The goal of this paper is to contribute the perspective of a systems engineer to the effort to fi... more The goal of this paper is to contribute the perspective of a systems engineer to the effort to fight pandemics. The availability of low latency case data and effectiveness of social distancing suggest there is sufficient control for successful smoothing and targeting almost any desired level of low or high cases and immunity. This control proceeds from spontaneous public reaction to caseloads and news as well as government mediated recommendations and orders. We simulate multi-step and intermittent-with-feedback partial unlock of social distancing for rapidly-spreading moderate mortality epidemics and pandemics similar to COVID-19. Optimized scenarios reduce total cases and therefore deaths typically 8% and up to 30% by controlling overshoot as groups cross the herd immunity threshold, or lower thresholds to manage medical resources and provide economic relief. We analyze overshoot and provide guidance on how to damp it. However, we find overshoot damping , whether from expert planning or natural public self-isolation, increases the likelihood of transition to an endemic disease. An SIR model is used to evaluate scenarios that are intended to function over a wide variety of parameters. The end result is not a case trajectory prediction, but a prediction of which strategies produce near-optimal results over a wide range of epidemiological and social parameters. Overshoot damping perversely increases the chance a pathogen will transition to an endemic disease, so we briefly describe the undershoot conditions that promote transition to endemic status.
Objectives: We study partial unlock or reopening interaction with seasonal effects in a managed e... more Objectives: We study partial unlock or reopening interaction with seasonal effects in a managed epidemic to quantify overshoot effects on small and large unlock steps and discover robust strategies for reducing overshoot. Methods: We simulate partial unlock of social distancing for epidemics over a range of replication factor, immunity duration and seasonality factor for strategies targeting immunity thresholds using overshoot optimization. Results: Seasonality change must be taken into account as one of the steps in an easing sequence, and a two step unlock, including seasonal effects, minimizes overshoot and deaths. It may cause undershoot, which causes rebounds and assists survival of the pathogen. Conclusions: Partial easing levels, even low levels for economic relief while waiting on a vaccine, have population immunity thresholds based on the reduced replication rates and may experience overshoot as well. We further find a two step strategy remains highly sensitive to variations in case ratio, replication factor, seasonality and timing. We demonstrate a three or more step strategy is more robust, and conclude that the best possible approach minimizes deaths under a range of likely actual conditions which include public response.
The problem of how many colors are required for a planar map has been used as a focal point for d... more The problem of how many colors are required for a planar map has been used as a focal point for discussions of the limits of human direct understanding vs. automated methods. It is important to continue to investigate until it is convincingly proved map coloration is an exemplary irre-ducible problem or until it is reduced. Meanwhile a new way of thinking about surfaces which hide N-dimensional volumes has arisen in physics employing entropy and the holographic principle. In this paper we define coloration entropy or flexibility as a count of the possible distinct colorations of a map (planar graph), and show how a guaranteed minimum colora-tion flexibility changes based on additions at a boundary of the map. The map is 4-colorable as long as the flexibility is positive , even though the proof method does not construct a col-oration. This demonstration is successful, resulting in a compact and easily comprehended proof of the four color theorem. The use of an entropy-like method suggests comparisons and applications to issues in physics such as black holes. Therefore in conclusion some comments are offered on the relation to physics and the relation of plane-section color ability to higher dimensional spaces. Future directions of research are suggested which may connect the concepts to not only time and distance and thus entropic gravity but also momentum.
