Impairments in social functioning are associated with an array of adverse outcomes. Social skills... more Impairments in social functioning are associated with an array of adverse outcomes. Social skills measures are commonly used by health professionals to assess and plan the treatment of social skills difficulties. There is a need to comprehensively evaluate the quality of psychometric properties reported across these measures to guide assessment and treatment planning. To conduct a systematic review of the literature on the psychometric properties of social skills and behaviours measures for both children and adults. A systematic search was performed using four electronic databases: CINAHL, PsycINFO, Embase and Pubmed; the Health and Psychosocial Instruments database; and grey literature using PsycExtra and Google Scholar. The psychometric properties of the social skills measures were evaluated against the COSMIN taxonomy of measurement properties using pre-set psychometric criteria. Thirty-Six studies and nine manuals were included to assess the psychometric properties of thirteen s...
To explore factors that support or inhibit participation in daily activities amongst older adults... more To explore factors that support or inhibit participation in daily activities amongst older adults who have returned home following hospitalization. An exploratory qualitative design was used to gather information from a sample of older adults. Participants were recruited during their hospital stay from acute and rehabilitation wards in Victoria, Australia. Semistructured interviews were carried out in the participants' home within 6 weeks of discharge. Data were analyzed through thematic analysis. Participants (n = 21) were aged ≥65 years (mean 82 years [SD 8.5]), 57% were female (n = 11) and 76% with English as their first language (n = 16). Thematic analysis identified one primary theme (personal life approach) moderated by spirituality and two subthemes; interpretation of physical and mental abilities, and social interactions. The life approach acted as a filter through which participants interpreted their abilities and social interactions that either supported or inhibited t...
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to determine the extent of empathy amongst undergraduate... more ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to determine the extent of empathy amongst undergraduate students in six allied health professions a?? emergency health (paramedic), nursing, midwifery, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and health sciences at one Australian University
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 1997
We showed previously that brief footshock stress and priming injections of heroin reinstate heroi... more We showed previously that brief footshock stress and priming injections of heroin reinstate heroin-seeking after prolonged drug-free periods. Here, we examined whether the adrenal hormone, corticosterone, and brain corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) were involved in such reinstatement. We tested the effects of adrenalectomy, chronic exposure to the corticosterone synthesis inhibitor metyrapone (100 mg/kg, s.c., twice daily), acute exposure to metyrapone, acute intracerebroventricular injections of CRF (0.3 and 1.0 microgram), and intracerebroventricular injections of the CRF antagonist alpha-helical CRF (3 and 10 micrograms). Rats were trained to self-administer heroin (100 micrograms/kg/infusion, i.v.) for 12-14 d. Extinction sessions were given for 4-8 d (saline substituted for heroin). Tests for reinstatement were given after priming injections of saline and of heroin (0.25 mg/kg, s.c.), and after intermittent footshock (15 or 30 min, 0.5 mA). Adrenalectomy (performed after tra...
Limited evidence is available on the attitudes and perceptions of evidence-based practice and res... more Limited evidence is available on the attitudes and perceptions of evidence-based practice and research utilization within the occupational therapy (OT) field. The aim of this study was to investigate and compare the research knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to evidence-based practice and research utilization of pediatric OTs from Australia, the United Kingdom, and Taiwan. Questionnaires were mailed to 1,230 participants (300 in Australia, 480 in the UK, and 450 in Taiwan) who were asked to complete the "Research Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Research Survey" (KAP Survey). Responses were received from 696 participants (response rate 56.6%). The findings indicated that pediatric OTs perceived their research knowledge, attitudes, and practices to be of a "moderate" level, with the lowest ratings being for participants' knowledge and practices of "administering research implementation." Participants from Taiwan perceived significantl...
Internationally, occupational therapy education has gone through several paradigm shifts during t... more Internationally, occupational therapy education has gone through several paradigm shifts during the last few decades, moving from certificate to diploma to bachelors to masters and now in some instances to clinical doctorate as the entry-level professional credential to practice. In the United States there is a recommendation under consideration by the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) that by 2025, all occupational therapy university programs will move to the clinical doctorate level. It should be noted, however, that the AOTA Board can only make recommendations and it is the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) who has regulatory authority to approve such a change. What are the potential implications for the profession, our clients, and funders of occupational therapy services? What are the primary drivers for the move towards the clinical doctorate being the educational entry point? Is the next step in the evolution of occupational therapy education globally a shift to the entry-level clinical doctorate? This article reviews current literature and discusses issues about the occupational therapy entry-level clinical doctorate. The published evidence available about the occupational therapy entry-level clinical doctorate is summarized and the perceived or frequently cited pros and cons of moving to the clinical doctorate as the singular entry point to occupational therapy practice are considered. The potential impacts of the introduction of the clinical doctorate as the entry-to-practice qualification across the United States on the occupational therapy community internationally will be briefly discussed. If the United States moves toward the entry-level clinical doctorate as the only educational starting point for the profession, will other jurisdictions follow suit? Further discourse and investigation of this issue both inside and outside of the United States is needed so that informed decisions can be made. Occup Ther Health Downloaded from by Monash University on 03/30/15 For personal use only. Occup Ther Health Downloaded from by Monash University on 03/30/15 For personal use only. Occup Ther Health Downloaded from by Monash University on 03/30/15 For personal use only.
