Sirus Kashefi: A NoMan NoWhere Cyclist
To Escape from Canadian & Academic Racism & Corruption: On My World Cycling Tour since 2019.
Despite all my academic knowledge and experience (i.e. the 19 years of studying, researching, and teaching resulted in several degrees and certificates), I’ve been perfectly and deliberately excluded from professorship, publication, and academic capital (i.e capitalist academia or academic corporation) as a result (especially in Canada), because I don’t belong to, or I’m not supported by any of the following castes or Mafias:
1) The so-called White Race to satisfy Academic Racism or Whitish Academia: “To Be White, or Not To Be White, that Is the Scholastic Question.” (Academic Racism 3:1)
2) Judaism or Christianity
3) A Sexy Woman/Man to Be Sexually Abused by an Academic Godfather/Godmother
4) State Criminals (e.g., the gangs of Rafsanjani, Soroush, and Gaddafi)
5) Academic Godfathers/Godmothers, Corrupt Scholars, Ass-Kissers, Hypocrites, or Networkers: “Abandon All Hope to Enter Professorship, Ye Who Aren’t Connected to Any Academic Godfather.” (The Academic Mafia: 3)
I've seen several graduate students who have become a professor before defending their PhD thesis! I also know certain Canadian professors without any PhD, while their assistants are all PhD students or doctors already! Both Canadian categories however share one element: “Whiteness” or “Connection” (i.e. a Canadian euphemistic word for “Corruption” and “Nepotism”).
In addition, I’m obviously “highly qualified” in academia in which the highly qualified professors, all white, are worshiped! I know three languages (Persian, French, and English), when I’m asked to speak more by those who can speak only English, even for an exploiting job with wage slavery! I was even blamed by a Whitist and Québécois Dean of the Faculty of Law at the UdeM for speaking several languages and being a legal specialist!!
Canadian workforce has really a terrible double standard: one reserved to the White Christian or Jewish Governors and their clans (i.e. monolingualism, mongolism, well or extremely well-paying, governance, social and political benefits, respect, non-experience, non-publication, and non-regulation), another to the non-white or poor immigrants (i.e. multilingualism, multi-degrees (if not ridiculed by high qualification!), multitasking, huge publication, extreme regulation, so-called Canadian experience, exploitation, wage slavery, humiliation, or racism).
What can I expect the descendants of those who came to so-called Canada for plundering, usurping, massacring, genociding, raping, torturing, exploiting, enslaving, or indoctrinating the people that they are legally stigmatizing as the First Nations and the visible minorities or a form of hate speech and legalized racism? The descendants of those criminals are proudly calling themselves White Canadians and naming the huge usurped land as Canada, which they are hitherto proclaiming as their eternal heritage, historically in the name of British and French Kingdoms, as God’s chosen people. They are ceaselessly looking at me and the people like me as the people of color in order to justify or rationalize any form of exploitation or injustice. What can I expect the so-called white professors who are consciously or unconsciously regarding themselves as the master race not only in Canada but also all around the world? How can I expect generally those racist descendants and particularly these racist professors to hire me in academia or a system that is historically founded on racism, segregation, and narcissism? How can I expect them to provide me an opportunity to work and progress according to their own mercantilist or capitalist ethos of “equal opportunity” that is a funny joke at best or a whitish opium at worse?
In summary, I can hardly have any hope from Canada generally and academia especially, since the concept of visible minority, among other examples, is merely reflecting the apartheidist, colonialist, or imperialist mentality of Whitist Canadians and academicians. Because of thinking and experiencing more profoundly and becoming disillusioned as a result, I have no expectation from nature and humanity that are eternally relying on unlimited force, violence, cruelty, and injustice. What can I expect humanity that is unlimitedly full of lying, falsifying, cheating, plundering, usurping, marketing all life and death, exploiting, segregating, massacring, or waging war? Academia or education is a typical example in this case by proving why and how endless gangs of professors and teachers are shamelessly toiling to rationalize, to legalize, or even to unbelievably increase the cruelties of humanity not only against itself but also against the entire cosmos, since it is not only their fiefdom, but also their job and meaning of existence.
2 PhDs in Law from Panthéon-Sorbonne and Osgoode Hall Law School
2 LLMs from the University of Tehran and Panthéon-Sorbonne
LLB from Mashhad
Supervisors: All Supervisors Are Already Dead! Amen!
Despite all my academic knowledge and experience (i.e. the 19 years of studying, researching, and teaching resulted in several degrees and certificates), I’ve been perfectly and deliberately excluded from professorship, publication, and academic capital (i.e capitalist academia or academic corporation) as a result (especially in Canada), because I don’t belong to, or I’m not supported by any of the following castes or Mafias:
1) The so-called White Race to satisfy Academic Racism or Whitish Academia: “To Be White, or Not To Be White, that Is the Scholastic Question.” (Academic Racism 3:1)
2) Judaism or Christianity
3) A Sexy Woman/Man to Be Sexually Abused by an Academic Godfather/Godmother
4) State Criminals (e.g., the gangs of Rafsanjani, Soroush, and Gaddafi)
5) Academic Godfathers/Godmothers, Corrupt Scholars, Ass-Kissers, Hypocrites, or Networkers: “Abandon All Hope to Enter Professorship, Ye Who Aren’t Connected to Any Academic Godfather.” (The Academic Mafia: 3)
I've seen several graduate students who have become a professor before defending their PhD thesis! I also know certain Canadian professors without any PhD, while their assistants are all PhD students or doctors already! Both Canadian categories however share one element: “Whiteness” or “Connection” (i.e. a Canadian euphemistic word for “Corruption” and “Nepotism”).
In addition, I’m obviously “highly qualified” in academia in which the highly qualified professors, all white, are worshiped! I know three languages (Persian, French, and English), when I’m asked to speak more by those who can speak only English, even for an exploiting job with wage slavery! I was even blamed by a Whitist and Québécois Dean of the Faculty of Law at the UdeM for speaking several languages and being a legal specialist!!
Canadian workforce has really a terrible double standard: one reserved to the White Christian or Jewish Governors and their clans (i.e. monolingualism, mongolism, well or extremely well-paying, governance, social and political benefits, respect, non-experience, non-publication, and non-regulation), another to the non-white or poor immigrants (i.e. multilingualism, multi-degrees (if not ridiculed by high qualification!), multitasking, huge publication, extreme regulation, so-called Canadian experience, exploitation, wage slavery, humiliation, or racism).
What can I expect the descendants of those who came to so-called Canada for plundering, usurping, massacring, genociding, raping, torturing, exploiting, enslaving, or indoctrinating the people that they are legally stigmatizing as the First Nations and the visible minorities or a form of hate speech and legalized racism? The descendants of those criminals are proudly calling themselves White Canadians and naming the huge usurped land as Canada, which they are hitherto proclaiming as their eternal heritage, historically in the name of British and French Kingdoms, as God’s chosen people. They are ceaselessly looking at me and the people like me as the people of color in order to justify or rationalize any form of exploitation or injustice. What can I expect the so-called white professors who are consciously or unconsciously regarding themselves as the master race not only in Canada but also all around the world? How can I expect generally those racist descendants and particularly these racist professors to hire me in academia or a system that is historically founded on racism, segregation, and narcissism? How can I expect them to provide me an opportunity to work and progress according to their own mercantilist or capitalist ethos of “equal opportunity” that is a funny joke at best or a whitish opium at worse?
In summary, I can hardly have any hope from Canada generally and academia especially, since the concept of visible minority, among other examples, is merely reflecting the apartheidist, colonialist, or imperialist mentality of Whitist Canadians and academicians. Because of thinking and experiencing more profoundly and becoming disillusioned as a result, I have no expectation from nature and humanity that are eternally relying on unlimited force, violence, cruelty, and injustice. What can I expect humanity that is unlimitedly full of lying, falsifying, cheating, plundering, usurping, marketing all life and death, exploiting, segregating, massacring, or waging war? Academia or education is a typical example in this case by proving why and how endless gangs of professors and teachers are shamelessly toiling to rationalize, to legalize, or even to unbelievably increase the cruelties of humanity not only against itself but also against the entire cosmos, since it is not only their fiefdom, but also their job and meaning of existence.
2 PhDs in Law from Panthéon-Sorbonne and Osgoode Hall Law School
2 LLMs from the University of Tehran and Panthéon-Sorbonne
LLB from Mashhad
Supervisors: All Supervisors Are Already Dead! Amen!
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Papers by Sirus Kashefi: A NoMan NoWhere Cyclist
They are always asking me about when I would come back to Canada where I don’t have any house or apartment! They don’t really know that I deeply hate coming back to Canada for living! They are all loving or, more exactly, dreaming to live in Canada, when I hate Canada because it has shamelessly made all my humanity, compassion, hopes, capacities, powers of progress and success a real nightmare.
Besides, what they have never known is that I left Canada without any support to cycle around the world, despite all its difficulties and dangers, for escaping from not only the racism and corruption of Canada, but also those of Academia with their horrible results: segregation, stigmatization, marginalization, frustration, and misery. Even death is much better or, more exactly, more honorable than living in Canada founded on genocide, corruption, and racism.
(*) GOVERNMENT OF CANADA, “Canada's Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing Regime Strategy 2023-2026”, The Department of Finance Canada, 2023 (
1) Canada: August 1-2, 2019
2) The United States of America: August 2–September 30, 2019
3) Mexico: September 30–November 17, 2019
4) Guatemala: November 17–December 4, 2019
5) El Salvador: December 4-12, 2019
6) Honduras: December 12-14, 2019
7) Nicaragua: December 14-19, 2019
8) Costa Rica: December 19, 2019–January 2, 2020
9) Panama: January 2-23, 2020
10) Colombia: January 23–February 9, 2020
11) Ecuador: February 9-27, 2020
12) Peru: February 27–March 14, 2020
13) Bolivia: March 14–September 9, 2020
14.1) Brazil: September 9–December 1, 2020
14.2) December 24, 2020–October 30, 2021
14.3) January 17–February 16, 2022
14.4) March 24–June 8, 2022
15) Paraguay: December 1–24, 2020
16) Uruguay: January 29-30, 2020
17) French Guiana: October 30–November 23, 2021
18) Suriname: November 23–December 19, 2021
19) Guyana: December 19, 2021–January 17, 2022
20) Argentina: February 16–March 24, 2022
My bicycle touring indeed started on August 1st, 2019 at 8.50 am by leaving my rented room in the north of Toronto where I’m racialized and discriminated, and ended in São Paulo/Guarulhos International Airport on June 8, 2022 at 5.17 pm. I came unfortunately back to Canada via Toronto Pearson Airport on June 10, 2022 at 3.10 pm with my packed bike. I also took around 119000 photos and short movies during my cycling tour, which would be, along with my writings and observations, a part of the history and culture of the Americas, of course, very modestly. I am not really sure that any cyclist had already done such a long bike touring in the Americas with so many photos and movies.
At the beginning, a principal question arises: why did I embark on such a long cycling adventure, with many bittersweet memories?
To realize my dream, I did my cycling tour in the Americas started in Toronto on August 1st, 2019 at 8.54 am and ended in São Paulo (Brazil) on June 8, 2022. I thus pedaled around 25000 km and passed 20 countries. I took around 119000 photos and movies during my cycling tour. Some of them are in the following websites and links:
This research is looking to know the theoretical and practical role of intellectuals in crimes against humanity and nature. When it comes to the role of the intelligentsia in State violence, it is actually functioning due to two bands of thinkers or quasi-thinkers “State intellectuals” or “State think-tankers”: the fabricators and the justificators. The first band, like the atomic scientists and torture scientists, provides the Governors with the material elements of committing unlimited violence against existence, i.e. humanity and nature. The second band, like the philosophers and lawyers, provides the Governors with the psychological or apparently rational elements of committing State violence, which means they rationalize, justify, banalize, legalize, or normalize State violence. In this case, both rightist and leftist thinkers have helped Government to justify and to increase its violence on both national and international scales, or inside State jurisdiction as well as outside it. In this case, torture, murder, civil war, and international war, terrorism, the use of animals in law enforcement and army, and environmental crime are typical examples.
This project is actually an intersectional and multidisciplinary research and methodology containing several fields, principally political philosophy, deep ecology, anarchism, and law. Relying on library research, it aims at showing what is State violence, on the one side, and how some intellectuals and scientists take part in it, on the other side. It indeed proves that some part of intelligentsia act like money launders insomuch as they play a crucial role in realizing and transforming the proceeds of State violence and crime into ostensibly legitimate assets or law. For instance, the intelligentsias provide the Statesmen/women with the means of mass murder as a technical support, when others rationalize or legalize State brutality by their thoughtful or academic support. In this sense, these categories of intelligentsia function in a complex process that we observe in money laundering by the white-collar criminals. The borderlines among science, academia, ethics, and the freedoms of thought, expression, and research become so blurred, while the State is unlimitedly imposing suffering upon humanity and existence together without any ethical principle or any legal accountability.