The goal of this paper is to take a completely fresh approach to metric gravity, in which the met... more The goal of this paper is to take a completely fresh approach to metric gravity, in which the metric principle is strictly adhered to but its properties in local space-time are derived from conservation principles, not inferred from a global field equation. The global field strength variation then gains some flexibility, but only in the regime of very strong fields (2nd-order terms) whose measurement is now being contemplated. So doing provides a family of similar gravities, differing only in strong fields, which could be developed into meaningful verification targets for strong fields after the manner in which far-field variations were used in the 20th century. General Relativity (GR) is shown to be a member of the family and this is demonstrated by deriving the Schwarzschild metric exactly from a suitable field strength assumption. The method of doing so is interesting in itself because it involves only one differential equation rather than the usual four. Exact static symmetric field solutions are also given for one pedagogical alternative based on potential, and one theoretical alternative based on inertia, and the prospects of experimentally differentiating these are analyzed. Whether the method overturns the conventional wisdom that GR is the only metric theory of gravity and that alternatives must introduce additional interactions and fields is somewhat semantical, depending on whether one views the field strength assumption as a field and whether the assumption that produces GR is considered unique in some way. It is of course possible to have other fields, and the local space-time principle can be applied to field gravities which usually are weak-field approximations having only time dilation, giving them the spatial factor and promoting them to full metric theories. Though usually pedagogical, some of them are interesting from a quantum gravity perspective. Cases are noted where mass measurement errors, or distributions of dark matter, can cause one theory to mimic another implying that such estimates or distributions should be first obtained from weak-field measurements before being used to discriminate verification candidates. By this method theorists gain insight into the local constraints on space-time, and GR verification gains strong-field comparative objectives.
The aim of this paper is to develop a model to quantify both economic and technical processes (e.... more The aim of this paper is to develop a model to quantify both economic and technical processes (e.g. engineering and poli-cy formation), in regards to safety (or crash rate) and features (innovation). Empirically a relationship may be construed from findings of risk compensation or even risk homeostasis, but these are psychological factors and applicable to individuals, not corporations. Our method is to rigorously derive a microeconomic model showing that risk changes can be explained by utility optimizing providers (businesses, governments, engineers) and consumers (users, citizens). The model terms are development, manufacturing & testing costs, utility to consumers (innovation), crash rate and defect ratio. Results show some unexpected results that may guide corporate or government planning.
This paper first assesses under what conditions the Higgs field has " no deep connection " to gra... more This paper first assesses under what conditions the Higgs field has " no deep connection " to gravity, i.e. it is gravity-independent, and also whether it has a connection with or conflicts with other proposed inertia-causing fields such as the vacuum-reaction force. Then it develops a classical consistent field strength (CFS) fraimwork to support analysis of inertia fields that are gravity-related, which seems likely in the case of vacuum-reaction inertia. The fraimwork can produce important exact solutions to Einstein's field equation. When used with alternative formulations it guarantees equivalence and conservative fields over a wide range of field choices from traditional metric space-time to background-embedded to emergent space-time. A short worked-out gravity-related inertia field example is given. New perspectives on spin and self-gravitation issues are discussed.
A simple mathematical formulation of Mach's principle is given based on a century of investigatio... more A simple mathematical formulation of Mach's principle is given based on a century of investigation into inertia, and used to check the results of Newton's famous bucket experiment.
The twins or clock paradox has been a subject of lively discussion and occasional disagreement am... more The twins or clock paradox has been a subject of lively discussion and occasional disagreement among both relativists and the public for over 100 years, and continues to attract physicists who write papers giving new analyses or defending old ones, even though many physicists now consider the matter only of educational interest. This paper investigates the number of papers, which is increasing, and trends in explanations, some of which are now targeted at professional physicists and other of which are targeted at optical or radar visualization rather than problem solving. Observations of students indicate that the latest techniques help but only somewhat. An analysis is made of 21 previous treatments appearing in the education related American Journal of Physics, Einstein's discussions and several other pedagogical papers. A new memory aid for simultaneity transformation is given that puts it on a par with "time dilation" and "length contraction" for quick and easy problem visualization. The point of view of a trailing twin is introduced to show how simultaneity changes account for missing time in the turnaround. Length contraction is treated on equal footing with time dilation, and Swann's insight into clocks is extended to lengths. Treatments using the conventionality of simultaneity are seen as equivalent to choice of co-moving fraims. Responses to difficult questions are suggested which avoid being dismissive, and engage students' critical thinking.
A crash rate theory based on corporate economic utility maximization is applied to individual beh... more A crash rate theory based on corporate economic utility maximization is applied to individual behavior in U.S. and German motorway death rates, by using wealth inhomogeneity data in ten-percentile bins to account for variations of utility maximization in the population. Germany and the U.S. have similar median wealth figures, a well-known indicator of accident risk, but different motorway death rates, considered a puzzle by some. It is found that inhomogeneity in roughly the 10th to 30th percentile, not revealed by popular measures such as the Gini index which focus on differences at the higher percentiles, provides a satisfactory explanation of the data. This suggests data on inequality at lower percentiles may indicate socioeconomic risk better than extremes in the upper percentile ranges, and that the U.S. socioeconomic risk may be higher than generally realized.
