Papers by Pamela Herrera Martínez

One of the most exceptional and multifunctional habitats for cryptic and epibenthic fauna has bee... more One of the most exceptional and multifunctional habitats for cryptic and epibenthic fauna has been established in the costal zones of Magdalena Bay conforming an interesting interaction between rhodoliths and marine sponges. These function primarily as refuges, where the rhodolith beds (red coralline algae) grow in association with a high biodiversity of marine sponges and form functional complexes to counteract the hydrodynamic effect generated by the current flow. The main objective in this chapter was to highlight the community structure of cryptic, epibenthic, and sessile fauna with a multifactorial analysis including: the ecological analysis via alpha diversity, the • Email oceanographic dynamics of the Bay, and the intrinsic complexity of the habitat, including the chemical-biological interaction between sponges and rhodoliths comparing those variables between two different localities (CFE and PED) subjected to different dynamics at the Lagoon System of Magdalena Bay. The sample area covered five hundred square metres at each site, covering a total area of 250m 2 , reviewing a total of 70 rhodoliths with 7,223 associated invertebrates; these belonged to 52 orders and 105 families, with a total of I 10 species (42 determined to species and 68 to genera level) analysed. The morphological arrangement of the rhodolith villies as a response to the physical regimens presented by our results revealed that higher number of individuals is supported in PED (52.48± 29.86) organisms cm 2 when rhodoliths present 7 to 4 branches in a volume of 250 to 200 m!. The cryptic and epibenthic mobile groups include: Crustaceans that contributed 67 % of the total abundance in both localities, Molluscs at levels of 5.3% in CFE and 8.3% in PED, representi ng the higher richness taxa, Polychaetes at levels of 19.6% in CFE and 14% in PED and Ophiurida at levels of 8.1 % in CFE and 9.9% in PED. In terms of the richness, molluscs, crustaceans and polychaetes are the principal components of the 42 species in CFE and 54 species in PED (this last with a high Simpson ds= 6.24). The epibenthic sessile fauna was integrated by: Cnidaria that was monospecific in both localities and represent more than 87% of the sessile abundance, Ascidacea provided 3% of the total abundance and the Porifera taxa representing only 8% of abundance but with a higher coverage and richness. Thi s dovetailing provides a complex habitat represented by a high biodiversity. It is important to highlight that this chapter presents the results of an extensive study of the invertebrate community associated with rhodoliths in the Mexican region of the eastern Pacific.

La variación espacial y temporal de los macrocrustaceos bentónicos de los sistemas lagunares Chan... more La variación espacial y temporal de los macrocrustaceos bentónicos de los sistemas lagunares Chantuto-Panzacola (Ch-Pa) y Carretas Pereyra (Ca-PE) fué analizada. Un total de 3,169 crustáceos con un peso de 897.9 gr. pertenecientes a dieciocho especies fueron capturados, dieciseis de estas se presentaron durante la época de estiaje y diez en la época de lluvias en Ch-Pa, mientras 971 individuos con un peso de 956.1 gr. perteneciente a seis especies fueron capturados en Ca-Pe. Los valores máximos de diversidad, riqueza y equidad se registraron en la época de estiaje con 2.55 ind. m2 y 0.91g m2 en condiciones meso-polihalinas en Ch-Pa, mientras que en Ca-Pe los máximos valores fueron para lluvias en condiciones oligo-mesohalinas con valores promedio de2.91 ind. m2 y 2.43 g m2. La familia Penaeidae aportó el 94.1% dse la densidad, las especies Litopenaeus vannamei, farfantepenaeus brevirostris y Litopenaeus occidentalis registraron los valores mas altos para Ch-Pa en ambientes Meso-polihalinos y la familia Palaemonidae con la especie Macrobrachium tenellum constituyo el 72% de la densidad y el 48.6% de la biomasa y L. vannamei con el 23.9% y 33% respectivamente para Ca-Pe en ambientes oligo-mesohalinos. Las especies dominantes constituyen recursos pesqueros importantes para estos sistemas estuarinos de la Reserva de la Biosfera "La Encrucijada Chiapas".
Books by Pamela Herrera Martínez

