Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2008
The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS) experiment employs ultra-cold solid-state detectors to se... more The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS) experiment employs ultra-cold solid-state detectors to search for rare events resulting from WIMP-nucleus scattering. An innovative detector packaging and readout system has been developed to meet the unusual combination of requirements for: low temperature, low radioactivity, low energy threshold, and large channel count. Features include use of materials with low radioactivity such as multi-layer KAPTON laminates for circuit boards; immunity to microphonic noise via a vacuum coaxial wiring design, manufacturability, and modularity. The detector readout design had to accommodate various electronic components which have to be operated in close proximity to the detector as well maintaining separate individual temperatures (ranging from 600 mK to 150 K) in order to achieve optimal noise performance. The paper will describe the general electrical, thermal, and mechanical designs of the CDMS readout system, as well as presenting the theoretical and measured performance of the detector readout channels.
The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS) uses Ge and Si detectors to search for Weakly Interacting... more The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS) uses Ge and Si detectors to search for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) via their elastic-scattering interaction with atomic nuclei. The present results from CDMS give limits on the spin-independent WIMP-nucleon elastic-scattering cross section that exclude previously unexplored parameter space above 10 GeV/c 2. The second phase of the CDMS experiment, scheduled to start in January 2002, is expected to improve on the present sensitivity by more than two orders of magnitude.
We present the current status of CRESST (Cryogenic Rare Event Search using Superconducting Thermo... more We present the current status of CRESST (Cryogenic Rare Event Search using Superconducting Thermometers) project and new results concerning detector development. The basic technique involved is to search for WIMPs by the measurement of non-thermal phonons, as created by WIMP-induced nuclear recoils. Combined with our newly developed method for the simultaneous measurement of scintillation light, strong background discrimination is possible, resulting in a substantial increase in WIMP detection sensitivity.
We report measurements performed during two complete flow seasons on the Urumqi River, a proglaci... more We report measurements performed during two complete flow seasons on the Urumqi River, a proglacial mountain stream in the northeastern flank of the Tianshan, an active mountain range in Central Asia. This survey of flow dynamics and sediment transport (dissolved, suspended and bed loads), together with a 25-year record of daily discharge, enables the assessment of secular denudation rates on this high mountain catchment of Central Asia. Our results show that chemical weathering accounts for more than one-third of the total denudation rate. Sediment transported as bed load cannot be neglected in the balance, given that sand and gravel transport accounts for one third of the solid load of the river. Overall, the mean denudation rates are low, averaging 46 t × km −2 × yr −1 (17-18 m Myr −1 ). We furthermore analyse the hydrologic record to show that the longterm sediment budget is not dominated by extreme and rare events but by the total amount of rainfall or annual runoff. The rates we obtain are in agreement with rates obtained from the mass balance reconstruction of the Plio-Quaternary gravely deposits of the foreland but signicantly lower than the rates recently obtained from cosmogenic dating of the Kuitun River sands, west of the Urumqi River. We show that the resolution of this incompatibility may have an important consquence for our understanding of the interplay between erosion and tectonics in the semi-humid ranges of Central Asia.
We report the first results from a search for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) in the... more We report the first results from a search for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) in the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS) experiment at the Soudan Underground Laboratory. Four Ge and two Si detectors were operated for 52.6 live days, providing 19.4 kg-d of Ge net exposure after cuts for recoil energies between 10-100 keV. A blind analysis was performed using only calibration data to define the energy threshold and selection criteria for nuclear-recoil candidates. Using the standard dark-matter halo and nuclear-physics WIMP model, these data set the world's lowest exclusion limits on the coherent WIMP-nucleon scalar cross-section for all WIMP masses above 15 GeV/c 2 , ruling out a significant range of neutralino supersymmetric models. The minimum of this limit curve at the 90% C.L. is 4 × 10 −43 cm 2 at a WIMP mass of 60 GeV/c 2 .