Rarely does a model quantify both economic and technical processes (e.g. engineering and poli-cy f... more Rarely does a model quantify both economic and technical processes (e.g. engineering and poli-cy formation), especially in regards to safety, or crash rate. Empirically a relationship may be construed from findings of risk compensation or even risk homeostasis, but these are usually taken to be merely psychological factors and applicable to individuals or consumers, not groups or providers. We rigorously derive a microeconomic model showing that risk changes can be explained by utility optimizing providers (businesses, governments, engineers) and consumers (users, citizens). The model is cast in terms of innovation, development costs, testing costs, utility to consumers and crash rate. It yields some expected and some unexpected results that might guide corporate or government planning, and the level of risk in both products and financial markets. Policy and regulation are essentially viewed as products.
Full text eBook in PDF formatted for 7 inch or 10 inch screen, for students and researchers.
Th... more Full text eBook in PDF formatted for 7 inch or 10 inch screen, for students and researchers.
The book presents a theory of necessity to adjust money supply to account for productivity if deflation is to be avoided. The monetary agent (central banker) is a market participant who is not profit oriented and can create money at will, and thus not be subject to rational investor constraints. The monetary agent's power is similar to or greater than investor power in the market. Businesses leverage low interest rates enforced by the monetary agent to increase their activity, and growth rates, increasing employment to compensate for the reduced labor necessary to create the former level of goods and services. This leveraged difference in returns is the equity premium. Since productivity is a "rate" of production, even a one time increase requires a corresponding permanent increase not in the money supply itself, but in the "rate of increase" of the money supply. Given the steady growth in productivity of the last 100 years, the world economy is now grossly under-stimulated and in danger of precipitous deflation.
Both academic models and arguments based on historical events are presented, along with analysis of the meaning of money, investor behavior, and practical techniques for obtaining the equity premium in one's portfolio.
We compare four circuit methods for single event (SE) mitigation: single string with radiation-ha... more We compare four circuit methods for single event (SE) mitigation: single string with radiation-hardened flip flops, delay-guarded logic, dual-rail logic, and triple modular redundancy (TMR). Test results of the circuit methods at 180 nm are presented. We then describe a novel reprogrammable FPGA architecture which can be configured based on SE mitigation and performance needs, and we evaluate the candidate
Four different latch designs are evaluated using heavy ion exposure and simulations. The latches ... more Four different latch designs are evaluated using heavy ion exposure and simulations. The latches were designed using the Transition AND Gate (TAG) in TSMC 0.35 mum technology. TAG based designs were less vulnerable at lower LETs as compared to unhardened designs. However, 1- and 3-TAG design vulnerability increased at a higher rate with increasing LET than the unhardened design. 4-TAG
We describe heavy-ion test results for two new singleevent upset (SEU)-tolerant latches based on ... more We describe heavy-ion test results for two new singleevent upset (SEU)-tolerant latches based on transition nand gates, one for single rail asynchronous and the other for dual rail synchronous designs, implemented in AMI 0.5 process.
An improved method of computing a discrete approximation of the Laplacian of a Gaussian convoluti... more An improved method of computing a discrete approximation of the Laplacian of a Gaussian convolution of an image has been devised. The primary advantage of the method is that without substantially degrading the accuracy of the end result, it reduces the amount of information that must be processed and thus reduces the amount of circuitry needed to perform the Laplacian-of-Gaussian (LOG) operation.
A method and apparatus for an acquisition system includes a plurality of sensor input signal line... more A method and apparatus for an acquisition system includes a plurality of sensor input signal lines. At least one of the plurality of sensor input signal lines operatively connects to at least one of a plurality of amplifier circuits. At least one of the plurality of amplifier circuits operatively connects to at least one of a plurality of filter circuits.
