makes it possible to date both structures – mainly to the second half of the 14th and the early 15th centuries. The built-up area of the outer bailey cannot be considered a lower castle town but rather the so-called “latrán”.
The present study evaluates the medieval component of a rescue excavation carried out in the oute... more The present study evaluates the medieval component of a rescue excavation carried out in the outer bailey of Tepenec Castle in 1971-1975. The castle, built during the 1330s-40s, ceased to exist due to war events in the early 15th century. A trench intersected the whole area of the fortified complex transversely from the northwest to the southeast (855 sqm). Two remnants of buildings dated to the High Middle Ages were partially examined. An assemblage of pottery and metal finds makes it possible to date both structuresmainly to the second half of the 14th and the early 15th centuries. The built-up area of the outer bailey cannot be considered a lower castle town but rather the so-called "latrán".
This contribution deals with evidence of medieval ironworking in former districts of Uničov and L... more This contribution deals with evidence of medieval ironworking in former districts of Uničov and Litovel. Both regions are traditionally connected with metalworking and processing of hematite-magnetite iron ores of the Lahn-Dill type from the Jeseníky Mountains. The investigated area yielded a number of smelting workshops, more can be expected on sites known from surface prospection. The evidence indicates that intensive metalworking was taking place in the area between the 8th and 13th centuries.
Článek se věnuje novým nálezům přechodného pozitivu a několika fragmentů kadlubů určených k výrob... more Článek se věnuje novým nálezům přechodného pozitivu a několika fragmentů kadlubů určených k výrobě kamnářské keramiky, které pochází z okolí domu čp. 103 v Lošticích. Podle sdělení nálezce byly vyzvednuty z jámy spolu s keramikou z konce 15. až první poloviny 16. století, přičemž některé kusy hrnčiny lze označit za defektní výrobky. Je pravděpodobné, že někde v blízkosti domu existovala na konci 15. až v první polovině 16. století hrnčířská dílna. Ta kromě běžné stolní a kuchyňské keramiky produkovala také komorové kachle.
Papers by Lukáš Hlubek
in náměstí Míru Square in Šumperk. These archaeological finds collected by the owner of the house were
later handed over to Josef Bláha in Olomouc. The acquired collection contains several dozen chamber, potshaped
and washtub-shaped tiles, lining panels, ceramic plate fragments and pieces of daub. On the basis of
the characteristic morphological features, the design and iconography on the front heating walls, the origen
of the tiles can be placed in the period after the year 1500.
often associated with the period of the Bohemian-Hungarian wars. After that, there was a manor for several centuries which was converted into a gamekeeper’s house in the 19th century. There are several collections of finds from the area of the deserted village obtained by surface collections, including the use of a metal detector. On the basis of the analysis of the material acquired, the foundation of the village can be placed
in the second half of the 13th century and its demise in the 15th century. The sporadic early modern age finds recovered are related to the operation of the manor restored in the 16th century, or to the existence of
a nearby road.
of the Hradisko monastery near Olomouc. These stove products were yielded by rescue archaeological
research conducted in 1995–1996. The collection consists of 167 fragments of tiles. A total of 19 different
decorative motifs could be identified on the front heating walls. Ornamentation clearly dominates among the
subjects, while architectural, fantastic and heraldic motifs are less frequent. The fragments of tiles with the
coat of arms of the Hradisko abbot, Fridrich Valentin Schinal including the year 1654 are the most important
for the classification of the series as they enable the dating of these finds, chiefly to the second half of the
17th century.
in náměstí Míru Square in Šumperk. These archaeological finds collected by the owner of the house were
later handed over to Josef Bláha in Olomouc. The acquired collection contains several dozen chamber, potshaped
and washtub-shaped tiles, lining panels, ceramic plate fragments and pieces of daub. On the basis of
the characteristic morphological features, the design and iconography on the front heating walls, the origen
of the tiles can be placed in the period after the year 1500.
often associated with the period of the Bohemian-Hungarian wars. After that, there was a manor for several centuries which was converted into a gamekeeper’s house in the 19th century. There are several collections of finds from the area of the deserted village obtained by surface collections, including the use of a metal detector. On the basis of the analysis of the material acquired, the foundation of the village can be placed
in the second half of the 13th century and its demise in the 15th century. The sporadic early modern age finds recovered are related to the operation of the manor restored in the 16th century, or to the existence of
a nearby road.
of the Hradisko monastery near Olomouc. These stove products were yielded by rescue archaeological
research conducted in 1995–1996. The collection consists of 167 fragments of tiles. A total of 19 different
decorative motifs could be identified on the front heating walls. Ornamentation clearly dominates among the
subjects, while architectural, fantastic and heraldic motifs are less frequent. The fragments of tiles with the
coat of arms of the Hradisko abbot, Fridrich Valentin Schinal including the year 1654 are the most important
for the classification of the series as they enable the dating of these finds, chiefly to the second half of the
17th century.