Using improved Ge and Si detectors, better neutron shielding, and increased counting time, the Cr... more Using improved Ge and Si detectors, better neutron shielding, and increased counting time, the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS) experiment has obtained stricter limits on the cross section of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) elastically scattering from nuclei. Increased discrimination against electromagnetic backgrounds and reduction of the neutron flux confirm WIMPcandidate events previously detected by CDMS were consistent with neutrons and give limits on spin-independent WIMP interactions which are > 2× lower than previous CDMS results for high WIMP mass, and which exclude new parameter space for WIMPs with mass between 8-20 GeV c −2 .
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2006
... a , P. Meunier a , B. Sadoulet a , b , DN Seitz a , B. Serfass a , KM Sundqvist a , DS Akerib... more ... a , P. Meunier a , B. Sadoulet a , b , DN Seitz a , B. Serfass a , KM Sundqvist a , DS Akerib c , CN Bailey c , PP ... metallized Al grids to function as the ionization electrodes for the charge readout, and photolithographically patterned tungsten transition edge sensors (TESs) on one ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2000
The CRESST experiment in its "rst phase is using sapphire detectors with tungsten phase transitio... more The CRESST experiment in its "rst phase is using sapphire detectors with tungsten phase transition thermometers to search for dark matter WIMPs. At present four 262 g detectors are performing "rst measurements under low background conditions. Detector performance as well as preliminary results from the background runs are presented. A second phase of CRESST using CaWO and simultaneous measurement of phonons and scintillation light is in preparation. 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. 0168-9002/00/$ -see front matter
A dataset of more than 1,000 individual bedload samples coupled with hydraulic flow variables (wa... more A dataset of more than 1,000 individual bedload samples coupled with hydraulic flow variables (water depth and velocity) was collected on two high mountain rivers the torrent de Saint Pierre, a proglacial gravel-bed river in the French Alps, in July 2002 and the Urumqi River, in the Chinese Tianshan mountains during summer 2005 and 2006. Analysis of the dataset leads to question the usual section averaged sampling procedure of bedload using Helley-Smith type bedload sampler. It is shown that this procedure is inadequate to catch the full range of flow conditions. Comparison between moving averages on individual datasets and section averages furthermore show that this technique can lead to significantly different rating curves with predictions differing by more than an order of magnitude. Single point sampling is shown to be much more adequate than multiple point sampling and section averaging provided the dataset is sufficiently large.
Keywords: landslides earthquake Japan applied seismology seismic source mapping geomorphology a b... more Keywords: landslides earthquake Japan applied seismology seismic source mapping geomorphology a b s t r a c t
We have developed a detector, consisting of a cryogenic calorimeter with a scintillating crystal ... more We have developed a detector, consisting of a cryogenic calorimeter with a scintillating crystal as absorber, and a second calorimeter for the detection of the scintillation light, both operated at 12 mK. Using a CaWO 4 crystal with a mass of 6 g as
Erosion of particulate organic carbon (POC) from mountains is known to occur at very high rates. ... more Erosion of particulate organic carbon (POC) from mountains is known to occur at very high rates. This is true of both POC from the terrestrial biosphere (vegetation and soil) and that contained in sedimentary rocks of variable geological age. To understand the controls on the carbon transfer from these different reservoirs, and how they might change under evolving tectonic and
Systematic monitoring of river loads helps refine and extend the map of internal dynamics and ext... more Systematic monitoring of river loads helps refine and extend the map of internal dynamics and external feedbacks in Earth's critical zone. Our focus is on Taiwan where hillslope mass wasting and fluvial sediment transport are driven by earthquakes and cyclonic storms. The biggest trigger events cause instantaneous erosion and seed a weakness in the landscape that is removed over time in predictable fashion. This gives rise to patterns of erosion that can not be understood in terms of bulk characteristics of climate, such as average annual precipitation, a result that is repeated elsewhere. Erosion harvests particulate organic carbon from rock outcrop, soil, and biomass. In Taiwan, most non-fossil POC is carried in hyperpycnal storm floods. This may promote rapid burial and preservation of POC in turbidites. Abundant POC in ancient turbidites has a distinct terrestrial signature, confirming the removal of carbon from short-term circulation by this mechanism. Silicate weathering too is facilitated by rapid erosion. However, weathering within the shallow subsurface, where the effects of erosion are most direct, only yields a part of the dissolved load of rivers. During and after heavy precipitation contributions from surface and shallow sources dominate, but the fraction of dissolved load derived from silicate weathering is relatively low in these conditions. At all other times the dissolved load of Taiwan's rivers is dominated by a weathering flux from deep within the rock mass. Erosion may facilitate this by perpetuating pervasive brittle deformation, opening pathways for deep groundwater.
