Mercer University
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
The authors describe the development of an instrument to measure resident satisfaction with training, the Resident Satisfaction Questionnaire (RSQ). A national sample of 180 residents rated 41 items regarding the relative importance of... more
notypes 1 and 2 are distributed in the Far East, USA, Hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 6a is found in a Europe and parts of Africa, genotype 3 is found in Eurestricted part of South East Asia, including Hong rope, USA, Thailand and the... more
1981. Changes in body size in fluctuating populations of the collared lemming: age and photoperiod influences. Can. J. Zool. 59: 174-182.
are recruited and build a large scaffold for viral replication and morphogenesis. We have studied how a bunyavirus uses the Golgi to build the factory. With the help of confocal and 3D ultrastructural imaging together with molecular... more
It is generally accepted that the planet is undergoing climatic changes, and 'climate change' has become the scapegoat for many catastrophes, including infectious disease outbreaks, as acknowledged by Randolph and Ergonul, who state... more
have been performed for 5-site chains mixed with single site spheres. Two separate simulations were performed at
Transferable potentials for the hydrogen bonding interactions of alcohols with amines are characterized. These systems exhibit anomalously strong solvation interactions that make the formalism of discontinuous potentials (the SPEADMD... more
The vapor pressure and liquid density of 11 amines, 5 primary amides, 9 acetates, and 15 ketones are studied to characterize transferable step potential models. Discontinuous molecular dynamics simulations are performed for reference... more
The group contribution methodology developed by Elliott and Natarajan has been extended to the statistical associating fluid theory (SAFT) and perturbed-chain statistical associating fluid theory (PC-SAFT) equations of state (EOS).... more
The classical problem of 1,3-butadiene recovery from steam cracker C 4 hydrocarbons is reconsidered using modern tools of quantum mechanics and molecular simulation. The effectiveness of N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF) and acetonitrile (ACN)... more
Nucleotide hydration is important for the understanding of the stability of and the transitions between the different helical conformations of D N A. We have used energy minimization and geometric criteria in order to look for possible... more
Procedures given by Graboski and Daubert for VLE calculations in hydrocarbon-non-hydrocardrocarbon gas systems with the Soave equation of state have been reevaluated with a larger data base. Two correlations for predicting interaction... more