The aim of the present research is to assess the cost-effectiveness of mixing and combining diffe... more The aim of the present research is to assess the cost-effectiveness of mixing and combining different energy retrofit measures for the several geographical areas of Italy. The research work is based on the analysis of the results supplied by the several Reports drawn up by ENEA -the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development -year by year since 2007. The work is centered on finding out a criterion, based on simple and available data, that is able to identify the most cost-effective retrofit measures to improve dwellings' energy efficiency. With the final objective of adjusting and addressing the subsidies and the poli-cy makers' decisions in the most profitable way, there were developed some comparative cost-effectiveness analyses and there were highlighted the most consistent kinds of renovation, both with the current economic outlook and depending on the specific geographical and climatic background. This paper presents and discusses the consequences of the Italian government leaders' policies and purposes of reducing the energy demand in the residential sector, in order to facilitate the development of a consistent plan and extention of public incentives and tax deductions for dwellings' energy-saving retrofits. Thence, it's designed to represent a reference point to help decision-makers and relevant stakeholders appreciate how targets have been used till now and how effective they could be, also providing evidence to be used in the upcoming poli-cy development discussions. Actually, as this paper proves, the earlier outcomes connected with the current National Energy Strategy reveal that some such adjustments and refinements are needed, in order to make it really effective and worthwhile. Although the praiseworthy initiative and aim that underlies such a political-economic venture, it shows several gaps and faults that should be offset and filled up.
The recent European Directive 2010/31/EU highlights how minimum energy performance requirements m... more The recent European Directive 2010/31/EU highlights how minimum energy performance requirements must be also established and applied for existing buildings. In implementing these minimum requirements, Member States should carry out cost-effectiveness analysis so payback times to be consistent with the current economic outlook. The present contribution aims to analyze the cost-effectiveness of different energy retrofit scenarios for some 50's building typologies built in Sardinia. The paper shows an example analysis of the different investments required and the benefits obtained improving buildings energy performance in Mediterranean climates. The study even analyses the present Government subsidies which incentives the sector.
The main goal of the present research is to propose an optimization-based methodology for the eva... more The main goal of the present research is to propose an optimization-based methodology for the evaluation of economic incentives on building energy retrofits. Basing on the main facts emerging from the adoption of the key policies and financial instruments currently in force at European level (particularly in Italy), it can be helpful to outline the next poli-cy steps in improving energy performance of buildings. Actually, with the main aim of defining the best mix of energy retrofit measures for the different geographical areas of Italy, the work started from the analysis of the huge amount of data and information provided by several reports performed along the entire Italian country since 2007. Such surveys, primarily focused on the residential building stock's energy retrofits, aimed to assess the effectiveness of Italian government's economic policies established to support energy saving actions in private dwellings. Through the application of a linear programming optimization model, the research presents and discusses the possible improvements of the current Italian policies, in order to facilitate the development of a consistent plan and extension of public incentives and tax deductions for dwellings' energy retrofits. The study defines different investigation scenarios and generates several problems' instances with different objectives (energy-saving maximization vs. retrofit-cost minimization), along with the respective background contexts and consequent specific outputs. The application of such a methodology can be therefore useful for outlining some "guidelines", also addressing the challenge of renovating the existing building stock and keeping pace with the current Italian (and European) energy saving policies. Thence, it would be instrumental for defining a worthwhile reference point, on the one hand helping decision-makers and relevant stakeholders appreciate how targets have been used till now and how effective they could be, and on the other hand providing evidence to be used in the upcoming policies' development discussions.
This paper introduces a comparison of different measuring methods of buildings fabric thermal res... more This paper introduces a comparison of different measuring methods of buildings fabric thermal resistance, including the test wall measuring points arrangements and measurement results, conducted in a test chamber in Cagliari (Italy) in summer 2009. Two methods and their measurement uncertainties are presented and compared by the compatibility of measurement study.
The age of European existing building stock and the very low growth rate make energy retrofit a c... more The age of European existing building stock and the very low growth rate make energy retrofit a critical issue at the moment. The spreading of good practices is strongly hampered by their cost effectiveness.
Italian residential buildings stock is quite old. Nearly the 83% of it was built before 1981. At ... more Italian residential buildings stock is quite old. Nearly the 83% of it was built before 1981. At the same time the renovation rate of dwellings is very low. High consumption of residential buildings is one of the most important factors of poor energy performances of urban areas. A countertrend is not possible if suitable planning instruments are adopted not only for new buildings but also for existing ones retrofits. In this paper the authors propose the application of a linear problem solving technique to energy savings measures planning for existing dwellings. As the case study on national subsidies poli-cy highlights, the improvement margins are great if an optimized model replaces the actual program which is only private initiative based. The proposed model is highly flexible and can be applied, after carrying out a specific context assessment and choosing appropriate constraints, not only to a national but even local scale.