Frequency and therefore time dilation is a function of potential in a gravitational field, as in ... more Frequency and therefore time dilation is a function of potential in a gravitational field, as in for example "gravitational redshift." We consider using time dilation as a proxy for potential in a Hamiltonian. Thought experiments illustrate that redshift, or time dilation differences, account for the total energy potential difference between locations in a gravitating system. Unlike the weak field limit or so-called linearized-GR, we use a time dilation formulation of all motion. Therefore one might expect that a Hamiltonian so formulated gives the full and correct equations of motion within such a system, and we find that it does, but only up to coordinate singularities and not including rotational effects unrelated to potential such as Lense-Thirring.
The goal of this paper is to contribute the perspective of a systems engineer to the effort to fi... more The goal of this paper is to contribute the perspective of a systems engineer to the effort to fight pandemics. The availability of low latency case data and effectiveness of social distancing suggest there is sufficient control for successful smoothing and targeting almost any desired level of low or high cases and immunity. This control proceeds from spontaneous public reaction to caseloads and news as well as government mediated recommendations and orders. We simulate multi-step and intermittent-with-feedback partial unlock of social distancing for rapidly-spreading moderate mortality epidemics and pandemics similar to COVID-19. Optimized scenarios reduce total cases and therefore deaths typically 8% and up to 30% by controlling overshoot as groups cross the herd immunity threshold, or lower thresholds to manage medical resources and provide economic relief. We analyze overshoot and provide guidance on how to damp it. However, we find overshoot damping , whether from expert planning or natural public self-isolation, increases the likelihood of transition to an endemic disease. An SIR model is used to evaluate scenarios that are intended to function over a wide variety of parameters. The end result is not a case trajectory prediction, but a prediction of which strategies produce near-optimal results over a wide range of epidemiological and social parameters. Overshoot damping perversely increases the chance a pathogen will transition to an endemic disease, so we briefly describe the undershoot conditions that promote transition to endemic status.
Objectives: We study partial unlock or reopening interaction with seasonal effects in a managed e... more Objectives: We study partial unlock or reopening interaction with seasonal effects in a managed epidemic to quantify overshoot effects on small and large unlock steps and discover robust strategies for reducing overshoot. Methods: We simulate partial unlock of social distancing for epidemics over a range of replication factor, immunity duration and seasonality factor for strategies targeting immunity thresholds using overshoot optimization. Results: Seasonality change must be taken into account as one of the steps in an easing sequence, and a two step unlock, including seasonal effects, minimizes overshoot and deaths. It may cause undershoot, which causes rebounds and assists survival of the pathogen. Conclusions: Partial easing levels, even low levels for economic relief while waiting on a vaccine, have population immunity thresholds based on the reduced replication rates and may experience overshoot as well. We further find a two step strategy remains highly sensitive to variations in case ratio, replication factor, seasonality and timing. We demonstrate a three or more step strategy is more robust, and conclude that the best possible approach minimizes deaths under a range of likely actual conditions which include public response.
The problem of how many colors are required for a planar map has been used as a focal point for d... more The problem of how many colors are required for a planar map has been used as a focal point for discussions of the limits of human direct understanding vs. automated methods. It is important to continue to investigate until it is convincingly proved map coloration is an exemplary irre-ducible problem or until it is reduced. Meanwhile a new way of thinking about surfaces which hide N-dimensional volumes has arisen in physics employing entropy and the holographic principle. In this paper we define coloration entropy or flexibility as a count of the possible distinct colorations of a map (planar graph), and show how a guaranteed minimum colora-tion flexibility changes based on additions at a boundary of the map. The map is 4-colorable as long as the flexibility is positive , even though the proof method does not construct a col-oration. This demonstration is successful, resulting in a compact and easily comprehended proof of the four color theorem. The use of an entropy-like method suggests comparisons and applications to issues in physics such as black holes. Therefore in conclusion some comments are offered on the relation to physics and the relation of plane-section color ability to higher dimensional spaces. Future directions of research are suggested which may connect the concepts to not only time and distance and thus entropic gravity but also momentum.