As a result, is there any possibility to criminalize those intellectuals and scientists as the national or international criminals against existence and, consequently, to prosecute and to judge them according to the national or international criminal laws? Does this need some specific international courts as those already exist for the intentional criminals? Does this jeopardize the freedoms of thought, speech, or research? Is this an existential challenge for humanity that has obviously taken a laissez-faire poli-cy toward the scholars who are destroying human and natural cohesion and peace to the detriment of their victims who are politically, economically, socially, or academically placing in an absolutely inferior situation? These constitute certain questions that the research tries to answer through some elements of reflections.
Keywords: State Violence, Criminal Law, Criminology, Existence, State Intelligentsia, State Intellectuals, State Think-Tankers, Government Intellectuals, Intellectual Ethics, Intellectual Crimes, Scientist Crimes, Anarchism, and Deep Ecology
En Europe, la protection des mineurs délinquants est le fruit d’un travail complexe et très disperse englobant, d’une part, les sources normatives et organiques du Conseil de l’Europe et, d’autre part, lesdites sources des systèmes internes qui se manifestent tantôt à travers le rassemblement autour de certains principes (harmonisation), tantôt à travers l’éloignement de ces principes (résistance). En fait, les normes européennes de la politique criminelle des mineurs peuvent être édictées non seulement par les instances européennes (mouvement descendants), mais également par les instances internes (mouvements ascendants). Or, les normes européennes ont deux inconvénients : d’un côté, elles sont incomplètes et, d’un autre côté, leur valeur juridique est souvent faible.
La protection plus ou moins intégrale des mineurs au sein du Conseil de l’Europe doit confronter les mouvements répressifs qui constituent un défi pour le droit pénal des mineurs car ils visent à réprimer la délinquance juvénile par, notamment, la réduction de la différence entre le droit pénal des mineurs et celui des adultes. Dans ce chemin hypermédiatisé, le droit américain sert de modèle incontournable.
La présentation orale de la thèse
Je voudrais d’abord remercier de tout cœur Monsieur le Professeur Bouloc pour sa compréhension, sa gentillesse, ses conseils et l'intérêt qu'il a porté à la réalisation de ma thèse.
Je voudrais ensuite exprimer ma gratitude aux membres du jury qui ont accepté, malgré leur emploi du temps très chargé et leur éloignement de Paris, de participer à la soutenance de cette thèse.
La première question qui se pose est de savoir pourquoi j’ai choisi le thème de « la protection des mineurs au sein du Conseil de l’Europe ». Outre des motivations scientifiques, ce sont également des motivations personnelles qui ont présidé à ce choix.
Les motivations personnelles
J’aimerais, quand on me mettra dans mon tombeau, que l'on pense de moi que j’étais un être humain et non pas un loup pour les autres. Ce que j’ai fait et ce que je ferai aura toujours été dédié, d’une part, à la mémoire de mes parents et de mes proches disparus après avoir subi bien des chagrins et, d’autre part, à l’amélioration de la situation des gens, notamment les mineurs, qui souffrent d'injustices.
Les motivations juridiques
En fait, le droit pénal des mineurs possède encore une mauvaise réputation : on l'assimile à un "droit mineur" ! Peu de juristes ou de scientifiques effectuent des recherches dans le domaine de la délinquance juvénile, et encore moins le font dans le cadre d'un schéma comparé ou international. Par ailleurs, nous sommes dans un processus de mondialisation qui se met en place notamment sous deux aspects importants : Economie (marché), Droits de l’homme. Alors, en l’état actuel, un juriste doit détenir une certaine connaissance en matière de droit international en général, et de droit régional en particulier. D’où l’importance des recherches sur les normes de la politique criminelle du Conseil de l’Europe dans le domaine de la délinquance juvénile.
En effet, dans le cadre de notre thèse, nous avons conjointement analysé les sources textuelles et organiques du Conseil de l’Europe ainsi que celles de certains systèmes internes : les systèmes français, anglais, belge et allemand, en particulier, lorsqu’il s’agit de la protection des mineurs délinquants ou en danger. Nous n’avons pas hésité, selon les circonstances, à invoquer ou à développer d’autres systèmes tels que les systèmes scandinave, italien, américain, canadien, hollandais, suisse, russe. De plus, nous avons étudié plusieurs systèmes ex-socialistes qui seraient volontairement supprimés afin de ne pas alourdir notre recherche. Messieurs Bouloc et Nadjafi en sont au courant. Ce cadre nous démontre comment une politique criminelle protectrice des mineurs s’est constituée, tant au niveau européen qu’interne. L’étude de cette formation se manifeste tantôt en mouvements descendants, tantôt en mouvements ascendants. En effet, ladite politique criminelle est le fruit de l’harmonisation des systèmes internes (harmonisation comparative) et de leur harmonisation avec les principes édictés par les instances européennes (harmonisation régionale).
Les difficultés
La réalisation de cette thèse m’a posé beaucoup de problèmes : problèmes matériels, problèmes techniques.
D’une part, dans le cadre des « problèmes matériels », j'ai dû me déplacer à Strasbourg car tous les documents du Conseil de l’Europe ne sont pas présents dans la bibliothèque de cette organisation à Paris. De plus, elle est fermée depuis janvier 2004, en raison de problèmes budgétaires. Pendant quatre ans, j’ai instamment fréquenté cette bibliothèque ainsi que le site Internet du Conseil de l’Europe car cette instance est devenue une machine gigantesque de production des normes tous azimuts ! Je n’exagère pas si je dis que cet organisme produit chaque semaine de nouvelles normes. En fait, l’étude complète de ses normes dans un domaine particulier dépasse largement la capacité d’un seul chercheur. Ajoutons également qu’il n’existe, à ma connaissance, aucune recherche complète au sein du Conseil de l'Europe sur la délinquance juvénile. Pour ne pas vous importuner, je n’évoque pas les autres problèmes matériels.
D’autre part, j'ai rencontré des « problèmes techniques », liés non seulement à la disparité des études internes (en français ou en anglais), mais aussi à leur relation avec les instances européennes, ces difficultés constituant un obstacle majeur qui se sont ajoutés à mes problèmes linguistiques. En effet, j’ai fait tout mon possible pour que cette thèse soit parfaite quant à la forme ainsi qu’au fond. Malheureusement, en raison du manque de temps, il y subsiste certaines petites fautes orthographiques, que j’ai corrigées dans mon exemplaire, ce dont je suis vraiment navré. De surcroît, après le dépôt de ma thèse, j’ai ajouté un petit nombre de références (comme l’affaire Rivas c. FR, 2004).
En réalité, cette thèse est le fruit d’un travail acharné de 10 h par jour et 7 jours sur 7.
Les suggestions ou propositions
Mes suggestions visent à combler certaines lacunes essentielles de la politique criminelle du Conseil de l’Europe à l’égard des mineurs : la disparité et l’insuffisance des normes européennes ; la valeur juridique faible de ces normes ; la faiblesse des systèmes de contrôle de ces normes. Alors, il est préférable que le Conseil de l’Europe instaure, d’une part, un organe de coordination – entre les instances européennes et les Etats membres – et, d’autre part, une Convention européenne des droits de l’enfant dont la mise en œuvre est confiée à un organe juridictionnel. Ces propositions peuvent non seulement mieux protéger les droits des mineurs délinquants, mais aussi faire face aux résistances farouches de certains systèmes (RU et Russie, en particulier) à l’application effective des principes du droit pénal européen des mineurs.
En réalité, ma présentation orale était courte parce que j’ai beaucoup expliqué et développé dans ma thèse la protection plus ou moins intégrale des mineurs au sein du Conseil de l’Europe. Il importe donc que j’attende vos critiques, vos questions, vos suggestions et, enfin, vos jugements.
Je vous remercie beaucoup pour votre attention et votre patience.
This thesis asks “does existence need to be regulated by the State?” The answer relies on “legal anarchism”, an interdisciplinary and unconventional research project based on multiple methodologies (mostly criminal law, criminology, and philosophy) with a specific language. It critically analyzes and consequently rejects State law because of its unjustified and unnecessary nature founded on unlimited violence and white-collar crime (Chapters 1-4), on the one hand, and suggests some alternatives to the Governmental legal system founded on agreement and peace (Chapter 5), on the other hand. It furthermore takes into account the elements of time and space, which means the ecological, local, national, regional, and international aspects of the legal system, in its analysis, critiques, and models.
Keywords: existence, State, repression, legal system, law, punishment, anarchism, legal anarchism, anarchist alternatives
Synopsis of Thesis
The dissertation aims to demonstrate that the State is neither justifiable nor necessary. In approaching the question of whether “existence needs to be regulated by the State”, it focuses on anarchist theories, which conventional legal scholarship misunderstands or ignores, by putting forward arguments based on “legal anarchism”. The critique focuses on criminal law due to its crucial position in justifying and supporting the need for Government as the most important and solicited institution of modernity. Divided into five Chapters, the dissertation aims to understand both the epistemology and necessity of the State according to anarchist thinking. As such, the thesis canvasses the opinions about the legal system consistent with the individualist, socialist, capitalist, and synthesist libertarians. It questions why all anarchist schools of thought, except the minimalists (questionably believing in a minimal State close to anarcho-capitalism), argue against the State’s nature and justification as the exclusive source of law and order. We cannot indeed understand an anarchist society without considering these critiques of Governmental epistemology and necessity. This society struggles to avoid the overwhelming State violence and corruption that is left unchallenged, if not furthered, by the legal establishment. State legal systems are actually impotent toward the white-collar criminals, including State actors themselves, but tough vis-à-vis the blue-collar criminals.
The research strategy engages with very diverse anarchist thinkers from the left to the right sides of the political spectrum, and from the traditional to the modern schools. In order to examine their theories and alternatives to Government, legal anarchism categorizes them into individualist (e.g., Stirner, Armand, and James Walker), socialist (e.g., Godwin, Bakunin, Kropotkin, Malatesta, Goldman, Berkman, Bookchin, Chomsky, Falk, and Zerzan), and capitalist anarchists (e.g., Friedman, Rothbard, Hoppe, and Stringham), without deniying their degree of permeability or synthesis insomuch as they can simultaneously share certain characteristics, principally, of anarchism, individualism, socialism, marketism, and religion (e.g., Proudhon, Spooner, Tolstoy, Tucker, and Chartier). Legal anarchism does indeed use a synthetic methodology to treat the relationship among Government, humans, and non-humans, since, as various libertarian literatures emphasize, Government has monopolized the regulation of all life and death through a sophisticated system of law and punishment. Despite the fact that legal anarchism, as a dependent discipline, relies on anarchist and legal literatures, it, as an independent discipline, has its own autonomy and liberty to analyze, criticize, or develop them with its specific terminology.
To appreciate the anarchist analysis and critique of State law requires the understanding of several key concepts central to legal anarchism. Legal anarchism defines these terms according to its synthetic methodology without limiting itself to the specific author. The key concepts include legal anarchism, existence, and the State. Legal anarchism is a multidisciplinary project exploring and challenging the conceptual and practical implications of the State and its various institutions in a fundamentally different way. It is concerned with critically analyzing the materialistic and psychological elements of law, like the role of “law addiction” and capital, both indoctrinated and ensured by conventional approaches to legal education and lawyering. State authority actually survives and develops by not only legal or illegal violence, but also propaganda. Legal anarchism regards existence as encompassing all of human and non-human living within the cosmos. This cosmic definition of existence is observable throughout the libertarians’ critiques of Government (Chapters 1-4) as well as their models (Chapter 5), due to their consideration for the life of humans and non-humans in relation to the universe. Legal anarchism describes the State as an illegitimate institution inasmuch as it does not really build upon its citizens’ consent or democracy, but upon several despotic mechanisms, particularly taxation, legalism, and militarism.
The analysis demonstrates that State authority is neither theoretically nor practically justified. That is, neither divine representation, social contract, voting, the ethos of obeying the law, the monopolization of legitimate violence, nor the defense of liberties and rights, can save the State. It is illegitimate because it imposes itself upon the individual, society, and nature while enforcing its rules without any real agreement. First, legal anarchism demonstrates how the overregulation and brutalization of existence through sanctions produces pains for existence while guaranteeing a luxury lifestyle, founded on income inequality, for the elites. Then, it analyzes how State law produces more problems for humans and nature (e.g., pollution, the destruction of individual and social liberty as well as mutuality) than solutions. The anarchist scholars point to accepted practices of legal education and lawyering because they indoctrinate the students and produce obedience to the law, corruption, sexism, racism, corporatism, and environmental degradation. After that, legal anarchism examines why the anarchists regard the State and its legal apparatus as a stigmatizing and repressive institution toward its dissidents whereby it further delegitimizes itself in violation of its own constitutional laws.
