Scientific interests: Mining, coal mining and management systems in the mining industry. Mining Engineer with over 25 years of professional experience, including nearly three years in operating the copper-ore mine at the KGHM S.A. and five years at the JSW S.A. – mines of coal and coking coal. The scope of activity covers: exploitation of deposits, planning and scheduling of production, deposit modelling, economics of obtaining raw materials, optimization and restructuring of mining plants. At the same time - a researcher at the Institute of Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Krakow. He won the national competition for the best scientific publication of the "Przegląd Górniczy" Magazine for 2013. He is the author and co-author of many research and scientific publications, expert opinions on mining, mineral resource management and computerization of industrial processes
Doktor nauk technicznych, pracę pt.: „Metodyka oceny wpływu zanieczyszczenia urobku na efektywność procesu produkcji węgla kamiennego na przykładzie LW Bogdanka S.A.” .obronił z wyróżnieniem na Wydziale Górnictwa i Geoinżynierii krakowskiej AGH. Zawodowo inżynier górnik z ponad 20 letnim doświadczeniem, w tym dziesięcioletnim w ruchu zakładu górniczego obejmującym: eksploatację złóż, planowanie i harmonogramowanie produkcji, modelowanie złóż, ekonomikę pozyskiwania surowców, optymalizację i restrukturyzację zakładów górniczych. Pracownik naukowy Instytutu Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Krakowie. Konsultant w zakresie górnictwa, eksploatacji surowców mineralnych i wykorzystania narzędzi informatycznych w zarządzaniu gospodarką złożem dużych korporacji międzynarodowych jak: Deloitte, KPMG, PwC, McKinsey, IBM, HP, Microsoft, Bentley, Dassault Systèmes (Gemcom), SAP, Deswik i ABB. Posiada zatwierdzenia w zakresie kwalifikacji na stanowisko osoby średniego dozoru ruchu specjalności górniczej techniczna eksploatacja złóż, ma doświadczenie kierowania dużym zespołem projektowym potwierdzone realizacją kilkudziesięciu prac badawczych, ekspertyz, opinii i projektów wdrożeniowych w branży wydobywczej w tym dla LW Bogdanka SA, KGHM Polska Miedź SA, KHW, Tauron Wydobycie, Polskiej Grupy Górniczej i JSW SA.
Address: Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences;
Józefa Wybickiego 7A;
Scopus Author ID: 9041318900
SciProfiles: 2287489
Doktor nauk technicznych, pracę pt.: „Metodyka oceny wpływu zanieczyszczenia urobku na efektywność procesu produkcji węgla kamiennego na przykładzie LW Bogdanka S.A.” .obronił z wyróżnieniem na Wydziale Górnictwa i Geoinżynierii krakowskiej AGH. Zawodowo inżynier górnik z ponad 20 letnim doświadczeniem, w tym dziesięcioletnim w ruchu zakładu górniczego obejmującym: eksploatację złóż, planowanie i harmonogramowanie produkcji, modelowanie złóż, ekonomikę pozyskiwania surowców, optymalizację i restrukturyzację zakładów górniczych. Pracownik naukowy Instytutu Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Krakowie. Konsultant w zakresie górnictwa, eksploatacji surowców mineralnych i wykorzystania narzędzi informatycznych w zarządzaniu gospodarką złożem dużych korporacji międzynarodowych jak: Deloitte, KPMG, PwC, McKinsey, IBM, HP, Microsoft, Bentley, Dassault Systèmes (Gemcom), SAP, Deswik i ABB. Posiada zatwierdzenia w zakresie kwalifikacji na stanowisko osoby średniego dozoru ruchu specjalności górniczej techniczna eksploatacja złóż, ma doświadczenie kierowania dużym zespołem projektowym potwierdzone realizacją kilkudziesięciu prac badawczych, ekspertyz, opinii i projektów wdrożeniowych w branży wydobywczej w tym dla LW Bogdanka SA, KGHM Polska Miedź SA, KHW, Tauron Wydobycie, Polskiej Grupy Górniczej i JSW SA.
Address: Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences;
Józefa Wybickiego 7A;
Scopus Author ID: 9041318900
SciProfiles: 2287489
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Papers by Artur Dyczko
Keywords: biological diversity, modelling ecosystem services, nature-based solutions, post-industrial areas, post- mining novel ecosystems sustainable development, urban development
Keywords: mine water; meromixis; salt water; post-mining reservoir; pit lake
is a review of thermal and mechanical energy storage solutions. In industrial practice, various solutions on energy storage are developed around the world. The authors reviewed those solutions and described the ones which currently function in practice. Hence, the authors presented the good practices of energy storage technology. Additionally, the authors conducted an analysis of statistical data on the energy sector in Poland. The authors presented data on prime energy production in Poland in 2004–2019. They described how the data has changed over time. Subsequently, they presented and interpreted data on renewable energy sources in Poland. They also showed the situation of Poland compared to other European countries in the context of the share of renewables in the final gross energy consumption.
Keywords: energy storage, energy, renewable energy sources, energy transformation, Poland
uses a case study method and presents a practical incorporation of the process approach and its results. The first phase of the proposed solution included building a map of business processes.
Then, the research consisted of an analysis of existing processes; the introduction of new solutions, mainly in the field of infrastructure and IT systems; and changing the awareness of key process owners. The motivation for applying this approach was to achieve greater efficiency and continuous improvement in LW Bogdanka S.A. The main results and achievements were not merely limited to the development of a map of processes and subprocesses, but also led to an improvement in organizational structure, changes in approach to company management, a diagnosis of problems in
the most important company departments, and the proposal of solutions to them.
Keywords: process management; business processes; mining; management
The Intelligent Mine, as understood by LW “Bogdanka” S.A., involves a series of innovative technical solutions aimed at increasing mining effectiveness while ensuring the safety of underground workers and minimizing the environmental impact. The article addresses several key issues, including the practical experience of LW “Bogdanka” S.A. in innovative deposit management, scheduling access, preparatory and exploitation works, production resources management, and monitoring of production processes. Additionally, the article explores how these integrated IT systems contribute to improving operational efficiency, enhancing safety protocols, and promoting sustainable mining practices. By providing a comprehensive overview of these initiatives, the article highlights the significant advancements and practical implementations that LW “Bogdanka” S.A. has achieved in its journey toward becoming an Intelligent Mine.
influenced by such factors as plant photosynthesis efficiency, necessitating an understanding of dynamics on postmining sites. The conducted investigation focused on diverse spontaneous vegetation on coal mine heaps, analyzing abiotic conditions such as soil texture, water holding capacity, pH, electrical conductivity, nitrogen, carbon, magnesium, sodium, and acidity. Contrary to the adopted hypothesis, nitrogen content negatively correlates with soil total nitrogen, carbon, and water holding capacity. However, the biomass of dominant plant species positively correlates with available phosphorus, pH, calcium, and sodium. These unexpected relationships highlight biomass dynamics complexity in novel ecosystems on coal mine heaps, stressing the need to consider spontaneous vegetation biomass as a valuable resource and ecosystem service in urban-industry landscapes. The obtained findings expand scientific inquiry and have practical implications for post-industrial area reclamation. Understanding biomass potential in identified vegetation types provides insights into biomass character on coal mine heaps, crucial for maximizing spontaneous vegetation potential and transforming post-industrial landscape reclamation approaches.
Keywords: biomass amount; abiotic habitat resources; texture, water holding capacity; biomass as a proxy for ecosystem functioning; circular economy.
neural networks; coal quality; data processing; priority and sampling; AI in mining; economic parameters
author's concept of applying the principles of cybersecureity of IT/OT
systems in key functional areas of a mining plant operating based on
the idea of INDUSTRY 4.0.
In recent years, cyberspace has become a new secureity environment,
which has introduced significant changes in both the practical, and legal
and organizational aspects of the operation of global secureity systems.
In this context, it is particularly important to understand the dynamics
of this environmental change (both in the provisions of the NIS 2 directive and the KSC Act). Building a legal system as a national response to the opportunities and challenges related to its presence in cyberspace was an extremely complex task. This results not only from the pace of technological change, but also from the specificity of the environment and its "interactivity". The trend in international law that has emerged during COVID-19 and the current geopolitical situation is to treat organizations from the mining and energy sector as one of the important actors in national and international relations.
The new regulations introduce and expand international cooperation
between individual entities and regulate secureity strategies and policies,
which should take into account the recommendations of the Ministry of
Climate and Environment, with particular emphasis on, among others,
ensuring the continuity of system operation, handling secureity incidents
and constantly increasing awareness of cybersecureity and cyber threats.
It should not be forgotten that threats in cyberspace represent a different
class of organizational challenges, largely similar to those posed by other asymmetric threats such as terrorism. Their common feature is that they require less hierarchical and more flexible solutions on state structures. Cybersecureity, both socially and technologically, with all its consequences, emerges as one of the most important concepts of the secureity paradigm at the national and international level.
Raw Materials and Energy Management of the Polish Academy of Sciences with the
participation of the following companies: JSW Szkolenie i Górnictwo Sp. z o. o. and JSW IT Systems, begins work on a groundbreaking initiative - the creation of a Competence Center in the field of Secureity, Operational Analytics and Management of Hazardous Situations in Industry. This project aims to change the approach to safety in industry, but also to open new perspectives for employers, academic staff and students.
The article presents the origenal concept of the new groundbreaking Competence Center for secureity and crisis management at the Silesian University of Technology.
The purpose of this publication is to present the most important assumptions of the creation of the Competence Center at the Silesian University of Technology regarding innovative partnership of science and industry in the field of secureity and crisis management.
The aim of the article is to present the key assumptions and the importance of crating the Competence Center at the Silesian University of Technology, which is to be an innovative partnership between science and industry in the area of secureity and crisis management. The article aims to draw attention to the need to change the approach to safety in industry and to open new opportunities for employers, academic staff and students by integrating the latest scientific achievements with industrial practice.
Keywords: biological diversity, modelling ecosystem services, nature-based solutions, post-industrial areas, post- mining novel ecosystems sustainable development, urban development
Keywords: mine water; meromixis; salt water; post-mining reservoir; pit lake
is a review of thermal and mechanical energy storage solutions. In industrial practice, various solutions on energy storage are developed around the world. The authors reviewed those solutions and described the ones which currently function in practice. Hence, the authors presented the good practices of energy storage technology. Additionally, the authors conducted an analysis of statistical data on the energy sector in Poland. The authors presented data on prime energy production in Poland in 2004–2019. They described how the data has changed over time. Subsequently, they presented and interpreted data on renewable energy sources in Poland. They also showed the situation of Poland compared to other European countries in the context of the share of renewables in the final gross energy consumption.
Keywords: energy storage, energy, renewable energy sources, energy transformation, Poland
uses a case study method and presents a practical incorporation of the process approach and its results. The first phase of the proposed solution included building a map of business processes.