ABSTRACT Sediment transport and mass balances in mountain regions remain poorly constrained altho... more ABSTRACT Sediment transport and mass balances in mountain regions remain poorly constrained although they are important issues for understanding mountain erosion and landscape evolution. In order to setup a rational database on fluxes of sediment and hydraulics of flow in a mountain stream, Sediment transport and Hydraulics of flow were surveyd along the Urumqi river a high mountain stream in the tectonically active Tianshan mountains. Survey took place during the summer high flow season of 2004, 2005 and 2006. Results are presented here with special emphasis on sampling procedure, mass budget and fractional transport of grains.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2006
... The capacitance between the electrodes and ground is estimated to be 60 pF. This design is ba... more ... The capacitance between the electrodes and ground is estimated to be 60 pF. This design is based on a surface rejection technique invented by Luke [4] to improve the spectra from ionization diode detectors. ... PL Brink, et al., (SuperCDMS), astro-ph/0503583. [4] P. Luke, Appl. ...
Data taken during the final shallow-site run of the first tower of the Cryogenic Dark Matter Sear... more Data taken during the final shallow-site run of the first tower of the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS II) detectors have been reanalyzed with improved sensitivity to small energy depositions. Four ∼224 g germanium and two ∼105 g silicon detectors were operated at the Stanford Underground Facility (SUF) between December 2001 and June 2002, yielding 118 live days of raw exposure. Three of the germanium and both silicon detectors were analyzed with a new low-threshold technique, making it possible to lower the germanium and silicon analysis thresholds down to the actual trigger thresholds of ∼1 keV and ∼2 keV, respectively. Limits on the spin-independent cross section for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) to elastically scatter from nuclei based on these data exclude interesting parameter space for WIMPs with masses below 9 GeV/c 2 . Under standard halo assumptions, these data partially exclude parameter space favored by interpretations of the DAMA/LIBRA and CoGeNT experiments' data as WIMP signals, and exclude new parameter space for WIMP masses between 3 GeV/c 2 and 4 GeV/c 2 .
We report the first results from a search for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) in the... more We report the first results from a search for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) in the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search experiment at the Soudan Underground Laboratory. Four Ge and two Si detectors were operated for 52.6 live days, providing 19.4 kg d of Ge net exposure after cuts for recoil energies between 10 and 100 keV. A blind analysis was performed using only calibration data to define the energy threshold and selection criteria for nuclear-recoil candidates. Using the standard dark-matter halo and nuclear-physics WIMP model, these data set the world's lowest exclusion limits on the coherent WIMP-nucleon scalar cross section for all WIMP masses above 15 GeV/c2, ruling out a significant range of neutralino supersymmetric models. The minimum of this limit curve at the 90% C.L. is 4 x 10(-43) cm2 at a WIMP mass of 60 GeV/c2.