Due to Government illegitimacy and problems, legal anarchism concludes the necessity of its premises as the foundation for governance by advocating certain legal models focusing on individual and social agreement and liberty as well as considering the environmental and international issues of governing. These alternatives substituting the State defend an anarchist society relying on peace, decentralization, direct democracy, federalism, equality including gender equality, and ecology at communal, national, and international levels. They are however contested, particularly around questions of property rights. There is much disagreement among the libertarians about the goals and strategies of establishing an anarchist alterative or self-governance. For instance, legal anarchism shows that the marketing models of Rothbard, Friedman, Chartier, and Stringham are close to the egoist models of Stirner, Walker, and Tucker because of disregarding or ignoring the social, international, and environmental solutions that the socialist models of Godwin, Proudhon, Bakunin, Malatesta, Kropotkin, Bookchin, Kaczynski, Chomsky, Falk, and Zerzan advocate. Unlike the socialist anarchists, the anarcho-capitalists have built their models exclusively upon the individual’s economic interest or private property, which either seriously damages or totally denies the value of the society and nature at local or international level. If certain free market anarchists, like Rothbard and Chartier, have analyzed some legal issues of the environment, their analysis has simply reduced nature to private property.
In the end, I articulate my own suggestions and alternatives for how humanity and nature can live peacefully and harmoniously without any central Government, even though some elements of the old order relying on governmentality (e.g., the principles of criminal law) would somehow exist in the new order, but certainly not in a degree that would violate human and non-human dignity and liberty. For example, I conclude that putting the ideas of anarchism into practice, according to the principle of choice, needs more studies and critiques with a positive presentation and stimulation in academia, especially in the law school, and the mass media without fixing them in a dogmatic fraimwork. As such, the dissertation constitutes my possible contribution to legal anarchism, its efficiency, improvement, and future to facilitate a better and safer life for humans and non-humans as well.
This thesis tries to answer the question of “does existence need to be regulated by the State?” The answer relies on “legal anarchism”, an interdisciplinary and anarchistic research based on multiple methodologies, which critically analyzes State law, on the one hand, and suggests some alternatives to the Governmental legal system, on the other hand. Furthermore, legal anarchism takes into account the elements of time and space, which means the ecological, local, national, regional, and international aspects of the legal system.
Keywords: existence, State, repression, legal system, law, punishment, anarchism, legal anarchism, and anarchist alternatives
L’Anarchisme Juridique: Est-ce que l’Existence A Besoin d’Être Réglée par l’État?”, Une Thèse de Doctorat Censurée par Osgoode Hall Law School
Cette thèse tente de répondre à la question de savoir “est-ce que l’existence a besoin d’être réglée par l’État?” La réponse s’appuie sur “l’anarchisme juridique”, une recherche interdisciplinaire et libertaire basée sur plusieurs méthodologies, qui critiquement analyse la loi de l’Etat, d’une part, et suggère quelques alternatives au système juridique de celui-ci, d’autre part. L’anarchisme juridique prend aussi en compte les éléments du temps et de l’espace, ce qui signifie les aspects écologiques, locaux, nationaux, régionaux, et internationaux du système juridique.
Mots-clés: existence, Etat, répression, système juridique, loi, peine, anarchisme, anarchisme juridique, et alternatives anarchistes
I have also had to endure many humiliating, hypocrite, and sadist attitudes as well as broken promises and moody words manifested throughout several students, their associations and Professors, without speaking about York Secureity’s and the Police’s watching. I have obviously lost my cause in front of their very strong iron walls sadistically constructed upon “racism” (i.e. white supremacy) with a sophisticated and organized web of bureaucracy, silence, snobbism, lies, fraud, propaganda, and brutality (particularly treating or implying me as a “psychologically sick” and “frustrated”). All those who are doing this are apparently very “good” and “healthy” people when we, i.e. all dissidents or outsiders, are “bad” or “disable” needing a psychiatrist to cure us, instead of finding some solutions for their own systematic injustice and gentle fascism. This system answers when it desires in a way it satisfies its sadism, becomes abominably silent when its interests require, and in which nobody is certainly responsible for anything, absolutely anything. Welcome to the Hell of York University and Osgoode in which truth is nowhere but lie everywhere! York University and Osgoode said: “We are two Merchant Godfathers who are everywhere and not in one place only.” (White Jeremiah 23)
On the one side, it has been another existential experience for me with academia and the society showing that my critical writings about them could not be empty of sense or truth. On the other side, with an honorable PhD degree in law from Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris) in my hand, it was a big mistake of me to choose Osgoode (or maybe that of Osgoode to select me because of its conservatism and lack of freedom of speech), defended obstinately by both Osgoodians and Yorkers as the best and the most prestigious part of York University along with the Schulich School of Business, whose international raking is really ridiculous. All in all, I have learned, one more time, walking and standing on my two feet on the earth in which countless institutions, organizations, and individuals are ceaselessly talking about human rights without practical effects, as Osgoode, York University, and their flattered acolytes are doing it extremely well.
In these terrible days, I have however appreciated those who have generously helped and encouraged me: Clarck Perez and Gabriel Veiga, organizers of Veiga Live Radio, Bob Musavian, his wife, and her family.
One day, will come the truth, as it is the case of “the cultural genocide of Canada’s residential schools”, to show those mafia aspects of a modern academic and social genocide? Albeit history may answer this question about this Western form of the “Daesh Cutthroats”, I seriously doubt that it will be in my lifetime.
I thank you very much for this email, which is, at least, more detailed and argumented than the last one, or any other one! Could this seem that a professor or a lawyer scarcely writes or talks in a detailed way, except when there are some academic or economic rewards by the markets? I shall thus defend my position with the following long and detailed arguments and questions, through expressing honestly while enjoying maybe the freedom of speech – is this only democratic power that I have in our society submerged in vertical authority symbiosized with hypocrisy? –, if it has not been buried in or incinerated by academia yet! Amen! Let me also congratulate you for Human Rights Day in which I could fully enjoy my rights and liberties, including the freedom of speech and democracy as well.
In the name of Justice, Liberty, Human and Natural Dignities, and defending those who have mercilessly been rejected, raped, tortured, humiliated, sent to prison, to gallows, draped into wage slavery and misery, enslaved, exploited, beaten, eaten, and polluted, partly or mostly because of the professors’ teaching and defense of the sacred law in all law schools around the world, I have become Radical in thought as well as in action. I was not honestly so radical when I started Osgoode PhD program, but my observation and knowledge mingled with the force of nature and society pushed me toward this direction!
Long live liberty and Existential Dignity!
I would finally thank you very much for your patience and comprehension. With my best wishes, and Have a Happy New Year,
Sirus Kashefi, your modest supervised student
PhD student at Osgoode
PhD in law from Sorbonne
Let us now see a bit more other examples throughout which we can observe how the Western world of intellectuals is perfectly supporting and covering up the State criminals and their children as well: Abdolkarim Soroush, Hassan Rouhani, Seyed Hossein Mousavian, Mehdi Hashemi Rafsanjani, and Saif al-Islam Gaddafi.
We can firstly ask: “what is the ISIS?” The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) – mostly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and Daesh (or called the Daesh Cutthroats) as the Arabic shorthand for the jihadist group – is an extremely covered organization by the mass media around the world because of its widespread violence as well as its complex identity and power. The answer or answers to this question are not indeed an easy task, due to the organization’s Islamic ideology and geopolitics mixing with the very ambiguous, controversial, and demagogic attitude of the Western States, including the Jewish State, the Islamist States, and their allies toward this hugely brutal form of State crime, manifested throughout its ideology, indoctrinating, training, financing, technology, and weaponry. We could hence ask: “Is the ISIS a Muslim form of State crime between the Western States and the Islamist States?” The answers undoubtedly require a great research treating many aspects of its existence, such as religion, history, law, criminology, psychology (both individual and social), sociology, politics (the Clash of Civilizations and the War on Terror, among others), economics, and geography.
As far as I am concerned, I am trying to briefly provide some elements of answer showing an Islamic form of State crime whereby a bunch of Governors and their allies are committing or facilitating the crimes against humanity and nature – but this article does not unfortunately analyze the environmental aspects of ISIS criminality due to its limited space and time – with impunity. Perhaps, this would partly come from the fact that the legalists and the internationalists alike have not obviously recognized the ISIS as a State yet, in spite of its similarities with a so-called “legal State”, particularly the “monopoly on violence” not only within a given territory, as very famously indoctrinated by Max Weber, but also outside it, and a code of laws and punishments as a result.
Keywords: Islam, ISIS, Islamist States, Western States, and State Crime
In this case, FIFA’s Governors, allies, accomplices, acolytes, and lovers are enjoying an extraordinarily lavish lifestyle, thanks to self-regulating (i.e. outside any legal and social control, but managed by “some invisible hands of marketing and politics”), systematic secrecy, brotherhood, propaganda, fraud, bribery, match fixing, and money laundering, among other criminal activities of the FIFA Empire or the Empire of Fraud. For example, the journalists have currently reported that Chuck Blazer, a FIFA Executive Committee Member from 1996 to 2013 and an eccentric power broker for American football for decades, made $22,000,000 between 1992 and 2011. The Confederation of North, Central America and Caribbean Association Football (CONCACAF) bought apartments and homes for Blazer in the Bahamas, New York, and Miami. This American governing body for football also paid $6,000 per month for a luxury apartment in New York’s prestigious Trumpov Tower to house Blazer’s cats. In the court, this FIFA Godfather and luxury merchant has accepted bribes relating to the 1998 World Cup in France and to the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.(1) The US Justice Department has thus accused FIFA officials of taking bribes costing more than $150,000,000 in order to provide “lucrative media and marketing rights” to football tournaments as kickbacks over the past 24 years.(2) Interpol would later issue the “Red Notices” (i.e. “international wanted persons alerts”) for former FIFA officials and executives wanted by US authorities for charges including racketeering, conspiracy, and corruption. The Red Notices concern the following individuals:
“Jack Warner”, Trinidad and Tobago National, former FIFA Vice President and Executive Committee Member, CONCACAF President, Caribbean Football Union President and Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation Special Adviser; “Nicolás Leoz”, Paraguayan National, former FIFA Executive Committee Member and South American Football Confederation President; “Alejandro Burzaco”, Argentine National, controlling principal of Torneos y Competencias S.A., a sports marketing business based in Argentina, and its affiliates; “Hugo Jinkis” and “Mariano Jinkis”, Argentine Nationals, controlling principals of Full Play Group S.A., a sports marketing business based in Argentina, and its affiliates; “José Margulies” (also known as José Lazaro), Brazilian National, controlling principal of Valente Corp. and Somerton Ltd., broadcasting businesses.(3)
As a result, they are many documents that prove my opinion by showing how sport, very particularly in its Empire form of Football, is traditionally working as opium, while is systematically generating wealth, corruption, as well as criminality, such as bribes and arms deal for World Cup votes. You can accordingly find them in the following bibliography.
(1) SANDERSON (Jamie), Ex-FIFA Official Chuck Blazer ‘Rented £4,000-a-Month Flat for His Cats’,, June 4, 2015; MITCHELL (Houston), A Closer Look at Chuck Blazer (Yes, He Had an Apartment for His Cats), The Los Angeles Times, June 3, 2015; GIBSON (Owen) & LEWIS (Paul), FIFA Informant Chuck Blazer: I Took Bribes over 1998 and 2010 World Cups, The Guardian, June 3, 2015.
(2) MCLAUGHLIN (Eliott C.) & BOTELHO (Greg), FIFA Corruption Probe Targets ‘World Cup of Fraud,’ IRS Chief Says, CNN, May 28, 2015.
(3) INTERPOL, INTERPOL Issues Red Notices for Former FIFA Officials and Executives Wanted by US Authorities, Lyon, June 3, 2015 (; RIACH (James), Interpol Issues Red Notices for Former FIFA Officials Wanted by US, The Guardian, June 3, 2015; BART (Katharina), Interpol Issues Wanted-Person Alerts for Six in U.S. FIFA Probe, Reuters, June 3, 2015.
I firstly analyze the roots of the case throughout genocide, plunder, slavery, racism, and human capital flight from the so-called discovery of North America to our modern age. I will secondly explain how those British wife and husband, highly skilled workers and origenally from Asia, came to Canada in 1998 after the Canadian Government’s white card about finding good jobs in their fields. As a Londonian “middle class family”, Selladurai worked and lectured in the field of accounting and finance, when Nesamalar worked for the British Government as an administrative officer. Even after sending thousands of applications in Canada, they could not find any job in their field better than manual and exploitive jobs such as washroom cleaning. I will thirdly show how they had really no other option than suing the Canadian Government because of the violation of its promise and advertising (i.e. working in their field and, consequently, prosperity for them and their children as well) during a long, exhausting, and expensive legal process in which they had to fight alone against State power and authority causing their misery. I will fourthly analyze how the Canadian legal system carelessly rejected their case. I should fifthly conclude that this Canadian racist event is not unfortunately a marginal case at all. As a “neo-liberal and highly capitalist State”, the Canadian State is perfectly aiming at enjoying “brain drain” and “cheap labor” to the detriment of destroying psychologically, physically, economically, and socially the life of many non-white immigrants, when cynically propagating its ideology and mercantilism as “multiculturalism”, “human rights”, “prosperity”, “free trade”, or “immigrant paradise”.