The aim of this study was to examine the usefulness of DVD simulations in a clinical teaching con... more The aim of this study was to examine the usefulness of DVD simulations in a clinical teaching context, their impact on student learning, and their potential as a supplemental learning option for clinical placements/fieldwork education rotations that might assist in reducing the burden on the health care system. Eleven clinical DVD simulations were developed by Monash University academic staff from four academic departments: nursing, occupational therapy, paramedics, and physiotherapy. Undergraduate students (n = 394) from these health science groups viewed the DVD simulations. Student perceptions and attitudes about the clinical relevance of the DVD simulations were assessed on a 7-point Likert-type scale standardized questionnaire (7 indicating the highest satisfaction score). Qualitative data were also collected from three focus groups that involved 24 students, assessing if and how the DVD simulations influenced the clinical fieldwork education placement learning experiences of t...
The significance of both empathy and effective communication as key components in the provision o... more The significance of both empathy and effective communication as key components in the provision of health care services is widely acknowledged. It is important, therefore, to promote those communication styles which facilitate an empathetic understanding among health science students. To explores whether listening and communication styles are predictive of empathy among health science students. A cross-sectional study of 860 undergraduate health science students (response rate, 59%) using paper-based versions of the Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy-Health Professional Version, Listening Styles Profile, Communicator Styles Measure, and a brief demographic questionnaire. Two stepwise linear regression analyses were completed using the empathy construct as the dependent/criterion variable and listening and communication styles as the two sets of independent/predictor variables. As there was a statistically significant difference in empathy between males and females, gender was cont...
It has been identified that health science students, and in particular undergraduate nutrition an... more It has been identified that health science students, and in particular undergraduate nutrition and dietetics (N&D) students, have distinctive learning needs. The purpose of this study was to investigate the learning styles of undergraduate N&D students enrolled at a large Australian university. An awareness of the learning styles of undergraduate N&D students will assist university educators in providing appropriate learning opportunities and developing curricula to equip N&D graduates with the essential skills they need to work effectively in the modern practice environment. The Kolb Learning Style Inventory (K-LSI), Index of Learning Styles (ILS) and Success Types Learning Style Type Indicator (STLSTI) were distributed to 162 students enrolled in a Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics program at one metropolitan university. One hundred twenty-nine questionnaires were returned, providing a response rate of 79.6%. The K-LSI showed that students were inclined toward converging (practi...
The responsibility to implement evidence-based practice (EBP) in a health care workplace does not... more The responsibility to implement evidence-based practice (EBP) in a health care workplace does not fall solely on the individual health care professional. Organisational barriers relate to the workplace setting, administrational support, infrastructure, and facilities available for the retrieval, critique, summation, utilisation, and integration of research findings in health care practices and settings. Using a scoping review approach, the organisational barriers to the implementation of EBP in health care settings were sought. This scoping review used the first five of the six stage methodology developed by Levac et al. (2010). The five stages used are: 1) Identify the research question; 2) identify relevant studies; 3) study selection; 4) charting the data; and 5) collating, summarising and reporting the results. The following databases were searched from January 2004 until February 2014: Medline, EMBASE, EBM Reviews, Google Scholar, The Cochrane Library and CINAHL. Of the 49 arti...
... Bracken, Keith, and Walker (19984. Bracken, BA, Keith, LK and Walker, KC 1998. Assessment of ... more ... Bracken, Keith, and Walker (19984. Bracken, BA, Keith, LK and Walker, KC 1998. Assessment of preschool behavior and social-emotional functioning: A review of thirteen third-party instruments. ... Analysis. Rasch analysis using Winsteps 3.67.0 (Linacre, 2008a32. ...
