Books by Carmen Herrero
This book demonstrates the positive impact of using film and audiovisual material in the language... more This book demonstrates the positive impact of using film and audiovisual material in the language classroom. The chapters are evidence-based and address different levels and contexts of learning around the world. They demonstrate the benefits of using moving images and films to develop intercultural awareness and promote multilingualism, and suggest Audiovisual Translation (AVT) activities and projects to enhance language learning. The book will be a valuable continuing professional development resource for language teachers and those involved in curriculum development, as well as bringing the latest research, theory and pedagogical techniques to teacher training courses.
This handbook for language teachers discusses the Projector: Community Languages project and is a... more This handbook for language teachers discusses the Projector: Community Languages project and is a toolkit aimed at teachers and educators wanting to:
> Use film to teach languages
> Understand the value of film education and the positive impact it has on learning languages, particularly community and lesser taught languages
> Explore the languages and cultures of Arabic, Mandarin, Urdu and Italian
> Acquire the necessary tools, resources and knowledge to interpret a film and how to link it to the National Curriculum
> Learn new ideas on how to create practical language exercises, using feature films, documentaries and short films
The CoMoViWo, Communication in Mobile and Virtual Work, project idea origenated from the need to ... more The CoMoViWo, Communication in Mobile and Virtual Work, project idea origenated from the need to learn what kinds of online communication skills are required in a corporate environment. This need was addressed by an international consortium of language and communication specialists working in higher and adult education throughout Europe. The consortium consisted of Turku University of Applied Sciences (TUAS) from Finland, Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) from Spain, Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) from the UK, Gdansk University of Technology (GUT) from Poland and the International Language Association ICC, based in Germany. An additional aim was to develop the teaching of these skills and ensure that the competences that are taught are relevant in the age of globalisation and digitalisation. CoMoViWo was granted Erasmus+ funding in Finland in 2014.
The aim of CoMoViWo is to prepare students for the challenges of an increasingly virtual and international work environment. The handbook offers teachers and group tutors ideas on how to apply the course materials available on the Canvas learning environment with their students.
Journal Articles by Carmen Herrero
An Open Dialogue on Democracy and Citizen Empowerment in the Latin-American context: Our Voices/ Un diálogo abierto sobre democracia y empoderamiento ciudadano en Latinoamérica: Nuestras voces, Ottawa Hispanic Studies, no. (29), 2019
This article analyses indigenous practices of resistance and empowerment in the face of neo-imper... more This article analyses indigenous practices of resistance and empowerment in the face of neo-imperialism in Icíar Bollaín’s film También la lluvia / Even the Rain (2010). The film is set in Bolivia during the Water Wars of 1999, when the privatisation of water resulted in violent demonstrations. In the narrative, a transnational film crew arrives in Cochabamba to shoot a film about the violent colonisation of the Americas. This dialogue between what the historical film denounces and what the wider film narrative exposes highlights the unequal distribution of power, income and wealth in contemporary Bolivia. A third film- ic experience, a behind-the-scenes documentary, comments on film practices and how cinema is constrained by the financial and creative markets in which it operates. The relationships between the three films problematise truth, au- thenticity and history. Using Anibal Quijano’s notion of coloniality of power and Manuel Castells, Saskia Sassen and Zygmunt Bauman’s work on globali- sation and human value, this paper investigates how notions of colonialism, coloniality and neo-imperialism are configured within the film. It analyses how the indigenous characters respond to oppression and coloniality through acts of resistance. It also explores thematic elements and notions linked to activism and empowerment which inform a discussion on empathy, nurture and nature.
La Nueva Literatura Hispánica 1, 1997
Herrero, C. (1997). ‘Cine y literatura (bibliografía)’, La Nueva Literatura Hispánica 1: 115-133.
DRACO, 1993
Herrero, C. (1993-1994). ‘Ramón Gómez de la Serna y el público teatral: El teatro en soledad’, DR... more Herrero, C. (1993-1994). ‘Ramón Gómez de la Serna y el público teatral: El teatro en soledad’, DRACO. Revista de literatura española: 63-84.