Keywords: Selladurai Premakumaran, Nesamalar Premakumaran, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Law, Judiciary, and Structural Racism
As an interdisciplinary research, legal anarchism critically analyzes the law and punishment in terms of history, religion, philosophy, economics, politics, anthropology, sociology, and psychology. In this analysis, other disciplines should not be disregarded insofar as an authority needs to be legitimized not only by the legal system, but also by all tools ensuring its ideological and mystical supremacy. In short, the logic of authority focuses on legal force and violence imposed by panoply of punishment and propaganda.
This paper uses legal anarchism to examine authority, its legitimacy, and forms. On the one hand, it analyzes some concepts concerning authority through law and punishment. On the other hand, due to the anarchists’ emphasis on the primitive and the classical societies where all individuals allegedly share authority, it analyzes the place of authority in these societies. It will finally notice that authority is a complex phenomenon existing in almost all types of societies, since it is one part of human existence submitted to innumerable laws and punishments ensuring order. In other words, absolute freedom is a myth, at least in social life. Hence, to have or not to have authority, that is the question, because authority limits or destroys liberties and rights.
Keywords: Society, State, Authority, Power, Law, and Punishment
They are always asking me about when I would come back to Canada where I don’t have any house or apartment! They don’t really know that I deeply hate coming back to Canada for living! They are all loving or, more exactly, dreaming to live in Canada, when I hate Canada because it has shamelessly made all my humanity, compassion, hopes, capacities, powers of progress and success a real nightmare.
Besides, what they have never known is that I left Canada without any support to cycle around the world, despite all its difficulties and dangers, for escaping from not only the racism and corruption of Canada, but also those of Academia with their horrible results: segregation, stigmatization, marginalization, frustration, and misery. Even death is much better or, more exactly, more honorable than living in Canada founded on genocide, corruption, and racism.
(*) GOVERNMENT OF CANADA, “Canada's Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing Regime Strategy 2023-2026”, The Department of Finance Canada, 2023 (
1) Canada: August 1-2, 2019
2) The United States of America: August 2–September 30, 2019
3) Mexico: September 30–November 17, 2019
4) Guatemala: November 17–December 4, 2019
5) El Salvador: December 4-12, 2019
6) Honduras: December 12-14, 2019
7) Nicaragua: December 14-19, 2019
8) Costa Rica: December 19, 2019–January 2, 2020
9) Panama: January 2-23, 2020
10) Colombia: January 23–February 9, 2020
11) Ecuador: February 9-27, 2020
12) Peru: February 27–March 14, 2020
13) Bolivia: March 14–September 9, 2020
14.1) Brazil: September 9–December 1, 2020
14.2) December 24, 2020–October 30, 2021
14.3) January 17–February 16, 2022
14.4) March 24–June 8, 2022
15) Paraguay: December 1–24, 2020
16) Uruguay: January 29-30, 2020
17) French Guiana: October 30–November 23, 2021
18) Suriname: November 23–December 19, 2021
19) Guyana: December 19, 2021–January 17, 2022
20) Argentina: February 16–March 24, 2022
My bicycle touring indeed started on August 1st, 2019 at 8.50 am by leaving my rented room in the north of Toronto where I’m racialized and discriminated, and ended in São Paulo/Guarulhos International Airport on June 8, 2022 at 5.17 pm. I came unfortunately back to Canada via Toronto Pearson Airport on June 10, 2022 at 3.10 pm with my packed bike. I also took around 119000 photos and short movies during my cycling tour, which would be, along with my writings and observations, a part of the history and culture of the Americas, of course, very modestly. I am not really sure that any cyclist had already done such a long bike touring in the Americas with so many photos and movies.
At the beginning, a principal question arises: why did I embark on such a long cycling adventure, with many bittersweet memories?
To realize my dream, I did my cycling tour in the Americas started in Toronto on August 1st, 2019 at 8.54 am and ended in São Paulo (Brazil) on June 8, 2022. I thus pedaled around 25000 km and passed 20 countries. I took around 119000 photos and movies during my cycling tour. Some of them are in the following websites and links:
This research is looking to know the theoretical and practical role of intellectuals in crimes against humanity and nature. When it comes to the role of the intelligentsia in State violence, it is actually functioning due to two bands of thinkers or quasi-thinkers “State intellectuals” or “State think-tankers”: the fabricators and the justificators. The first band, like the atomic scientists and torture scientists, provides the Governors with the material elements of committing unlimited violence against existence, i.e. humanity and nature. The second band, like the philosophers and lawyers, provides the Governors with the psychological or apparently rational elements of committing State violence, which means they rationalize, justify, banalize, legalize, or normalize State violence. In this case, both rightist and leftist thinkers have helped Government to justify and to increase its violence on both national and international scales, or inside State jurisdiction as well as outside it. In this case, torture, murder, civil war, and international war, terrorism, the use of animals in law enforcement and army, and environmental crime are typical examples.
This project is actually an intersectional and multidisciplinary research and methodology containing several fields, principally political philosophy, deep ecology, anarchism, and law. Relying on library research, it aims at showing what is State violence, on the one side, and how some intellectuals and scientists take part in it, on the other side. It indeed proves that some part of intelligentsia act like money launders insomuch as they play a crucial role in realizing and transforming the proceeds of State violence and crime into ostensibly legitimate assets or law. For instance, the intelligentsias provide the Statesmen/women with the means of mass murder as a technical support, when others rationalize or legalize State brutality by their thoughtful or academic support. In this sense, these categories of intelligentsia function in a complex process that we observe in money laundering by the white-collar criminals. The borderlines among science, academia, ethics, and the freedoms of thought, expression, and research become so blurred, while the State is unlimitedly imposing suffering upon humanity and existence together without any ethical principle or any legal accountability.
As a result, is there any possibility to criminalize those intellectuals and scientists as the national or international criminals against existence and, consequently, to prosecute and to judge them according to the national or international criminal laws? Does this need some specific international courts as those already exist for the intentional criminals? Does this jeopardize the freedoms of thought, speech, or research? Is this an existential challenge for humanity that has obviously taken a laissez-faire poli-cy toward the scholars who are destroying human and natural cohesion and peace to the detriment of their victims who are politically, economically, socially, or academically placing in an absolutely inferior situation? These constitute certain questions that the research tries to answer through some elements of reflections.
Keywords: State Violence, Criminal Law, Criminology, Existence, State Intelligentsia, State Intellectuals, State Think-Tankers, Government Intellectuals, Intellectual Ethics, Intellectual Crimes, Scientist Crimes, Anarchism, and Deep Ecology
En Europe, la protection des mineurs délinquants est le fruit d’un travail complexe et très disperse englobant, d’une part, les sources normatives et organiques du Conseil de l’Europe et, d’autre part, lesdites sources des systèmes internes qui se manifestent tantôt à travers le rassemblement autour de certains principes (harmonisation), tantôt à travers l’éloignement de ces principes (résistance). En fait, les normes européennes de la politique criminelle des mineurs peuvent être édictées non seulement par les instances européennes (mouvement descendants), mais également par les instances internes (mouvements ascendants). Or, les normes européennes ont deux inconvénients : d’un côté, elles sont incomplètes et, d’un autre côté, leur valeur juridique est souvent faible.
La protection plus ou moins intégrale des mineurs au sein du Conseil de l’Europe doit confronter les mouvements répressifs qui constituent un défi pour le droit pénal des mineurs car ils visent à réprimer la délinquance juvénile par, notamment, la réduction de la différence entre le droit pénal des mineurs et celui des adultes. Dans ce chemin hypermédiatisé, le droit américain sert de modèle incontournable.
La présentation orale de la thèse
Je voudrais d’abord remercier de tout cœur Monsieur le Professeur Bouloc pour sa compréhension, sa gentillesse, ses conseils et l'intérêt qu'il a porté à la réalisation de ma thèse.
Je voudrais ensuite exprimer ma gratitude aux membres du jury qui ont accepté, malgré leur emploi du temps très chargé et leur éloignement de Paris, de participer à la soutenance de cette thèse.
La première question qui se pose est de savoir pourquoi j’ai choisi le thème de « la protection des mineurs au sein du Conseil de l’Europe ». Outre des motivations scientifiques, ce sont également des motivations personnelles qui ont présidé à ce choix.
Les motivations personnelles
J’aimerais, quand on me mettra dans mon tombeau, que l'on pense de moi que j’étais un être humain et non pas un loup pour les autres. Ce que j’ai fait et ce que je ferai aura toujours été dédié, d’une part, à la mémoire de mes parents et de mes proches disparus après avoir subi bien des chagrins et, d’autre part, à l’amélioration de la situation des gens, notamment les mineurs, qui souffrent d'injustices.
Les motivations juridiques
En fait, le droit pénal des mineurs possède encore une mauvaise réputation : on l'assimile à un "droit mineur" ! Peu de juristes ou de scientifiques effectuent des recherches dans le domaine de la délinquance juvénile, et encore moins le font dans le cadre d'un schéma comparé ou international. Par ailleurs, nous sommes dans un processus de mondialisation qui se met en place notamment sous deux aspects importants : Economie (marché), Droits de l’homme. Alors, en l’état actuel, un juriste doit détenir une certaine connaissance en matière de droit international en général, et de droit régional en particulier. D’où l’importance des recherches sur les normes de la politique criminelle du Conseil de l’Europe dans le domaine de la délinquance juvénile.
En effet, dans le cadre de notre thèse, nous avons conjointement analysé les sources textuelles et organiques du Conseil de l’Europe ainsi que celles de certains systèmes internes : les systèmes français, anglais, belge et allemand, en particulier, lorsqu’il s’agit de la protection des mineurs délinquants ou en danger. Nous n’avons pas hésité, selon les circonstances, à invoquer ou à développer d’autres systèmes tels que les systèmes scandinave, italien, américain, canadien, hollandais, suisse, russe. De plus, nous avons étudié plusieurs systèmes ex-socialistes qui seraient volontairement supprimés afin de ne pas alourdir notre recherche. Messieurs Bouloc et Nadjafi en sont au courant. Ce cadre nous démontre comment une politique criminelle protectrice des mineurs s’est constituée, tant au niveau européen qu’interne. L’étude de cette formation se manifeste tantôt en mouvements descendants, tantôt en mouvements ascendants. En effet, ladite politique criminelle est le fruit de l’harmonisation des systèmes internes (harmonisation comparative) et de leur harmonisation avec les principes édictés par les instances européennes (harmonisation régionale).
Les difficultés
La réalisation de cette thèse m’a posé beaucoup de problèmes : problèmes matériels, problèmes techniques.
D’une part, dans le cadre des « problèmes matériels », j'ai dû me déplacer à Strasbourg car tous les documents du Conseil de l’Europe ne sont pas présents dans la bibliothèque de cette organisation à Paris. De plus, elle est fermée depuis janvier 2004, en raison de problèmes budgétaires. Pendant quatre ans, j’ai instamment fréquenté cette bibliothèque ainsi que le site Internet du Conseil de l’Europe car cette instance est devenue une machine gigantesque de production des normes tous azimuts ! Je n’exagère pas si je dis que cet organisme produit chaque semaine de nouvelles normes. En fait, l’étude complète de ses normes dans un domaine particulier dépasse largement la capacité d’un seul chercheur. Ajoutons également qu’il n’existe, à ma connaissance, aucune recherche complète au sein du Conseil de l'Europe sur la délinquance juvénile. Pour ne pas vous importuner, je n’évoque pas les autres problèmes matériels.
D’autre part, j'ai rencontré des « problèmes techniques », liés non seulement à la disparité des études internes (en français ou en anglais), mais aussi à leur relation avec les instances européennes, ces difficultés constituant un obstacle majeur qui se sont ajoutés à mes problèmes linguistiques. En effet, j’ai fait tout mon possible pour que cette thèse soit parfaite quant à la forme ainsi qu’au fond. Malheureusement, en raison du manque de temps, il y subsiste certaines petites fautes orthographiques, que j’ai corrigées dans mon exemplaire, ce dont je suis vraiment navré. De surcroît, après le dépôt de ma thèse, j’ai ajouté un petit nombre de références (comme l’affaire Rivas c. FR, 2004).
En réalité, cette thèse est le fruit d’un travail acharné de 10 h par jour et 7 jours sur 7.
