American and European safe
Over on the Kluwer
Copyright Blog they are discussing the American Vimeo Case decision which
broadened the exemption for internet service
providers (ISPs) in cases of copyright infringement by platform users. The post considers the contrast between this case and the
European Union seeking a narrower approach to excluding ISPs from liability.
I-Kat |
Video-sharing platform services
and media services : what is the link between the new AVMSD and the old ECD?
Earlier this year the European Commission (EC) made
two proposals for a new copyright Directive, and for amending the audiovisual media services Directive (AVMSD). In this post from PeebBeep!
Sophie Stalla-Bourdillon focuses on the fate of the status given to certain
categories of intermediary providers by the E-commerce
Protecting the Apple iWatch
Standby screenshot as a trademark Device in China? Sorry not possible
Trade Mark Blog reports on a recent judgment by the Beijing IP Court which
refused four applications by Apple to obtain trade mark protection for the
standby screen of the iWatch. The applications were rejected by the Trademark
Office for lacking distinctiveness and the Beijing IP Court agreed.
Old + new = learning experiences
Tango keeps us up to date on a cooperation
agreement recently signed by Mr Luiz Otávio Pimentel, the Brazilian
Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (INPI)’s president and the UK
IPO. The aim of the agreement is for collaboration
to exchange information, experiences and views.
blog informs us of the introduced of a US bill, the Fairness for
American Small Creators Act, which would amend the Copyright Act to
introduce a Copyright Claims Board (the Board).
Sofosbuvir - a $2.54bn infringement in
the US, but not in Europe
Tuffy the cat addresses the common
misconception that getting a patent for an invention also gives the right to
commercialise it. As you are likely aware, a patent only gives you the right to stop
others from doing what the claims cover, while being free to put your invention
into practice is dependent on not being found to infringe anyone else's patent. Tuffy provides us with a good recent example of this in the case of Idenix
Pharmaceuticals LLC v Gilead Sciences Inc.
A Magical decision? GC decides
in Excalibur City v EUIPO
Marques 46 explains two decisions (Cases
T-565/15 and T-566/15)
on 20th September 2016 in Excalibur City v EUIPO, where the EU
General Court disagreed with the EUIPO's Board of Appeal and found that there
was no likelihood of confusion between applications for the mark MERLIN'S
KINDERWELT and two earlier Italian trade marks for KINDER owned by Ferrero.
Around the IP Blogs
Reviewed by Hayleigh Bosher
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
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