Background: Over the past century the Australian paramedic discipline has changed dramatically; m... more Background: Over the past century the Australian paramedic discipline has changed dramatically; moving from its origens of an ambulance driver to its current practitioner role and integral member of the Australian health care system. However, at present the Australian ...
ABSTRACT Background: People with severe acquired brain injury (ABI) often require high and ongoin... more ABSTRACT Background: People with severe acquired brain injury (ABI) often require high and ongoing levels of paid support, which is sometimes provided within a shared supported accommodation service (SSA). In Victoria there are more than 140 people with severe ABI living in shared supported accommodation services who have a similar level of disability as young people with ABI in residential aged care (RAC). Objectives: The aims of this article are twofold: (1) to describe the characteristics, support needs and level of community inclusion of people with an ABI living in shared SSA in Victoria and (2) to compare the characteristics, support needs, social contact, community integration and leisure participation of this group with a group of people with ABI under 50 years old living in RAC reported in a previous study. Participants: Information was obtained from SSA managers on 128 residents with an ABI, aged under 60 years, who were living in shared supported accommodation. Measures: Questionnaires were used to obtain information about the characteristics, support needs and occupational participation of participants. Support needs were measured utilising the Care and Needs Scale (CANS). Method: Questionnaires were sent to and completed by SSA managers. Results: Of the 39 SSA managers contacted, 32 provided information about the characteristics of 128 residents with ABI living in their facilities. While 72% of SSA residents accessed the community almost everyday or more often, 40% of this sample received a visit from a friend less often than once per year. Results of the CANS indicated that the SSA group required a similar level of support to the comparison group of people with ABI living in RAC, but went outside, participated in community based leisure activities, and visited friends significantly more often. There was no significant difference between the two groups in the frequency of visits to the facility from relatives or friends. Conclusion: Although the relationship between client outcomes and accommodation is a complex one, this study suggests that the type of accommodation and support has a significant impact on the frequency of community participation experienced people with ABI and high care needs.
ABSTRACT Objective: The objective of the study was to investigate the convergent validity of the ... more ABSTRACT Objective: The objective of the study was to investigate the convergent validity of the Developmental Test of Visual Perception — Adolescent and Adult (DTVP-A), the Motor-Free Visual Perception Test — third edition (MVPT-3) and the Test of Visual Perceptual Skills (non-motor) — third edition (TVPS-3) when used with adults.
Impairments in social functioning are associated with an array of adverse outcomes. Social skills... more Impairments in social functioning are associated with an array of adverse outcomes. Social skills measures are commonly used by health professionals to assess and plan the treatment of social skills difficulties. There is a need to comprehensively evaluate the quality of psychometric properties reported across these measures to guide assessment and treatment planning. To conduct a systematic review of the literature on the psychometric properties of social skills and behaviours measures for both children and adults. A systematic search was performed using four electronic databases: CINAHL, PsycINFO, Embase and Pubmed; the Health and Psychosocial Instruments database; and grey literature using PsycExtra and Google Scholar. The psychometric properties of the social skills measures were evaluated against the COSMIN taxonomy of measurement properties using pre-set psychometric criteria. Thirty-Six studies and nine manuals were included to assess the psychometric properties of thirteen s...
To explore factors that support or inhibit participation in daily activities amongst older adults... more To explore factors that support or inhibit participation in daily activities amongst older adults who have returned home following hospitalization. An exploratory qualitative design was used to gather information from a sample of older adults. Participants were recruited during their hospital stay from acute and rehabilitation wards in Victoria, Australia. Semistructured interviews were carried out in the participants' home within 6 weeks of discharge. Data were analyzed through thematic analysis. Participants (n = 21) were aged ≥65 years (mean 82 years [SD 8.5]), 57% were female (n = 11) and 76% with English as their first language (n = 16). Thematic analysis identified one primary theme (personal life approach) moderated by spirituality and two subthemes; interpretation of physical and mental abilities, and social interactions. The life approach acted as a filter through which participants interpreted their abilities and social interactions that either supported or inhibited t...
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to determine the extent of empathy amongst undergraduate... more ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to determine the extent of empathy amongst undergraduate students in six allied health professions a?? emergency health (paramedic), nursing, midwifery, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and health sciences at one Australian University
The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 1997
We showed previously that brief footshock stress and priming injections of heroin reinstate heroi... more We showed previously that brief footshock stress and priming injections of heroin reinstate heroin-seeking after prolonged drug-free periods. Here, we examined whether the adrenal hormone, corticosterone, and brain corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) were involved in such reinstatement. We tested the effects of adrenalectomy, chronic exposure to the corticosterone synthesis inhibitor metyrapone (100 mg/kg, s.c., twice daily), acute exposure to metyrapone, acute intracerebroventricular injections of CRF (0.3 and 1.0 microgram), and intracerebroventricular injections of the CRF antagonist alpha-helical CRF (3 and 10 micrograms). Rats were trained to self-administer heroin (100 micrograms/kg/infusion, i.v.) for 12-14 d. Extinction sessions were given for 4-8 d (saline substituted for heroin). Tests for reinstatement were given after priming injections of saline and of heroin (0.25 mg/kg, s.c.), and after intermittent footshock (15 or 30 min, 0.5 mA). Adrenalectomy (performed after tra...