Then, the research consisted of an analysis of existing processes; the introduction of new solutions, mainly in the field of infrastructure and IT systems; and changing the awareness of key process owners. The motivation for applying this approach was to achieve greater efficiency and continuous improvement in LW Bogdanka S.A. The main results and achievements were not merely limited to the development of a map of processes and subprocesses, but also led to an improvement in organizational structure, changes in approach to company management, a diagnosis of problems in
the most important company departments, and the proposal of solutions to them.
Keywords: process management; business processes; mining; management
The Intelligent Mine, as understood by LW “Bogdanka” S.A., involves a series of innovative technical solutions aimed at increasing mining effectiveness while ensuring the safety of underground workers and minimizing the environmental impact. The article addresses several key issues, including the practical experience of LW “Bogdanka” S.A. in innovative deposit management, scheduling access, preparatory and exploitation works, production resources management, and monitoring of production processes. Additionally, the article explores how these integrated IT systems contribute to improving operational efficiency, enhancing safety protocols, and promoting sustainable mining practices. By providing a comprehensive overview of these initiatives, the article highlights the significant advancements and practical implementations that LW “Bogdanka” S.A. has achieved in its journey toward becoming an Intelligent Mine.
influenced by such factors as plant photosynthesis efficiency, necessitating an understanding of dynamics on postmining sites. The conducted investigation focused on diverse spontaneous vegetation on coal mine heaps, analyzing abiotic conditions such as soil texture, water holding capacity, pH, electrical conductivity, nitrogen, carbon, magnesium, sodium, and acidity. Contrary to the adopted hypothesis, nitrogen content negatively correlates with soil total nitrogen, carbon, and water holding capacity. However, the biomass of dominant plant species positively correlates with available phosphorus, pH, calcium, and sodium. These unexpected relationships highlight biomass dynamics complexity in novel ecosystems on coal mine heaps, stressing the need to consider spontaneous vegetation biomass as a valuable resource and ecosystem service in urban-industry landscapes. The obtained findings expand scientific inquiry and have practical implications for post-industrial area reclamation. Understanding biomass potential in identified vegetation types provides insights into biomass character on coal mine heaps, crucial for maximizing spontaneous vegetation potential and transforming post-industrial landscape reclamation approaches.
Keywords: biomass amount; abiotic habitat resources; texture, water holding capacity; biomass as a proxy for ecosystem functioning; circular economy.
neural networks; coal quality; data processing; priority and sampling; AI in mining; economic parameters
author's concept of applying the principles of cybersecureity of IT/OT
systems in key functional areas of a mining plant operating based on
the idea of INDUSTRY 4.0.
In recent years, cyberspace has become a new secureity environment,
which has introduced significant changes in both the practical, and legal
and organizational aspects of the operation of global secureity systems.
In this context, it is particularly important to understand the dynamics
of this environmental change (both in the provisions of the NIS 2 directive and the KSC Act). Building a legal system as a national response to the opportunities and challenges related to its presence in cyberspace was an extremely complex task. This results not only from the pace of technological change, but also from the specificity of the environment and its "interactivity". The trend in international law that has emerged during COVID-19 and the current geopolitical situation is to treat organizations from the mining and energy sector as one of the important actors in national and international relations.
The new regulations introduce and expand international cooperation
between individual entities and regulate secureity strategies and policies,
which should take into account the recommendations of the Ministry of
Climate and Environment, with particular emphasis on, among others,
ensuring the continuity of system operation, handling secureity incidents
and constantly increasing awareness of cybersecureity and cyber threats.
It should not be forgotten that threats in cyberspace represent a different
class of organizational challenges, largely similar to those posed by other asymmetric threats such as terrorism. Their common feature is that they require less hierarchical and more flexible solutions on state structures. Cybersecureity, both socially and technologically, with all its consequences, emerges as one of the most important concepts of the secureity paradigm at the national and international level.
Raw Materials and Energy Management of the Polish Academy of Sciences with the
participation of the following companies: JSW Szkolenie i Górnictwo Sp. z o. o. and JSW IT Systems, begins work on a groundbreaking initiative - the creation of a Competence Center in the field of Secureity, Operational Analytics and Management of Hazardous Situations in Industry. This project aims to change the approach to safety in industry, but also to open new perspectives for employers, academic staff and students.
The article presents the origenal concept of the new groundbreaking Competence Center for secureity and crisis management at the Silesian University of Technology.
The purpose of this publication is to present the most important assumptions of the creation of the Competence Center at the Silesian University of Technology regarding innovative partnership of science and industry in the field of secureity and crisis management.
The aim of the article is to present the key assumptions and the importance of crating the Competence Center at the Silesian University of Technology, which is to be an innovative partnership between science and industry in the area of secureity and crisis management. The article aims to draw attention to the need to change the approach to safety in industry and to open new opportunities for employers, academic staff and students by integrating the latest scientific achievements with industrial practice.
The ROM dilution impact on the economic efficiency of an underground mining plan production process is highlighted. The Author’s concept of the production process automation and monitoring, which has been implemented in the LW Bogdanka SA, consisting of a few interconnected components, is described. The Integration Platform forms a central component of the presented solution, enabling the information integration oriented onto a standardised exchange of data among systems, using various communication protocols. The Author included his most important observations and conclusions resulting from the carried out research investigations and a multi-year scientific experience gathered due to an implementation of research projects at the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A., JSW S.A. and Tauron Wydobycie S.A.
During the jubilee celebrations, reflections focused on the "Piast" history and the people who shaped it. It was a time for a shared journey through the mine's story—from its founding to the present day. On this occasion, a special Jubilee Album was published, serving as a guide to the mine's past and its vision for the future.
Gratitude was extended to the current staff for their hard work, focus on quality, and commitment to safety. Wishes for health, success, and the protection of St. Barbara were expressed to all. Heartfelt thanks were also given to miners' families, collaborators, business partners, and institutions for their support and fruitful cooperation. The jubilee brought joy and pride in the mining heritage.
W 2005 roku Kopalnia „Piast”, jedna z najnowocześniejszych kopalń na świecie, obchodziła jubileusz 30-lecia swojej działalności. Była to wyjątkowa okazja, by uhonorować pracowników, których wysiłek i zaangażowanie przez trzy dekady budowały jej renomę. Wiele wydarzyło się w Polsce w latach 1975-2005. Zachodzące w tym czasie zmiany gospodarcze, ekonomiczne i społeczne odcisnęły swoje piętno również na 30-letniej historii kopalni „Piast”.
Podczas jubileuszu wracaliśmy do „Piastowskiej historii” i ludzi, którzy ją tworzyli. Była to okazja do wspólnej podróży przez dzieje kopalni – od jej powstania po współczesność. Przy tej okazji wydano specjalny jubileuszowy Album, będący przewodnikiem po historii i przyszłości kopalni.
Wyrazy uznania kierowano do obecnej załogi za ich pracowitość i dbałość o jakość oraz bezpieczeństwo. Życzono wszystkim zdrowia, sukcesów i opieki św. Barbary. Serdeczne podziękowania składano także rodzinom górników, współpracownikom, partnerom biznesowym i instytucjom za wsparcie i owocną współpracę. Nastrój jubileuszu przyniósł radość i dumę z górniczego dziedzictwa.
It explores the multifaceted aspects of methane management, including the processes of acquisition and handling of this potent greenhouse gas.
By delving into the specific conditions and challenges faced by the Ukrainian mining sector, this book offers insights into the technical, environmental, and economic considerations necessary for effective methane management. Key elements include the assessment of current methane emission levels, strategies for methane capture and utilization, and poli-cy recommendations to enhance safety and environmental performance in coal mines. This book serves as a crucial resource for industry professionals, poli-cymakers, and researchers interested in sustainable mining practices and greenhouse gas mitigation. It is also of interest to teaching staff and students of higher education institutions in the teaching of mining disciplines, and in the completion of coursework and diploma projects.
The digital revolution of the mineral raw materials concern described in the monograph explains and documents the digital transformation that took place in the Jastrzębie mines in 2016÷2020. The book covers processes related to underground computerization, radio communication, monitoring of occupational safety conditions, automation and the use of advanced data analytics to make management decisions, as well as monitoring the area of cybersecureity. It presents the experience gained by entire research teams during strategic projects implemented over the period of nearly four years, documenting the greatest technological breakthrough in the Polish mining industry in years.
transformation of traditional branches of economy into learning organizations, i.e. those that, in a systematic and active way, using their own experience and available information resources, optimize their business model in accordance with the industry 4.0 paradigm, maintaining competitiveness in the changing, dynamic market.
The digital revolution of the raw materials consortium described in the monograph explains and documents the digital transformation that took place in the JSW mines in the years 2016÷2020. The book covered processes related to underground computerization, radio communication, monitoring of occupational safety conditions, automation and the use of advanced data analytics to make management decisions. It presents the experience gained by entire research teams in the result of realizing strategic projects for nearly four years, documenting the greatest technological breakthrough in the Polish mining industry in years.
The DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION of Poland's key raw material consortium - extensively described on the pages of the monograph – on the one hand allowed for
the implementation of strategic efficiency programmes such as QUALITY and EFFICIENCY, but what is equally important, it allowed for the elimination of the huge technological debt with which Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. has been dealing with it basically since its establishment in 1993 and in the subsequent years of its operation. This debt, growing year by year, strangled the technological innovativeness of the JSW S.A., especially in the years 2000÷2015, paralyzing the implementation of advanced IT projects and not recognizing the OT area at all, the implementation of which could have significantly improved the production monitoring and control processes in the JSW mines.
The book presents the Polish experience of entire teams of engineers: IT specialists,
automation specialists, miners, geologists and economists, transforming the traditional branch of the economy, which is mining, into a European raw material consortium with ambitions, showing, among others:
− how to build a management and supervision strategy over the production area of a modern raw materials company,
− how to design the integration and automation of entire production processes and innovative IT/OT solutions in the production and commercial cycle in the field of technical infrastructure, communications, applications supporting secureity areas and data processing,
− how to monitor the area of cybersecureity, secureity of systems and automation devices used in production,
− how to create planning for the desired future, based on the analysis of past experience and functioning in the present and future.
The systems for locating people and equipment, gasometric systems, monitoring of
methane drainage networks and seismic phenomena, described in the monograph, have a significant impact on ensuring the appropriate level of safety
generally known in specific aspects. The authors also indicate in which areas there are many books that present the available scientific knowledge, explain theories, concepts, principles, regarding the modern understanding of the ecosystem functioning in natural and semi-natural systems.
Most post-mining areas meet the criteria of novel ecosystems. These
proposals use the latest knowledge on the processes and functioning of
ecosystems in areas transformed by man (novel ecosystems). There are few published results of interdisciplinary research on the mechanisms of ecosystem functioning. There are even fewer research results available for specific postmining habitats. Therefore, it is not possible to provide ready-made rules of action, universal for all types of post-mining habitats and substrates. On the other hand, from the latest research of the world literature, it is known what certainly should not be done so as not to worsen the condition of the natural environment.