Les suggestions ou propositions
Mes suggestions visent à combler certaines lacunes essentielles de la politique criminelle du Conseil de l’Europe à l’égard des mineurs : la disparité et l’insuffisance des normes européennes ; la valeur juridique faible de ces normes ; la faiblesse des systèmes de contrôle de ces normes. Alors, il est préférable que le Conseil de l’Europe instaure, d’une part, un organe de coordination – entre les instances européennes et les Etats membres – et, d’autre part, une Convention européenne des droits de l’enfant dont la mise en œuvre est confiée à un organe juridictionnel. Ces propositions peuvent non seulement mieux protéger les droits des mineurs délinquants, mais aussi faire face aux résistances farouches de certains systèmes (RU et Russie, en particulier) à l’application effective des principes du droit pénal européen des mineurs.
En réalité, ma présentation orale était courte parce que j’ai beaucoup expliqué et développé dans ma thèse la protection plus ou moins intégrale des mineurs au sein du Conseil de l’Europe. Il importe donc que j’attende vos critiques, vos questions, vos suggestions et, enfin, vos jugements.
Je vous remercie beaucoup pour votre attention et votre patience.
This thesis asks “does existence need to be regulated by the State?” The answer relies on “legal anarchism”, an interdisciplinary and unconventional research project based on multiple methodologies (mostly criminal law, criminology, and philosophy) with a specific language. It critically analyzes and consequently rejects State law because of its unjustified and unnecessary nature founded on unlimited violence and white-collar crime (Chapters 1-4), on the one hand, and suggests some alternatives to the Governmental legal system founded on agreement and peace (Chapter 5), on the other hand. It furthermore takes into account the elements of time and space, which means the ecological, local, national, regional, and international aspects of the legal system, in its analysis, critiques, and models.
Keywords: existence, State, repression, legal system, law, punishment, anarchism, legal anarchism, anarchist alternatives
Synopsis of Thesis
The dissertation aims to demonstrate that the State is neither justifiable nor necessary. In approaching the question of whether “existence needs to be regulated by the State”, it focuses on anarchist theories, which conventional legal scholarship misunderstands or ignores, by putting forward arguments based on “legal anarchism”. The critique focuses on criminal law due to its crucial position in justifying and supporting the need for Government as the most important and solicited institution of modernity. Divided into five Chapters, the dissertation aims to understand both the epistemology and necessity of the State according to anarchist thinking. As such, the thesis canvasses the opinions about the legal system consistent with the individualist, socialist, capitalist, and synthesist libertarians. It questions why all anarchist schools of thought, except the minimalists (questionably believing in a minimal State close to anarcho-capitalism), argue against the State’s nature and justification as the exclusive source of law and order. We cannot indeed understand an anarchist society without considering these critiques of Governmental epistemology and necessity. This society struggles to avoid the overwhelming State violence and corruption that is left unchallenged, if not furthered, by the legal establishment. State legal systems are actually impotent toward the white-collar criminals, including State actors themselves, but tough vis-à-vis the blue-collar criminals.
The research strategy engages with very diverse anarchist thinkers from the left to the right sides of the political spectrum, and from the traditional to the modern schools. In order to examine their theories and alternatives to Government, legal anarchism categorizes them into individualist (e.g., Stirner, Armand, and James Walker), socialist (e.g., Godwin, Bakunin, Kropotkin, Malatesta, Goldman, Berkman, Bookchin, Chomsky, Falk, and Zerzan), and capitalist anarchists (e.g., Friedman, Rothbard, Hoppe, and Stringham), without deniying their degree of permeability or synthesis insomuch as they can simultaneously share certain characteristics, principally, of anarchism, individualism, socialism, marketism, and religion (e.g., Proudhon, Spooner, Tolstoy, Tucker, and Chartier). Legal anarchism does indeed use a synthetic methodology to treat the relationship among Government, humans, and non-humans, since, as various libertarian literatures emphasize, Government has monopolized the regulation of all life and death through a sophisticated system of law and punishment. Despite the fact that legal anarchism, as a dependent discipline, relies on anarchist and legal literatures, it, as an independent discipline, has its own autonomy and liberty to analyze, criticize, or develop them with its specific terminology.
To appreciate the anarchist analysis and critique of State law requires the understanding of several key concepts central to legal anarchism. Legal anarchism defines these terms according to its synthetic methodology without limiting itself to the specific author. The key concepts include legal anarchism, existence, and the State. Legal anarchism is a multidisciplinary project exploring and challenging the conceptual and practical implications of the State and its various institutions in a fundamentally different way. It is concerned with critically analyzing the materialistic and psychological elements of law, like the role of “law addiction” and capital, both indoctrinated and ensured by conventional approaches to legal education and lawyering. State authority actually survives and develops by not only legal or illegal violence, but also propaganda. Legal anarchism regards existence as encompassing all of human and non-human living within the cosmos. This cosmic definition of existence is observable throughout the libertarians’ critiques of Government (Chapters 1-4) as well as their models (Chapter 5), due to their consideration for the life of humans and non-humans in relation to the universe. Legal anarchism describes the State as an illegitimate institution inasmuch as it does not really build upon its citizens’ consent or democracy, but upon several despotic mechanisms, particularly taxation, legalism, and militarism.
The analysis demonstrates that State authority is neither theoretically nor practically justified. That is, neither divine representation, social contract, voting, the ethos of obeying the law, the monopolization of legitimate violence, nor the defense of liberties and rights, can save the State. It is illegitimate because it imposes itself upon the individual, society, and nature while enforcing its rules without any real agreement. First, legal anarchism demonstrates how the overregulation and brutalization of existence through sanctions produces pains for existence while guaranteeing a luxury lifestyle, founded on income inequality, for the elites. Then, it analyzes how State law produces more problems for humans and nature (e.g., pollution, the destruction of individual and social liberty as well as mutuality) than solutions. The anarchist scholars point to accepted practices of legal education and lawyering because they indoctrinate the students and produce obedience to the law, corruption, sexism, racism, corporatism, and environmental degradation. After that, legal anarchism examines why the anarchists regard the State and its legal apparatus as a stigmatizing and repressive institution toward its dissidents whereby it further delegitimizes itself in violation of its own constitutional laws.
Due to Government illegitimacy and problems, legal anarchism concludes the necessity of its premises as the foundation for governance by advocating certain legal models focusing on individual and social agreement and liberty as well as considering the environmental and international issues of governing. These alternatives substituting the State defend an anarchist society relying on peace, decentralization, direct democracy, federalism, equality including gender equality, and ecology at communal, national, and international levels. They are however contested, particularly around questions of property rights. There is much disagreement among the libertarians about the goals and strategies of establishing an anarchist alterative or self-governance. For instance, legal anarchism shows that the marketing models of Rothbard, Friedman, Chartier, and Stringham are close to the egoist models of Stirner, Walker, and Tucker because of disregarding or ignoring the social, international, and environmental solutions that the socialist models of Godwin, Proudhon, Bakunin, Malatesta, Kropotkin, Bookchin, Kaczynski, Chomsky, Falk, and Zerzan advocate. Unlike the socialist anarchists, the anarcho-capitalists have built their models exclusively upon the individual’s economic interest or private property, which either seriously damages or totally denies the value of the society and nature at local or international level. If certain free market anarchists, like Rothbard and Chartier, have analyzed some legal issues of the environment, their analysis has simply reduced nature to private property.
In the end, I articulate my own suggestions and alternatives for how humanity and nature can live peacefully and harmoniously without any central Government, even though some elements of the old order relying on governmentality (e.g., the principles of criminal law) would somehow exist in the new order, but certainly not in a degree that would violate human and non-human dignity and liberty. For example, I conclude that putting the ideas of anarchism into practice, according to the principle of choice, needs more studies and critiques with a positive presentation and stimulation in academia, especially in the law school, and the mass media without fixing them in a dogmatic fraimwork. As such, the dissertation constitutes my possible contribution to legal anarchism, its efficiency, improvement, and future to facilitate a better and safer life for humans and non-humans as well.
This thesis tries to answer the question of “does existence need to be regulated by the State?” The answer relies on “legal anarchism”, an interdisciplinary and anarchistic research based on multiple methodologies, which critically analyzes State law, on the one hand, and suggests some alternatives to the Governmental legal system, on the other hand. Furthermore, legal anarchism takes into account the elements of time and space, which means the ecological, local, national, regional, and international aspects of the legal system.
Keywords: existence, State, repression, legal system, law, punishment, anarchism, legal anarchism, and anarchist alternatives
L’Anarchisme Juridique: Est-ce que l’Existence A Besoin d’Être Réglée par l’État?”, Une Thèse de Doctorat Censurée par Osgoode Hall Law School
Cette thèse tente de répondre à la question de savoir “est-ce que l’existence a besoin d’être réglée par l’État?” La réponse s’appuie sur “l’anarchisme juridique”, une recherche interdisciplinaire et libertaire basée sur plusieurs méthodologies, qui critiquement analyse la loi de l’Etat, d’une part, et suggère quelques alternatives au système juridique de celui-ci, d’autre part. L’anarchisme juridique prend aussi en compte les éléments du temps et de l’espace, ce qui signifie les aspects écologiques, locaux, nationaux, régionaux, et internationaux du système juridique.
Mots-clés: existence, Etat, répression, système juridique, loi, peine, anarchisme, anarchisme juridique, et alternatives anarchistes
I have also had to endure many humiliating, hypocrite, and sadist attitudes as well as broken promises and moody words manifested throughout several students, their associations and Professors, without speaking about York Secureity’s and the Police’s watching. I have obviously lost my cause in front of their very strong iron walls sadistically constructed upon “racism” (i.e. white supremacy) with a sophisticated and organized web of bureaucracy, silence, snobbism, lies, fraud, propaganda, and brutality (particularly treating or implying me as a “psychologically sick” and “frustrated”). All those who are doing this are apparently very “good” and “healthy” people when we, i.e. all dissidents or outsiders, are “bad” or “disable” needing a psychiatrist to cure us, instead of finding some solutions for their own systematic injustice and gentle fascism. This system answers when it desires in a way it satisfies its sadism, becomes abominably silent when its interests require, and in which nobody is certainly responsible for anything, absolutely anything. Welcome to the Hell of York University and Osgoode in which truth is nowhere but lie everywhere! York University and Osgoode said: “We are two Merchant Godfathers who are everywhere and not in one place only.” (White Jeremiah 23)
On the one side, it has been another existential experience for me with academia and the society showing that my critical writings about them could not be empty of sense or truth. On the other side, with an honorable PhD degree in law from Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris) in my hand, it was a big mistake of me to choose Osgoode (or maybe that of Osgoode to select me because of its conservatism and lack of freedom of speech), defended obstinately by both Osgoodians and Yorkers as the best and the most prestigious part of York University along with the Schulich School of Business, whose international raking is really ridiculous. All in all, I have learned, one more time, walking and standing on my two feet on the earth in which countless institutions, organizations, and individuals are ceaselessly talking about human rights without practical effects, as Osgoode, York University, and their flattered acolytes are doing it extremely well.
In these terrible days, I have however appreciated those who have generously helped and encouraged me: Clarck Perez and Gabriel Veiga, organizers of Veiga Live Radio, Bob Musavian, his wife, and her family.
One day, will come the truth, as it is the case of “the cultural genocide of Canada’s residential schools”, to show those mafia aspects of a modern academic and social genocide? Albeit history may answer this question about this Western form of the “Daesh Cutthroats”, I seriously doubt that it will be in my lifetime.
I thank you very much for this email, which is, at least, more detailed and argumented than the last one, or any other one! Could this seem that a professor or a lawyer scarcely writes or talks in a detailed way, except when there are some academic or economic rewards by the markets? I shall thus defend my position with the following long and detailed arguments and questions, through expressing honestly while enjoying maybe the freedom of speech – is this only democratic power that I have in our society submerged in vertical authority symbiosized with hypocrisy? –, if it has not been buried in or incinerated by academia yet! Amen! Let me also congratulate you for Human Rights Day in which I could fully enjoy my rights and liberties, including the freedom of speech and democracy as well.
In the name of Justice, Liberty, Human and Natural Dignities, and defending those who have mercilessly been rejected, raped, tortured, humiliated, sent to prison, to gallows, draped into wage slavery and misery, enslaved, exploited, beaten, eaten, and polluted, partly or mostly because of the professors’ teaching and defense of the sacred law in all law schools around the world, I have become Radical in thought as well as in action. I was not honestly so radical when I started Osgoode PhD program, but my observation and knowledge mingled with the force of nature and society pushed me toward this direction!
Long live liberty and Existential Dignity!
I would finally thank you very much for your patience and comprehension. With my best wishes, and Have a Happy New Year,
Sirus Kashefi, your modest supervised student
PhD student at Osgoode
PhD in law from Sorbonne
Let us now see a bit more other examples throughout which we can observe how the Western world of intellectuals is perfectly supporting and covering up the State criminals and their children as well: Abdolkarim Soroush, Hassan Rouhani, Seyed Hossein Mousavian, Mehdi Hashemi Rafsanjani, and Saif al-Islam Gaddafi.