Limited evidence is available on the attitudes and perceptions of evidence-based practice and res... more Limited evidence is available on the attitudes and perceptions of evidence-based practice and research utilization within the occupational therapy (OT) field. The aim of this study was to investigate and compare the research knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to evidence-based practice and research utilization of pediatric OTs from Australia, the United Kingdom, and Taiwan. Questionnaires were mailed to 1,230 participants (300 in Australia, 480 in the UK, and 450 in Taiwan) who were asked to complete the "Research Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Research Survey" (KAP Survey). Responses were received from 696 participants (response rate 56.6%). The findings indicated that pediatric OTs perceived their research knowledge, attitudes, and practices to be of a "moderate" level, with the lowest ratings being for participants' knowledge and practices of "administering research implementation." Participants from Taiwan perceived significantl...
Internationally, occupational therapy education has gone through several paradigm shifts during t... more Internationally, occupational therapy education has gone through several paradigm shifts during the last few decades, moving from certificate to diploma to bachelors to masters and now in some instances to clinical doctorate as the entry-level professional credential to practice. In the United States there is a recommendation under consideration by the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) that by 2025, all occupational therapy university programs will move to the clinical doctorate level. It should be noted, however, that the AOTA Board can only make recommendations and it is the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE) who has regulatory authority to approve such a change. What are the potential implications for the profession, our clients, and funders of occupational therapy services? What are the primary drivers for the move towards the clinical doctorate being the educational entry point? Is the next step in the evolution of occupational therapy education globally a shift to the entry-level clinical doctorate? This article reviews current literature and discusses issues about the occupational therapy entry-level clinical doctorate. The published evidence available about the occupational therapy entry-level clinical doctorate is summarized and the perceived or frequently cited pros and cons of moving to the clinical doctorate as the singular entry point to occupational therapy practice are considered. The potential impacts of the introduction of the clinical doctorate as the entry-to-practice qualification across the United States on the occupational therapy community internationally will be briefly discussed. If the United States moves toward the entry-level clinical doctorate as the only educational starting point for the profession, will other jurisdictions follow suit? Further discourse and investigation of this issue both inside and outside of the United States is needed so that informed decisions can be made. Occup Ther Health Downloaded from by Monash University on 03/30/15 For personal use only. Occup Ther Health Downloaded from by Monash University on 03/30/15 For personal use only. Occup Ther Health Downloaded from by Monash University on 03/30/15 For personal use only.
The aim of this study was to examine the usefulness of DVD simulations in a clinical teaching con... more The aim of this study was to examine the usefulness of DVD simulations in a clinical teaching context, their impact on student learning, and their potential as a supplemental learning option for clinical placements/fieldwork education rotations that might assist in reducing the burden on the health care system. Eleven clinical DVD simulations were developed by Monash University academic staff from four academic departments: nursing, occupational therapy, paramedics, and physiotherapy. Undergraduate students (n = 394) from these health science groups viewed the DVD simulations. Student perceptions and attitudes about the clinical relevance of the DVD simulations were assessed on a 7-point Likert-type scale standardized questionnaire (7 indicating the highest satisfaction score). Qualitative data were also collected from three focus groups that involved 24 students, assessing if and how the DVD simulations influenced the clinical fieldwork education placement learning experiences of t...
The significance of both empathy and effective communication as key components in the provision o... more The significance of both empathy and effective communication as key components in the provision of health care services is widely acknowledged. It is important, therefore, to promote those communication styles which facilitate an empathetic understanding among health science students. To explores whether listening and communication styles are predictive of empathy among health science students. A cross-sectional study of 860 undergraduate health science students (response rate, 59%) using paper-based versions of the Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy-Health Professional Version, Listening Styles Profile, Communicator Styles Measure, and a brief demographic questionnaire. Two stepwise linear regression analyses were completed using the empathy construct as the dependent/criterion variable and listening and communication styles as the two sets of independent/predictor variables. As there was a statistically significant difference in empathy between males and females, gender was cont...