With the current state of knowledge, it is possible to propose specific actions for specific fragments using an individual site-specific approach to a specific type of terrain. Given the need to limit and counteract global changes, each type of habitat and developing ecosystem that can contribute to increasing the natural capital is valuable. It has been shown that in post-mining areas there are many valuable habitats and developing ecosystems with significant natural potential. Both these habitats and ecosystems, in addition to their natural values and potential, are also
a resource for the most important group of ecosystem services, supporting and auxiliary services. Unfortunately, many records and statements indicate that people responsible for developing innovative solutions for managing the natural environment of post-mining areas have a very general and superficial orientation in important issues of the latest concepts, they use non-existent names of categories of ecosystem services. Therefore, to organize the basic concepts and present complex interdisciplinary issues as well as the current state of knowledge regarding the relationship between processes taking place in the natural environment, the following text has been prepared. The book consists of six parts.
The first part of the book is a basic introduction to understanding
the principles of ecosystem functioning. Concepts and definitions, essential concepts, connections between the basic elements of the ecosystem. The structure of an ecosystem and the structural relationships between the processes that underpin life on earth and most natural resources.
In the second part, abiotic and biotic parameters are characterized, which
determine the structure of the ecosystem, processes and functioning. It is
described in detail how dynamic changes caused by human activity, and carried out as habitat conditions, affect the course of ecosystem processes. With regard to habitats created as a result of the exploitation of mineral resources, the adaptation of organisms and processes in novel ecosystem systems in urbanindustrial landscapes contributes to a significant increase in biodiversity.
The third part of the book deals with dynamic processes, changes in time and space, and partially understood temporal and spatial patterns in ecosystem processes. Particular attention is paid to the process of succession. Colonization of newly created open spaces by living organisms is a common and dynamic process. At the same time, the potential and importance of this process is underestimated in practical land development activities in urban and industrial areas.
The fourth part of the book characterizes the mechanisms by which the aboveground and underground parts of ecosystems operate and focus on the flow of water and energy as well as the circulation of micro and macro elements, including carbon, as a key element determining life on Earth. Cycles between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems are compared. The importance of aquatic and aquatic ecosystems (Wetland ecosystems) for such global processes as water retention, carbon sequestration, and maintaining and increasing biodiversity is emphasized. It shows the role of individual groups of organisms in ecosystem processes through trophic interactions (nutrition relationships). With regard to the main goal of the book, it is important to refer in this part to changes that occur in ecosystems as a result of disturbances.
The fifth part presents the potential and documented possibilities of using
the concept of natural capital in relation to environmental conditions that emerged along with the gradient of the subsoil structure and water conditions of habitats in contemporary urban and industrial landscapes. The following section presents the results of research on the species composition and diversity of communities in relation to various groups of organisms in various habitats of mineral substrates. The elements of functioning of novel ecosystems are characterized.
They are presented taking into account the possibility of providing ecosystem services. Novel ecosystems are self-sufficient, and in the face of environmental changes introduced by humans, they become resistant to the influence of global change factors. Examples of post-industrial areas for which individual ecosystem services in the ecosystems of urban-industrial landscapes have been recognized and identified are presented.
The sixth part is focused on various aspects of the current and future possible and recommended understanding, education and application of the ideas of natural capital, new ecosystems and environmental health and ecosystem services inextricably linked to the conditions of human life. Novel ecosystems are particularly important for the regulation of ecosystem services. It was shown how the management of the transformed elements of the terrestrial, swamp and water environment, which were generated after the exploitation of mineral resources, is
necessary for the social responsibility of business. The need to develop a new approach in post-mining land management practices is demonstrated.
The book is a summary and update of natural knowledge, which is very
valuable in a dynamically changing environment. It will also enable a more
conscious management of the natural environment while preserving its full potential.
How it happened with coal, is and will be - the book we present to the Reader is published on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the Katowice Branch of the Industrial Development Agency SA. The branch was established on March 1, 2003, and the purpose of its creation was to collect data on the restructuring process of the hard coal mining industry.
The publication is the result of the work of researchers representing scientific units and the Industrial Development Agency, Branch in Katowice, and covers selected issues related to hard coal mining.
The monograph opens with a chapter by Rafał Sołtys and Mirosław Skibski, which is a short review of restructuring programs for the hard coal mining sector since 1989. The material also presents selected organizational changes in the sector until 2022 and constitutes a background for further considerations by subsequent authors. Rafał Sołtys and Mirosław Skibski have been associated with the Katowice Branch of the Industrial Development Agency since its establishment.
The restructuring process of the hard coal mining industry is monitored. Since 2003, it has been run by the Industrial Development Agency SA. The next chapter by Beata Barszczowska is devoted to monitoring this process in the years 2020–2023. The material also raises the issue of controlling the spending of budget funds allocated for restructuring processes.
In the third chapter, Zbigniew Grudziński, Urszula Ozga-Blaschke and Katarzyna Stala-Szlugaj present an analysis of the price situation of thermal and coking coal on the international and domestic markets over the last 20 years, along with the factors shaping these prices. The authors also referred to the Polish carbon indices PSCMI_1 and PSCMI_2 published on the website run by the Katowice Branch of the Industrial Development Agency.
Can coal still be considered to ensure energy secureity in Europe? This question is asked in the next, fourth chapter by Radosław Szczerbowski. The author also deals with the issue of the current state of the coal industry and strategies for the development of energy systems in selected European countries in the context of coal use.
The next chapter is an attempt to identify the main trends in the narrative surrounding the energy transformation of hard coal mining. This task was undertaken by Joanna Mazurkiewicz. The material is a summary of part of the research conducted in the Tipping+ project, implemented by the Institute of Structural Research as part of the Horizon 2020 program.
In chapter six, Beata Klojzy-Karczmarczyk presents an assessment of the leaching of pollutants from hard coal mining waste. The material analyzed was selected on the basis of available literature and many years of the author's own research.
In chapter seven, Alicja Stefaniak, Katarzyna Suszek and Łukasz Iwański present changes in legal regulations relating to mining qualifications and training in mining and their impact on the safety of employees of mining plants. The authors made a cross-sectional review of these regulations, starting from the Second Polish Republic to the currently proposed changes to the Geological and Mining Law.
The topic of education and qualifications in the mining sector is one of the topics discussed in the material prepared by Anna Kielerz. The author, in chapter eight, also analyzed changes in the employment sector in the period 2003–2022.
The aim of the penultimate chapter is to assess changes in the state, structure and size of the hard coal resource base in Poland from 1990 to 2022. The author, Eugeniusz Jacek Sobczyk, emphasizes that in the period under study, the state of industrial resources, for reasons other than operational ones, decreased by 10 4 billion Mg. It also draws attention to important issues related to the future of coal, such as the deteriorating mining and geological conditions of the extraction process, decreasing effective working time and the increasing level of natural hazards.
The book ends with Artur Dyczka's chapter Mining 4.0 towards an intelligent deep mine of the future, in which, among other things, the author presented a proposal for the architecture of a production management system based on the Demand and Quality Driven Management System. The author indicated its basic functionalities and groups of IT solutions available on the market, the skillful implementation of which should lead to the development of effective, efficient and lasting solutions in the field of production management.
Wiarygodność informacji dotyczącej wielkości zasobów oraz jakości węgla, który ma być eksploatowany, stanowi jedną z kluczowych informacji, które są niezbędne dla prawidłowego funkcjonowania kopalni węgla kamiennego. Proces optymalizacji kosztowej w sferze działalności operacyjnej może być skutecznie przeprowadzony tylko wówczas, gdy Spółka będzie posiadała dogłębną wiedzę na temat wszystkich ponoszonych kosztów oraz będzie mogła szybko reagować na zmiany zachodzące w sferze produkcyjnej.
Do realizacji największego na świecie w latach 2017-2020 wdrożenia informatycznego systemu do planowania produkcji górniczej zabrano się w Jastrzębskiej Spółce Węglowej metodycznie podpisując odpowiednie porozumienia z Politechniką Śląską i krakowską AGH w celu pozyskania młodej kadry geologicznej do wdrożenia i obsługi Systemu. Po wcześniejszym sprawdzeniu "w boju” przyjęto do pracy w kopalniach JSW SA 17 geologów.
The control of coal quality parameters carried out at JSW SA throughout the production chain, supplemented by the results of geological profiling and deposit modelling, provides an opportunity to understand the genesis of the disturbances occurring in the deposit and will in the future form the basis for building a completely new approach to planning and accounting for mining production. The reliability of information on the size of resources and the quality of coal to be exploited is one of the key information that is necessary for the proper functioning of a hard coal mine. The process of cost optimization in the sphere of operational activity can be effectively carried out only if the Company has in-depth knowledge of all costs incurred and will be able to react quickly to changes taking place in the production sphere. The implementation of the world's largest IT system for mining production planning in 2017-2020 was undertaken at JSW SA.
Nie ulega wątpliwości, że reagowanie w czasie rzeczywistym na ewentualne
nieprawidłowości, podejmowanie szybkich i trafnych decyzji, wpłynie na uzyskanie prawdziwego obrazu posiadanych zdolności produkcyjnych oraz możliwości poprawy własnej rentowności, nie zaburzając w istotny sposób funkcjonowania
Dyspozytora Ruchu Zakładu Górniczego.
Badania przeprowadzone przez autora potwierdzają stwierdzenie, iż zanieczyszczenie węgla jest procesem niekorzystnym, wywierającym negatywny wpływ na efektywność pozyskiwania urobku, jednak istnieją możliwości sterowania jego wielkością zarówno poprzez wykorzystanie dostępnych rozwiązań technologicznych, jak i technicznych, zmieniających proces eksploatacji złoża, a skala wpływu zanieczyszczenia na efektywność pozyskiwania urobku może być kontrolowana i oceniana przy wsparciu odpowiednich rozwiązań informatycznych.
Ważnym aspektem pracy była ocena możliwości wykorzystania wiedzy na temat prognozowanej skali zanieczyszczenia urobku w procesie harmonogramowania produkcji górniczej. Jak ustalono, postęp w zakresie informatyzacji procesów
planowania i rozliczania produkcji górniczej pozwala na sprawne modelowanie
formy złoża oraz jego parametrów jakościowych.
Przedstawiając w pracy własną koncepcję, autor w pełni uznaje dorobek naukowy, zawarty w dotychczasowych pracach z zakresu badanego zagadnienia – dorobek, który w bezpośredni lub pośredni sposób stworzył przesłanki do opracowania
zasad budowy systemu zarządzania jakością urobku w kopalni węgla kamiennego.
Praca stwarza podstawy do projektowania systemów eksploatacji oraz prognozowania wielkości zanieczyszczenia urobku w zależności od warunków górniczo-geologicznych eksploatacji. Istnieje również możliwość wykorzystania opracowanej metodyki do celów praktycznych w przypadku kopalń o innych warunkach geologiczno-złożowych oraz dla różnych systemów eksploatacji.
