Indiana University South Bend
This essay works toward two goals: 1) to provide an explanation of how the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning may work within all four of Boyer’s “scholarships” of discovery, integration, application, and teaching and 2) to clarify the... more
This study sought to determine if general parent education, in the form of books and workshops, was an effective intervention in cases of moderate parental distress due to difficult child temperament. The parents of six "difficult"... more
Children whose temperamental traits are significantly different from the average risk abuse or neglect from parents who do not recognize this "differentness" as legitimate expressions of individuality. This paper discusses how parents can... more
This study examined correlations between temperament and demandimg behavior in toddlers. Subjects were eight mothers and their children from 18 to 27 months of age. Mothers were interviewed in their homes and completed the Toddler... more
Children whose temperamental traits are significantly different from the average risk abuse or neglect from parents who do not recognize this "differentness" as legitimate expressions of individuality. This paper discusses how... more
The editors of JoSoTL have received many inquiries about classroom action research (CAR). What is it? Why should you consider doing it? How do you do it? How does it differ from traditional research on teaching and learning? This essay is... more
The editors of JoSoTL have received many inquiries about classroom action research (CAR). What is it? Why should you consider doing it? How do you do it? How does it differ from traditional research on teaching and learning? This essay is... more
This study sought to determine if general parent education, in the form of books and workshops, was an effective intervention in cases of moderate parental distress due to difficult child temperament. The parents of six "difficult... more
This study examined correlations between temperament and demandimg behavior in toddlers. Subjects were eight mothers and their children from 18 to 27 months of age. Mothers were interviewed in their homes and completed the Toddler... more
The editors of JoSoTL have received many inquiries about classroom action research (CAR). What is it? Why should you consider doing it? How do you do it? How does it differ from traditional research on teaching and learning? This essay is... more
Children whose temperamental traits are significantly different from the average risk abuse or neglect from parents who do not recognize this "differentness" as legitimate expressions of individuality. This paper discusses how parents can... more
LTHOUGH research on the conversations of friends typically focuses on adult friendships (for example, Baxter & Wilmot, 1982; Ginsberg, 1980), researchers are finding that the friendships of young children, even preschoolers, are... more
In 2011, Renee Lockwood offered a "dissection of the religio-spiritual dimensions of Landmark Education." Dissecting her argument suggested a narrow categorization of basic human experiences as religio-spiritual; literature cited was from... more
- by Marsha Heck
In 2011, Renee Lockwood offered a "dissection of the religio-spiritual dimensions of Landmark Education." Dissecting her argument suggested a narrow categorization of basic human experiences as religio-spiritual; literature cited was from... more
- by Marsha Heck
Well respected educational theorists, art educators, and practitioners have spoken for the integration of the arts in education. Like children who grew to incorporate some of their parents' rules and advice and reject others,... more