One of the most exceptional and multifunctional habitats for cryptic and epibenthic fauna has bee... more One of the most exceptional and multifunctional habitats for cryptic and epibenthic fauna has been established in the costal zones of Magdalena Bay conforming an interesting interaction between rhodoliths and marine sponges. These function primarily as refuges, where the rhodolith beds (red coralline algae) grow in association with a high biodiversity of marine sponges and form functional complexes to counteract the hydrodynamic effect generated by the current flow. The main objective in this chapter was to highlight the community structure of cryptic, epibenthic, and sessile fauna with a multifactorial analysis including: the ecological analysis via alpha diversity, the • Email oceanographic dynamics of the Bay, and the intrinsic complexity of the habitat, including the chemical-biological interaction between sponges and rhodoliths comparing those variables between two different localities (CFE and PED) subjected to different dynamics at the Lagoon System of Magdalena Bay. The sample area covered five hundred square metres at each site, covering a total area of 250m 2 , reviewing a total of 70 rhodoliths with 7,223 associated invertebrates; these belonged to 52 orders and 105 families, with a total of I 10 species (42 determined to species and 68 to genera level) analysed. The morphological arrangement of the rhodolith villies as a response to the physical regimens presented by our results revealed that higher number of individuals is supported in PED (52.48± 29.86) organisms cm 2 when rhodoliths present 7 to 4 branches in a volume of 250 to 200 m!. The cryptic and epibenthic mobile groups include: Crustaceans that contributed 67 % of the total abundance in both localities, Molluscs at levels of 5.3% in CFE and 8.3% in PED, representi ng the higher richness taxa, Polychaetes at levels of 19.6% in CFE and 14% in PED and Ophiurida at levels of 8.1 % in CFE and 9.9% in PED. In terms of the richness, molluscs, crustaceans and polychaetes are the principal components of the 42 species in CFE and 54 species in PED (this last with a high Simpson ds= 6.24). The epibenthic sessile fauna was integrated by: Cnidaria that was monospecific in both localities and represent more than 87% of the sessile abundance, Ascidacea provided 3% of the total abundance and the Porifera taxa representing only 8% of abundance but with a higher coverage and richness. Thi s dovetailing provides a complex habitat represented by a high biodiversity. It is important to highlight that this chapter presents the results of an extensive study of the invertebrate community associated with rhodoliths in the Mexican region of the eastern Pacific.
Book Reviews by Pamela Herrera Martínez

It is increasingly clear that the management of rivers requires systemic
understanding of all ass... more It is increasingly clear that the management of rivers requires systemic
understanding of all associated ecosystems, including social and environmental processes. As this type of study is complex, holistic approaches are needed that allow research multidisciplinary work in rivers and their catchment areas. Through parallel coordinated and specialists from various disciplines, sampling was performed simultaneously in three ecosystems associated with the Rio Usumacinta. It was found that the greatest diversity and number of families of macroinvertebrates were recorded in the lagoon (H '= 2.63, H'max = 4.08), but according to the Shannon index, the greater diversity of juvenile fish was found in the channel (2.0368). In all three sites were the most abundant species and Atherinella alvarezi and Anchoa mitchilli but on channel epifauna was dominated by molluscs, crustaceans and insects, unlike the river and the lagoon abounded in infaunal molluscs.
Overall fishermen perceive environmental changes are reflected in the decrease of their resources, so they are implementing adaptation measures through the implementation of new fishing gear (e.g., calambuque). The present work is the first comprehensive analysis yielded a systemic view of how it interacts with the Usumacinta River floodplain.
Papers by Pamela Herrera Martínez
Books by Pamela Herrera Martínez
Book Reviews by Pamela Herrera Martínez
understanding of all associated ecosystems, including social and environmental processes. As this type of study is complex, holistic approaches are needed that allow research multidisciplinary work in rivers and their catchment areas. Through parallel coordinated and specialists from various disciplines, sampling was performed simultaneously in three ecosystems associated with the Rio Usumacinta. It was found that the greatest diversity and number of families of macroinvertebrates were recorded in the lagoon (H '= 2.63, H'max = 4.08), but according to the Shannon index, the greater diversity of juvenile fish was found in the channel (2.0368). In all three sites were the most abundant species and Atherinella alvarezi and Anchoa mitchilli but on channel epifauna was dominated by molluscs, crustaceans and insects, unlike the river and the lagoon abounded in infaunal molluscs.
Overall fishermen perceive environmental changes are reflected in the decrease of their resources, so they are implementing adaptation measures through the implementation of new fishing gear (e.g., calambuque). The present work is the first comprehensive analysis yielded a systemic view of how it interacts with the Usumacinta River floodplain.
understanding of all associated ecosystems, including social and environmental processes. As this type of study is complex, holistic approaches are needed that allow research multidisciplinary work in rivers and their catchment areas. Through parallel coordinated and specialists from various disciplines, sampling was performed simultaneously in three ecosystems associated with the Rio Usumacinta. It was found that the greatest diversity and number of families of macroinvertebrates were recorded in the lagoon (H '= 2.63, H'max = 4.08), but according to the Shannon index, the greater diversity of juvenile fish was found in the channel (2.0368). In all three sites were the most abundant species and Atherinella alvarezi and Anchoa mitchilli but on channel epifauna was dominated by molluscs, crustaceans and insects, unlike the river and the lagoon abounded in infaunal molluscs.
Overall fishermen perceive environmental changes are reflected in the decrease of their resources, so they are implementing adaptation measures through the implementation of new fishing gear (e.g., calambuque). The present work is the first comprehensive analysis yielded a systemic view of how it interacts with the Usumacinta River floodplain.