... 9 , A. Lu 10 , R. Mahapatra 11 , V. Mandic 10 , JM Martinis 5 , P. Meunier 10 , N. Mirabolfat... more ... 9 , A. Lu 10 , R. Mahapatra 11 , V. Mandic 10 , JM Martinis 5 , P. Meunier 10 , N. Mirabolfathi 10 , SW Nam 9 , H. Nelson 11 , R ... 353358; T. Saab, in Low Temperature Detectors, edited by F. Scott Porter, Dan McCammon, Massimiliano Galeazzi, and Caroline K. Stahle, AIP Conf. ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2008
The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS) experiment employs ultra-cold solid-state detectors to se... more The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS) experiment employs ultra-cold solid-state detectors to search for rare events resulting from WIMP-nucleus scattering. An innovative detector packaging and readout system has been developed to meet the unusual combination of requirements for: low temperature, low radioactivity, low energy threshold, and large channel count. Features include use of materials with low radioactivity such as multi-layer KAPTON laminates for circuit boards; immunity to microphonic noise via a vacuum coaxial wiring design, manufacturability, and modularity. The detector readout design had to accommodate various electronic components which have to be operated in close proximity to the detector as well maintaining separate individual temperatures (ranging from 600 mK to 150 K) in order to achieve optimal noise performance. The paper will describe the general electrical, thermal, and mechanical designs of the CDMS readout system, as well as presenting the theoretical and measured performance of the detector readout channels.
The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS) uses Ge and Si detectors to search for Weakly Interacting... more The Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS) uses Ge and Si detectors to search for Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) via their elastic-scattering interaction with atomic nuclei. The present results from CDMS give limits on the spin-independent WIMP-nucleon elastic-scattering cross section that exclude previously unexplored parameter space above 10 GeV/c 2. The second phase of the CDMS experiment, scheduled to start in January 2002, is expected to improve on the present sensitivity by more than two orders of magnitude.
We present the current status of CRESST (Cryogenic Rare Event Search using Superconducting Thermo... more We present the current status of CRESST (Cryogenic Rare Event Search using Superconducting Thermometers) project and new results concerning detector development. The basic technique involved is to search for WIMPs by the measurement of non-thermal phonons, as created by WIMP-induced nuclear recoils. Combined with our newly developed method for the simultaneous measurement of scintillation light, strong background discrimination is possible, resulting in a substantial increase in WIMP detection sensitivity.
We report measurements performed during two complete flow seasons on the Urumqi River, a proglaci... more We report measurements performed during two complete flow seasons on the Urumqi River, a proglacial mountain stream in the northeastern flank of the Tianshan, an active mountain range in Central Asia. This survey of flow dynamics and sediment transport (dissolved, suspended and bed loads), together with a 25-year record of daily discharge, enables the assessment of secular denudation rates on this high mountain catchment of Central Asia. Our results show that chemical weathering accounts for more than one-third of the total denudation rate. Sediment transported as bed load cannot be neglected in the balance, given that sand and gravel transport accounts for one third of the solid load of the river. Overall, the mean denudation rates are low, averaging 46 t × km −2 × yr −1 (17-18 m Myr −1 ). We furthermore analyse the hydrologic record to show that the longterm sediment budget is not dominated by extreme and rare events but by the total amount of rainfall or annual runoff. The rates we obtain are in agreement with rates obtained from the mass balance reconstruction of the Plio-Quaternary gravely deposits of the foreland but signicantly lower than the rates recently obtained from cosmogenic dating of the Kuitun River sands, west of the Urumqi River. We show that the resolution of this incompatibility may have an important consquence for our understanding of the interplay between erosion and tectonics in the semi-humid ranges of Central Asia.
We report the first results from a search for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) in the... more We report the first results from a search for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) in the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS) experiment at the Soudan Underground Laboratory. Four Ge and two Si detectors were operated for 52.6 live days, providing 19.4 kg-d of Ge net exposure after cuts for recoil energies between 10-100 keV. A blind analysis was performed using only calibration data to define the energy threshold and selection criteria for nuclear-recoil candidates. Using the standard dark-matter halo and nuclear-physics WIMP model, these data set the world's lowest exclusion limits on the coherent WIMP-nucleon scalar cross-section for all WIMP masses above 15 GeV/c 2 , ruling out a significant range of neutralino supersymmetric models. The minimum of this limit curve at the 90% C.L. is 4 × 10 −43 cm 2 at a WIMP mass of 60 GeV/c 2 .