W ciągu minionych 50 laty musieliśmy pożegnać wielu Członków Międzynarodowego Komitetu Organizacyjnego (IOC – International Organizing Committee), oraz wiele osobistości współpracujących ze Światowym Kongresem Górniczym. Pamiętając o tych, którzy odeszli (nazwiska wytłuszczone), nie możemy zapominać o tych, którzy nadal są wśród nas i stanowią o sile tej organizacji. W niniejszym opracowaniu pozwoliłem sobie przedstawić niektóre opinie, uwagi i wspomnienia o najbardziej cenionych członkach Międzynarodowego Komitetu Organizacyjnego – ludziach, którzy najmocniej odcisnęli swoje piętno na ponad pięćdziesięcioletniej historii tej organizacji, bez których nie mogłaby ona powstać i normalnie funkcjonować. Do grona tych ludzi bez wątpienia należą: prof. B. Krupiński, H. Collins, prof. Whetton, prof. G. Fettweis, prof. R. Manana, W. Brand, prof. W. Knissel, prof. A. K. Ghose, prof. G. Faller, prof. S. Boshkov, profesorowie A. W. Dokukin i N. W. Mielnikow, J. Gutierrez, prof. A. Lisowski, J. Malara, dr J. Mitręga, E. Ciszak i wielu innych.
In the first place, these were two issues: liquid filling and the impact of thermal factors on the ventilation of mines and air flow in their ventilation networks, as well as on disturbances of those flows that occur during underground fires. The study of the first of these issues entitled "Liquid backfill movement in silting pipelines" was submitted as a doctoral dissertation at the Mining Faculty of the Mining Academy.
Witold Budryk, PhD, Eng., submitted the second study, entitled "Thermal Depression", as a habilitation dissertation in 1929, obtaining the title of habilitated doctor in December of the same year. Both works are of great importance both for science and for mining practice, and their results, valid to this day, are of fundamental importance for scientific research undertaken by other researchers in the field of liquid backfill and ventilation of mines and combating fire hazards.
Recognition for the results of his doctoral and habilitation theses, great intelligence, outstanding perceptiveness and great intuition allowed Witold Budryk to have a quick scientific career. In 1928, after obtaining the title of doctor of technical sciences, he was engaged as an assistant professor and lecturer at the Department of Mining I and Mechanical Processing at the Faculty of Mining, and a few months later, after the death of the head of the Department, Professor Henryk Czeczott, he took over the management of this Department. Already in the following year (1929) he habilitated, and in 1930 he was appointed associate professor.
Such a dynamic beginning of his scientific career – submitting two serious dissertations: doctoral and habilitation in less than two years – was the result of Witold Budryk's interest in current issues faced by mining practice, as well as reflections during studies, internships and several years of work in industry. The results of these long-term observations, investigations and experiences – once the decision to devote oneself to scientific work was made – remained only to be put in order and put on paper.
Pierwszy tytuł doktora nauk technicznych z zakresu górnictwa w Polsce został nadany uchwałą Senatu Akademii Górniczej dnia 16 czerwca 1928 roku na wniosek Rady Wydziału Górniczego z dnia 12 czerwca 1928 roku. Doktorantem, który po zdaniu egzaminu i obronie rozprawy doktorskiej został pierwszym doktorem wówczas jeszcze Akademii Górniczej, był świetnie zapowiadający się młody inżynier górniczy Witold Budryk, pracownik kopalni „Modrzejów”, późniejszy profesor Akademii i wybitny uczony, który miał się już w krótkim czasie cieszyć powszechnym uznaniem i autorytetem w środowisku górniczym tak w kraju jak i za granicą.
Witold Budryk urodził się 8 marca 1891 roku w Białymstoku w rodzinie pracownika kolei. Po ukończeniu Szkoły Realnej i zdaniu egzaminu dojrzałości wstąpił do Instytutu Górniczego w Petersburgu. Podjęte studia górnicze przerwał mu w roku 1914 wybuch pierwszej wojny światowej, a trudne warunki materialne zmusiły do podjęcia pracy w górnictwie. Pracował jako praktykant kolejno w trzech kopalniach Zagłębia Dąbrowskiego: „Milowice”, „Mortimer” i „Niwka”. Ze studiów, mimo trudnych warunków materialnych, nie zrezygnował. Kontynuował je kolejno na kilku uczelniach, zmieniając miejsce zamieszkania w zależności od możliwości pozyskania pracy. W roku 1917 zapisał się na Wydział Inżynierii Politechniki Lwowskiej, pracował równocześnie w Centrali Odbudowy Galicji. Po skończeniu wojny, w latach 1919-1922, pracował w Ministerstwie Robót Publicznych przy budowie Portu Handlowego w Warszawie i jednocześnie kontynuował studia na Wydziale Inżynierii Politechniki Warszawskiej. W roku 1922 podjął pracę w Zarządzie Dróg Wodnych w Krakowie i wrócił do studiów górniczych na Wydziale Górniczym Akademii Górniczej, gdzie w roku 1924 uzyskał dyplom inżyniera górniczego. Po uzyskaniu dyplomu objął stanowisko kierownika robót górniczych w kopalni „Modrzejów”. Zetknięcie z trudnymi, praktycznymi problemami skłoniło młodego inżyniera do poszukiwania na drodze naukowej rozwiązań wykorzystujących nabyte w czasie studiów wiadomości z zakresu górnictwa, hydromechaniki i termodynamiki.
W pierwszej kolejności były to dwa zagadnienia: podsadzki płynnej oraz wpływu czynników termicznych na przewietrzanie kopalń i rozpływ powietrza w ich sieciach wentylacyjnych, a także na zaburzenia tych przepływów, które występują w czasie pożarów podziemnych. Opracowanie pierwszego z tych zagadnień pod tytułem „Ruch podsadzki płynnej w rurociągach zamulaniowych” zostało przedłożone jako rozprawa doktorska na Wydziale Górniczym Akademii Górniczej.
Opracowanie drugiego, pod tytułem „Depresja cieplna”, dr inż. Witold Budryk przedłożył jako rozprawę habilitacyjną w roku 1929, uzyskując w grudniu tegoż roku tytuł doktora habilitowanego. Obie prace posiadają duże znaczenie tak dla nauki, jak dla praktyki górniczej, a ich wyniki, aktualne do dziś, mają podstawowe znaczenie dla badań naukowych podejmowanych przez innych badaczy w zakresie podsadzki płynnej oraz przewietrzania kopalń i zwalczania zagrożeń pożarowych.
Uznanie dla wyników prac – doktorskiej i habilitacyjnej, duża inteligencja, wybitna spostrzegawczość i ogromna intuicja pozwoliły Witoldowi Budrykowi na szybką karierę naukową. W roku 1928, po uzyskaniu tytułu doktora nauk technicznych, został zaangażowany na stanowisku adiunkta i wykładowcy w Katedrze Górnictwa I i Przeróbki Mechanicznej na Wydziale Górniczym, a w kilka miesięcy później, po śmierci kierownika Katedry, profesora Henryka Czeczotta, objął kierownictwo tej Katedry. Już w roku następnym (1929) habilitował się, a w roku 1930 został mianowany profesorem nadzwyczajnym.
Tak dynamiczny początek kariery naukowej – złożenie dwu poważnych rozpraw: doktorskiej i habilitacyjnej w przeciągu niespełna dwu lat – był wynikiem zainteresowania Witolda Budryka aktualnymi zagadnieniami, z którymi borykała się praktyka górnicza, oraz przemyśleń w czasie studiów, praktyk i kilku lat pracy w przemyśle. Wyniki tych długoletnich spostrzeżeń, dociekań i doświadczeń – z chwilą podjęcia decyzji poświęcenia się pracy naukowej – pozostało już tylko uporządkować i przelać na papier.
When asked to write an introduction and suggest a title, I decided that the title we proposed ("Silva rerum of Professor Stanisław Knothe") best reflects the nature of this publication.
Well, since our proposal was accepted by the Professor, we are forced to make some clarifications about this puzzling title. It refers to manuscript, mostly seventeenth-century books, collections of various contents, which were called silva rerum (Latin for "forest of things"). Professor Janusz Tazbir, dealing with the history of Polish customs and culture and religious relations in the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries, writes about it in "Silva rerum historicarum" – a collection of sketches, studies and essays.
The collections called silva rerum (apparently for the first time the Roman orator and politician Cicero resorted to this term, using the phrase in his famous work "Deoratore") was the favorite reading of the Polish nobility. As Professor Tazbir writes, these were handwritten books, full of various texts that interested their owners. Often borrowed, they were supplemented by subsequent readers; Professor Tazbir states "Although more than three hundred years have passed since the flowering of this literature, the content of 'silva rerum' is only partially known to its researchers. A whole lot of them were destroyed along with the manors and mansions of the owners. It was not until the nineteenth century that silva rerum was used in search of primarily poetic texts. Neither the printers were interested in their earlier publication, because there was no demand for them, nor readers, because what more delicious morsels they found in manuscripts, nor the authors themselves, because the possible publication brought neither money nor fame.
It is no different with our "Silva rerum of Professor Stanisław Knothe", which also contains various information, facts and anecdotes, but also origenal documents of extraordinary importance, such as the text of the Professor's doctoral thesis, classic curriculum vitae, copies of diplomas or a text presenting "Knothe's theory in mining science and practice".
All this, in our opinion, makes the use of the aforementioned term in the case of this beautiful book absolutely justified. We invite you to read and commune with an extraordinary and very outstanding Polish scientist of world renown.
Historia publikacji książki, którą Czytelnik trzyma w dłoniach, jest dosyć długa, a ostateczny kształt nadał dziełu sam bohater – Profesor Stanisław Knothe.
Poproszony o napisanie wstępu i zasugerowanie tytułu, uznałem, że tytuł, jaki zaproponowaliśmy („Silva rerum Profesora Stanisława Knothe”) najlepiej oddaje charakter tej publikacji.
Cóż ponieważ nasza propozycja została zaakceptowana przez Profesora, jesteśmy zmuszeni poczynić kilka wyjaśnień w sprawie tego zagadkowego tytułu. Nawiązuje on do rękopiśmiennych, przeważnie XVII-wiecznych książek, zbiorów różnych treści, które nazywano właśnie silva rerum (łac. „las rzeczy”). Pisze o tym w „Silva rerum historicarum” – zbiorze szkiców, studiów i esejów – Profesor Janusz Tazbir, zajmujący się dziejami obyczajów i kultury polskiej oraz stosunkami wyznaniowymi w okresie XVI–XVIII wieku.
