Papers by Irina Markovski
Collection of Abstracts of the King Milutin Conference in Skopje, 24-26 October 2021, on zoom, he... more Collection of Abstracts of the King Milutin Conference in Skopje, 24-26 October 2021, on zoom, held in Serbian and English.
The Abstract of my Abstract and my basic information is contained in the above Collection, on page 257.
My presentation is to be held on 26th of October, 13:45 Skopje time, and 14:45 Bucharest time, at the following link.:
In this end of wintery season, Mrs. Elena Murariu, the Restorer, Iconographer, Conceptual Painter... more In this end of wintery season, Mrs. Elena Murariu, the Restorer, Iconographer, Conceptual Painter is proposing such a Conceptual Exhibition connecting The Sacrifice of Brancoveanu Family and The Sacrifice of Romanian Revolution Heroes in 1989 in the line of Modern Iconography.
This 2019 marks the 30th year anniversary from Romania’s “historical Earthquake”, which apparently overturned the 50-years of the Communist regime. The price for it? The lives of so many young and very young people, who willingly and innocently gave their lives to overcome this historical hurdle in Romania. Even if their sacrifice was deceived by the outcome, this doesn’t decrease the majesty of their absolute gesture. They are free of sin in the Heavens, and we are free of expressing our most precious truths. We have this great chance owing to them.
Abstract in English present in the article, before the end.
Serbia and Macedonia, are our area of interest. These two states together with the territory in b... more Serbia and Macedonia, are our area of interest. These two states together with the territory in between, Kosovo were caught up in the armed conflict. Kosovo and Metohija, which unfortunately lately, failed victim to separatist political forces and became a state recently, as we all know it, were swallowed into the war almost completely. 2004, after Bombarding Kosovo Monuments during March Pogrom 1 The war crisis from Serbia and Kosovo poured into Northern Macedonia, mostly because of being in the vicinity, but also by allowing 500.000 (Albanian) war refugees talking asylum, together with their civil rights(citizenship and passports) into Macedonian Republic. This was done under political pressure of United States pacifist resorts. The newly adopted minority created an unbalanced demographic process by a significant percentage of 25% of total population of Macedonian Republic. (After 15 years, we can see another result in schools, where we have a young population of 50% Albanian /50% Macedonian children.)
The long delayed and dramatic conflicts in the years following 1990, in Former Yugoslavia, rep... more The long delayed and dramatic conflicts in the years following 1990, in Former Yugoslavia, represent one of the well-known events from recent past of Europe in general and in the Balkans, especially. Either talking about Serbian, Croatian or Muslim Bosnian population, the involved parties have tried not only to neutralize their enemy by military means, but even destroy everything connected with cultural, ethnic and religious identity of the other communities, resulting damages of Material Heritage, previously belonging to the entire Nation. Among the most damaged elements belonging to National Heritage, we could list religious buildings. Why? Quoting Branka Šulc, in case of destruction of Cultural Croatian Heritage: „Churches are fundamental cultural markers in the landscape. Their destruction erases the sign of communities based on religious custom and other traditions”.
Drafts by Irina Markovski
* Војислав Живковић, студент докторских студија историје на Филозофском факултету у Новом Саду. Д... more * Војислав Живковић, студент докторских студија историје на Филозофском факултету у Новом Саду. Дипломирао на Филозофском факултету у Нишу 2018. године на тему "Однос између краљева Драгутина и Милутина до 1299. године". Мастер студије историје на Филозофском факултету у Новом Саду завршио септембра 2019. године на тему "Однос краљева Милутина и Драгутина у светлу српско-угарских односа крајем 13. и почетком 14. века". * Жарко Б. Вељковић, мастер класичне филологије (Одељење за класичне науке, Филозофски факултет у Београду). Сарадник Српског научног центра у Београду и сарадник РТС-а на пројектима класичне старине. Етимолог, ономастичар, историчар језика, нормативиста, палеограф, епиграфичар и генеалог, објављује из поменутих области (2005-).
Papers by Irina Markovski
The Abstract of my Abstract and my basic information is contained in the above Collection, on page 257.
My presentation is to be held on 26th of October, 13:45 Skopje time, and 14:45 Bucharest time, at the following link.:
This 2019 marks the 30th year anniversary from Romania’s “historical Earthquake”, which apparently overturned the 50-years of the Communist regime. The price for it? The lives of so many young and very young people, who willingly and innocently gave their lives to overcome this historical hurdle in Romania. Even if their sacrifice was deceived by the outcome, this doesn’t decrease the majesty of their absolute gesture. They are free of sin in the Heavens, and we are free of expressing our most precious truths. We have this great chance owing to them.
Drafts by Irina Markovski
The Abstract of my Abstract and my basic information is contained in the above Collection, on page 257.
My presentation is to be held on 26th of October, 13:45 Skopje time, and 14:45 Bucharest time, at the following link.:
This 2019 marks the 30th year anniversary from Romania’s “historical Earthquake”, which apparently overturned the 50-years of the Communist regime. The price for it? The lives of so many young and very young people, who willingly and innocently gave their lives to overcome this historical hurdle in Romania. Even if their sacrifice was deceived by the outcome, this doesn’t decrease the majesty of their absolute gesture. They are free of sin in the Heavens, and we are free of expressing our most precious truths. We have this great chance owing to them.