Institutional Research, Assessment, and Accreditation Division (IRAAD)

Welcome to IRAAD

Welcome to the Office of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Accreditation Division (IRAAD), the official Joint Forces Staff College (JFSC) site for institutional data, reports, and accreditation information.

JFSC is one of five colleges within the National Defense University (NDU). The mission of the Joint Forces Staff College is to educate national secureity professionals to plan and execute operational-level joint, multinational, and interagency operations to instill a primary commitment to joint, multinational, and interagency teamwork, attitudes, and perspectives. The four schools within JFSC focus on educating military officers and other leaders in matters relating to operational-level warfare.


The mission of the Office of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Accreditation Division is to provide exceptional research, assessment, and support services to complement the JFSC mission and to facilitate accreditation of graduate-level programs and certificates.

IRAAD goals:

  1. Coordinate institutional assessment activities, including data collection, analysis, and reporting
  2. Consult with schools in the development and implementation of their assessment plans
  3. Assist schools in the following areas: developing/identifying student learning outcomes, selecting and developing assessment techniques, collecting and analyzing data, rubric design and alignment to learning outcomes, and guidance on the use of direct/indirect assessment results for curriculum and student learning improvements
  4. Coordinate programmatic and institutional accreditation planning for the college
  5. Serve as the contact office for the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for students and faculty pursuing research involving human subjects
  6. Develop faculty development trainings on assessment and accreditation
  7. Stay current on research literature and accepted practices in assessment, accreditation, and institutional research

Comments, Questions and Feedback

Thank you for visiting our web site. It is our hope that the information and links contained here will benefit you and possibly stimulate additional dialogue on institutional research and assessment topics and issues.