Some 'graceful' sunbathing ahead of the weekend |
E-course – Intellectual Property for Sustainable Innovations (16-27 September 2024) with 10% IPKat readers’ discount
NOVA School of Law is organizing an online course aimed at providing a comprehensive knowledge of IP and reflecting on how it can help sustainable innovators.
The target audience includes students and researchers in law and or any other disciplines (natural sciences, social sciences, sustainability studies), legal practitioners and trainees, professionals in need for/curious about basic applied knowledge on IP law, innovators of all sorts and kinds.
IPKat readers are entitled to a 10% discount in the registration fee by mentioning IPKat at checkout. For further information, click here.
Pharmaceuticals and the Law (16-18 September 2024)
The British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL), in collaboration with the Centre for Commercial Law Studies at Queen Mary, is organizing a 3-day executive course on “Pharmaceuticals and the Law”, which will be held in hybrid format (London and online).
As explained by the organizers, this is a wide-ranging course offering diverse legal and interdisciplinary perspectives exploring the nexus between global public health, intellectual property, regulation, liability and human rights issues.
For further information and to register, click here.
Nordic Copyright Symposium 2024 (26-27 September 2024)
If you are interested in copyright from an EU and Nordic perspective, then consider attending the Symposium organized by Dansk Selskab for Ophavsret in Copenhagen.
As explained by the organizers, the programme will attempt to answer the following questions:
- How have the Nordic countries implemented the DSM Directive, including its Chapter 3 on contracts?
- Can material created using AI be protected by copyright? And who holds the rights in that case?
- When is text and data mining for AI development legally permitted under copyright law?
- Does AI technology also entail copyright infringement apart from this? If so, how should we handle it?
For further information and to register, click here.
7th edition of ALAI European Authors’ Right Award, supported by GESAC
Students or researchers specializing in copyright are invited to submit their entries for consideration for the ALAI European Authors’ Right Award, supported by GESAC.
As explained in the guidelines for the 7th edition of the Award, the essay must:
- be related to authors’ rights/copyright;
- have a European dimension (this may include a comparison of third-country systems with those of the EU);
- include aspects that could be of interest to the collective management of authors’ rights/copyright.
Furthermore, applicants must:
- be master’s students or newly master’s graduates (year 2024) from any university in the world (minimum 4th year tertiary, master’s level, LL.M, pre-doctoral or doctoral level students/researchers);
- be under the age of 35 on 16 November 2024;
- have been recommended to apply by at least one IP professor at a recognised university / faculty.
For further information and to apply, click here.
Friday Fantasies
Reviewed by Eleonora Rosati
Friday, June 21, 2024
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