It has been identified that health science students, and in particular undergraduate nutrition an... more It has been identified that health science students, and in particular undergraduate nutrition and dietetics (N&D) students, have distinctive learning needs. The purpose of this study was to investigate the learning styles of undergraduate N&D students enrolled at a large Australian university. An awareness of the learning styles of undergraduate N&D students will assist university educators in providing appropriate learning opportunities and developing curricula to equip N&D graduates with the essential skills they need to work effectively in the modern practice environment. The Kolb Learning Style Inventory (K-LSI), Index of Learning Styles (ILS) and Success Types Learning Style Type Indicator (STLSTI) were distributed to 162 students enrolled in a Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics program at one metropolitan university. One hundred twenty-nine questionnaires were returned, providing a response rate of 79.6%. The K-LSI showed that students were inclined toward converging (practi...
The responsibility to implement evidence-based practice (EBP) in a health care workplace does not... more The responsibility to implement evidence-based practice (EBP) in a health care workplace does not fall solely on the individual health care professional. Organisational barriers relate to the workplace setting, administrational support, infrastructure, and facilities available for the retrieval, critique, summation, utilisation, and integration of research findings in health care practices and settings. Using a scoping review approach, the organisational barriers to the implementation of EBP in health care settings were sought. This scoping review used the first five of the six stage methodology developed by Levac et al. (2010). The five stages used are: 1) Identify the research question; 2) identify relevant studies; 3) study selection; 4) charting the data; and 5) collating, summarising and reporting the results. The following databases were searched from January 2004 until February 2014: Medline, EMBASE, EBM Reviews, Google Scholar, The Cochrane Library and CINAHL. Of the 49 arti...
... Bracken, Keith, and Walker (19984. Bracken, BA, Keith, LK and Walker, KC 1998. Assessment of ... more ... Bracken, Keith, and Walker (19984. Bracken, BA, Keith, LK and Walker, KC 1998. Assessment of preschool behavior and social-emotional functioning: A review of thirteen third-party instruments. ... Analysis. Rasch analysis using Winsteps 3.67.0 (Linacre, 2008a32. ...
Background: Over the past century the Australian paramedic discipline has changed dramatically; m... more Background: Over the past century the Australian paramedic discipline has changed dramatically; moving from its origens of an ambulance driver to its current practitioner role and integral member of the Australian health care system. However, at present the Australian ...
ABSTRACT Background: People with severe acquired brain injury (ABI) often require high and ongoin... more ABSTRACT Background: People with severe acquired brain injury (ABI) often require high and ongoing levels of paid support, which is sometimes provided within a shared supported accommodation service (SSA). In Victoria there are more than 140 people with severe ABI living in shared supported accommodation services who have a similar level of disability as young people with ABI in residential aged care (RAC). Objectives: The aims of this article are twofold: (1) to describe the characteristics, support needs and level of community inclusion of people with an ABI living in shared SSA in Victoria and (2) to compare the characteristics, support needs, social contact, community integration and leisure participation of this group with a group of people with ABI under 50 years old living in RAC reported in a previous study. Participants: Information was obtained from SSA managers on 128 residents with an ABI, aged under 60 years, who were living in shared supported accommodation. Measures: Questionnaires were used to obtain information about the characteristics, support needs and occupational participation of participants. Support needs were measured utilising the Care and Needs Scale (CANS). Method: Questionnaires were sent to and completed by SSA managers. Results: Of the 39 SSA managers contacted, 32 provided information about the characteristics of 128 residents with ABI living in their facilities. While 72% of SSA residents accessed the community almost everyday or more often, 40% of this sample received a visit from a friend less often than once per year. Results of the CANS indicated that the SSA group required a similar level of support to the comparison group of people with ABI living in RAC, but went outside, participated in community based leisure activities, and visited friends significantly more often. There was no significant difference between the two groups in the frequency of visits to the facility from relatives or friends. Conclusion: Although the relationship between client outcomes and accommodation is a complex one, this study suggests that the type of accommodation and support has a significant impact on the frequency of community participation experienced people with ABI and high care needs.
ABSTRACT Objective: The objective of the study was to investigate the convergent validity of the ... more ABSTRACT Objective: The objective of the study was to investigate the convergent validity of the Developmental Test of Visual Perception — Adolescent and Adult (DTVP-A), the Motor-Free Visual Perception Test — third edition (MVPT-3) and the Test of Visual Perceptual Skills (non-motor) — third edition (TVPS-3) when used with adults.
Papers by Ted Brown