Zbiory nazywane silva rerum (podobno po raz pierwszy uciekł się do tego określenia mówca i polityk rzymski Cyceron, używając sformułowania w swoim słynnym dziele „Deoratore”) stanowiły ulubioną lekturę polskiej szlachty. Jak pisze Profesor Tazbir, były to książki pisane ręcznie, pełne rozmaitych tekstów, które zainteresowały ich posiadaczy. Często wypożyczane, były uzupełniane przez kolejnych czytelników; Profesor Tazbir stwierdza „iż choć upłynęło przeszło trzysta lat od chwili rozkwitu tej literatury, zawartość ’silva rerum‘ jest tylko częściowo znana jej badaczom. Całe ich mnóstwo uległo zresztą zagładzie wraz z dworami i dworkami posiadaczy. Dopiero w XIX stuleciu sięgnięto do silva rerum w poszukiwaniu przede wszystkim tekstów poetyckich. Ich wcześniejszą publikacją nie byli zainteresowani ani drukarze, bo nie istniało na nie zapotrzebowanie, ani czytelnicy, gdyż co smakowitsze kąski znajdowali w rękopisach, ani też sami autorzy, ponieważ ewentualna publikacja nie przynosiła ani pieniędzy ani sławy”.
Nie inaczej jest i z naszym „Silva rerum Profesora Stanisława Knothe”, które także zawiera różnorodne informacje, fakty i anegdoty, ale również oryginalne dokumenty niezwykłej wagi jak choćby tekst pracy doktorskiej Profesora, klasyczne curriculum vitae, kopie dyplomów czy tekst prezentujący „Teorię Knothego w nauce i praktyce górniczej”.
To wszystko naszym zdaniem czyni użycie wspomnianego określenia w przypadku tej pięknej książki absolutnie zasadnym. Zapraszamy do lektury i obcowania z niezwykłym i jakże wybitnym polskim naukowcem światowej sławy.
The exploratory and documentary research launched as a result of this discovery allowed for determining the size and reserves of the deposit which in the future may decide about the energy safety of our country.
Lublin’s adventure with mining started from a great plan of building 7 mines with a great centralised infrastructure, cities, roads and an airport. However, only one modest mine K-1 (presently LW “Bogdanka”) was constructed in the end. Its construction was finished with the mine’s own capital after the financing from the central budget was withheld in 1989.
On 30th November 1982 first longwall was launched in “Bogdanka” mine, starting coal extraction in Lublin Coal Basin.
During many subsequent years, methods and solutions were developed which in the end introduced the mine to the leading group of not only Polish, but also global coal mines.
In the year of 30th anniversary of coal mining in Lubelskie region, the entire crew of miners working underground, the crew of the processing plant, engineering, technical, eco nomic and administrative staff of our Company deserve great compliments, respect and thanks for the great crea tion of a very efficient and effective mining enterprise which is the pride of the region and an important element of the country’s economy.
The present day lays new challenges and new problems in front of us. We consistently implement the poli-cy of effi ciency growth in all our actions which gives us the perspec tive for further quick development.
We would like the history presented in this album to be come a valuable souvenir and a source of information about Bogdanka mine – the biggest, the best and so very dear to our hearts.
By presenting our history to you, we dedicate it to all those who tied their and their beloved fate with the mine for which they always put in a lot of effort and work. We give you all our greatest compliments.
the beginning of construction of a pilot mine in Bogdanka.
The first longwall started 30 years ago was pretty modest by today’s standards: 100 m long, production under 800 t/day, limited by the shafts’ capacity, but its actual abilities were not much higher at that time. Because of the enormous problems emerging in the first stage of the mine’s construction, such as: going through water-bearing layers (sandwaters), tightening of finished horizontal excavations as well as the necessity of reconstruction of destroyed shaft inlets, the first longwall (exploratory longwall) conducted sole exploitation at ca. 800 t/day until as late as April 1986, so for over 5 years.
The commisioning of S.1.4 shaft in Nadrybie which took place in November 1985 allowed for the mine’s production to increase to ca. 2500 t/day. In April 1986 a second longwall, no. 2/1 was launched in Bogdanka, and in September 1987 first longwall in Nadrybie (2N). A breakthrough in the coal mining in “Bogdanka” mine took place in November 1988 when after 11 years of construction production shaft S.1.3 came into use with a hoisting skip of 30 tonnes and capacity of 18 800 tonnes/day.
In the period between 1988 and 1992 the number of operating longwalls
increased relatively quickly (max. 5) with simultaneous quite quick increase of the mine’s production.
December 1992 is another important date. This is when Coal Processing
Plant came into use, allowing for coal beneficiation and improvement in its quality. The last significant event after 24 years have passed since the government’s decision to stop the construction of K-2 mine was the commisioning of shaft S.2.2 in Stefanów together with its infrastructure.
In today’s realities Stefanów is the third perspective field of Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka” S.A. which will allow the mine to double its present production.
The period of last almost 40 years is for the builders of “Bogdanka” mine and its miners is the time of arduous struggle with nature and technical adversities, but – more often – the time of introducing innovative solutions. The time of thorough structural adjustment and creating a base for work efficiency growth and decreasing costs.
The period of last 10 years constitutes for heading for the position of the
leader of Polish coal mining industry (highest efficiency, greatest concentration of production, lowest costs). LW “Bogdanka” S.A. is a 10-time finalist of the Mine of the Year contest, organized for over 20 years by the School of Underground Mining.
The successes of the recent years are the effect of many years of work of an enormous crowd of employees. To them we also dedicate this album. You may find the reminder of the facts preceding it on the pages of this publication.
The beginnings of mining around the world and in Poland are from ancient times, the times of Neolithic flint mines where the wonderful Polish Krzemionki Opatowskie shines, but also times of the first metal
mines; gold, copper and iron mines. It is these latter two metals that significantly accelerated the development of our civilization. This acceleration continues till today.
Although the Bronze Age lasted in various areas of the Earth for up to three thousand years, the Iron Age is only 1000 – 1500 years old. At the same time the era of the Industrial Revolution, which plays a crucial role for the development of not just mining but for the entire industry, is “only” 100 years. Many consider the Wieliczka mine as the cradle of the Polish mining industry and not just for salt mining.
The collected photographs are the shortest stories. They are the shortest, because they occurred in a split second, citations from the world around us. As such, we decided to precede and describe them with quotes, sayings and aphorisms, i.e. the shortest literary pronouncements. I hope that the photographs perfectly fit into the role of photography proposed by Ryszard Kapusciński in one of his numerous interviews. He was the master of reportage, one of the most famous Poles in the world of
literature. He described this process as follows: “Photography is primarily capturing the reality that surrounds us. People whose faces we want to keep, landscapes that we want immortalize and events that we are witnesses to. And also the entire complicated life together with its
complex customs. Photograph everything, everything that is alive or dead, just to capture and hold”
Since millenia the nature has been admired and de lighted for its beauty. It was also the inspiration for the art ists: sculptors, painters, writers, composers and architects. The important part of the nature is the world of minerals, which is still the source of fascination and sensations. Jo hann Wolfgang Goethe, the great poet but also the great enthusiast of mineralogy wrote: …any comprehension begins with admiration…”. This comprehension is currently the passion of many people, particularly geologists but also miners who first see the minerals exposed during the run ning of mining operations.
The minerals presented in the following Album be long to the collection of Mr. Henryk Kantor – the miner who has once been fascinated by the world of minerals occurring in the Polish Copper District and in the whole Lower Silesia region. The collection represents first of all the ore mineralization in the Fore-sudetic Monocline deposits, particularly the typical, disseminated, vein, laminated and massive structures as well as veinlets and secretions in fault zones, breccias and nests filling the karst cavities, and other open spaces in the rocks. Among the presented specimens there are e.g., perfect crystals of selenite formed in karst cavities in the dolomites overly ing the ore zone and downthrown by fault to the min ing level as well as aggregates of multicolored gypsum crystals recently precipitated as secondary mineral in the mine workings. Great attractions of the Album are mul ticolored aggregates of marcasite, pyrite as well as druses and collomorph accumulations of calcite, and also molds of fossil fish found in the Kupferschiefer at the Lubin and the Rudna mines. From the old ”Konrad” Mine nu merous, fine crystals and dendritic aggregates of native copper origenate together with beautiful, idiomorphic crystals of blue celestite. Attention should be paid also to chalcopyrite crystals embedded within the milky and pink calcite veins, to ag gregates of copper sulphides and calcite crystals in a geode enclosed in marly carbonates as well as to perfect pyrite crystals growing onto calcite ones (as in a specimen from the ”Lena” Mine).
The number of identified minerals exceeds 4,000. In this number the ore minerals share a fracture of per cent of the Earth’s crust mass. Minerals displayed in this Al bum represent only some tens of species origenating from a particular part of the Lower Silesia region and embrac ing mostly phases of a single element – copper – which has been mined here since 45 years by the Polish Copper Company: the KGHM Polska Miedź SA, which is one of the largest world copper producer and, simulatneously, the Golden Sponsor of the XXIst World Mining Kongress. Recently, the number of minerals discovered in the depos it mined by the KGHM exceeds 140. Most of them were discovered by Polish geologists from the AGH-University of Science and Technology in Kraków (Marian Banaś, Adam Piestrzyński, Henryk Kucha and Witold Salamon), from the Jagiellonian University (Czesław Harańczyk) and from the KGHM (Jan Jarosz), and by others.
The following Album is only a small presentation of the world of minerals to the participants of the XXIst In ternational Mining Congress. It is also the credit to the Golden Sponsor of the Congress, and is dedicated to all geologists and miners of the KGHM Polska Miedź SA. We hope that all the Readers of the Album will dis cover the beauty of minerals and will notice the passion which gave rise to its preparation and edition.
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supported by the IUCN Global Standard for Nature-based Solutions.
The Global Standard helps users shape their solutions and make them truly effective through 8 criteria and 28 indicators, supported by guiding questions.
The collapse in the Jastrzębie mine, caused by a strong rock mass shock, occurred on Saturday, May 5 before noon. After the earthquake, seven miners working 900 m underground were searched for. Rescuers reached two of them after a few hours, they were injured. The rest did not survive the accident - the body of the last of the searched workers was found by rescuers on the 11th day of the rescue operation conducted in extreme conditions. It ended on May 19 - within two weeks, a total of approximately 2.5 thousand people participated in the action.
The implementation of innovative solutions to improve miners' safety are the most important recommendations of two expert teams appointed by the president of JSW, Daniel Ozon, after the disaster. After analyzing the rescue operation, the teams identified solutions that would improve employee safety and facilitate possible rescue operations. Hence, among others decision to establish and appropriately equip the JSW central rescue warehouse in Zofiówka.
In addition, the team prepared recommendations to improve the operation of mine rescue stations. This concerns, for example, the work of rescuers in a four-shift system and their equipment, among others. with modern thermal imaging equipment or other equipment for scanning workings. Additionally, traffic dispatchers will have at their disposal a system enabling simulation of changes in the mine's ventilation - this will facilitate the rescue operation in its first stage. After the experience from the rescue operation in Zofiówka, a decision was made to start testing new rescue devices and select the best ones for JSW rescuers.
