Mercer University
Basic Medical Sciences
Human 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/isomerase type 1 (3-HSD1) is a critical enzyme in the conversion of DHEA to estradiol in breast tumors and may be a target enzyme for inhibition in the treatment of breast cancer in postmenopausal... more
Separate genes encode the human type 1 (placenta, breast tumors, other peripheral tissues) and type 2 (gonad, adrenal) isoforms of 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/isomerase (3-HSD1, 3-HSD2). Mutagenesis of 3-HSD1 produced the Y154F,... more
Human 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/isomerase type 1 (3β-HSD1) is a critical enzyme in the conversion of DHEA to estradiol in breast tumors and may be a target enzyme for inhibition in the treatment of breast cancer in postmenopausal... more
The somatotropic axis, and particularly growth hormonereleasing hormone (GHRH), is implicated in the regulation of sleep-wake activity. To evaluate sleep in chronic somatotropic deficiency, sleep-wake activity was studied in dwarf (dw/dw)... more
OB,~L, F., JR., B. KACS()H, P. ALF()LDI, L. PAYNE, O. MARKOVIC, C. GROSVENOR AND J. M. KRUEGER. Antiserum to prolactin decreases rapid eye movement sleep (REM sleep) in the male rat. PHYSIOL BEHAV 52(6) 1063-1068, 1992.-Previous reports... more
Lewis dwarf (dw/dw) rats exhibit growth hormone (GH) deficiency and growth retardation linked to a malfunction of GHRH signaling. In this study, GHRH-receptor (GHRH-R) binding and mRNA in the pituitary of adult male dw/dw and age-matched... more
Bromocryptine potently decreased prolactin (PRL) secretion of pituitary glands of 2-day-old rats in vitro (up to 85% inhibition; ED5o between 0.1 and 1.0 nM) without altering the bioactivity to immunoreactivity (B/I) ratio. Bromocryptine... more
Hypothalamic growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) is one of the key neurohumoral regulators of non-rapid eye movement sleep. The focus of the present paper is the role of GHRH in the regulation of sleep and body temperature in the... more
Spontaneous dwarf rats (SDRs) display growth hormone (GH) deficiency due to a mutation in the GH gene. This study investigated sleep in SDRs and their somatotropic axis and compared to Sprague-Dawley rats. SDRs had almost undetectable... more
Previous evidence from this laboratory suggested that growth hormone (GH) release induced by milk in vitro and by nursing in vivo from neonatal rat pituitary glands is mediated by an alternative GH-releasing factor(s) (GRF) distinct from... more
Various neural factors are involved in the suckling-induced increase in serum growth hormone (GH) levels in neonatal rats, and, in the present study the serotonergic, cholinergic, somatostatin and GH-releasing hormone (GHRH) systems were... more