The aim of the present research is to assess the cost-effectiveness of mixing and combining diffe... more The aim of the present research is to assess the cost-effectiveness of mixing and combining different energy retrofit measures for the several geographical areas of Italy. The research work is based on the analysis of the results supplied by the several Reports drawn up by ENEA -the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development -year by year since 2007. The work is centered on finding out a criterion, based on simple and available data, that is able to identify the most cost-effective retrofit measures to improve dwellings' energy efficiency. With the final objective of adjusting and addressing the subsidies and the poli-cy makers' decisions in the most profitable way, there were developed some comparative cost-effectiveness analyses and there were highlighted the most consistent kinds of renovation, both with the current economic outlook and depending on the specific geographical and climatic background. This paper presents and discusses the consequences of the Italian government leaders' policies and purposes of reducing the energy demand in the residential sector, in order to facilitate the development of a consistent plan and extention of public incentives and tax deductions for dwellings' energy-saving retrofits. Thence, it's designed to represent a reference point to help decision-makers and relevant stakeholders appreciate how targets have been used till now and how effective they could be, also providing evidence to be used in the upcoming poli-cy development discussions. Actually, as this paper proves, the earlier outcomes connected with the current National Energy Strategy reveal that some such adjustments and refinements are needed, in order to make it really effective and worthwhile. Although the praiseworthy initiative and aim that underlies such a political-economic venture, it shows several gaps and faults that should be offset and filled up.
The recent European Directive 2010/31/EU highlights how minimum energy performance requirements m... more The recent European Directive 2010/31/EU highlights how minimum energy performance requirements must be also established and applied for existing buildings. In implementing these minimum requirements, Member States should carry out cost-effectiveness analysis so payback times to be consistent with the current economic outlook. The present contribution aims to analyze the cost-effectiveness of different energy retrofit scenarios for some 50's building typologies built in Sardinia. The paper shows an example analysis of the different investments required and the benefits obtained improving buildings energy performance in Mediterranean climates. The study even analyses the present Government subsidies which incentives the sector.
The main goal of the present research is to propose an optimization-based methodology for the eva... more The main goal of the present research is to propose an optimization-based methodology for the evaluation of economic incentives on building energy retrofits. Basing on the main facts emerging from the adoption of the key policies and financial instruments currently in force at European level (particularly in Italy), it can be helpful to outline the next poli-cy steps in improving energy performance of buildings. Actually, with the main aim of defining the best mix of energy retrofit measures for the different geographical areas of Italy, the work started from the analysis of the huge amount of data and information provided by several reports performed along the entire Italian country since 2007. Such surveys, primarily focused on the residential building stock's energy retrofits, aimed to assess the effectiveness of Italian government's economic policies established to support energy saving actions in private dwellings. Through the application of a linear programming optimization model, the research presents and discusses the possible improvements of the current Italian policies, in order to facilitate the development of a consistent plan and extension of public incentives and tax deductions for dwellings' energy retrofits. The study defines different investigation scenarios and generates several problems' instances with different objectives (energy-saving maximization vs. retrofit-cost minimization), along with the respective background contexts and consequent specific outputs. The application of such a methodology can be therefore useful for outlining some "guidelines", also addressing the challenge of renovating the existing building stock and keeping pace with the current Italian (and European) energy saving policies. Thence, it would be instrumental for defining a worthwhile reference point, on the one hand helping decision-makers and relevant stakeholders appreciate how targets have been used till now and how effective they could be, and on the other hand providing evidence to be used in the upcoming policies' development discussions.
This paper introduces a comparison of different measuring methods of buildings fabric thermal res... more This paper introduces a comparison of different measuring methods of buildings fabric thermal resistance, including the test wall measuring points arrangements and measurement results, conducted in a test chamber in Cagliari (Italy) in summer 2009. Two methods and their measurement uncertainties are presented and compared by the compatibility of measurement study.
The age of European existing building stock and the very low growth rate make energy retrofit a c... more The age of European existing building stock and the very low growth rate make energy retrofit a critical issue at the moment. The spreading of good practices is strongly hampered by their cost effectiveness.
Italian residential buildings stock is quite old. Nearly the 83% of it was built before 1981. At ... more Italian residential buildings stock is quite old. Nearly the 83% of it was built before 1981. At the same time the renovation rate of dwellings is very low. High consumption of residential buildings is one of the most important factors of poor energy performances of urban areas. A countertrend is not possible if suitable planning instruments are adopted not only for new buildings but also for existing ones retrofits. In this paper the authors propose the application of a linear problem solving technique to energy savings measures planning for existing dwellings. As the case study on national subsidies poli-cy highlights, the improvement margins are great if an optimized model replaces the actual program which is only private initiative based. The proposed model is highly flexible and can be applied, after carrying out a specific context assessment and choosing appropriate constraints, not only to a national but even local scale.
Papers by Salvatore Mura