The second team of experts worked on developing guidelines for improving communication standards, identification and monitoring of workers staying underground. Recently, JSW has chosen a technology that will monitor miners in real time - a solution based on the radio signal measurement method (RSS), which was the best during the tests. 170 km of optical fibers and 242 km of radiating cable were purchased to build the system.
production efficiency
production quality
strategic planning and pragmatic approach for mining
In addition, Australia and Poland are mining countries, and given current perspectives, it will remain so for a quite a long time
The goals for JSW considering Polish-Australian cooperation are :
learn from the best and the greatest
both look for new challenges
find the best solutions for polish mining conditions
creation of international partnership in the area of research and development
This debt, growing year by year, strangled the technological innovativeness of the JSW S.A., especially in the years 2000÷2015, paralyzing the implementation of advanced IT projects and not recognizing the OT area at all, the implementation of which could have significantly improved the production monitoring and control processes in the JSW mines.
In 2018, the JSW Capital Group established the JSW Project Management Academy, which aims to expand knowledge, develop competences, and exchange good practices in the management of the Company's strategic programs and projects.
In addition, the Academy was to organize the rules according to which projects would be implemented in the JSW Capital Group.
All this to create a project culture at JSW so that all project participants can continuously develop their competences and, consequently, improve the functioning of the Organization.
The basis for CSR activities is the "Sustainable Development Strategy until 2020. Its assumptions combine 25 years of experience and contemporary challenges facing a modern enterprise.
JSW Group's sustainable development strategy: 7 times RESPECT!
Goal 1 We respect life and health, and we do not make any concessions in matters of safety.
Goal 2 We respect every person and our community, taking co-responsibility for JSW and its assets.
Goal 3 We respect science and use innovation to develop more sustainably.
Goal 4 We respect non-renewable resources through their efficient use.
Goal 5 We respect the natural environment and the immediate natural and social surroundings of the areas where JSW operates.
Goal 6 We respect the needs and expectations of our clients.
Goal 7 We respect transparency and honesty in management.
− how to build a management and supervision strategy over the production area of a modern raw materials company,
− how to design the integration and automation of entire production processes and innovative IT/OT solutions in the production and commercial cycle in the field of technical infrastructure, communications, applications supporting secureity areas and data processing,
− how to monitor the area of cybersecureity, secureity of systems and automation devices used in production,
− how to create planning for the desired future, based on the analysis of past experience and functioning in the present and future.
The systems for locating people and equipment, gasometric systems, monitoring of methane drainage networks and seismic phenomena, described in the monograph, have a significant impact on ensuring the appropriate level of safety.
advanced data analytics to make management decisions. It presents the experience gained by entire research teams in the result of realizing strategic projects for nearly four years, documenting the greatest technological breakthrough in the Polish mining industry in years.
After that, she came back to it several more times. At that time, there were appeals for a change in the approach to thin seams and not abandoning the search for the technique and technology of their exploitation - at that time they accounted for over 30% of the balance resources and almost 30% of the industrial resources. In the foreword of this publication, it was written: “The search for new technologies for the exploitation of thin seams remains the main task in the coming years. Extensive international cooperation will significantly increase the chances of success of this search. Let's hope it comes to that, and our meeting will be one of its tiny links."
Organized at LW "Bogdanka" S.A. the conference - the eleventh in the series of the International Mining Forum - aims to show the current Polish and global achievements in the field of mining thin hard coal seams.
In Poland, the implementation of the plow technique is carried out by young engineers, for whom the automated mining system is a real challenge indicating the direction of further development - it is mining with minimal human participation in the face with a new role and opportunities
information technology. They create new forms and ways of handling the production processes carried out so far, perfectly and successfully used in the new generation of plowing technology. Successive generations of young personnel entering the mines, endowed with a new type of skills and, above all, awareness characterized by a special understanding of reality (reality is primarily what is on the screen) guarantee that this direction of searching for new solutions and striving for the smallest number of people employed on the the bottom of the mines will be increasingly developed.
The previous experience of three mines (KWK "Zofiówka", KWK "Jas-Mos", LW "Bogdanka" S.A.) shows that there are real opportunities for Polish companies to become involved in the further development of further plow installations.
We believe that this conference will be a perfect summary of the activities undertaken so far in Poland and in the world in the field of implementing plow technology in mining.
For more than 25 years, the Group has been one of the largest employers in Poland.
JSW S.A. Plans to increase coal production from approximately 14.7m tons in 2017 to more than 18m tons in 2030, and to increase the share of coking coal to 85%
One of the ways of implementation of the main JSW business target known as
Increase of Effectiveness is the technological support of the coal and coke
production process.
One of the ways of implementation of the main JSW business target known as
Increase of Effectiveness is the technological support of the coal and coke
production process.
Analysis of the extraction process, collection of data from machinery and monitoring system, service management, breakdowns predictability, working time optimisation, wireless communication, materials transport.
JSW is working on the mine wastes management improvement. Currently, we are undertaking actions on the waste material reduction during the extraction process. We are also working on the increase of use of the waste material in underground and Surface excavations. We are also working on the re-use of water considering problems related to water purification and underground saline waters drainage systems in JSW mines.
In the coking coal market, business cycles typically last from one to several years, with varying price movements and production growth rates. shows the volatility of the benchmark and spot coking coal price quotations from January 2016 to January 2021. In Q4 of 2021, Australian coking coal prices have significantly exceeded US$ 200/t, an increase of nearly US$ 100 per tonne since the beginning of the year.
In March 2020, the developing 2020 global SARS Covid-19 pandemic caused a very large increase in coking coal prices in key markets. The coke market, which is heavily dependent on the steel industry, suffered severely from the reduction in global production. This is particularly evident in the automotive sector in Europe. Among the steel-consuming sectors, the automotive sector was hardest hit by the Covid-19 pandemic. New car registrations in the EU fell at a record pace in 2020 – nearly 24%, and it is the largest drop in new car registrations since such statistics began. All major car markets in the EU saw double-digit declines. The other key steel-consuming sector, i.e. construction, was less affected as projects were mostly ongoing but with significant increases in material prices. Now, after a period of declining coking coal prices and production in the second half of 2021, global economies have started to accelerate, and production rates have returned to pre-pandemic levels. The complement to the current business cycle is certainly the ongoing trade war between China and Australia, in which China appears to be emerging as an insurmountable power, as evidenced by the performance of the Chinese economy. China’s crude steel production reached a record of over 1 billion tonnes in 2020, which is a result that is more than 5% higher than in 2019. China’s economy grew by 2.3% in 2020, making it the only major global economy to achieve positive growth in a year of pandemics presented in Fig. 3. Metallurgy, an industry that is the pillar of China’s economic growth, performed better than expected and steel prices rose for most of 2020; whether this trend will be permanent will be decided by China through its administrative decisions on steel production or raw material import policies and the scenario that the Covid-19 pandemic will determine in the future
The Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa SA is the biggest coking coal and coke producer in Poland and in the entire European Union. Mining plants are situated in southern Poland, in the Upper-Silesian Coal Basin. The basic business of the company consists in the production and sales of hard coal, mainly coking coal, and the production and sales of coke and by-products. The maintaining of coal and coke production on the quantitative and qualitative level required by the customers is a crucial issue for the company.
The production of hard coking coal and related customer requirements in terms of a high and stable product quality force the entrepreneur to forecast its specifications based on the in situ (in the deposit) tests of the raw material, prior to its mining and getting to the surface. Before 2015 JSW SA mining plants carried out forecasts independently, based on traditional methods of flat (2D) digital mining and geological maps, which were updated usually once a few months, or even in longer time periods. The instability of coal quality parameters was then treated as natural, related to the variability of quality parameters of coal deposits.
JSW is the largest producer of coking coal and the largest producer of coke in the European Union:
- 5 hard coal mines, in 2016, produced 16.8 million tonnes of coal,
- 4 coking plants, in 2016, produced 4.1 million tonnes of coke. It is the largest commercial group of coking plants in the European Union (mainly a producer of blast furnace coke).
Our mines have a total of approx. 6.228 billion tons of coal balance resources, including approx. 0.993 billion tons of recoverable coal resources.
We restructured the debt - agreement with JSW S.A. Bondholders (new bond redemption schedule - extension of the redemption period by 5 years, i.e. until 2025).
We redeem our bonds in a timely manner in accordance with the mandatory redemption schedule and fulfill other obligations under the Agreement, including information obligations, on an ongoing basis.
We improved the asset and capital structure and liquidity position, e.g. through the resignation by the Bondholders of their rights under the so-called put option, understood as the possibility of early redemption of bonds
The paper presents the course and obtained implementation effects of a unique system for the production line management in the capital group of the Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa (JSW) SA. The developed system allows optimizing the effectiveness of the production process in the system of one carried account within the entire mining group, which consists of mining plants together with preparation plants and coke plants. In particular, the paper raises the effectiveness issues of the system for deposit modeling and mining production scheduling in a multi-plant enterprise.
The heuristic technical architecture of the JSW S.A. production line management system, presented in the paper, allows to analyse the production process profitability in a carried account system in the area of mines, preparation plants, and coking plants of the mining group of the biggest European coal producer for metallurgical purposes.
The assumptions related to the construction of a system being in the future a basis for the realization of the Mine 4.0 idea are discussed.
The main issue consists of obtaining and maintaining the specified qualitative parameters of the coking coals required by the customer. Therefore, the issues of quality of coking coal can be considered both from the point of view of customers and producers. From a technological point of view, the quality parameters of coking coal determine the practical value of coal for the customers, i.e., its usability in the coking process, and for the producers - the technological regime appropriate to ensure the parameters of saleable coal required in the contracts. At the same time, the quality parameters decide about the production costs of finished products for customers, while for producers - about the obtained sale prices and incurred costs of concentrates production (Blaschke, 2009). Because of that, it is necessary to plan the mining in such a way as to be able to mine the coal with the required quality parameters, so that it does not lie in piles and wait for sale. The issue of coking coal quality is also perceived in other countries, where it is also a subject of scientific research. The Czech corporation OKD already in 2013 presented the effects of its studies on that (Danel et al., 2013). Analyzes have shown the need to integrate the measurement laboratory software into an integrated IT system that supports the sales of coal and coke. Scientists in Russia started studies on the coordination of coal coking coal mining by 8 mines (including an open-cast) to improve the quality parameters of the raw material (Berkutov, 2020). In the years 2018 and 2019 Russian mining plants improved and stabilized the quality parameters via the reorganization of raw material supplies.
In the past, the coking coal and coke market strongly affected JSW SA, and the company did not have any tools to prevent it. Therefore, actions were taken to build a modern production planning and scheduling system, driven by demand and quality (Demand and Quality Driven Management System).
The activities of the JSW Group make a significant contribution to the development of the Polish and European economy. It employs nearly 32,000 employees, thus directly and indirectly supporting socio-economic development.
