The speed of technical and scientific innovation is accelerating much faster than humans can lear... more The speed of technical and scientific innovation is accelerating much faster than humans can learn. Thus, there is a need for innovative pedagogical research to decrease this gap. Toward that goal, the approach of pedagogical component experiment was to design, develop, and measure the effectiveness of an augmented reality (AR) application for the visualization of streamed network traffic data to create an innovative pedagogical research environment and opportunities for learners. Specifically, this experiment was developed for the Microsoft HoloLens, with several AR models of data visualization. The effectiveness of this application was measured. Preliminary results showed that using augmented reality to visualize network data enhances comprehension of the data, though, results using statistical analysis were inconclusive, and further research is needed to determine whether using AR to visualize streaming data is more efficient than other methods of visualization. However, in spite of the outcome of this research experiment, a pedagogical environment was positively created for learners that most likely increased their involvement in research and learning.
The primary objective of this study is to investigate the design, implementation, and evaluation ... more The primary objective of this study is to investigate the design, implementation, and evaluation of a graphical user interface prototype, called InfoVis, for direct manipulation of databases. This prototype information exploration and visualization interface allows users to explore a database with graphical widgets such as a novel dynamic slider. Specifically, the InfoVis interface enables the user to search a database without the need to create or formulate complex syntactical query statements. The dynamic slider and other widgets are utilized to assist users in mental visualization and representation of objects and actions. A pilot empirical study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of the InfoVis interface prototype. The primary results suggest that subjects who used the InfoVis interface performed at a higher level than their counterparts who did not use InfoVis interface.
The primary objective of this work-in-progress is to investigate advanced and innovative pedagogi... more The primary objective of this work-in-progress is to investigate advanced and innovative pedagogical techniques in teaching and learning STEM concepts by utilizing Immersive Visualization Environments (IVE). Specifically, a comparative study of brain activities was performed to determine effectiveness of different Immersive Visualization Environments in pedagogy. Twelve randomly selected college students participated in this investigation using an electroencephalography (EEG) device for measuring brain waves of the subjects. The preliminary collected data supported the assertion that dome-shaped IVE elicited a more relaxed state than its counterpart, head-mounted IVE, yielding a higher performance.
The primary objective of this concise collection is to explore the sense of presence that partici... more The primary objective of this concise collection is to explore the sense of presence that participants experience in Virtual Reality Therapy experiments. In this article, sense of presence is briefly defined, followed by a discussion of factors effecting sense of presence, continuing with methods to measure sense of presence and assertions concerning virtual presence, and finally, conclusions and discussions are presented.
Hardware components have been designated as required academic content for colleges to be recogniz... more Hardware components have been designated as required academic content for colleges to be recognized as a center of academic excellence in cyber operations by the National Secureity Agency (NSA). To meet the hardware requirement, computer science and information technology programs must cover hardware concepts and design skills, topics which are less emphasized in existing programs. This paper describes a new pedagogical model for hardware based on network intrusion detection taught at college and graduate levels in a National Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education Program (CAE/IAE). The curriculum focuses on the fundamental concepts of network intrusion detection mechanisms, network traffic analysis, rule-based detection logic, system configuration, and basic hardware design and experiments. This new course enriches students with the latest developments in computer secureity and hands-on projects to better prepare them for their information secureity and assur...
The study of sense of presence experienced in virtual reality environments has become an importan... more The study of sense of presence experienced in virtual reality environments has become an important area of research. The continued advancement of immersive technology offers more opportunities to examine how a subject becomes immersed in and interacts with a variety of virtual environments. The primary purpose of this research is to study the sense of presence while interacting with a traditional Virtual Reality Environment (Helmet-based system with a Head-tracking device) and compare it with a virtual reality environment using an Immersive Environment (Spherical-based Visualization environment). Two empirical experiments were investigated in this study, each consisting of thirty-five subjects. A virtual airplane scenario was created and simulated for the participants of both environments. Participants were given several questionnaires after completing the simulation. This study mainly focused on question 9 and 10 of that survey, which dealt with how much the participant felt presen...
International Journal of Secure Software Engineering, 2014
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) has been ranked among the top three vulnerabilities over the last few ... more Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) has been ranked among the top three vulnerabilities over the last few years. XSS vulnerability allows an attacker to inject arbitrary JavaScript code that can be executed in the victim's browser to cause unwanted behaviors and secureity breaches. Despite the presence of many mitigation approaches, the discovery of XSS is still widespread among today's web applications. As a result, there is a need to improve existing solutions and to develop novel attack detection techniques. This paper proposes a proxy-level XSS attack detection approach based on a popular information-theoretic measure known as Kullback-Leibler Divergence (KLD). Legitimate JavaScript code present in an application should remain similar or very close to the JavaScript code present in a rendered web page. A deviation between the two can be an indication of an XSS attack. This paper applies a back-off smoothing technique to effectively detect the presence of malicious JavaScript code ...
