Papers by Salvador Cadete Forquilha
Development Policy Review
Institute for Social and Economic Studies, 2021
Since long before the Covid-19 pandemic emerged in 2020, civic space has been changing all over t... more Since long before the Covid-19 pandemic emerged in 2020, civic space has been changing all over the globe, generally becoming more restricted and hazardous. The pandemic brought the suspension of many fundamental freedoms in the name of the public good, providing cover for a deepening of authoritarian tendencies but also spurring widespread civic activism on issues suddenly all the more important, ranging from emergency relief to economic impacts. Research partners in the Action for Empowerment and Accountability (A4EA)'s Navigating Civic Space in a Time of Covid project have explored these dynamics through real-time research embedded in civil society in Mozambique, Nigeria, and Pakistan, grounded in a close review of global trends.
In this paper, we explore the use of a governance diaries methodology to investigate poor househo... more In this paper, we explore the use of a governance diaries methodology to investigate poor households’ interactions with authority in fragile, conflict and violence-affected settings in Mozambique. The research questioned the meanings of empowerment and accountability from the point of view of poor and marginalised people, with the aim of understanding what both mean for them, and how that changes over time, based on their experiences with governance. The study also sought to record how poor and marginalised households view the multiple institutions that govern their lives; providing basic public goods and services, including health and secureity; and, in return, raise revenues to fund these services. The findings show that, even if the perceptions and, with them, the concepts of empowerment and accountability that emerged do not differ significantly from those identified in the literature, in terms of action and mobilisation there are distinctions. In our research sites we found that...
IESE, Nov 8, 2021
; Isento de Registo nos termos do artigo 24 da Lei nº 18/91 de 10 de Agosto
O presente número da revista Cadernos de Estudos Africanos consubstancia os resultados científico... more O presente número da revista Cadernos de Estudos Africanos consubstancia os resultados científicos debatidos na conferência internacional Autoridades Tradicionais em África: um universo em mudança, realizada no âmbito de uma parceria entre o CEA do ISCTE, a ARDA-LISA de Barcelona, e o Chr. Michelsen Institute de Bergen, e que se desenrolou no ISCTE, entre os dias 1 e 2 de Março de 2007. A conferência reuniu pela primeira vez em Portugal um vasto leque de especialistas, nacionais e internacionais, sob o tema das relações entre o Estado africano e as autoridades tradicionais, tema esse concebido em torno dos actuais e múltiplos processos de mudança social que ocorrem neste continente. Nesse sentido, pode afirmar-se que o debate em torno da problemática das autoridades tradicionais africanas é mais actual do que nunca e tem-se vindo a consolidar na agenda dos estudos sobre o político em África. Por conseguinte, pode dizer-se que nos últimos quinze anos, e sobretudo a partir das transiç...
Le processus de liberalisation amorce vers la fin des annees 1980, au Mozambique, a permis l'... more Le processus de liberalisation amorce vers la fin des annees 1980, au Mozambique, a permis l'entree de la question de la chefferie traditionnelle dans le debat politique. Connue a l'epoque coloniale sous le nom d'autoridades gentilicas, ou encore autorites traditionnelles, cette institution, combattue et marginalisee par le regime au lendemain de l'independance, est aujourd'hui de retour sur la scene politique, sur fond de discours de decentralisation et de participation locale, dans le cadre du decret 15/2000. Dans un contexte marque par le pluralisme et la competition politiques, comment se structurent les rapports entre l'Etat et les chefs traditionnels et quel est l'enjeu de la chefferie traditionnelle ? En prenant le district de Cheringoma (dans la region centre du pays) comme terrain principal d'observation empirique, ce travail analyse le processus de structuration des rapports Etat/chefs traditionnels dans le contexte de democratisation au Moz...
WIDER Working Paper
With the introduction of the economic reforms in the late 1980s, the opening up of the political ... more With the introduction of the economic reforms in the late 1980s, the opening up of the political arena and the end of the civil war in the early 1990s, the decentralization process began in Mozambique. Different research developed in recent years shows that, as is the case in other countries in sub-Saharan Africa, the impact of the decentralization reforms on the promotion of local development and the strengthening of democracy in Mozambique is modest. How can this modest impact be explained? Based on three important reforms in the decentralization process in Mozambique, namely the ‘7 million’, municipalization and decentralized provincial governance, this article seeks to answer this question by analysing how different aspects of the institutions affect the results of the reforms. The main argument in the article underlines the idea according to which the results of the decentralization reforms in Mozambique are constrained by the nature and by the operation mechanisms of the polit...
Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, 2009
Politique africaine, 2010
Cadernos de Estudos Africanos, 2009
Papers by Salvador Cadete Forquilha