
KKTC’de dünyaya gelip ilk, orta ve lise tahsilini burada tamamlayan Doç. Dr. Ümit GÜLER, Uludağ Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesinden 2008 yılında mezun oldu. Aynı üniversitenin Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsünde 2010 yılında yüksek lisansını, 2015 yılında ise İslam hukuk tarihi ve sosyal tarih çerçevesinde disiplinlerarası bir çalışma olarak hazırlamış olduğu “17. ve 18. Yüzyıl Kıbrıs Şer‘iyye Sicillerine Göre Müslüman-Zimmî İlişkileri ve İslâm Hukuku Açısından Tahlili” adlı teziyle doktorasını tamamladı. 2007 yılında bir süre Kahire’de, 2009-2010 yılları arasında da Şam’da dil eğitimi alarak Suriye Eğitim Bakanlığı bünyesindeki Arapça Dil Eğitimi Enstitüsünden (Ma‘hedu't-Ta‘lîmi'l-Luğati'l-‘Arabiyye) 2010 yılında mezun oldu ve bir süre Arapça mütercimliği faaliyetlerinde bulundu. 2012-2015 yılları arasında MEB’in İstanbul Çekmeköy’deki bir lisesinde DİKAB öğretmenliği yaptı. 2015 yılında doktora eğitimini tamamlamasını müteakiben Batman Üniversitesi İslami İlimler Fakültesi İslam Tarihi Anabilim Dalında öğretim üyeliğine atandı. Sosyal tarih ve İslam hukuk tarihi çerçevesinde disiplinlerarası araştırmalarda bulunan GÜLER, çalışmalarını Osmanlı dönemi İslam sosyal tarihi üzerine yoğunlaştırmış ve 2020 yılında İslam Tarihi Anabilim Dalında doçent olmuştur. Arapça ve İngilizce bilmekte olup evli ve iki çocuk babasıdır.
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Papers by ÜMİT GÜLER
Abstract: Imams in Ottoman State were in quite an important position due to their religious, social and official duties since they occupied the largest place among the institutions serving the Muslim community. For this reason, the profession of imam is the most prominent institution of Ottoman Islam community; and it displays a great importance with the transformations and changes it has experienced. Based on the abovementioned importance, the problems that imams of Ottoman community faced in their professional life have been handled in this study, which has not been the subject of any studies so far. The aim of the study is to reveal the problems that the imams faced in their professional life in the related period within the context of XVIII century Diyarbekir Ahkam Books and also Diyarbekir (Amid) Sharia Registry Books. As a result of the investigation, it was established that the problems that imams faced in their professional life were recorded in a total of 60 different records. According to classification, one of the most frequently faced problems was about foundations. Problems related to illegal tax collection, improper interferences in imams due to their duties, performing marriage contract and dead washing and few problems that are faced in social life are the subsequent problems.
Abstract: The expression mullah was used as a scientific title both before and during Ottoman rule; and it is possible that it might refer to various groups within this context. In this study, which was prepared based on court records of XVIII and XIX century Diyarbekir (Amid), it turned out that the madrasah graduates in general were called as mullahs during the abovementioned period Diyarbekir. In the study, it was established that mullahs were mentioned intensionally and markedly in the court records of the time. It can be said that not only the interest given to madrasah education but also great respect and value appraised for mullahs by the community played important role in emergence
of the result. That the mullahs did not interfere in almost any crime events during that time points out that they, in general, led a life style in line with respect and value appraised by the society. This is valid for nearly all mullahs who conducted religious and educational services and who were in the professions of trades and craftsmen. Although 31.6% of the mullahs were engaged in trades and craftsmanship, this result
reflects the fact that success of madrasah institutions improved the quality of individuals and community. This study, based on records, demonstrates that mullahs in all professional groups, including tradesmen and artisans, played a role of improving and bettering community life, and that they achieved a serious respect throughout the
society, and that they led a life style that was compatible with this respect.
Keywords: Mullah, Diyarbekir, Ottoman, Madrasah, Social History
ABSTRACT: In 17th and 18th centuries Cyprus was a typically Ottoman territory as managerial and judicial and depended on state center. By the time Reform term, in the Ottoman State adopting the judicial judgement procedure, judicial courts have been institution that handled all manner of judicial disagreements. These courts that appropriate the Islam law left behind registries containing very valuable information about judicial, economic, religious, military, managerial and social life in verious times of state. In view of importance of subject in this article we will try elucidate Cyprus judicial courts and judicial registries in the said period.
Records of Freedom in XVII Century Cyprus: Emancipation Documents The religion of Islam did not directly abolish the institution of slavery but brought some arrangements which enable its suppression gradually. Such kind of arragements include freeing slaves as an expiation of certain grave sins and promising the emancipator wit etheral rewards. Throughout the history, Muslims have acted with regard to these regulations and have given importance to emancipation of slaves. ʿItqnāmas (emancipation documents) found in the qadi registers of the 17th century Ottoman Cyprus constitute legal records of some good examples of this practice. In fact, though it was not legally obligatory, the emancipation processes were recorded before the court in order to protect the interest of slaves and the documents were prepared for use in case of need. In this article, the manumission of slaves that took place in 17th century Cyprus have been examined with reference to the nineteen surviving emancipation documents in qadi registers.