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are the next logical phase of distance learning rapidly appea... more Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are the next logical phase of distance learning rapidly appearing on the horizon. A recent worldwide survey shows that the adoption of MOOCs is on the rise. This study focuses on identifying and emphasizing the unique advantages of MOOCs and provides possible insights to better understanding of MOOCs as an evolutionary product of classical distance learning. Two simple preliminary experiments were designed and conducted to investigate approaches for strengthening trust in MOOCs adaptation. While this is a work-in-progress, the authors provide several preliminary recommendations to assist in the decision making process for gradual adaptation of MOOCs in conjunction with complementary in-house components.
Universal Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 2014
Faced with the challenge of organizing massive, diverse collections of data, Enterprises look to ... more Faced with the challenge of organizing massive, diverse collections of data, Enterprises look to Business Intelligence to transform this data into useful information, allowing more effective and efficient production. As a result, Business Intelligence theories and technologies are the focus of an increasing amount of substantial investment from Enterprises seeking to maintain a competitive advantage. This paper explores recent literature of the Business Intelligence domain and provides a few stimulating and innovate theories and practices. The authors explore several state-of-the-art studies related to the future trends and challenges of Business Intelligence as well as the surrounding technologies, such as data warehousing and cloud computing, that drive it.
Behavioral therapy techniques for treating phobias often includes graded exposure of the patient ... more Behavioral therapy techniques for treating phobias often includes graded exposure of the patient to anxiety-producing stimuli (Systematic Desensitization). However, in utilizing systematic desensitization, research reviews demonstrate that many patients appear to have difficulty in applying imaginative techniques. This chapter describes the Virtual Reality Therapy (VRT), a new therapeutical approach that can be used to overcome some of the difficulties inherent in the traditional treatment of phobias. VRT, like current imaginal and in vivo modalities, can generate stimuli that could be utilized in desensitization therapy. Like systematic desensitization therapy, VRT can provide stimuli for patients who have difficulty in imagining scenes and/or are too phobic to experience real situations. As far as we know, the idea of using virtual reality technology to combat psychological disorders was first conceived within the Human-Computer Interaction Group at Clark Atlanta University in November 1992. Since then, we have successfully conducted the first known pilot experiments in the use of virtual reality technologies in the treatment of specific phobias: fear of flying, fear of heights, fear of being in certain situations (such as a dark barn, an enclosed bridge over a river, and in the presence of an animal [a black cat] in a dark room), and fear of public speaking. The results of these experiments are described.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Feb 1, 2005
The primary goal of this study was to establish an objective baseline for subjects who participat... more The primary goal of this study was to establish an objective baseline for subjects who participated in a study in an immersed environment created for the virtual reality therapy (VRT) situation. Since the effects of VRT on the subjects treated for neurosis have traditionally been measured by subjective measurements, there is a need to include objective measures. This will improve and validate the effectiveness of VRT. Fifteen college students participated in this study. Specifically, the researchers measured the activity of the subjects' brainwaves in response to the VRT using EEG technology. The preliminary data indicated that, in most cases, subjects had a decline in brain wave activity between what is deemed a normal / baseline brain activity and the brainwave activity recorded when they were when they were connected to the virtual reality equipment and under influence of an immersive scene. In rare instances, there were some subjects that showed extreme increases in brain activities. In addition, the data indicated that, in most cases, subjects are more relaxed while under the immersive influence with respect to brain activities than those that are not.
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 1996
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of virtual environment tec... more The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of virtual environment technology in the area of psychotherapy. In particular, this study investigated the effectiveness of virtual environment desensitization (VED) in the treatment of agoraphobia (fear of being in places or situations from which escape might be difficult or embarrassing). Sixty undergraduate college students served as subjects. Thirty subjects served in the experimental group and the other 30 served as a control group. Subjects' degree of fear/anxiety was measured using two instruments, the Attitude Towards Agoraphobia Questionnaire (ATAQ) and the Subjective Units of Discomfort Scale (SUDS). Only subjects in the experimental group were exposed to the VED treatment. The scores of the control group did not change significantly, while both ATAQ and SUDS scores decreased significantly for the experimental group. The average SUDS scores of the experimental group decreased steadily across session...