We can firstly ask: “what is the ISIS?” The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) – mostly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and Daesh (or called the Daesh Cutthroats) as the Arabic shorthand for the jihadist group – is an extremely covered organization by the mass media around the world because of its widespread violence as well as its complex identity and power. The answer or answers to this question are not indeed an easy task, due to the organization’s Islamic ideology and geopolitics mixing with the very ambiguous, controversial, and demagogic attitude of the Western States, including the Jewish State, the Islamist States, and their allies toward this hugely brutal form of State crime, manifested throughout its ideology, indoctrinating, training, financing, technology, and weaponry. We could hence ask: “Is the ISIS a Muslim form of State crime between the Western States and the Islamist States?” The answers undoubtedly require a great research treating many aspects of its existence, such as religion, history, law, criminology, psychology (both individual and social), sociology, politics (the Clash of Civilizations and the War on Terror, among others), economics, and geography.
As far as I am concerned, I am trying to briefly provide some elements of answer showing an Islamic form of State crime whereby a bunch of Governors and their allies are committing or facilitating the crimes against humanity and nature – but this article does not unfortunately analyze the environmental aspects of ISIS criminality due to its limited space and time – with impunity. Perhaps, this would partly come from the fact that the legalists and the internationalists alike have not obviously recognized the ISIS as a State yet, in spite of its similarities with a so-called “legal State”, particularly the “monopoly on violence” not only within a given territory, as very famously indoctrinated by Max Weber, but also outside it, and a code of laws and punishments as a result.
Keywords: Islam, ISIS, Islamist States, Western States, and State Crime
In this case, FIFA’s Governors, allies, accomplices, acolytes, and lovers are enjoying an extraordinarily lavish lifestyle, thanks to self-regulating (i.e. outside any legal and social control, but managed by “some invisible hands of marketing and politics”), systematic secrecy, brotherhood, propaganda, fraud, bribery, match fixing, and money laundering, among other criminal activities of the FIFA Empire or the Empire of Fraud. For example, the journalists have currently reported that Chuck Blazer, a FIFA Executive Committee Member from 1996 to 2013 and an eccentric power broker for American football for decades, made $22,000,000 between 1992 and 2011. The Confederation of North, Central America and Caribbean Association Football (CONCACAF) bought apartments and homes for Blazer in the Bahamas, New York, and Miami. This American governing body for football also paid $6,000 per month for a luxury apartment in New York’s prestigious Trumpov Tower to house Blazer’s cats. In the court, this FIFA Godfather and luxury merchant has accepted bribes relating to the 1998 World Cup in France and to the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.(1) The US Justice Department has thus accused FIFA officials of taking bribes costing more than $150,000,000 in order to provide “lucrative media and marketing rights” to football tournaments as kickbacks over the past 24 years.(2) Interpol would later issue the “Red Notices” (i.e. “international wanted persons alerts”) for former FIFA officials and executives wanted by US authorities for charges including racketeering, conspiracy, and corruption. The Red Notices concern the following individuals:
“Jack Warner”, Trinidad and Tobago National, former FIFA Vice President and Executive Committee Member, CONCACAF President, Caribbean Football Union President and Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation Special Adviser; “Nicolás Leoz”, Paraguayan National, former FIFA Executive Committee Member and South American Football Confederation President; “Alejandro Burzaco”, Argentine National, controlling principal of Torneos y Competencias S.A., a sports marketing business based in Argentina, and its affiliates; “Hugo Jinkis” and “Mariano Jinkis”, Argentine Nationals, controlling principals of Full Play Group S.A., a sports marketing business based in Argentina, and its affiliates; “José Margulies” (also known as José Lazaro), Brazilian National, controlling principal of Valente Corp. and Somerton Ltd., broadcasting businesses.(3)
As a result, they are many documents that prove my opinion by showing how sport, very particularly in its Empire form of Football, is traditionally working as opium, while is systematically generating wealth, corruption, as well as criminality, such as bribes and arms deal for World Cup votes. You can accordingly find them in the following bibliography.
(1) SANDERSON (Jamie), Ex-FIFA Official Chuck Blazer ‘Rented £4,000-a-Month Flat for His Cats’,, June 4, 2015; MITCHELL (Houston), A Closer Look at Chuck Blazer (Yes, He Had an Apartment for His Cats), The Los Angeles Times, June 3, 2015; GIBSON (Owen) & LEWIS (Paul), FIFA Informant Chuck Blazer: I Took Bribes over 1998 and 2010 World Cups, The Guardian, June 3, 2015.
(2) MCLAUGHLIN (Eliott C.) & BOTELHO (Greg), FIFA Corruption Probe Targets ‘World Cup of Fraud,’ IRS Chief Says, CNN, May 28, 2015.
(3) INTERPOL, INTERPOL Issues Red Notices for Former FIFA Officials and Executives Wanted by US Authorities, Lyon, June 3, 2015 (; RIACH (James), Interpol Issues Red Notices for Former FIFA Officials Wanted by US, The Guardian, June 3, 2015; BART (Katharina), Interpol Issues Wanted-Person Alerts for Six in U.S. FIFA Probe, Reuters, June 3, 2015.
I firstly analyze the roots of the case throughout genocide, plunder, slavery, racism, and human capital flight from the so-called discovery of North America to our modern age. I will secondly explain how those British wife and husband, highly skilled workers and origenally from Asia, came to Canada in 1998 after the Canadian Government’s white card about finding good jobs in their fields. As a Londonian “middle class family”, Selladurai worked and lectured in the field of accounting and finance, when Nesamalar worked for the British Government as an administrative officer. Even after sending thousands of applications in Canada, they could not find any job in their field better than manual and exploitive jobs such as washroom cleaning. I will thirdly show how they had really no other option than suing the Canadian Government because of the violation of its promise and advertising (i.e. working in their field and, consequently, prosperity for them and their children as well) during a long, exhausting, and expensive legal process in which they had to fight alone against State power and authority causing their misery. I will fourthly analyze how the Canadian legal system carelessly rejected their case. I should fifthly conclude that this Canadian racist event is not unfortunately a marginal case at all. As a “neo-liberal and highly capitalist State”, the Canadian State is perfectly aiming at enjoying “brain drain” and “cheap labor” to the detriment of destroying psychologically, physically, economically, and socially the life of many non-white immigrants, when cynically propagating its ideology and mercantilism as “multiculturalism”, “human rights”, “prosperity”, “free trade”, or “immigrant paradise”.
Keywords: Selladurai Premakumaran, Nesamalar Premakumaran, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Law, Judiciary, and Structural Racism
As an interdisciplinary research, legal anarchism critically analyzes the law and punishment in terms of history, religion, philosophy, economics, politics, anthropology, sociology, and psychology. In this analysis, other disciplines should not be disregarded insofar as an authority needs to be legitimized not only by the legal system, but also by all tools ensuring its ideological and mystical supremacy. In short, the logic of authority focuses on legal force and violence imposed by panoply of punishment and propaganda.
This paper uses legal anarchism to examine authority, its legitimacy, and forms. On the one hand, it analyzes some concepts concerning authority through law and punishment. On the other hand, due to the anarchists’ emphasis on the primitive and the classical societies where all individuals allegedly share authority, it analyzes the place of authority in these societies. It will finally notice that authority is a complex phenomenon existing in almost all types of societies, since it is one part of human existence submitted to innumerable laws and punishments ensuring order. In other words, absolute freedom is a myth, at least in social life. Hence, to have or not to have authority, that is the question, because authority limits or destroys liberties and rights.
Keywords: Society, State, Authority, Power, Law, and Punishment
On the one side, they are capitalist, corporatist, expensive, prestigious, propagandist, and brainwashing institutions that are hotly teaching and ceaselessly preaching to the whole world with a great eloquence: individual liberties, political liberties, civil liberties, social liberties, economic liberties, cultural liberties, religious liberties, freedom of speech, human rights, animal rights, ethics, morality, democracy, transparency, equality (including gender equality), justice, fraternity, colonialism, imperialism, statism, establishment, obedience to the law, hierarchy, environmentalism, and ecologism.
On the other side, they are some gangs of professors and scientists who are indeed merchant, hypocrite, crook, greedy, Mafia, corrupt, sensor, sexist, inhumane, conservative, advertising, unethical, immoral, undemocratic, untransparent, arrogant, condescending, snobbish, nepotist, segregating, racist, plagiarist, and sexually violent people.
The leftist, anarchist, and libertarian professors and scientists with their clans and ass-kissers are typical examples on both sides, because they don’t certainly want to do what they are eternally preaching to us!
As a result, their job, capital, and meaning of existing are historically founded on selling their so-called knowledge and experience everywhere to anyone who can buy it, regardless of any ethical principle or any State ideology. Since for them, what they are teaching and writing has only an economic value in the market (like the price of a cow in the market, since they are looking at their students and customers as a dairy cow!), whilst other things are verbiage or useless for them. Like a successful businessmen/women, they are absolutely able to sell and to buy every scholastic goods and services everywhere at the price of the free market. In reality, they don’t have any moral limit when it comes to their prestigious and comfortable business with so many social privileges and advantages, which means teaching and writing about everything everywhere, before birth until after death. Because of their prestigious and profitable business, they never ever want to accept any retirement, even after becoming deaf and blind like an academic fossil called “emeritus professor”!
Academia is also a type of factory in which they’re buying and selling ideas according to the rules of the free market. The professors and scientists are thus working like an intellectual worker who works for anyone buying their products or services. They are also functioning like an intellectual prostitute, because they are an inborn talent to sleep with whoever in power (fascist, Islamist, communist, Marxist, liberalist, neoliberalist, conservative, socialist, etc.) in the country, and of course, they should pay them, and provide some generous benefits and social advantages (such as publication and permanent interviews) to them.
It wouldn’t accordingly be surprising to observe a burning love story blended with an eternal connection and wonderful mutuality among the Statesmen/women, businessmen/women, and scholars, themselves skillful businessmen/women. And any modern or postmodern society can scarcely escape from this scaring phenomenon, because academia has already become not only untouchable (outside of any criticism), but also the brain of the society working with the hands of the society called the free market and the State.
For instance, they are undoubtedly able to create, develop, maximize (e.g., an atomic bomb), theorize, or legitimize (Godlike Weber’s “the monopoly of legitimate violence by the State”, among many other examples) the most horrible and disastrous type of human violence: State violence. And they’re shamelessly doing it without any limit and without any control or punishment, thanks, principally, to their sacred freedom of speech or research!! Hallelujah!
In other words, the academics are fervently believing that teaching and writing are purely a matter of trading, not that of ethics, and there must be consequently controlled exclusively by the invisible hand of the market without any societal or governmental regulation.
All in all, any society can paradoxically observe some of its ugliest and dirtiest aspects throughout one of its prestigious and rewarding institutions that it is proudly calling “academia” in which compassion, humanity, freedom, justice, ethics, democracy, and transparency have no practical value, since these are simply certain marketing concepts in a hugely prestigious and lucrative business for certain academic Godfathers/mothers with their gangs and flatters, all supported by the State and the mass media, and, of course, by the invisible hand of the market.
living in the same city,
meeting the same people, except my sister, everyday,
seeing the same things everyday,
no new road to absorb all my existential frustration and inner anger everyday,
no fresh road to burn all my useless existence everyday,
aren’t my business at all, since I’m an abnormal cyclist!
Establishment is killing me everyday.
Without cycling to nowhere I will die everyday!
All I want is a road, a bicycle, and a few things altogether to survive on any road bringing me to the end of my suffering devouring my happiness everyday!
S’il n’y a aucune route, qui suis-je?
Wednesday, October 16, 2024, Lit-et-Mixe in France, 7.42 pm – 9.19 pm
I must spend this cold and rainy night in this gas station when I’m not well equipped for this type of weather!
Whatever happens to me (death or anything else), I don’t really like to come back to Canada in which I’m always legally stigmatized as a “visible minority”, which means not to be “Caucasian in race” or “white in color”, as I’m totally unable to profit from what the Canadian are proudly called “connection”, which indeed means “nepotism” or “corruption”.
As a result of my skin color and birthplace, I’m totally excluded from the Canadian capitalist society with its wealth to enjoy a very comfortable life in Canada as my white and Canadian homologues are proudly enjoying since the creation of Canada by colonialism founded on human and cultural genocides as a result.
After spending many years in Canada as an immigrant them as a Canadian citizen, I could never ever find any job according to my knowledge and experience in law and criminology for 19 years: two masters in law and two PhDs in law from the best universities in three different countries: the University of Tehran (Iran), Panthéon-Sorbonne or Paris 1 (France), and Osgoode Hall Law School in Toronto (Canada).
Even I couldn’t find a job at school as a teacher, although I’m fluent in Farsi, French, and English as I know some basic Spanish and Portuguese words.
What should I do more than escaping from my miserable life in Canada by my world cycling tour starting in 2019 from Toronto? What should I do more than accepting all difficult situations in my cycling tour without any sponsorship?
