Yesim Aksan
Yeşim Aksan was born in 1964 in Turkey and graduated from Hacettepe University in 1985 with a B.A. degree in Linguistics. She obtained an M.A. degree in Linguistics in 1988, and completed her doctoral studies in Linguistics at Hacettepe University in 1995.
Aksan started her career at Hacettepe University as a research assistant in 1985. She was appointed Assistant Associate Professor in 1995 and became the co-founder of the Program of English Linguistics at Mersin University. She was appointed Associate Professor of Linguistics in 2004 and full Professor of Linguistics at the same University in 2009. She has taught discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, cognitive linguistics, verb semantics and general linguistics at the graduate level, and introductory linguistics, Turkish linguistics, corpus linguistics, semantics, pragmatics, language typology, and cultural linguistics at the undergraduate level. She has supervised several theses and dissertations in these areas. Since 2000 she has been the vice head of the English Linguistics Program at Mersin University. She has been serving as member of the Administrative Board of the Faculty of Science and Letters and member of the Academic Board of the same faculty since 2011.
Aksan has published widely on Turkish linguistics, particularly on verb semantics, aspectual properties of Turkish, Turkish discourse, conceptual metaphor, and corpus linguistics in national and international journals, including Metaphor and Symbol, Turkic Languges, Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi (Journal of Linguistic Research, a Turkish national journal indexed in MLA). She has contributed book chapters in Bridges and Walls in Metalinguistic Discourse (with D. Kantar, edited by A. Duszak & U. Okulska, Peter Lang, 2006), Current Trends in Pragmatics (with D. Kantar, edited by P. Cap & J. Nijakowska, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2007), Dynamicity in Emotion Concepts (with M. Aksan, edited by P. Wilson, Peter Lang, 2012). Metaphor in Use: Context, Culture and Communication (with M. Aksan, edited by F. MacArthur et al., John Benjamins, 2012). She is a member of the Advisory Board of Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi (Journal of Linguistic Research, a Turkish national journal indexed in MLA), and is the project director of the nationally funded first large scale web- based general corpus of contemporary Turkish (Turkish National Corpus, http://www.tnc.org.tr). She is the founding member and the secretary of Center for Corpus Studies (http://www.dam.org.tr). She has (co-)organized national and international conferences in linguistics and Turkish language teaching and co-convened panels at these conferences.
Aksan started her career at Hacettepe University as a research assistant in 1985. She was appointed Assistant Associate Professor in 1995 and became the co-founder of the Program of English Linguistics at Mersin University. She was appointed Associate Professor of Linguistics in 2004 and full Professor of Linguistics at the same University in 2009. She has taught discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, cognitive linguistics, verb semantics and general linguistics at the graduate level, and introductory linguistics, Turkish linguistics, corpus linguistics, semantics, pragmatics, language typology, and cultural linguistics at the undergraduate level. She has supervised several theses and dissertations in these areas. Since 2000 she has been the vice head of the English Linguistics Program at Mersin University. She has been serving as member of the Administrative Board of the Faculty of Science and Letters and member of the Academic Board of the same faculty since 2011.
Aksan has published widely on Turkish linguistics, particularly on verb semantics, aspectual properties of Turkish, Turkish discourse, conceptual metaphor, and corpus linguistics in national and international journals, including Metaphor and Symbol, Turkic Languges, Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi (Journal of Linguistic Research, a Turkish national journal indexed in MLA). She has contributed book chapters in Bridges and Walls in Metalinguistic Discourse (with D. Kantar, edited by A. Duszak & U. Okulska, Peter Lang, 2006), Current Trends in Pragmatics (with D. Kantar, edited by P. Cap & J. Nijakowska, Cambridge Scholars Press, 2007), Dynamicity in Emotion Concepts (with M. Aksan, edited by P. Wilson, Peter Lang, 2012). Metaphor in Use: Context, Culture and Communication (with M. Aksan, edited by F. MacArthur et al., John Benjamins, 2012). She is a member of the Advisory Board of Dilbilim Araştırmaları Dergisi (Journal of Linguistic Research, a Turkish national journal indexed in MLA), and is the project director of the nationally funded first large scale web- based general corpus of contemporary Turkish (Turkish National Corpus, http://www.tnc.org.tr). She is the founding member and the secretary of Center for Corpus Studies (http://www.dam.org.tr). She has (co-)organized national and international conferences in linguistics and Turkish language teaching and co-convened panels at these conferences.
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Papers by Yesim Aksan
dil verisi üzerinden, derlern-çıkışlı bir çözümlemeyle gösterilmiştir. Söz konusu adların tekil ve çoğul durum eksiz biçimlerinin oluştuduğu ikili sözcük kümelerinin sıklık listeleri kullanılarak yapılan veri çözümlemesinde, Mahlberg (2005)'de önerilen işlev sınıflarının Türkçedeki zaman genel adları için de geçerli olduğu saptanmıştır. İleri
araştırmalar için sıklıkla gözlemlenen ikili ve üçlü zaman genel adları gösteren sözcük kümelerinin derlem verisi üzerinde belirlenecek örüntülerinin nitel ve nicel olarak daha kapsamlı çalışılması önerilmiştir.
