Indiana University South Bend
Psychology and Academic Affairs
A case of the attempted suicide of a 66-year-old female is presented. Comment based on the chapters in this volume is presented. Specific topics of demographics, psychiatric-psychological, object relations, the attempt, and concluding... more
Computer-administered exams offer many advantages, but instructors may be reluctant to use them due to concerns that computer anxiety may increase student test anxiety. Introductory psychology students (N = 265) completed surveys prior to... more
Suicide rates historically and currently are highest by age among those over the age of 65. Predictions of markedly higher rates for future older adults have been advanced. Possible alternative factors that might produce lower risk among... more
The literature on suicide survivors suggests that suicide grief is different than the grief associated with survivorship from other causes. The few studies that have compared groups of survivors from other causes, however, have often not... more
Suicide rates vary greatly by sex and race but the methods employed by these groups and changes in those methods have been studied neither closely nor systematically across time. In the present study annual official national statistics... more
Suicide rates by age are highest among older adults. Subpopulations of elderly adults at high risk are identified, including White males, the target of a Healthy People 2000 Objective. Several specific programs are described and a range... more
Empirical studies of suicide survivors with designs that include control groups are reviewed. Investigations are discussed individually with respect to those in which participating survivors are friends or a combination of many different... more
Little is known about the nature of suicide survivors groups. Survey responses by 149 U.S. and Canadian groups are characterized as follows: (1) they are most often sponsored by mental health or social service agencies or have no sponsor;... more
Doctoral dissertations on suicide from 1990 to 1995 appearing in Volumes 51-55 and the 1995 issues of Volume 56 of Dissertation Abstracts International are listed. A total of 214 dissertations from 119 North American institutions of... more
The literature on suicide survivors suggests that suicide grief is different than the grief associated with survivorship from other causes. The few studies that have compared groups of survivors from other causes, however, have often not... more
Generational analysis" is proposed that would consider actual cohort or generational suicide risk. Personality characteristics of different generations are discussed as they may affect suicide, its prevention, and intervention. In... more
MFOI/PCOI Plus Postage. Demography; Etiology; High Risk Persons; Individual Characteristics; *Information Needs; *Older Adults; Prevention; Research Needs; *Suicide General data on suicide among the elderly are available but -the... more