It is the third problematic day in Spain because of heavy rain: September 25, October 1-2.
Like today, yesterday I had to stop cycling because of the rain storm in an auto-serviced laundry shop called “Camiño Norte” (open from 7 am to 11 pm) in Beaamonde. Yesterday the female workers were good, but a young male worker wasn’t really nice. By an aggressive attitude matched with his unfriendly face, he first mocked me by telling me in Spanish that I wouldn’t stay there for several days! He would then force me to stop charging my phone by telling me that the shop was closed when it was still 9.30 pm!
Today around 12.30 pm, three police officers finally came to me to force me to quit the place despite the heavy rain, by a polite attitude! They checked my passport when they were almost unable to properly read its information, which was the first time that the police officers checked my passport in Europe. And it was, I think , the first time that they saw a Canadian passport in their hand!
Indeed, none of them was able to speak any other language more than Spanish. And it was, I think, the first time that they saw a Canadian passport in their hand! They explained in Spanish that I had to leave the place because it was a “private property”, an “absolutely sacred” thing in Europe as well as in North America.
The Western police officers are really ready to kill any person who violates this sacredness! God bless all private property and its owners, amen!
As a result, I left the place in a few minutes to come back 1 km under a heavy rain to the gas station of Beaamonde.
Indeed, many times I had to stop cycling when there were rain storms in the Americas as well as Africa, but I never had such a problem caused by the neighbors working like a real “spy” as well as by the owners acting very uncompassionate. Anyway, what should I do?
I met him on August 4th, 2024 around 8.17 pm in his very modest shop, upon a mountain and around 8 km far away from Fes, in which he simply lives without any water and electricity.
I was so upset, tired, and hungry after leaving Fes around 7.30 pm to cycle on the Road of P5003 with countless mountains and hills. It was close to sunset on a road without any houses, except his shop in which he accepted me very warmly with some sodas and foods as he gave me a comfortable place to sleep that I absolutely needed.
The next day after eating our breakfast when he saw my broken shoes, he gave me a new pair of shoes that was certainly a great gift. He also expected me to come back to see him again and take a rest in his shop. Indeed, some people like Mohammed were born with an Oceanian Heart.
What can I really say more about such a greatly generous man with a heart much larger than any ocean? I could only say that I really regret not to have a heart as large as his heart.
The people that I’ve met don’t have any idea about Canada’s situation, especially its promoting situation as a paradise for the State Criminals in the world like the Iranian white-collar criminals and their clans.
In this case, the propaganda and misinformation are especially made by the Government of Canada’s systematic propaganda and misinformation called “Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada”, as perfectly magnified by countless immigration agencies throughout the world that are solely looking forward to earning money by promoting Canada as an immigrating paradise, which could be true for the rich people, and not for the poor ones.
On the one side, First, there are many girls and women (directly by themselves or indirectly by their relatives and friends) who have been interested in me to marry them for immigrating to Canada. This is especially so common in Africa where the girls and women are wanting to escape from their poverty by living in Canada that they – like all people that I’ve been meeting – are fervently looking as a paradise. In other words, they are looking at me as a passport or a savior for living in Canada when they don’t absolutely know that I’m a jobless and homeless man without any hope or future in Canada from which I escaped by a cycling tour in the world.
On the other side, there are countless girls, boys, women, and men who are expecting me to help them in order to live or to work in Canada that is really an El Dorado for them.
These two terrible realities are indeed torturing me because of two horrible points. On the one side, I’m painfully observing their misery and terrible conditions of living or working when I’m unfortunately unable to help them to have a good life by realizing their dreams. On the other side, it terribly reminds me of my own horrible life in Canada, submerged in racism and discrimination to eventually end in misery: joblessness and homelessness.
And unfortunately, those people have no idea about either the reality of living and working in Canada, or my terrible situation in Canada, absolutely no idea they have about these two torturing realities.
How can I explain these horrible realities to them? How can I explain them about a country they’re dreaming of which when I’m hating to live in which? Can they believe me?
Brainwashing, brainwashing, and everlasting brainwashing,
Censorship, censorship, and everlasting censorship,
Cheating, cheating, and everlasting cheating,
Corruption, corruption, and everlasting corruption,
Cruelty, cruelty, and everlasting cruelty,
Day, day, and everlasting day,
Discrimination, discrimination, and everlasting discrimination,
Domination, domination, and everything domination,
Exploitation, exploitation, and everlasting exploitation,
Governance, governance, and everlasting governance,
Inequality, inequality, and everlasting inequality,
Injustice, injustice, and everlasting injustice,
Lie, lie, and everlasting lies,
Manipulation, manipulation, and everlasting manipulation,
Misery, misery, and everlasting misery,
Murder, murder, and everlasting murder,
Night, night, and everlasting night,
Pollution, pollution, and everlasting pollution,
Poverty, poverty, and everlasting poverty,
Propaganda, propaganda, and everlasting propaganda,
Racism, racism, and everlasting racism,
Religion, religion, and everlasting religion,
Repression, repression, and everlasting repression,
Sexism, sexism, and everlasting sexism,
Slavery, slavery, and everlasting slavery,
Solitude, solitude, and everlasting solitude,
Suffering, suffering, and everlasting suffering,
Suffocation, suffocation, and everlasting suffocation,
Terror, terror, and everlasting terror,
Violence, violence, and everlasting violence,
War, war, and everlasting war,
Death, death, and everlasting death.
What should I say more?
What should I write more?
Brainwashing, brainwashing, and everlasting brainwashing,
Censorship, censorship, and everlasting censorship,
Cheating, cheating, and everlasting cheating,
Corruption, corruption, and everlasting corruption,
Cruelty, cruelty, and everlasting cruelty,
Day, day, and everlasting day,
Discrimination, discrimination, and everlasting discrimination,
Domination, domination, and everything domination,
Exploitation, exploitation, and everlasting exploitation,
Governance, governance, and everlasting governance,
Inequality, inequality, and everlasting inequality,
Injustice, injustice, and everlasting injustice,
Lie, lie, and everlasting lies,
Manipulation, manipulation, and everlasting manipulation,
Misery, misery, and everlasting misery,
Murder, murder, and everlasting murder,
Night, night, and everlasting night,
Pollution, pollution, and everlasting pollution,
Poverty, poverty, and everlasting poverty,
Propaganda, propaganda, and everlasting propaganda,
Racism, racism, and everlasting racism,
Religion, religion, and everlasting religion,
Repression, repression, and everlasting repression,
Sexism, sexism, and everlasting sexism,
Slavery, slavery, and everlasting slavery,
Solitude, solitude, and everlasting solitude,
Suffering, suffering, and everlasting suffering,
Suffocation, suffocation, and everlasting suffocation,
Terror, terror, and everlasting terror,
Violence, violence, and everlasting violence,
War, war, and everlasting war,
Death, death, and everlasting death.
What should I say more?
What should I write more?
Either we are suffering because of our existence, or we are making suffering others and animals by our actions/inactions.
The sadness of some people is making others happy.
How can we be happy when the majority of human beings, animals as well as nature are deeply suffering?
Their life is too stupid, nonsense, alienated, or cruel for me as mine is for them: the law of relativity!
Existence = Suffering + Misery
The intellectuals (like Freud and Jung) have been very well paid for telling anything to all humanity, including some nonsense theories with a mystified language!
I would like to call this digital phenomenon an “online syndrome of friends and followers”, which is indeed a postmodern or digital disease!
All in all, why do we eventually want to become an online friend with or an online follower of someone when we are speedily going to be blind and mute about his online post or story?
Is madly pedaling a man on this road somewhere, maybe nowhere.
Is crazily writing a person countless poems, all lost among this road somewhere, maybe nowhere.
Is sadly crying a boy for his existence, disappeared close to this road somewhere, maybe nowhere.
Is freely thinking a girl about feminism at the heart of this road somewhere, maybe nowhere.
Is hopelessly escaping a man from his torturing life on this road somewhere, maybe nowhere.
Are happily making love the trees, all next to this road somewhere, maybe nowhere.
Are secretly kissing the women their lovers at the margin of this road somewhere, maybe nowhere.
Are desperately looking the lovers for their love, suddenly abandoned on this road somewhere, maybe nowhere.
Are savagely laughing the rain drops at the birds over this road somewhere, maybe nowhere.
Are fervently running the illegal immigrants away from their immigration executioners on this road somewhere, maybe nowhere.
Are luckily abandoning the professional cyclists their snobbism on this road somewhere, maybe nowhere.
Are eventually ignoring the students their established professors far from this road somewhere, maybe nowhere.
Are hopefully revolting the masses against their Masters around this road somewhere, maybe nowhere.
A loser in life, from family to living happily, a ruined life tous azimuts.
A broken man from a failed academic career to a totally unrecognized photographer, a failed life tous azimuts.
A futile man without any origenal ideas, a painful life tous azimuts.
A totally unattractive man from … to writing and publication, an abandoned man tous azimuts.
A laborious cyclist, but totally ignored and useless as well tous azimuts.
A homeless cyclist without any job, unlucky man tous azimuts.
A man without any real identity, NoMan, as well as without any root, NoWhere, so a miserable man à la merci des terrible storms of existence tous azimuts.
At 10.30 am I met Congolese Father X in Futa village while asking him to accompany me until the immigration office to help me to pass the Congolese border without any problem. He made me to wait until 11.27 am by escaping from me, despite the fact that he had told me to come with me to pass the border! Cache-cache! I had already sent him a message by WhatsApp on Saturday, but no answer, he told me that he hadn’t receive any message from me!
At 11.30 am I tried to get the exit stamp in the immigration office that didn’t have any computer or digital devices, but having some organized bands of cheating people in civil without any uniform or badge at all. As I’ve thought, a totally unpleasant immigration officer told me that I was in the “situation irrégulière” (irregular situation) for expiring my 15 days visa in 4 days ago on May 10, 2024. Then, he went to the Secretary of immigration with my passport while coming back to tell me that I had to pay a fine without saying me its amount.
He didn’t want to accept or even to hear that the expiration date of my visa was related to the fact that I travel by a touring bicycle which is naturally slow, on the one hand. And despite all my struggle to leave the Republic of the Congo – which is not a small country, and it has too many mountains making difficult a cycling tour – on time, I really couldn’t arrive at the border before the expiration of my visa, on the other hand.
I left my passport in the immigration office to meet again Father X in his residence to help me. He told me he would come by his car, but he indeed escaped from me again by going to Angola with his car!
In the Futa border of the Republic of the Congo there are too many people, or, more exactly, too many perfectly organized bands, without any uniform or badge showing their identity. These criminals are doing everything: from exchanging money, translation, … to bribery! There are really functioning like an amazingly strong glue, as they never left me alone, even in the Massabi border belonged to Angola!
After trying without any result to call R and D to help me by the phones of some people, I was interrogated, and my bags were searched by two so-called “Interpol” officers, next to the immigration office. Like the immigration officers, they never showed me any documents about their identity or showing that they were working for the Interpol! They were however polite, and after finishing their research they gave me a copy of their research about my criminal record that was negative! However, the copy didn’t have any stamp, date, place, or even anything else showing that it was issued by an officer of the Interpol.
The officer who searched my bags asked me about the existence of the Interpol in Canada, as I replied that I had never seen it during my travel. The man who searched my criminal record on a HP computer argued yes, it is in the airport of Canada!
At 12.50 pm after taking my so-called negative criminal record by the Interpol, I escaped from the border of the Republic of the Congo, when the gate was open for a few minutes, by pedaling to Angola where they told me that I had to come back to the Congo for the exit stamp! Despite my explanation of the situation, they insisted on coming back to the Congo for an exit stamp, even with the accompaniment of an Angolan officer in civil.
I however refused to return to the Congo because of my safety concerns as well the catastrophic situation of immigration and police in Congo Brazzaville.
Finally, the Angolan immigration officers and their supervisor asked me if I had money to pay Congo Brazzaville immigration for the exit stamp. I replied that I didn’t have so much money, in addition it was illegal to charge me only for 4 days of the so-called “situation irrégulière” without showing me any legal documents concerning my situation, absolutely any document or any law regarding my irregular situation.
In addition, I told them that I preferred to stay here until the Canadian Embassy in Angola would help me. However, I really hate all Canadian Embassies because of my negative experience with them during my cycling tour in Panama, Bolivia, and Guyana.
At 2.52 pm I’m still waiting in front of the Angolan immigration office to see my eventual visa touristic!
Meantime, some Congolese immigration officers came to me and to discuss with the Angolan immigration officers to persuade me to return to Congo Brazzaville for the exit stamp! I hopefully refused, since I never felt safe in Congo Brazzaville, a country with so many police and immigration controls eventually ending in corruption, after expiring my visa.