Using improved Ge and Si detectors, better neutron shielding, and increased counting time, the Cr... more Using improved Ge and Si detectors, better neutron shielding, and increased counting time, the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS) experiment has obtained stricter limits on the cross section of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) elastically scattering from nuclei. Increased discrimination against electromagnetic backgrounds and reduction of the neutron flux confirm WIMPcandidate events previously detected by CDMS were consistent with neutrons and give limits on spin-independent WIMP interactions which are > 2× lower than previous CDMS results for high WIMP mass, and which exclude new parameter space for WIMPs with mass between 8-20 GeV c −2 .
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2006
... a , P. Meunier a , B. Sadoulet a , b , DN Seitz a , B. Serfass a , KM Sundqvist a , DS Akerib... more ... a , P. Meunier a , B. Sadoulet a , b , DN Seitz a , B. Serfass a , KM Sundqvist a , DS Akerib c , CN Bailey c , PP ... metallized Al grids to function as the ionization electrodes for the charge readout, and photolithographically patterned tungsten transition edge sensors (TESs) on one ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2000
The CRESST experiment in its "rst phase is using sapphire detectors with tungsten phase transitio... more The CRESST experiment in its "rst phase is using sapphire detectors with tungsten phase transition thermometers to search for dark matter WIMPs. At present four 262 g detectors are performing "rst measurements under low background conditions. Detector performance as well as preliminary results from the background runs are presented. A second phase of CRESST using CaWO and simultaneous measurement of phonons and scintillation light is in preparation. 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. 0168-9002/00/$ -see front matter
A dataset of more than 1,000 individual bedload samples coupled with hydraulic flow variables (wa... more A dataset of more than 1,000 individual bedload samples coupled with hydraulic flow variables (water depth and velocity) was collected on two high mountain rivers the torrent de Saint Pierre, a proglacial gravel-bed river in the French Alps, in July 2002 and the Urumqi River, in the Chinese Tianshan mountains during summer 2005 and 2006. Analysis of the dataset leads to question the usual section averaged sampling procedure of bedload using Helley-Smith type bedload sampler. It is shown that this procedure is inadequate to catch the full range of flow conditions. Comparison between moving averages on individual datasets and section averages furthermore show that this technique can lead to significantly different rating curves with predictions differing by more than an order of magnitude. Single point sampling is shown to be much more adequate than multiple point sampling and section averaging provided the dataset is sufficiently large.
Keywords: landslides earthquake Japan applied seismology seismic source mapping geomorphology a b... more Keywords: landslides earthquake Japan applied seismology seismic source mapping geomorphology a b s t r a c t
We have developed a detector, consisting of a cryogenic calorimeter with a scintillating crystal ... more We have developed a detector, consisting of a cryogenic calorimeter with a scintillating crystal as absorber, and a second calorimeter for the detection of the scintillation light, both operated at 12 mK. Using a CaWO 4 crystal with a mass of 6 g as
Erosion of particulate organic carbon (POC) from mountains is known to occur at very high rates. ... more Erosion of particulate organic carbon (POC) from mountains is known to occur at very high rates. This is true of both POC from the terrestrial biosphere (vegetation and soil) and that contained in sedimentary rocks of variable geological age. To understand the controls on the carbon transfer from these different reservoirs, and how they might change under evolving tectonic and
Systematic monitoring of river loads helps refine and extend the map of internal dynamics and ext... more Systematic monitoring of river loads helps refine and extend the map of internal dynamics and external feedbacks in Earth's critical zone. Our focus is on Taiwan where hillslope mass wasting and fluvial sediment transport are driven by earthquakes and cyclonic storms. The biggest trigger events cause instantaneous erosion and seed a weakness in the landscape that is removed over time in predictable fashion. This gives rise to patterns of erosion that can not be understood in terms of bulk characteristics of climate, such as average annual precipitation, a result that is repeated elsewhere. Erosion harvests particulate organic carbon from rock outcrop, soil, and biomass. In Taiwan, most non-fossil POC is carried in hyperpycnal storm floods. This may promote rapid burial and preservation of POC in turbidites. Abundant POC in ancient turbidites has a distinct terrestrial signature, confirming the removal of carbon from short-term circulation by this mechanism. Silicate weathering too is facilitated by rapid erosion. However, weathering within the shallow subsurface, where the effects of erosion are most direct, only yields a part of the dissolved load of rivers. During and after heavy precipitation contributions from surface and shallow sources dominate, but the fraction of dissolved load derived from silicate weathering is relatively low in these conditions. At all other times the dissolved load of Taiwan's rivers is dominated by a weathering flux from deep within the rock mass. Erosion may facilitate this by perpetuating pervasive brittle deformation, opening pathways for deep groundwater.