Hürlük davaları ise dolandırıcı olarak adlandırılabilecek kişilerce hür kişilerin köle olarak satılmaları neticesinde ortaya çıkmıştır. Bununla beraber kimi zaman kasıtlı ya da kasıtsız olarak hür kişilere yönelik kölelik iddiasında bulunulması da bu davaların sebepleri arasında yer almıştır. Hürlük iddiasıyla açılan tüm davalar, hürriyet arayışında olan davacılar lehine sonuçlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda kölelik isnadına maruz kalan ya da köle olarak satılan kişilerin Kıbrıs halkından olmadıkları, buna rağmen hürlüklerini ispatlama ve elde etme imkânına kavuştukları da gözlenmiştir.
Abstract: Imams in Ottoman State were in quite an important position due to their religious, social and official duties since they occupied the largest place among the institutions serving the Muslim community. For this reason, the profession of imam is the most prominent institution of Ottoman Islam community; and it displays a great importance with the transformations and changes it has experienced. Based on the abovementioned importance, the problems that imams of Ottoman community faced in their professional life have been handled in this study, which has not been the subject of any studies so far. The aim of the study is to reveal the problems that the imams faced in their professional life in the related period within the context of XVIII century Diyarbekir Ahkam Books and also Diyarbekir (Amid) Sharia Registry Books. As a result of the investigation, it was established that the problems that imams faced in their professional life were recorded in a total of 60 different records. According to classification, one of the most frequently faced problems was about foundations. Problems related to illegal tax collection, improper interferences in imams due to their duties, performing marriage contract and dead washing and few problems that are faced in social life are the subsequent problems.
Abstract: The expression mullah was used as a scientific title both before and during Ottoman rule; and it is possible that it might refer to various groups within this context. In this study, which was prepared based on court records of XVIII and XIX century Diyarbekir (Amid), it turned out that the madrasah graduates in general were called as mullahs during the abovementioned period Diyarbekir. In the study, it was established that mullahs were mentioned intensionally and markedly in the court records of the time. It can be said that not only the interest given to madrasah education but also great respect and value appraised for mullahs by the community played important role in emergence
of the result. That the mullahs did not interfere in almost any crime events during that time points out that they, in general, led a life style in line with respect and value appraised by the society. This is valid for nearly all mullahs who conducted religious and educational services and who were in the professions of trades and craftsmen. Although 31.6% of the mullahs were engaged in trades and craftsmanship, this result
reflects the fact that success of madrasah institutions improved the quality of individuals and community. This study, based on records, demonstrates that mullahs in all professional groups, including tradesmen and artisans, played a role of improving and bettering community life, and that they achieved a serious respect throughout the
society, and that they led a life style that was compatible with this respect.
Keywords: Mullah, Diyarbekir, Ottoman, Madrasah, Social History
ABSTRACT: In 17th and 18th centuries Cyprus was a typically Ottoman territory as managerial and judicial and depended on state center. By the time Reform term, in the Ottoman State adopting the judicial judgement procedure, judicial courts have been institution that handled all manner of judicial disagreements. These courts that appropriate the Islam law left behind registries containing very valuable information about judicial, economic, religious, military, managerial and social life in verious times of state. In view of importance of subject in this article we will try elucidate Cyprus judicial courts and judicial registries in the said period.
Records of Freedom in XVII Century Cyprus: Emancipation Documents The religion of Islam did not directly abolish the institution of slavery but brought some arrangements which enable its suppression gradually. Such kind of arragements include freeing slaves as an expiation of certain grave sins and promising the emancipator wit etheral rewards. Throughout the history, Muslims have acted with regard to these regulations and have given importance to emancipation of slaves. ʿItqnāmas (emancipation documents) found in the qadi registers of the 17th century Ottoman Cyprus constitute legal records of some good examples of this practice. In fact, though it was not legally obligatory, the emancipation processes were recorded before the court in order to protect the interest of slaves and the documents were prepared for use in case of need. In this article, the manumission of slaves that took place in 17th century Cyprus have been examined with reference to the nineteen surviving emancipation documents in qadi registers.
Hürlük davaları ise dolandırıcı olarak adlandırılabilecek kişilerce hür kişilerin köle olarak satılmaları neticesinde ortaya çıkmıştır. Bununla beraber kimi zaman kasıtlı ya da kasıtsız olarak hür kişilere yönelik kölelik iddiasında bulunulması da bu davaların sebepleri arasında yer almıştır. Hürlük iddiasıyla açılan tüm davalar, hürriyet arayışında olan davacılar lehine sonuçlanmıştır. Bu bağlamda kölelik isnadına maruz kalan ya da köle olarak satılan kişilerin Kıbrıs halkından olmadıkları, buna rağmen hürlüklerini ispatlama ve elde etme imkânına kavuştukları da gözlenmiştir.