Nicla Vassallo
Nicla Vassallo
Full Professor - Theoretical Philosophy - University of Genova - Italy
Phone: +39 010 209 9844
Address: Department of Philosophy
University of Genova
via Balbi 4,
I-16126 Genova
Full Professor - Theoretical Philosophy - University of Genova - Italy
Phone: +39 010 209 9844
Address: Department of Philosophy
University of Genova
via Balbi 4,
I-16126 Genova
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Papers by Nicla Vassallo
Divided into seven chapters, the book offers comprehensive coverage of this topic, which will be of major interest to philosophers engaged in epistemology and the philosophy of language. After an introductory chapter, Chapter 2 presents the most common understanding of epistemic contextualism and its semantic basis. It also clarifies the epistemological implications of the theory’s semantic assumptions. This chapter also explains the main argument of the factivity problem.
The next four chapters discuss the respective solutions proposed by Wolfgang Freitag, Alexander Dinges, Anthony Brueckner and Christopher Buford, Michael Ashfield, Martin Montminy and Wes Skolits, and Peter Baumann. Stefano Leardi and Nicla Vassallo highlight the similarities and commonalities, identifying three main approaches to the factivity problem.
Chapter 7 provides a brief overview of the solutions proposed to solve the factivity problem and presents an outline of the conclusions reached in the book.
Il libro è stato menzionato da Mentelocale, venerdì 26 novembre 2010; Pagina 3, RadioTre, Rai, domenica 28 novembre 2010, ore 09.00–09.30; GR 3 delle 13.45 Radio3, Rai, lunedì 26 dicembre 2010; da R. Panarese, Radio3 Scienza, giovedì 31 marzo 2011, ore 11–11.30. E’ stato recensito da M. Ferraris su La Repubblica, giovedì 6 gennaio 2011, p. 41; P. Dionisi su Almanacco della scienza del Cnr, numero 2, mercoledì 16 marzo 2011; da C. Barbero su Il Sole-24 Ore, numero 12, domenica 20 marzo 2011, p. 28; da C. Bernardini su Galileo, giornale di scienza, 13 aprile 2011; da G. Sbardolini su Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Analitica Junior, 1:2, pp. 150-152, 2011; da C. Bernardini su Sapere, 77, aprile 2011, p. 72; da M. Ostinelli su Corriere del Ticino, martedì 7 giugno 2011, p. 27; da R. Miraglia su Epistemologia, 34, pp. 326–329. Del libro sono apparsi stralci su La Provincia, venerdì 14 gennaio 2011, p. 53.
More Info: co-edited with M.C. Amoretti
Publisher: Springer
Research Interests: Philosophy, Epistemology, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Physics, Philosophy of Biology, and 9 more
Frege on Thinking and its Epistemic Singificance
by PIeranna Garavaso and Nicla Vassallo
Topoi. An International Review on Philosophy
Special Issue: Philosophy of sex and gender in gender medicine
M. Cristina Amoretti and Nicla Vassallo
Introduction: Philosophy of sex and gender in gender medicine
1. Mari Mikkola
Sex in medicine: What stands in the way of credibility?
2. Emmalon Davis
What is it to share contraceptive responsibility?
3. James A. Marcum
Clinical decision-making, gender bias, virtue epistemology, and quality healthcare
4. Eileen Willis, Debra King, Jo Wainer, and Kei Owada
Women and gynaecological cancer: Gender and the doctor-patient relationship
5. Anke Bueter
Androcentrism, feminism, and pluralism in medicine
6. Leah McClimans
Place of birth: Ethics and evidence
7. Stephanie Julia Kapusta
Intersex diagnostics and prognostics: Imposing sex-predicate determinacy
8. Sylvie Gambaudo
The regulation of gender in menopause theory