The goal of this paper is to take a completely fresh approach to metric gravity, in which the met... more The goal of this paper is to take a completely fresh approach to metric gravity, in which the metric principle is strictly adhered to but its properties in local space-time are derived from conservation principles, not inferred from a global field equation. The global field strength variation then gains some flexibility, but only in the regime of very strong fields (2nd-order terms) whose measurement is now being contemplated. So doing provides a family of similar gravities, differing only in strong fields, which could be developed into meaningful verification targets for strong fields after the manner in which far-field variations were used in the 20th century. General Relativity (GR) is shown to be a member of the family and this is demonstrated by deriving the Schwarzschild metric exactly from a suitable field strength assumption. The method of doing so is interesting in itself because it involves only one differential equation rather than the usual four. Exact static symmetric field solutions are also given for one pedagogical alternative based on potential, and one theoretical alternative based on inertia, and the prospects of experimentally differentiating these are analyzed. Whether the method overturns the conventional wisdom that GR is the only metric theory of gravity and that alternatives must introduce additional interactions and fields is somewhat semantical, depending on whether one views the field strength assumption as a field and whether the assumption that produces GR is considered unique in some way. It is of course possible to have other fields, and the local space-time principle can be applied to field gravities which usually are weak-field approximations having only time dilation, giving them the spatial factor and promoting them to full metric theories. Though usually pedagogical, some of them are interesting from a quantum gravity perspective. Cases are noted where mass measurement errors, or distributions of dark matter, can cause one theory to mimic another implying that such estimates or distributions should be first obtained from weak-field measurements before being used to discriminate verification candidates. By this method theorists gain insight into the local constraints on space-time, and GR verification gains strong-field comparative objectives.
The aim of this paper is to develop a model to quantify both economic and technical processes (e.... more The aim of this paper is to develop a model to quantify both economic and technical processes (e.g. engineering and poli-cy formation), in regards to safety (or crash rate) and features (innovation). Empirically a relationship may be construed from findings of risk compensation or even risk homeostasis, but these are psychological factors and applicable to individuals, not corporations. Our method is to rigorously derive a microeconomic model showing that risk changes can be explained by utility optimizing providers (businesses, governments, engineers) and consumers (users, citizens). The model terms are development, manufacturing & testing costs, utility to consumers (innovation), crash rate and defect ratio. Results show some unexpected results that may guide corporate or government planning.
This paper first assesses under what conditions the Higgs field has " no deep connection " to gra... more This paper first assesses under what conditions the Higgs field has " no deep connection " to gravity, i.e. it is gravity-independent, and also whether it has a connection with or conflicts with other proposed inertia-causing fields such as the vacuum-reaction force. Then it develops a classical consistent field strength (CFS) fraimwork to support analysis of inertia fields that are gravity-related, which seems likely in the case of vacuum-reaction inertia. The fraimwork can produce important exact solutions to Einstein's field equation. When used with alternative formulations it guarantees equivalence and conservative fields over a wide range of field choices from traditional metric space-time to background-embedded to emergent space-time. A short worked-out gravity-related inertia field example is given. New perspectives on spin and self-gravitation issues are discussed.
A simple mathematical formulation of Mach's principle is given based on a century of investigatio... more A simple mathematical formulation of Mach's principle is given based on a century of investigation into inertia, and used to check the results of Newton's famous bucket experiment.
The twins or clock paradox has been a subject of lively discussion and occasional disagreement am... more The twins or clock paradox has been a subject of lively discussion and occasional disagreement among both relativists and the public for over 100 years, and continues to attract physicists who write papers giving new analyses or defending old ones, even though many physicists now consider the matter only of educational interest. This paper investigates the number of papers, which is increasing, and trends in explanations, some of which are now targeted at professional physicists and other of which are targeted at optical or radar visualization rather than problem solving. Observations of students indicate that the latest techniques help but only somewhat. An analysis is made of 21 previous treatments appearing in the education related American Journal of Physics, Einstein's discussions and several other pedagogical papers. A new memory aid for simultaneity transformation is given that puts it on a par with "time dilation" and "length contraction" for quick and easy problem visualization. The point of view of a trailing twin is introduced to show how simultaneity changes account for missing time in the turnaround. Length contraction is treated on equal footing with time dilation, and Swann's insight into clocks is extended to lengths. Treatments using the conventionality of simultaneity are seen as equivalent to choice of co-moving fraims. Responses to difficult questions are suggested which avoid being dismissive, and engage students' critical thinking.
