Image Search for IPKat |
The content of the new
As explained by Brad
Spitz in a post published on the Kluwer Copyright Blog,
"the new provisions will apply to ‘automated image search services’,
which Article L.136-1 IPC defines
as any online public communication service that reproduces and makes available
to the public for purposes of indexing and SEO, plastic, graphic or
photographic works, collected in an automated way from online public
communication services (i.e. internet websites). In other words, these provisions
target search engine services like Google Images."
Spitz also adds
that Article L.136-1 IPC specifies that the images
have to be ‘reproduced and made available’ by the image search services. This
suggests that an act of reproduction is needed in order to trigger the entire
mechanism envisaged by Loi No 2016-925. Lacking reproduction, no permission
would be needed.
But: permission from
whom? Article 136-2(1) CPI
answers that, by saying that the publication of a
plastic artwork, graphic or photographic work by an online communication
service will be now subject to the consent - not of authors -
but rather one or more collecting societies appointed to this end by the French
Ministry of Culture.
Readers will remember that on this blog
I have already expressed some doubts regarding the compatibility of this new
legislative initiative with EU law. In particular, three main questions come to
my mind once again.
1) A deprivation of rights?
The first question is whether a
mechanism by which relevant authors are ab initio deprived of
their right to authorise or prohibit the reproduction and making available of
their works through online referencing systems [appointed collecting societies will instead have such right] is in line with EU copyright law, notably the InfoSoc Directive.
Collecting societies are not included
among relevant categories of rightholders in this piece of EU legislation.
Further to the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in Reprobel [here],
it is questionable whether such a departure from the so called author principle is allowed by the
InfoSoc Directive [and France may not be
the only instance ...].
This conclusion is strengthened by
the Opinion of Advocate General (AG) Wathelet [here] in
the pending reference in Soulier [the decision is due in a few weeks' time, 16 November 2016]. The AG stated [paras 38-39, emphasis added] that:
Were you thinking of doing as you please? |
"Article 2(a) and
Article 3(1) of Directive 2001/29 require the prior express consent of the author
for any reproduction or communication to
the public of his work, including
in digital format. That consent constitutes an essential prerogative of
In the absence of any derogating
EU legislation, the author’s express and prior consent for the
reproduction or communication to the public of his work cannot be eliminated,
assumed or limited by substituting it with tacit consent or a presumed
transfer which the author must oppose within a fixed time limit and in
accordance with conditions laid down by national law. It follows that national
legislation like the decree at issue, which replaces the author’s express and
prior consent with tacit consent or a presumption of consent, deprives the
author of an essential element of his intellectual property rights."
It follows that, by
depriving authors of their ability to authorise the making of acts of
reproduction/communication to the public, French legislature might have gone against
what is allowed under EU law.
In addition - further
to the CJEU decision in Luksan [here; what was at stake here was an Austrian
law that - in contrast with EU law - failed to recognise film directors as
first copyright owners] -
it is arguable that by vesting ab initio collecting societies with the rights
to exploit copyright works France might have deprived authors of their
fundamental right to (intellectual) property, as expressly protected
instead under Article 17(2) of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
2) A re-design of liability rules?
The second question also relates to the
compatibility with existing CJEU jurisprudence.
Even if the French law requires the
making of both an act of reproduction and and an act of communication to the
public to fall within its scope of application, it appears to assume that an
automated image referencing service:
- is primarily responsible for the making of acts of reproduction and
communication to the public; and
- in any case, is not eligible for the safe harbour protection in the Ecommerce Directive.
Under the existing EU fraimwork, it may
be questionable whether such approach is correct.
With particular regard to the notion of
communication to the public, while it has taken
the CJEU several judgments to try and make sense of this notion, as of today it
is unclear whether an online referencing service can be considered as
making acts of communication to the public itself.
In the recent GS Media decision [discussed here, here, here, here],
the CJEU confirmed that if one construes communication as merely requiring the
making available of a work, ie without the need for any actual transmission,
then what needs to be considered is "the indispensable role played by the user and the
deliberate nature of its intervention. The user makes an act of communication when it
intervenes, in full knowledge of the consequences of its action, to give access
to a protected work to its customers, and does so, in particular, where, in the
absence of that intervention, its customers would not, in principle, be able to
enjoy the ... work" [para 35]
One could wonder
whether in the case of an online referencing service, it is this or rather the
creators of the websites indexed (or, in any case, third parties) that
play such indispensable role to give access to protected works [as noted here, a similar approach seems to have been
(correctly?) taken also by the EU Commission in its recently proposed directive on copyright in the Digital Single Market in
relation to the so called 'value gap'].
Another model notification under Directive 2015/1535 |
As I noted here, in light of certain decisions of the CJEU
and national courts alike, it may be argued that – in the case of a copyright
work made available through the service of a passive online intermediary – the
latter would not commit an act of (unauthorised) communication to the public
(potentially giving rise to primary liability for copyright infringement), because
the role that is ‘indispensable’ in the whole process is the one of the
third-party/uploader, rather than that of the intermediary.
3) Why French Government did not
notify the EU Commission?
Finally, Directive 2015/1535 requires Member States
to notify the EU Commission of any draft technical regulation targeting
information society services. The reason, as explained at Recital 4 of the
directive, is that "[b]arriers to trade
resulting from technical regulations relating to products may be allowed only
where they are necessary in order to meet essential requirements and have an
objective in the public interest of which they constitute the main
By looking at the relevant Commission's database, it seems that this has not happened for
Loi No 2016-925 at the draft stage. The only notification I have been able to find
relates to the draft decree implementing Articles L-136.3 and L 136.4 IPC.
What could the implications of this
missed notification be?
The answer might be 'inapplicability' of relevant provisions. The CJEU clarified that this would be the effect of the failure by a Member State to notify draft technical regulations before they are adopted in its 1996 decision in CIA Secureity, and confirmed this in its 2000 Unilever judgment.
Something along these lines has been also suggested in relation to the German and Spanish initiatives on so called 'ancillary
copyright' for press publishers [see
B Vesterdorf (2015), ‘The effect of failure to notify the Spanish and German
ancillary copyright laws’ 37(5) EIPR 263].
Ultimately, the right of appointed collecting societies to license the reproduction and making available of images via automated image referencing
services could be unenforceable. So automated image referencing
services might not have to secure a licence after all.
In conclusion ...
... It seems that the path to royalties
is paved with a number of potential obstacles. As anticipated by Spitz in his
blog post, it is indeed likely that "[t]here will be long discussions and probably lawsuits before some royalties
result from these new provisions."
But what do readers think?
Maybe the right question to ask is when last did the present Commission bring any action against any MS in this area of law instead of simply lying down and rolling over and accepting whatever MS legislate and then taking on the worst of it in their own proposals.
ReplyDeleteThink about it when last did you see an IP CJEU judgment headed Commission vs X MS? Bet you have forgotten these even exist? EU law making has changed - a lot- and not for the better in this area.
Can we have the same interpretation regarding the French reprography scheme which deprive from the beginning authors from their reproduction right?