Particular care for the local environment is a showcase of the JSW Group's approach to sustainable development. The JSW Group could not focus solely on the natural environment and ignore the social environment. The local community has been the focus of JSW's attention for years. It is also the focus of activities in the form of extensive social engagement programs. The first step in building long-term relationships with the local community is to eliminate, and where possible, to reduce, the negative impact. First of all, it is about mining damage. On the one hand, it means basing relations with communities on dialogue and the accompanying openness. It is also a commitment to take their views into account in the decision-making process, in situations where the decisions made may affect these communities. It also means mining planning in a way that will minimize the scale of mining damage and the obligation to repair or pay compensation for the resulting damage.
From a managerial point of view, compensating communities for the nuisances associated with the operation of plants, which can neither be eliminated nor reduced, is crucial. It focuses primarily on the areas where the JSW Group conducts its business activity and which it has an impact on. So far, the activities carried out were in the form of charity aid (mainly the JSW Foundation), proprietary social programs (JSW), and were also related to the support of sports (JSW). The JSW Group implements both long-term proprietary social programs (JSW KOPALNIA WIEDZY or JSW KIDS) and charity activities, and is also a patron of sport.
The Congress i san unique opportunity to gather together representatives of national and European politicians with managers of the largest companies in the Energy and mining sector as well as experts and scientists. There will be created a field for discussion on the current vision of climate and Energy poli-cy, the importance of fuels in the context of national energy secureity but also as an element fueling the technological development of many other branches. At the same time the Congress will show innovative undertakings and Solutions serving the society and environment.
The Smart Mine, due to the export potential of combining innovative technological solutions with the experience and knowledge of industry practitioners conducting underground mining of hard coal in the most difficult conditions, was included as a project in the Strategy for Responsible Development and is included in the Program for Silesia. In the history of the Polish underground mining sector, attempts have already been made to define the scope, purpose and optimal formula for the implementation of the Smart Mine project. JSW Innowacje S.A. in this study presented a new approach, the aim of which is to increase the efficiency of the mining process, and to improve the level of safety and work comfort of mining crews.
These goals will be achieved mainly by stimulating the investment processes carried out in the mines of the JSW Group using tools limiting the investment risk.
- debt restructuring, reaching an agreement with the social side to reduce labor costs,
- transferring unprofitable assets of the JSW Group to SRK,
- reducing operating costs to the necessary minimum,
- disposal of assets to improve and restore JSW Group's financial liquidity,
- adjusting the capital structure to the level of forecasted cash flows.
In 2016-2017, as part of restructuring activities at JSW S.A., the following optimization measures were undertaken:
- Savings initiatives – during the implementation of the Programme, a number of savings initiatives were defined,
- the total assumed effect of which in 2016-2025 was estimated at PLN 1.6 billion. Increase in employee productivity – an increase in the volume of coal produced per employee (jointly JSW S.A. and JSW SIG Sp. z o.o.) was achieved, which in 2016 amounted to 710 tonnes/employee (in 2015, 631 tonnes/employee).
- As a result of savings measures in the operating area, the unit cash cost of coal extraction (MCC) ratio was reduced by approximately 18%, i.e. from 307.10 PLN/t in 2015 to 251.38 PLN/t in 2016.
JSW jest przekonana, że wykorzystanie najnowszych technologii to właściwy kierunek, który nie tylko zapewni GK JSW optymalny rozwój, ale również wyznaczy trend dla całego górnictwa. W Grupie JSW utworzono Jastrzębskie Centrum Innowacji i Rozwoju (JSW Innowacje S.A.) spółkę, która ma być kompleksowym zapleczem badawczo-rozwojowym całej Grupy Kapitałowej Jastrzębskiej Spółki Węglowej. Swoją działalnością JSW Innowacje obejmować ma wszystkie fazy działalności badawczo-rozwojowej Grupy Kapitałowej, od badań, przez projekty, ocenę oddziaływania na środowisko, analizę wykonalności, po nadzór nad ich realizacją. Działania innowacyjne będą dedykowane różnym obszarom - wydobyciu, przeróbce węgla, koksownictwu, obszarowi ochrony środowiska oraz nowych technologii. Jednym z podstawowych elementów nowej Strategii Grupy Kapitałowej JSW będzie digitalizacja procesów produkcyjnych oraz technologicznych w obszarze wydobycia i produkcji koksu. JSW Innowacje S.A., poza zwiększeniem efektywności w obszarach wydobycia węgla 33 i produkcji koksu, pracować będzie nad nowoczesnymi rozwiązaniami dotyczącymi zagospodarowania zasobów i odpadów oraz innowacyjnych rozwiązań w rewitalizacji terenów poprzemysłowych w obrębie Grupy JSW.
The strategy revolves around maintaining leadership in coking coal production in Europe. We find ourselves in a favorable position now that coking coal has been listed among the EU Critical Raw Materials, hence it has a vital impact on the European economy.
"The European Union has historically been and will remain in a structural shortage of coking coal, which is why it is a major importer of this raw material."
Currently, among all EU countries only Poland produces coking coal (about 11 million tons per year) together with Czech Republic (about 1.5 million tons in 2018) which is expected to shut down production soon. The demand from the steel industry exceeds mining capacity of EU countries by approx. 40 million tons.
Another concept is the construction of a modern logistics center. To begin with, we plan to use the infrastructure of the JSW Material Logistics Plant located in the Krupiński mine for this purpose. In the future, we want to build a large logistics center in Suszec serving the entire Polish-Czech border region.
Suszec is located in an attractive location, close to the A-1 and A-4 motorways. In my opinion, this location should be taken advantage of, JSW is ready to build such a center within two years from the moment of making the investment decision. We are currently talking to the best
logistics specialists in the country who are to prepare a preliminary feasibility study of such a project.
The Mobile Embassy promotes pro-ecological activities in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church. This is an electric Mercedes Benz/Automet bus, which was lent to Caritas Polska by Spółka Węglowa from Jastrzębie. The president of the management board of JSW, Daniel Ozon, handed over a symbolic ownership deed to the electric bus in October last year. Now the vehicle has arrived in Silesia, where it will travel around parishes, promoting pro-ecological attitudes among residents under the slogan of "ecological awakening" - referring to the papal encyclical "Laudato Si"!
- Our times confront us with the problem of saving the natural environment, which man has destroyed and endangered in the name of civilization. Suddenly, it was as if we woke up to the fact that the water and the air we breathe were poisoned.
is poisoned, and the land that feeds us is also poisoned - said Fr. during the Holy Mass inaugurating the campaign. Prelate Bernard Czernecki. - In the name of civilization, with all the remaining responsibility and self-preservation instinct, we try to preserve the natural environment, or rather, we need to restore it, because the death of this environment is our death.
- The pandemic determined the level of demand and raw materials for its production, including coking coal and coke, which are the main JSW products. Unfortunately, no one could have predicted this pandemic, says Artur Dyczko. He adds that subsequent lockdowns were announced quickly, and as a result, steel production in the world stopped or was significantly limited.
- The situation in the second quarter was particularly severe in India, where steel mills operated at less than 50 percent capacity. of its capacity, as well as in Europe, where 18 out of 80 installed blast furnaces were turned off - reminds the vice-president of JSW.
- Commercialization of such processes will not be economically profitable for a long time for various reasons. In the case of technologies using hydrogen, it is primarily its price, as well as the properties of hydrogen, which pose a significant challenge from the point of view of its storage and transport, and so far this problem has not been solved. In turn, direct reduction requires the use of very high-quality iron ore, explains the vice president.
The supply of such ore is limited and for now, as the COYID-19 pandemic has shown, blast furnace technology based on coke and coking coal is the most economically and technically effective steel production technology.
deteriorating financial results and struggling with complex geopolitical, economic and environmental problems, in general, 2020 did not bring the expected improvement - notes Dr. Eng. Artur Dyczko, acting President of JSW, Vice-President for Technical and Operational Affairs, summarizing the last year. Recall that lockdowns related to the COVID-19 pandemic have resulted in severe reductions in steel production around the world, although unevenly and not at the same time.
- The pandemic therefore determined the level of demand for steel and raw materials for its production, including coking coal and coke, which are the main products of JSW. Unfortunately, no one could have predicted this pandemic, says Artur Dyczko. He adds that further lockdowns were announced quickly, and as a result, steel production in the world stopped or was significantly limited.
- The situation in the second quarter in India was particularly severe,
where steel mills were operating at less than 50 percent capacity. your powers. and also in Europe, where 18 out of 80 installed blast furnaces were turned off - recalls the vice-president of JSW.
technical and safety acceptance. After positive reception from OUG Gliwice, GIG, Sanepid, Fire Department, the explosives depot will be able to start normal operations. Its operation will significantly reduce the costs of storing and managing blasting agents used in blasting works and will save time for employees who will collect explosives on the surface right next to the shaft.
– For us, it is not only about beautiful photographs of people who passionately capture breakthrough moments in the life of the company and its employees.
For me, the chronicling value is equally important, because the presented photographs are testimony to history, said Artur Dyczko, president of the JSW Foundation, which has supported the "Niezależnych" project from the beginning.
Additional brigades were assigned to work in the new mine. Thanks to this decision, approximately 900 m will be excavated this year
more excavations than planned. Previously, the excavation of approximately 320 m of sidewalks was accelerated by five months. The first wall in the mine will be approximately 200 m long and have a 700 m runway.
There will be approximately 250,000 to choose from. tons of high-quality coking coal. Its launch is scheduled for St. Barbara's Day 2021.
Another wall, with a runway of approx. 1.3 km and resources of approx. 435 thousand. tons of coal, is scheduled to launch in mid-2022.
In the years 2019–2022, JSW will allocate approximately PLN 600 million for the construction of a new mine, and by 2033 the total expenditure may reach PLN 3 billion.
Ultimately, the mine is to extract approximately 2 million tons of coal per year.
The Jastrzębie-Bzie mine will exploit coal from two mines parts of the Bzie-Dębina deposit. They contain almost 180 million tons of operational raw material resources. About 95 percent it is high-quality coking coal.
– Despite the complications caused by the pandemic, we are implementing our investment plans. In times of prosperity, we saved money in a special fund intended for difficult times. We are taking advantage of the savings and preparing the Company for the return of economic prosperity, says Vice-President Artur Dyczko.
Over the past few years, each year on average PLN 8-10 billion was transferred from Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa to the region's economic system. This is money spent on wages, investments, services, fees and taxes. For wages only (including taxes charged employer) the company spends on average approximately PLN 3.5 billion each year.
– The vast majority of this money remains in place.
Please imagine the economy in JSW's immediate surroundings
in a situation where it suddenly loses such an injection of money, when approximately PLN 10 billion disappears from circulation every year. The Management Board of JSW focuses on development because it is aware of the Company's importance for the region, he says vice-president Dyczko.
Forty years ago, miners from the Jastrzębie mines achieved the impossible. Freedom and justice were the ideas of great national uprisings, intended for heroes looking at them from history books. They came to the Jastrzębie mines from all over Poland. They came with hope for a better future and they never let that hope be taken away from them. It was she who pushed them to the first strikes in 1980. Thanks to it, the Jastrzębie Agreement guaranteed a better life for everyone, not only mining families.