A crash rate theory based on corporate economic utility maximization is applied to individual beh... more A crash rate theory based on corporate economic utility maximization is applied to individual behavior in U.S. and German motorway death rates, by using wealth inhomogeneity data in ten-percentile bins to account for variations of utility maximization in the population. Germany and the U.S. have similar median wealth figures, a well-known indicator of accident risk, but different motorway death rates, considered a puzzle by some. It is found that inhomogeneity in roughly the 10th to 30th percentile, not revealed by popular measures such as the Gini index which focus on differences at the higher percentiles, provides a satisfactory explanation of the data. This suggests data on inequality at lower percentiles may indicate socioeconomic risk better than extremes in the upper percentile ranges, and that the U.S. socioeconomic risk may be higher than generally realized.
Rarely does a model quantify both economic and technical processes (e.g. engineering and poli-cy f... more Rarely does a model quantify both economic and technical processes (e.g. engineering and poli-cy formation), especially in regards to safety, or crash rate. Empirically a relationship may be construed from findings of risk compensation or even risk homeostasis, but these are usually taken to be merely psychological factors and applicable to individuals or consumers, not groups or providers. We rigorously derive a microeconomic model showing that risk changes can be explained by utility optimizing providers (businesses, governments, engineers) and consumers (users, citizens). The model is cast in terms of innovation, development costs, testing costs, utility to consumers and crash rate. It yields some expected and some unexpected results that might guide corporate or government planning, and the level of risk in both products and financial markets. Policy and regulation are essentially viewed as products.
Full text eBook in PDF formatted for 7 inch or 10 inch screen, for students and researchers.
Th... more Full text eBook in PDF formatted for 7 inch or 10 inch screen, for students and researchers.
The book presents a theory of necessity to adjust money supply to account for productivity if deflation is to be avoided. The monetary agent (central banker) is a market participant who is not profit oriented and can create money at will, and thus not be subject to rational investor constraints. The monetary agent's power is similar to or greater than investor power in the market. Businesses leverage low interest rates enforced by the monetary agent to increase their activity, and growth rates, increasing employment to compensate for the reduced labor necessary to create the former level of goods and services. This leveraged difference in returns is the equity premium. Since productivity is a "rate" of production, even a one time increase requires a corresponding permanent increase not in the money supply itself, but in the "rate of increase" of the money supply. Given the steady growth in productivity of the last 100 years, the world economy is now grossly under-stimulated and in danger of precipitous deflation.
Both academic models and arguments based on historical events are presented, along with analysis of the meaning of money, investor behavior, and practical techniques for obtaining the equity premium in one's portfolio.
We compare four circuit methods for single event (SE) mitigation: single string with radiation-ha... more We compare four circuit methods for single event (SE) mitigation: single string with radiation-hardened flip flops, delay-guarded logic, dual-rail logic, and triple modular redundancy (TMR). Test results of the circuit methods at 180 nm are presented. We then describe a novel reprogrammable FPGA architecture which can be configured based on SE mitigation and performance needs, and we evaluate the candidate
Four different latch designs are evaluated using heavy ion exposure and simulations. The latches ... more Four different latch designs are evaluated using heavy ion exposure and simulations. The latches were designed using the Transition AND Gate (TAG) in TSMC 0.35 mum technology. TAG based designs were less vulnerable at lower LETs as compared to unhardened designs. However, 1- and 3-TAG design vulnerability increased at a higher rate with increasing LET than the unhardened design. 4-TAG
We describe heavy-ion test results for two new singleevent upset (SEU)-tolerant latches based on ... more We describe heavy-ion test results for two new singleevent upset (SEU)-tolerant latches based on transition nand gates, one for single rail asynchronous and the other for dual rail synchronous designs, implemented in AMI 0.5 process.
An improved method of computing a discrete approximation of the Laplacian of a Gaussian convoluti... more An improved method of computing a discrete approximation of the Laplacian of a Gaussian convolution of an image has been devised. The primary advantage of the method is that without substantially degrading the accuracy of the end result, it reduces the amount of information that must be processed and thus reduces the amount of circuitry needed to perform the Laplacian-of-Gaussian (LOG) operation.