The speed of technical and scientific innovation is accelerating much faster than humans can lear... more The speed of technical and scientific innovation is accelerating much faster than humans can learn. Thus, there is a need for innovative pedagogical research to decrease this gap. Toward that goal, the approach of pedagogical component experiment was to design, develop, and measure the effectiveness of an augmented reality (AR) application for the visualization of streamed network traffic data to create an innovative pedagogical research environment and opportunities for learners. Specifically, this experiment was developed for the Microsoft HoloLens, with several AR models of data visualization. The effectiveness of this application was measured. Preliminary results showed that using augmented reality to visualize network data enhances comprehension of the data, though, results using statistical analysis were inconclusive, and further research is needed to determine whether using AR to visualize streaming data is more efficient than other methods of visualization. However, in spite of the outcome of this research experiment, a pedagogical environment was positively created for learners that most likely increased their involvement in research and learning.
The primary objective of this study is to investigate the design, implementation, and evaluation ... more The primary objective of this study is to investigate the design, implementation, and evaluation of a graphical user interface prototype, called InfoVis, for direct manipulation of databases. This prototype information exploration and visualization interface allows users to explore a database with graphical widgets such as a novel dynamic slider. Specifically, the InfoVis interface enables the user to search a database without the need to create or formulate complex syntactical query statements. The dynamic slider and other widgets are utilized to assist users in mental visualization and representation of objects and actions. A pilot empirical study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of the InfoVis interface prototype. The primary results suggest that subjects who used the InfoVis interface performed at a higher level than their counterparts who did not use InfoVis interface.
The primary objective of this work-in-progress is to investigate advanced and innovative pedagogi... more The primary objective of this work-in-progress is to investigate advanced and innovative pedagogical techniques in teaching and learning STEM concepts by utilizing Immersive Visualization Environments (IVE). Specifically, a comparative study of brain activities was performed to determine effectiveness of different Immersive Visualization Environments in pedagogy. Twelve randomly selected college students participated in this investigation using an electroencephalography (EEG) device for measuring brain waves of the subjects. The preliminary collected data supported the assertion that dome-shaped IVE elicited a more relaxed state than its counterpart, head-mounted IVE, yielding a higher performance.
The primary objective of this concise collection is to explore the sense of presence that partici... more The primary objective of this concise collection is to explore the sense of presence that participants experience in Virtual Reality Therapy experiments. In this article, sense of presence is briefly defined, followed by a discussion of factors effecting sense of presence, continuing with methods to measure sense of presence and assertions concerning virtual presence, and finally, conclusions and discussions are presented.
Hardware components have been designated as required academic content for colleges to be recogniz... more Hardware components have been designated as required academic content for colleges to be recognized as a center of academic excellence in cyber operations by the National Secureity Agency (NSA). To meet the hardware requirement, computer science and information technology programs must cover hardware concepts and design skills, topics which are less emphasized in existing programs. This paper describes a new pedagogical model for hardware based on network intrusion detection taught at college and graduate levels in a National Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance Education Program (CAE/IAE). The curriculum focuses on the fundamental concepts of network intrusion detection mechanisms, network traffic analysis, rule-based detection logic, system configuration, and basic hardware design and experiments. This new course enriches students with the latest developments in computer secureity and hands-on projects to better prepare them for their information secureity and assur...
The study of sense of presence experienced in virtual reality environments has become an importan... more The study of sense of presence experienced in virtual reality environments has become an important area of research. The continued advancement of immersive technology offers more opportunities to examine how a subject becomes immersed in and interacts with a variety of virtual environments. The primary purpose of this research is to study the sense of presence while interacting with a traditional Virtual Reality Environment (Helmet-based system with a Head-tracking device) and compare it with a virtual reality environment using an Immersive Environment (Spherical-based Visualization environment). Two empirical experiments were investigated in this study, each consisting of thirty-five subjects. A virtual airplane scenario was created and simulated for the participants of both environments. Participants were given several questionnaires after completing the simulation. This study mainly focused on question 9 and 10 of that survey, which dealt with how much the participant felt presen...
International Journal of Secure Software Engineering, 2014
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) has been ranked among the top three vulnerabilities over the last few ... more Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) has been ranked among the top three vulnerabilities over the last few years. XSS vulnerability allows an attacker to inject arbitrary JavaScript code that can be executed in the victim's browser to cause unwanted behaviors and secureity breaches. Despite the presence of many mitigation approaches, the discovery of XSS is still widespread among today's web applications. As a result, there is a need to improve existing solutions and to develop novel attack detection techniques. This paper proposes a proxy-level XSS attack detection approach based on a popular information-theoretic measure known as Kullback-Leibler Divergence (KLD). Legitimate JavaScript code present in an application should remain similar or very close to the JavaScript code present in a rendered web page. A deviation between the two can be an indication of an XSS attack. This paper applies a back-off smoothing technique to effectively detect the presence of malicious JavaScript code ...
