Just a few days have passed since
Wikileaks published the draft (secret) text of
the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP, here),
and even less since the IPKat and its friends provided an analysis of it (here, here, here, here, here).
Via an invaluable Katfriend comes the news
that today the ministers and heads of delegation for the TPP countries released
the following statement:
"We, the Ministers
and Heads of Delegation for Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan,
Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States, and Vietnam,
have just completed a four-day Ministerial meeting in Singapore where we have
made substantial progress toward completing the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Over the course of this
meeting, we identified potential “landing zones” for the majority of key
outstanding issues in the text. We will continue to work with flexibility
to finalize these text issues as well as market access issues.
For all TPP countries, an
ambitious, comprehensive and high-standard agreement that achieves the goals
established in Honolulu in 2011 is critical for creating jobs and promoting
growth, providing opportunity for our citizens and contributing to regional
integration and the strengthening of the multilateral trading system.
Therefore, we have decided to
continue our intensive work in the coming weeks toward such an agreement.
We will also further our consultations with stakeholders and engage in our
respective political processes.
Following additional work by negotiators,
we intend to meet again next month."
According to a research published on the
website of the Office of the US Trade Representative, the TPP "is the most significant trade negotiation in
a generation, and promises significant economic benefits." You will wonder: What are these
benefits? Wonder no further: you can find out here.
UPDATE: via another Katfriend comes the further news that yesterday Wikileaks published new documents that outline the positions that participant countries have on various issues. You can access them here.
UPDATE: via another Katfriend comes the further news that yesterday Wikileaks published new documents that outline the positions that participant countries have on various issues. You can access them here.
BREAKING NEWS: TPP postponed to next year
Reviewed by Eleonora Rosati
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
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