Derlemi üzerinden bir sözcük ve ek sıklığı çalışması yeni tamamlanmış ve
bu çalışmanın ürünü olarak Türkçe Sözcük ve Ek Sıklığı Sözlüğü basıma hazır
hale getirilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı derlem dilbilim ve sayısal dilbilim
yöntemleri kullanılarak hazırlanan sözkonusu sözlüğü oluşturmada izlenen
tasarım ilkelerini ve uygulamaları anlatarak sözlüğü kapsam ve içerik olarak
betimlemektir. Ayrıca bu sözlüğün hazırlanmasında Türkçenin çok sözcüklü
birimlerinin (ÇSB)lerin belirlenmesi ve sözlüğünün hazırlanmasına ilişkin
yapılan saptamalar da yer verilmiştir.(to cite : Aksan,Yeşim & Mustafa Aksan (2016) Türkçenin derlem-temelli sıklık sözlüğü: Temel İlkeler ve Uygulama. Uluslarası Sözlük Bilim Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitabı cilt I, 81-96.)
not very clear which term (lemma, headword) is essentially the term of which field
(Ilson, 1988) of study (corpus linguistics – lexicology- lexicography); which of the same set of terms found in both fields (type, token) are used to meet what type of differences in the conceptualization in analyses; the overlaps in target conceptualizations (termhood) or contrasts (colligate). Despite the fact that there
exits significant number of works in both corpus linguistics and lexicography in Turkish, there is yet to be a dictionary of terms to be compiled. This paper will review current established uses of various terms explicating the notion of "word" in both disciplines in order to underline the similarities as well as differences that
would help in devising respective terminologies in Turkish.( to cite :Aksan, Mustafa & Yeşim Aksan (2017) Alanlararası Ortak Terimler: Sözlükbilim ve Derlem Dilbilim. III. Uluslararası Sözlük Bilim Sempozyumu Bildirileri, 596-607. Eskişehir: ESOGÜ Basımevi. )
dil verisi üzerinden, derlern-çıkışlı bir çözümlemeyle gösterilmiştir. Söz konusu adların tekil ve çoğul durum eksiz biçimlerinin oluştuduğu ikili sözcük kümelerinin sıklık listeleri kullanılarak yapılan veri çözümlemesinde, Mahlberg (2005)'de önerilen işlev sınıflarının Türkçedeki zaman genel adları için de geçerli olduğu saptanmıştır. İleri
araştırmalar için sıklıkla gözlemlenen ikili ve üçlü zaman genel adları gösteren sözcük kümelerinin derlem verisi üzerinde belirlenecek örüntülerinin nitel ve nicel olarak daha kapsamlı çalışılması önerilmiştir.
Derlemi üzerinden bir sözcük ve ek sıklığı çalışması yeni tamamlanmış ve
bu çalışmanın ürünü olarak Türkçe Sözcük ve Ek Sıklığı Sözlüğü basıma hazır
hale getirilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın amacı derlem dilbilim ve sayısal dilbilim
yöntemleri kullanılarak hazırlanan sözkonusu sözlüğü oluşturmada izlenen
tasarım ilkelerini ve uygulamaları anlatarak sözlüğü kapsam ve içerik olarak
betimlemektir. Ayrıca bu sözlüğün hazırlanmasında Türkçenin çok sözcüklü
birimlerinin (ÇSB)lerin belirlenmesi ve sözlüğünün hazırlanmasına ilişkin
yapılan saptamalar da yer verilmiştir.(to cite : Aksan,Yeşim & Mustafa Aksan (2016) Türkçenin derlem-temelli sıklık sözlüğü: Temel İlkeler ve Uygulama. Uluslarası Sözlük Bilim Sempozyumu Bildiri Kitabı cilt I, 81-96.)
not very clear which term (lemma, headword) is essentially the term of which field
(Ilson, 1988) of study (corpus linguistics – lexicology- lexicography); which of the same set of terms found in both fields (type, token) are used to meet what type of differences in the conceptualization in analyses; the overlaps in target conceptualizations (termhood) or contrasts (colligate). Despite the fact that there
exits significant number of works in both corpus linguistics and lexicography in Turkish, there is yet to be a dictionary of terms to be compiled. This paper will review current established uses of various terms explicating the notion of "word" in both disciplines in order to underline the similarities as well as differences that
would help in devising respective terminologies in Turkish.( to cite :Aksan, Mustafa & Yeşim Aksan (2017) Alanlararası Ortak Terimler: Sözlükbilim ve Derlem Dilbilim. III. Uluslararası Sözlük Bilim Sempozyumu Bildirileri, 596-607. Eskişehir: ESOGÜ Basımevi. )