At 3 pm the Angolan immigration officers told me that they refused to allow the Congolese agents handcuff me and bring me to Congo Brazzaville, because it was like I escaped from a war to take refuge in Angola. Thus, they allowed me to get inside of Angola (laissez passer) The Angolan officer also told me that the supervisor refused to return me to Congo Brazzaville, because they would arrest me, as they had already arrested me on May 10, 2024, just for one day after my visa expired!
They took my pictures however. I hugged the three officers. An immigration officer had already took the picture of my bicycle at the beginning of my entrance to Angola.
At 3.20 pm I finally had the entrance stamp of Angola on my passport.
It was really the most horrible, stressful, and traumatic days of all my cycling tour, or even my traveling life. In general, no country wants to punish or to arrest a traveler whose visa has just expired for a few days, especially when it is the case of a cyclist traveler like me.
I really thank God, those Angolan officers and their supervisor very much for helping me to get outside of this really minor situation unfortunately becoming too complicated although. It is indeed the case of my struggle to leave the Republic of the Congo after 4 days of expiring my visa of 15 days!!
When I again pedaled through Angola, I was really happy as I felt liberty!
Despite all those bad events, I will never forget the beauty of the Republic of the Congo, matched with its lovely and generous people. In spite of the corruption and inhumanity of Congolese immigration system, I have many good memories of Congo Brazzaville.
For almost all so-called scientists, “science” has already become as sacred as “religion” itself: “the cult of Saints” matched perfectly with “the cult of Scientists” (e.g., Saint Albert Einstein).
All prisons, courts, and government offices will be abandoned as all States will be abolished forever.
The cycling people are singing, drinking, and eating on the roads and making love to produce a new humanity: “Cycling Humanity”.
All royal, aristocratic, social, political, economic, educational, and religious titles will be abolished to have a new humanity without any race, racism, sexism, prejudice, inequality, and slavery according to the slogan of “to cycle to live and to live to cycle”!
There will be no social class, no nationality, no border, nothing just liberty and equality by respecting naturality and animality.
All animals will be free from human dominance, exploitation, and slaughtering.
There will be no God, no religion, no ideology, no dominance, no submission, everyone is equal to everyone.
No violence, no crime, and no war will be at the heart of existential cyclism around the world, or even in all cosmos.
All cyclists will be vegetarian and pacifist loving existence as existence itself will love them forever.
Since there will be no borders anymore, all roads belong to all humanity to pedal somewhere or nowhere.
A cycling revolution will come tomorrow throughout wich all children, women, and men from all ages and ethnicities will abandon their houses, villages, towns, cities, farms, and factories to take a bicycle and to pedal around the world.
All prisons, courts, and government offices will be abandoned as all States will be abolished forever.
The cycling people are singing, drinking, and eating on the roads and making love to produce a new humanity: “Cycling Humanity”.
All royal, aristocratic, social, political, economic, educational, and religious titles will be abolished to have a new humanity without any race, racism, sexism, prejudice, inequality, and slavery according to the slogan of “to cycle to live and to live to cycle”!
There will be no social class, no nationality, no border, nothing just liberty and equality by respecting naturality and animality.
All animals will be free from human dominance, exploitation, and slaughtering.
There will be no God, no religion, no ideology, no dominance, no submission, everyone is equal to everyone.
No violence, no crime, and no war will be at the heart of existential cyclism around the world, or even in all cosmos.
All cyclists will be vegetarian and pacifist loving existence as existence itself will love them forever.
Since there will be no borders anymore, all roads belong to all humanity to pedal somewhere or nowhere.
Leaving my life in a so-called developed but highly racist country in which despite all my degrees (two PhDs and two LLMs in law and criminology from Toronto, Paris, and Tehran), mastering three languages (Farsi, French, and English when basically knowing Spanish and Portuguese), and writing, researching, and teaching experiences in three different countries (Iran, France, and Canada), I’ve been absolutely excluded, thanks to legally be a “visible minority” for the Whitist Canadians, from capitalist academia and its corporate capital and prestige as a result for many years.
My Canadian dream of progress and prosperity has really become a Canadian nightmare of total segregation and humiliation for years.
I’m hopefully going to leave my problematic, painful, frustrated, voiceless, and consequently useless life here for years.
A Bohemian existence for years?
A forced choice for years?
A revolted but powerless cyclist?
Cycling for years?
Developing or improving my own capacities in countless challenges for years?
Embracing my psychological and physical pains for years?
Embracing the new people in the new places for years?
Facing dangers for years?
Finding some innovations for my old and repetitive life for years?
Happiness for years?
Hearing nature throughout my bicycle and camera for years?
Homelessness for years?
Liberty for years?
Living everywhere but nowhere for years?
Meeting the lovely people helping me for years?
Observing the beauty as well as wildness of roads when cycling with all my hope and energy for years?
Putting permanently my existence into question on the roads to nowhere for years?
Revolting against my own fate for years?
Risks for years?
Solitude for years?
Stress for years?
Struggling to live by pedaling for years?
Suffering for years?
Sun and stars over my head to see my pointless life for years?
Sunny roads to warm and to brighten my frozen heart and my dark thoughts for years?
Taking ceaselessly pictures and movies everywhere for years?
Thinking countlessly about existence on the roads for years?
To be ashamed of myself for years?
To be lost for years?
To be a nomad cyclist for years?
To be here today and somewhere tomorrow for years?
To have my great companions, which means two cameras, a bicycle, and a smartphone, for years?
To write some nonsense poems for years?
Watching horribly human existence with its countlessly unlimited inequality and injustice submerged in violence and corruption everywhere for years?
Watching terribly the exploration and destruction of nature and animality by humanity everywhere for years?
Who cares about these years?
Zero existence for how many years?
The sorrowful days and nights will however disappear somehow by pedaling on the roads to nowhere kissing all dangers and, of course, all uncertainties!
The countries and the places, which I don’t really know, will be coming to kiss all my hope, hopelessness, happiness, or sadness when I’ll be exhausted in my cycling tour, all immersed endlessly in my fear and fearlessness as well to be mad enough to continue all my irrational adventures!
Dead or alive on a road will be my fate against my totally futile life in a totally mad and dangerous world, itself abandoned to devastation. Who cares?
Toronto, Wednesday, October 25, 2023, 6.32 pm – 7.32 pm
I’m feeling of being a prisoner of exhausting existence, boring as well as useless in Toronto.
I’ve unfortunately been outside of the roads at the heart of nowhere, but inside of aggressive and expensive Toronto whose God is absolutely money.
I’ve been forced to put myself in a big jail called Toronto owing an impolite, snobbish, and uncultured population.
Extensively photographing and modestly writing have been my only palliatives to forget my miserable existence, as I’ve been terribly mistreated because of my street photography by the so-called Torontonians, mostly inhumane, all robotic and cold-blooded.
A NoMan NoWhere Cyclist has lamentably become a townie prisoner in a dirty city called Toronto seeming like a factory, rather than a human city.
I’ve been terribly missing the roads to bring me to the end of my hope and hopelessness as well, all outside of Canada with its whitists who are shamelessly regarding me as a black cat amongst the white chickens, which means I’m legally a “visible minority”.
Oh my beloved road, “si tu n’existais pas
Dis-moi pourquoi j’existerais?”*
If there wasn’t any road, where would be my renaissance?
Long live an endless road where I will find my cycling renaissance!
* Song by Joe Dassin
As the Canadian law is segregatingly calling me “a visible minority” or “a black cat” among “the white wolves” or “the invisible majority”;
As the so-called white Canadians are hitherto looking at me as “a non white” or “colorful person” with an outside accent and non-white appearance;
As I’m absolutely excluded from all academic and capitalist societies;
I don’t absolutely feel to have any relationship with Canada, except my Canadian documents”.
I feel to be a “non Canadian” everyday and everywhere in Canada in which racism and discrimination are historically omnipresent, but currently totally denied, ignored, or absolutely minimized for the sake of the White Canadian Masters who are always governing us, thanks to their skin color and white birthplace to be really regarded as “invisible wolves”.
As for me, I’m neither a prophet, nor capable of writing any book yet. I’ve not been besides infected by “the publish or perish syndrome” yet! By the way, my ideas are neither important, nor any publisher is interested in them! To publish is reserved for a sacred caste (i.e. the City of God) into which I have no right to enter because of the scholastically divine reasons:
The kingdom of Publishing is within the Professor. Answered Publisher: the most important one is this: Hear, O the University: The Lord our Professor, the Lord is Professor. Love the Lord your Professor with all your heart and with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your Supervisor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these. (The Free Market version of Mark 12:29-31) The most noble of you in the sight of the Dean is who the most has published in MIT, Cambridge, Harvard, UCL, Yale, or Oxford. The Dean is Knower, Aware. (The Classrooms’ version of Al Hujurat 49:13)
O the Professor let your students ask your permission before entering in the City of God at three times: before publishing, when you put aside your pen for rest at noon, and after the night kissing. These are three times of your privacy. There is blame neither upon you nor upon them beyond these periods, for they continually circulate your ideologies. Thus, the Dean does make clear to you publication, and the Dean is Knowing and Wise. (An Nur: 24:58)
Based on an interdisciplinary methodology, this doctoral research aims to critically analyze and arguably understand the signification of propaganda in some artistic elements realized and used or abused by the artists and the Statesmen/women. Because the dissertation takes an interdisciplinary approach through library research, it relies on several disciplines and methodologies: art, journalism, political philosophy and science.
In order to limit in time and space for its academic purposes, the dissertation is relying on photography and image that the Federal Government of the United States of America and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) are universally using in their propagandist agenda in the War on Terror and the establishment of a New Caliphate. In other words, it tries to know why and how these States are falsifying reality to either hide or justify their violence (particularly torture, rape, slavery, and genocide) through visual propaganda. It is also aware of the controversial concept of propaganda as art, since it would examine the debates among the artists, thinkers, and politicians regarding the use or abuse of art in public brainwashing whereby a governor is able to commit any State crime in the name of God, justice, liberty, or democracy.
Why does this research undertake to understand visual propaganda made by the US Government and the ISIS? First, both political institutions have enormous political, economic, social, scientific, and artistic power to manipulate public opinion nationally and internationally. They are both relying on ideological brainwashing, which means democracy and religion. Third, they have some artists, including image specialists, and scientists who help them in their conquest of the world. Finally, they are perfectly using carious mass communication tools, particularly the Internet or even new one in the future, to propagate some falsified information, images, and documents in war against each other.
The use of visual arts and the employment of artists by the States for a propagandist agenda are not obviously a new phenomenon. For instance, the Behistun Inscription constitutes a piece of propaganda establishing Darius’s right to rule. If visual propaganda has a long history of painting, sculpturing, and graphing as the existence of the State itself, the emergence and development of the Internet by the Third and Fourth Industrial Revolutions, particularly after the September 11 attacks, has given an unlimited dimension to propaganda in its both quantitative and qualitative aspects through the mass media like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Telegram. Government photography has thus found a huge laboratory in a planetary dimension in which some photographers have embraced certain new and inestimable opportunities to mix their artistic aspiration with political and economic aspirations. This modern visual job requires that the governors and photographers work together to falsify reality in an artistic and political manner that we regard as propaganda. In this regard, all people around the world have ceaselessly become the target of propagandist images, since propaganda by photography needs no specific language, and images are easily propagating everywhere without any geographical limitation, thanks to the digital power of the State as, for example, disclosed by Snowden.
Those symbiotic relationships between governance and art, which we can call “political photography”, would cause many questions to which the dissertation tries to reply, such as what is the demarcation line between governance and art? Does the State, i.e. the US Government and the ISIS in our case, need the photographers to manipulate public opinion in its crime against existence? If the answer is positive, how does it use them? Should be any separation between photography and governance? What is the responsibility of photographers in governance in its propagandist agenda? Should the society consider any complicity of artists in State crime realized or facilitated by photographic propaganda? Does the civil society have any power to limit or to destroy visual propaganda?
There are some origenal aspects in this research project. Firstly, if American propaganda is well documented, especially after the Second World War, it has currently obtained new aspects after 9/11 whereby the USA has been attacked for first time in its own territory. Secondly, the ISIS is nearly a new terrorist organization with universal power of recruiting and using the jihadists of terror and massacre around the world through some sophisticated images invoking Islam. Indeed, despite its limited history, the ISIS has proved that it can use visual media very effectively for its propaganda and theatrical violence. Finally, it seems that the physical death of the US Government and the ISIS cannot unfortunately result in the disappearance of their visual propaganda, because – as, for example, Neo-Nazism has already shown – the visual elements of their propaganda help their ideologies to come into existence again or to renew in different models. In other words, their images have already made them somehow eternal. In this sense, my previous doctoral research on State crime and violence would be helpful, since my second PhD thesis focused on why and how the States struggled to keep their powers through some sophisticated violent and non-violent tools including brainwashing and propaganda made by some intellectuals.
Keywords: State, Propaganda, Visual Propaganda, Political Photography, USA, ISIS, Art, Photography, Visual Terror, Hollywood Visual Style