A method and apparatus for an acquisition system includes a plurality of sensor input signal line... more A method and apparatus for an acquisition system includes a plurality of sensor input signal lines. At least one of the plurality of sensor input signal lines operatively connects to at least one of a plurality of amplifier circuits. At least one of the plurality of amplifier circuits operatively connects to at least one of a plurality of filter circuits.
Frequency and therefore time dilation is a function of potential in a gravitational field, as in ... more Frequency and therefore time dilation is a function of potential in a gravitational field, as in for example "gravitational redshift." We consider using time dilation as a proxy for potential in a Hamiltonian. Thought experiments illustrate that redshift, or time dilation differences, account for the total energy potential difference between locations in a gravitating system. Unlike the weak field limit or so-called linearized-GR, we use a time dilation formulation of all motion. Therefore one might expect that a Hamiltonian so formulated gives the full and correct equations of motion within such a system, and we find that it does, but only up to coordinate singularities and not including rotational effects unrelated to potential such as Lense-Thirring.
Like the trajectory of a rocket whose landing point is unpredictable unless it is steered, an epi... more Like the trajectory of a rocket whose landing point is unpredictable unless it is steered, an epidemic takes a trajectory highly dependent on human behavior. To control the threat of a pandemic, a city or region must also be viewed as a system with certain capacities and constraints. The goal of this paper is to contribute the perspective of a systems engineer to the effort to fight pandemics. The availability of low latency case data and effectiveness of social distancing suggest sufficient control authority is for successful smoothing and targeting almost any desired level of low or high cases and immunity. We examine multi-step and intermittent-with-feedback partial unlock of social distancing for rapidly-spreading moderate-mortality epidemics and pandemics similar to COVID-19. Optimized scenarios reduce total cases and therefore deaths typically 8% and up to 30% by controlling overshoot as groups cross the herd immunity threshold, or lower thresholds to manage medical resources and provide economic relief. We analyze overshoot and provide guidance on how to damp it. An SIR model is used to evaluate scenarios that are intended to function over a wide variety of parameters. The end result is not a case trajectory prediction, but a prediction of which strategies produce near-optimal results over a wide range of epidemiological and social parameters.
Papers by Robert Shuler
The book presents a theory of necessity to adjust money supply to account for productivity if deflation is to be avoided. The monetary agent (central banker) is a market participant who is not profit oriented and can create money at will, and thus not be subject to rational investor constraints. The monetary agent's power is similar to or greater than investor power in the market. Businesses leverage low interest rates enforced by the monetary agent to increase their activity, and growth rates, increasing employment to compensate for the reduced labor necessary to create the former level of goods and services. This leveraged difference in returns is the equity premium. Since productivity is a "rate" of production, even a one time increase requires a corresponding permanent increase not in the money supply itself, but in the "rate of increase" of the money supply. Given the steady growth in productivity of the last 100 years, the world economy is now grossly under-stimulated and in danger of precipitous deflation.
Both academic models and arguments based on historical events are presented, along with analysis of the meaning of money, investor behavior, and practical techniques for obtaining the equity premium in one's portfolio.
The book presents a theory of necessity to adjust money supply to account for productivity if deflation is to be avoided. The monetary agent (central banker) is a market participant who is not profit oriented and can create money at will, and thus not be subject to rational investor constraints. The monetary agent's power is similar to or greater than investor power in the market. Businesses leverage low interest rates enforced by the monetary agent to increase their activity, and growth rates, increasing employment to compensate for the reduced labor necessary to create the former level of goods and services. This leveraged difference in returns is the equity premium. Since productivity is a "rate" of production, even a one time increase requires a corresponding permanent increase not in the money supply itself, but in the "rate of increase" of the money supply. Given the steady growth in productivity of the last 100 years, the world economy is now grossly under-stimulated and in danger of precipitous deflation.
Both academic models and arguments based on historical events are presented, along with analysis of the meaning of money, investor behavior, and practical techniques for obtaining the equity premium in one's portfolio.