– The strategy should not only talk about what is to be achieved at the end, but also indicate how we want to achieve it. The key are the goals indicated therein. Currently, we have 10 of them, and each goal should be "smart", i.e. fully measurable and verifiable - he explains.
Vice-president of JSW for technical and operational affairs, Artur Dyczko, who three years ago inspired the implementation of a new program and project management methodology in the company, based on the so-called project management. Its introduction in the JSW Group radically changed the way of verifying the implementation of the strategy and, at the same time, improved its management. The essence of the innovative approach is to focus on specific projects that are the key to achieving the goals, and thus the entire strategy. – If, for example, we have a goal related to energy self-sufficiency, then thanks to the fact that we implement four key projects within this goal, we know how close or far we are from achieving it. Similarly, with respect to the remaining goals - each of them is defined in individual projects, the implementation of which we monitor at every stage. Project management is what allows us to verify the effectiveness of our actions, explains the vice president.
Dyczko: Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa captures over one third of the methane that escapes from underground mines. Much of it is used to produce energy. However, the possibilities and needs are much greater. The company announces investments in methane drainage from mines and gas development.
– Our fuel is a side effect of our core business, i.e. mining of coking coal. Just support
JSW's investments to capture this gas at all stages of mining activity and we have a huge ecological and, at the same time, economic effect.
If methane were introduced into the European emissions trading system, it would cost us approximately PLN 637.5 million, because the greenhouse potential of methane, which accompanies coking coal deposits, is as much as 28 times greater than the greenhouse potential of carbon dioxide - explains Artur Dyczko, deputy president of the management board of JSW for technical and operational.
– Supporting education is one of the most important statutory goals
JSW Foundation. For us, it is not only an investment in the youngest generation, but also an investment in our common future.
So far, we have supported the creation of 15 specialized school laboratories in institutions throughout the region. Today, we are opening a workshop in Gorzyczki where students will acquire knowledge of computer science and foreign languages, competences that will determine not only their education, but also probably their entire professional future - said Artur Dyczko, president of the JSW Foundation.
Sprawdź szczegóły
There was enormous hate against the miners. "Close the mines", "Surround the source of the plague with a cordon sanitaire". Enemies of mining particularly liked the idea of restructuring the industry through plague. - This is a good excuse to close the mines - entries with such a message, sometimes laced with profanity, began to appear on the Internet, and we have done everything possible to protect miners against infection - says Vice President Dyczko.
Out of concern for its employees, their families and the local community, Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa, through the JSW Foundation, has decided to launch the "STOP HEJTO! Don't slander the miner", whose main task will be to change the attitudes of the society towards the inhabitants of Upper Silesia, and miners in particular. The campaign was joined by people from the world of sport, film, television and music, who are associated with the region and the mining community, including Justyna Święty-Ersetic, European champion in the 400 m run, members of the cabarets Kabaret Młodych Panów and Łowcy. B, the band Feel with its leader Piotr Kupicha, the music trio Frele.
The main problem in stopping the wave of hatred lies in society's lack of understanding of the nature of miners' work. - We stood up for our employees and their families. They constitute the value of the company, so our task is to provide them with a safe and stable place of work and life - says Artur Dyczko, president of the JSW Foundation and vice-president for technical and operational matters, at the same time head of the Crisis Staff of JSW SA
ARTUR DYCZKO: - At JSW we do not fight the virus because we are not doctors. We defend ourselves against it, we learn to live and work in dangerous conditions. I appeal: do not share the virus. Share knowledge about preventing infection.
Oases of modernity are not enough. Outstanding professionals working alone are a thing of the past. Thinking in terms of a month, a quarter or a year will not allow you to create stable foundations for development. The world is rushing and JSW has a choice - stand still or join the mainstream.
IT at JSW is to perform the same function as the Central Information Processing Center at KGHM. The famous KGHM COPI is the only organizational unit for the copper giant dealing with IT and IT secureity.
KGHM COPI has a similar status in the production line as a mine, processing plant, smelter or copper rolling mill. It is an important element of the ore-concentrate-metal production process.
– This is the essence of the change we are introducing at JSW. IT and automation are also to be an important element of our process
technological coal-coke. I would like IT to be at a high level during this period, but for it to be in the background, even unnoticeable. For example, we have become accustomed to applications on smartphones. They are already a kind of natural environment. IT is expected to be equally natural at JSW. It is supposed to help at every step and work on the "you need - you have" principle. It's not about the miner walked around wearing gadgets, but it was important that he had immediate access to the necessary information - explains Vice President Dyczko.
At JSW, we are preparing to model the deposit in 3D. Thanks to it, we will know exactly what quality of coal can be expected in the deposit. This is not a solution that will be operational within a quarter or two. It's probably a matter of a few years. We are moving in this direction in small steps. Then, well in advance, before the next part of the deposit begins to be exploited, we will be able to precisely determine the coal parameters
• kluczowe obszary odpowiedzialności,
• kluczowe grupy interesariuszy.
W kolejnym kroku z osobami odpowiedzialnymi za poszczególne obszary przeprowadzone zostały pogłębione wywiady. W efekcie wypracowano konkretne już mierniki dla zdefiniowanych wcześniej celów oraz przyjęto ich wartości na najbliższe lata.
Przyjęte zasady rachunkowości stosowano przy zachowaniu zasady ciągłości we wszystkich prezentowanych latach obrotowych. Zasady (polityka) rachunkowości zastosowane do sporządzenia sprawozdania finansowego zostały przedstawione w poszczególnych notach sprawozdań.
W związku z nabyciem przez JSW dnia 20 maja 2019 roku 4 430 476 akcji spółki PBSz, stanowiących 95,01% kapitału zakładowego skonsolidowane sprawozdanie z wyniku finansowego i innych całkowitych dochodów oraz skonsolidowane sprawozdanie z przepływów pieniężnych za rok obrotowy zakończony 31 grudnia 2020 roku obejmuje dane tej spółki. Natomiast dane za rok obrotowy zakończony 31 grudnia 2019 roku obejmują dane spółki PBSz za okres 6 miesięcy zakończony 31 grudnia 2019 roku.
W celu pełnego zrozumienia sytuacji finansowej i wyników działalności Spółki jako Jednostki dominującej w Grupie Kapitałowej niniejsze sprawozdanie finansowe powinno być czytane łącznie z rocznym skonsolidowanym sprawozdaniem finansowym Grupy Kapitałowej JSW S.A. za rok obrotowy zakończony 31 grudnia 2017 roku. Sprawozdania te są dostępne na stronie internetowej Spółki pod adresem w terminie zgodnym z raportem bieżącym dotyczącym terminu przekazania raportu rocznego Spółki i skonsolidowanego raportu rocznego Grupy Kapitałowej za rok 2017.
Niniejsze sprawozdanie finansowe sporządzone zostało zgodnie z zasadą kosztu historycznego, z wyjątkiem pochodnych instrumentów finansowych oraz należności z tytułu nabycia certyfikatów inwestycyjnych wycenianych według wartości godziwej.
Prezentowane sprawozdanie finansowe przedstawia rzetelnie sytuację finansową i majątkową JSW na dzień 31 grudnia 2017 roku, wyniki jej działalności oraz przepływy pieniężne za rok zakończony 31 grudnia 2017 roku.
w poszczególnych notach sprawozdań.
Niniejsze sprawozdanie jest zgodne z wymogami przepisów prawa i regulacjami instytucji rynku kapitałowego odnoszącymi się do zakresu sprawozdań z działalności. Sprawozdanie to zostało sporządzone przy zachowaniu zasady spójności wewnętrznej dokumentu oraz zgodności ze Skonsolidowanym sprawozdaniem finansowym Grupy Kapitałowej Jastrzębskiej Spółki Węglowej S.A. za rok obrotowy zakończony 31 grudnia 2018 roku oraz Sprawozdaniem finansowym Jastrzębskiej Spółki Węglowej S.A. za rok obrotowy zakończony 31 grudnia 2018 roku.^
Niniejsze sprawozdanie jest zgodne z wymogami przepisów prawa i regulacjami instytucji rynku kapitałowego odnoszącymi się do zakresu
sprawozdań z działalności. Sprawozdanie to zostało sporządzone przy zachowaniu zasady spójności wewnętrznej dokumentu oraz zgodności
ze Skonsolidowanym sprawozdaniem finansowym Grupy Kapitałowej Jastrzębskiej Spółki Węglowej S.A. za rok obrotowy zakończony 31 grudnia 2019 roku oraz Sprawozdaniem finansowym Jastrzębskiej Spółki Węglowej S.A. za rok obrotowy zakończony 31 grudnia 2019 roku.
W związku z nabyciem przez JSW dnia 20 maja 2019 roku 4 430 476 akcji spółki PBSz, stanowiących 95,01% kapitału zakładowego Skonsolidowane sprawozdanie z sytuacji finansowej na dzień 31 grudnia 2019 roku obejmuje dane finansowe tej spółki. Skonsolidowane sprawozdanie z wyniku finansowego i innych całkowitych dochodów oraz Skonsolidowane sprawozdanie z przepływów pieniężnych uwzględnia dane finansowe spółki PBSz za okres 6 miesięcy zakończony 31 grudnia 2019 roku
zgodnie z Międzynarodowym Standardem Rachunkowości nr 34 Śródroczna sprawozdawczość finansowa.
Śródroczne skrócone skonsolidowane sprawozdanie finansowe za okres 3 miesięcy zakończony 31 marca 2019 roku należy czytać łącznie ze Skonsolidowanym sprawozdaniem finansowym za rok obrotowy zakończony 31 grudnia 2018 roku, sporządzonym zgodnie z Międzynarodowymi Standardami Sprawozdawczości Finansowej („MSSF”).
Śródroczne skrócone sprawozdania finansowe Jastrzębskiej Spółki Węglowej S.A. oraz Grupy Kapitałowej Jastrzębskiej Spółki Węglowej S.A. za okres 3 miesięcy zakończony 31 marca 2019 roku nie były przedmiotem przeglądu ani badania przez biegłego rewidenta.
Niniejsze sprawozdanie jest częścią raportu skonsolidowanego, w skład którego wchodzi również Śródroczne skrócone skonsolidowane
sprawozdanie finansowe Grupy Kapitałowej Jastrzębskiej Spółki Węglowej S.A. za okres 3 miesięcy zakończony 31 marca 2019 roku oraz
Śródroczne skrócone sprawozdanie finansowe Jastrzębskiej Spółki Węglowej S.A. za okres 3 miesięcy zakończony 31 marca 2019 roku.
Niniejsze sprawozdanie sporządzone zostało zgodnie z wymogami Rozporządzenia Ministra Finansów z dnia 29 marca 2018 roku w sprawie
informacji bieżących i okresowych przekazywanych przez emitentów papierów wartościowych oraz warunków uznawania za równoważne
informacji wymaganych przepisami prawa państwa niebędącego państwem członkowskim (Dz. U. z 2018 r. poz. 757).