ABSTRACT Sediment transport and mass balances in mountain regions remain poorly constrained altho... more ABSTRACT Sediment transport and mass balances in mountain regions remain poorly constrained although they are important issues for understanding mountain erosion and landscape evolution. In order to setup a rational database on fluxes of sediment and hydraulics of flow in a mountain stream, Sediment transport and Hydraulics of flow were surveyd along the Urumqi river a high mountain stream in the tectonically active Tianshan mountains. Survey took place during the summer high flow season of 2004, 2005 and 2006. Results are presented here with special emphasis on sampling procedure, mass budget and fractional transport of grains.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2006
... The capacitance between the electrodes and ground is estimated to be 60 pF. This design is ba... more ... The capacitance between the electrodes and ground is estimated to be 60 pF. This design is based on a surface rejection technique invented by Luke [4] to improve the spectra from ionization diode detectors. ... PL Brink, et al., (SuperCDMS), astro-ph/0503583. [4] P. Luke, Appl. ...
Data taken during the final shallow-site run of the first tower of the Cryogenic Dark Matter Sear... more Data taken during the final shallow-site run of the first tower of the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS II) detectors have been reanalyzed with improved sensitivity to small energy depositions. Four ∼224 g germanium and two ∼105 g silicon detectors were operated at the Stanford Underground Facility (SUF) between December 2001 and June 2002, yielding 118 live days of raw exposure. Three of the germanium and both silicon detectors were analyzed with a new low-threshold technique, making it possible to lower the germanium and silicon analysis thresholds down to the actual trigger thresholds of ∼1 keV and ∼2 keV, respectively. Limits on the spin-independent cross section for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) to elastically scatter from nuclei based on these data exclude interesting parameter space for WIMPs with masses below 9 GeV/c 2 . Under standard halo assumptions, these data partially exclude parameter space favored by interpretations of the DAMA/LIBRA and CoGeNT experiments' data as WIMP signals, and exclude new parameter space for WIMP masses between 3 GeV/c 2 and 4 GeV/c 2 .
We report the first results from a search for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) in the... more We report the first results from a search for weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) in the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search experiment at the Soudan Underground Laboratory. Four Ge and two Si detectors were operated for 52.6 live days, providing 19.4 kg d of Ge net exposure after cuts for recoil energies between 10 and 100 keV. A blind analysis was performed using only calibration data to define the energy threshold and selection criteria for nuclear-recoil candidates. Using the standard dark-matter halo and nuclear-physics WIMP model, these data set the world's lowest exclusion limits on the coherent WIMP-nucleon scalar cross section for all WIMP masses above 15 GeV/c2, ruling out a significant range of neutralino supersymmetric models. The minimum of this limit curve at the 90% C.L. is 4 x 10(-43) cm2 at a WIMP mass of 60 GeV/c2.
... 9 , A. Lu 10 , R. Mahapatra 11 , V. Mandic 10 , JM Martinis 5 , P. Meunier 10 , N. Mirabolfat... more ... 9 , A. Lu 10 , R. Mahapatra 11 , V. Mandic 10 , JM Martinis 5 , P. Meunier 10 , N. Mirabolfathi 10 , SW Nam 9 , H. Nelson 11 , R ... 353358; T. Saab, in Low Temperature Detectors, edited by F. Scott Porter, Dan McCammon, Massimiliano Galeazzi, and Caroline K. Stahle, AIP Conf. ...
Papers by P. Meunier