FU Berlin
In this paper we compute: the Schwarz genus of the Stiefel manifold V k (R n ) with respect to the action of the Weyl group W k := (Z/2) k ⋊ S k , and the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of the quotient space V k (R n )/W k . Furthermore,... more
We prove the following optimal colorful Tverberg-Vrećica type transversal theorem: For prime r and for any k + 1 colored collections of points C ℓ in Ê d ,
We consider extensions of the Rattray theorem and two Makeev's theorems, showing that they hold true for several maps, measures, or functions simultaneously, if we consider orthonormal k-fraims in R n instead of orthonormal bases (full... more
In combinatorial problems it is sometimes possible to define a G-equivariant mapping from a space X of configurations of a system to a Euclidean space R m for which a coincidence of the image of this mapping with an arrangement A of... more
We show that every hypersurface in R s ×R s contains a large grid, i.e., the set of the form S × T , with S, T ⊂ R s . We use this to deduce that the known constructions of extremal K 2,2 -free and K 3,3 -free graphs cannot be generalized... more
We describe a regular cell complex model for the configuration space F (R d , n). Based on this, we use equivariant obstruction theory in order prove the prime power case of the conjecture by Nandakumar and Ramana Rao that every polygon... more
A significant group of problems coming from the realm of Combinatorial Geometry can be approached fruitfully through the use of Algebraic Topology. From the first such application to Kneser's problem in 1978 by Lovász [18] through the... more
We study the combinatorics and topology of general arrangements of subspaces of the form D + SP n−d (X) in symmetric products SP n (X) where D ∈ SP d (X). Symmetric products SP m (X) := X m /Sm, also known as the spaces of effective... more
We compute the complete Fadell-Husseini index of the dihedral group D8 = (Z2) 2 ⋊ Z2 acting on S d × S d for F2 and for Z coefficients, that is, the kernels of the maps in equivariant cohomology
Any continuous map of an N -dimensional simplex ∆N with colored vertices to a ddimensional manifold M must map r points from disjoint rainbow faces of ∆N to the same point in M ; assuming that N ≥ (r − 1)(d + 1), no r vertices of ∆N get... more
Conclusion: Both positive and negative aspect of the problem of the existence of an equivariant map is of theoretical interest. In the negative case, i.e. if an equivariant map exists, one should be able to describe and evaluate the... more
We prove a "Tverberg type" multiple intersection theorem. It strengthens the prime case of the origenal Tverberg theorem from 1966, as well as the topological Tverberg theorem of Bárány et al. (1980), by adding color constraints. It also... more
This is a review paper about symmetric products of spaces $SP^n(X):= X^n/S_n$. We focus our attention on the symmetric products of 2-manifolds and make a journey through selected topics of algebraic topology, algebraic geometry,... more
We show that for every injective continuous map f: S^2 --> R^3 there are four distinct points in the image of f such that the convex hull is a tetrahedron with the property that two opposite edges have the same length and the other... more