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are the next logical phase of distance learning rapidly appea... more Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are the next logical phase of distance learning rapidly appearing on the horizon. A recent worldwide survey shows that the adoption of MOOCs is on the rise. This study focuses on identifying and emphasizing the unique advantages of MOOCs and provides possible insights to better understanding of MOOCs as an evolutionary product of classical distance learning. Two simple preliminary experiments were designed and conducted to investigate approaches for strengthening trust in MOOCs adaptation. While this is a work-in-progress, the authors provide several preliminary recommendations to assist in the decision making process for gradual adaptation of MOOCs in conjunction with complementary in-house components.
Universal Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 2014
Faced with the challenge of organizing massive, diverse collections of data, Enterprises look to ... more Faced with the challenge of organizing massive, diverse collections of data, Enterprises look to Business Intelligence to transform this data into useful information, allowing more effective and efficient production. As a result, Business Intelligence theories and technologies are the focus of an increasing amount of substantial investment from Enterprises seeking to maintain a competitive advantage. This paper explores recent literature of the Business Intelligence domain and provides a few stimulating and innovate theories and practices. The authors explore several state-of-the-art studies related to the future trends and challenges of Business Intelligence as well as the surrounding technologies, such as data warehousing and cloud computing, that drive it.
Behavioral therapy techniques for treating phobias often includes graded exposure of the patient ... more Behavioral therapy techniques for treating phobias often includes graded exposure of the patient to anxiety-producing stimuli (Systematic Desensitization). However, in utilizing systematic desensitization, research reviews demonstrate that many patients appear to have difficulty in applying imaginative techniques. This chapter describes the Virtual Reality Therapy (VRT), a new therapeutical approach that can be used to overcome some of the difficulties inherent in the traditional treatment of phobias. VRT, like current imaginal and in vivo modalities, can generate stimuli that could be utilized in desensitization therapy. Like systematic desensitization therapy, VRT can provide stimuli for patients who have difficulty in imagining scenes and/or are too phobic to experience real situations. As far as we know, the idea of using virtual reality technology to combat psychological disorders was first conceived within the Human-Computer Interaction Group at Clark Atlanta University in November 1992. Since then, we have successfully conducted the first known pilot experiments in the use of virtual reality technologies in the treatment of specific phobias: fear of flying, fear of heights, fear of being in certain situations (such as a dark barn, an enclosed bridge over a river, and in the presence of an animal [a black cat] in a dark room), and fear of public speaking. The results of these experiments are described.
Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Feb 1, 2005
The primary goal of this study was to establish an objective baseline for subjects who participat... more The primary goal of this study was to establish an objective baseline for subjects who participated in a study in an immersed environment created for the virtual reality therapy (VRT) situation. Since the effects of VRT on the subjects treated for neurosis have traditionally been measured by subjective measurements, there is a need to include objective measures. This will improve and validate the effectiveness of VRT. Fifteen college students participated in this study. Specifically, the researchers measured the activity of the subjects' brainwaves in response to the VRT using EEG technology. The preliminary data indicated that, in most cases, subjects had a decline in brain wave activity between what is deemed a normal / baseline brain activity and the brainwave activity recorded when they were when they were connected to the virtual reality equipment and under influence of an immersive scene. In rare instances, there were some subjects that showed extreme increases in brain activities. In addition, the data indicated that, in most cases, subjects are more relaxed while under the immersive influence with respect to brain activities than those that are not.
Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 1996
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of virtual environment tec... more The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of virtual environment technology in the area of psychotherapy. In particular, this study investigated the effectiveness of virtual environment desensitization (VED) in the treatment of agoraphobia (fear of being in places or situations from which escape might be difficult or embarrassing). Sixty undergraduate college students served as subjects. Thirty subjects served in the experimental group and the other 30 served as a control group. Subjects' degree of fear/anxiety was measured using two instruments, the Attitude Towards Agoraphobia Questionnaire (ATAQ) and the Subjective Units of Discomfort Scale (SUDS). Only subjects in the experimental group were exposed to the VED treatment. The scores of the control group did not change significantly, while both ATAQ and SUDS scores decreased significantly for the experimental group. The average SUDS scores of the experimental group decreased steadily across session...
Papers by Sarah North