GIS & Digital MappingSarah Watson's introductory guide offering resources for projects involving GIS, digital mapping, and geospatial technologies.
ICPSR: In-Depth Research GuideMargie Ruppel's detailed guide to ICPSR (Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research): a data resource for University of Kentucky faculty, students and staff.
Research Data Services at UKUK Libraries' guide on Resources and information to help you get started with data management, data preservation, and data sharing.
Research Methods & Protocols
Research Methods & ProtocolsGuide covers research methods, research design, statistical methods, research ethics and research protocols for a vast range of disciplines.
Research & Teaching Resources:
Open Educational ResourcesAdrian Ho's guide about UK Libraries' Alternative Textbook Program. It also provides an overview of free online peer-reviewed textbooks and offers assistance with finding and adapting them for courses.
Publishing, Research, & Scholarly CommunicationAdrian Ho's guide on resources supporting the research process. Brings together apps, data tools, library collections, and scholarly communication resources.
Resources & Support for Digital ScholarshipJennifer Hootman's guide with broad coverage of technologies, methodologies, resources, and scholarship in the digital humanities
Repository of datasets and other research files, as well as "dataverses" (specific member institutions' repositories of data and research files). From Harvard University.
Dryad is a nonprofit repository for data underlying the international scientific and medical literature published in journals and society portals. Currently, it covers mainly evolutionary biology and ecology data sets that go along with published papers in ecology journals. Primarily focused on physical sciences and medicine, it is gradually branching out into a few other areas (e.g. cognition and learning) and launching institutional data repository infrastructures.
Repository and archive for data and research files. Despite the name, the Open Science Framework also covers fields beyond the sciences. To find data and research files, use the "Search" option and the search line appears.
Swiss-based repository of open data and research resources.With search option to help you locate a wide-range of research files, including datasets, publications, and more.
A global registry of research data repositories. Searchable in several ways: (1) simple keyword, (2) filter by categories (e.g. metadata standards, researcher-assigned keywords, software, repository types, and more), (3) browse by subject, (4) browse by content type, and (5) browse by country.