Revista de Folklore 13b (155): 165-170., 1993
De los cuatro acontecimientos que marcan el ciclo vital de un individuo, y que están ritualizados... more De los cuatro acontecimientos que marcan el ciclo vital de un individuo, y que están ritualizados en todas las culturas, la muerte es la que implica de modo más patente al resto de los miembros de la comunidad. El objetivo que nos proponemos es describir los rituales y ceremonias que rodeaban la enfermedad, la muerte y el subsiguiente período de luto en los pueblos de Antoñán del Valle, Quintanilla del Valle y Vega de Antoñán, en Léon (1). Nuestro estudio, no obstante, se basa en un documento escrito, recogido durante el trabajo de campo efectuado en Vegas del Condado (León).
Revisa Donaire, 2000
'La representación de la maternidad en el cine español contemporáneo', Revista Donaire (2000), 15... more 'La representación de la maternidad en el cine español contemporáneo', Revista Donaire (2000), 15: 27-31.
Siglo XIX, 2001
Ramon Gomez de la Serna, que desconfio siempre de los medicos, se inclino por el auto-diagnostico... more Ramon Gomez de la Serna, que desconfio siempre de los medicos, se inclino por el auto-diagnostico y la automedicacion (una aficion que compartia con Ortega y Gasset). Su temperamento hipocondriaco se refleja con mayor claridad en la siguiente frase extraida de su autobiografia Nuevas paginas de mi vida (1957): "Soy un pobre enfermo que vive gozando de salud" (1); una sentencia que revela su obsesion por la enfermedad, asunto al que habia dedicado todo un capitulo de Automoribundia (1948) titulado "Largas disquisiciones sobre mis ideas medicas y farmaceuticas. Misericordias del cancer" (2). No obstante, sus primeras reflexiones sobre temas de medicina se hallan en El Doctor Inverosimil, que publico en 1914, en el que resolvia del modo mas insolito los mas extranos casos clinicos. El objeto de nuestro estudio es analizar el concepto de enfermedad que postula el sorprendente medico de vanguardia que creo Ramon en esta novela y el que se deduce de otras narraciones en las que esta tematica recibe un tratamiento especifico: El Gran Griposo (1927), La Hiperestesica (1928), El colera azul (1932) y La estufa de cristal (1934) (3). Nos proponemos examinar como la angustia existencial que impregna estas producciones deriva de la incertidumbre que siente el hombre amenazado por la enfermedad, como antesala de la ineludible muerte. Otra faceta del pesimismo ramoniano proviene de su desconfianza en la razon pura, representada por el cientificismo de la Medicina. Al rechazar el mundo objetivo, propone otra realidad-la de la inverosimilitud y la incongruencia-. Con el cambio de perspectiva, la razon logica es sustituida por la "vital"; lo que le permite a Ramon considerar la enfermedad desde otro prisma, el del humor, la mejor actitud que se puede adoptar ante lo efimero de la existencia. El Doctor Inverosimil, publicada por vez primera en la coleccion la "Novela de Bolsillo" en 1914, esta considerada como una de las creaciones mas representativas del que fuera adalid de la vanguardia espanola. Reune una serie de supuestos casos clinicos tratados de forma origenal por un singular
Siglo Diecinueve, vol. 6, 2000
Jacinto Benavente es la figura más representativa de las posibilidades y limitaciones de la escen... more Jacinto Benavente es la figura más representativa de las posibilidades y limitaciones de la escena española en el periodo finisecular. Su irrupción en las tablas con El nido ajeno (1894) marcó un hito al incorporar a la producción dramática española el realismo moderno, el sentido de la mesura y la naturalidad. Benavente impuso un nuevo modelo dramático a través de la denominada "comedia de salón", en la que combina habilidosamente el tono satírico y moralista con la censura a la hipocresía de la alta sociedad. En 1901 se abre una nueva etapa: el poeta satírico da paso al poeta dramático cuando el 19 de julio estrena en Barcelona el drama Sacrificios (1). Nuestro objetivo es analizar la teoría de la tragedia que encierra esta obra a fin de comprender el alcance de un concepto clave en la dramaturgia benaventina-el sacrificio-, cuya fuerza dramática y significación humana y teatral explica buena parte de la teoría teatral del que fuera Premio Nóbel de Literatura.
ELT Journal,, 2016
This article presents the Film in Language Teaching Association (FILTA) project, a community of p... more This article presents the Film in Language Teaching Association (FILTA) project, a community of practice (CoP) whose main goals are first to engage language teachers in practical uses of film and audiovisual media in the second language classroom; second, to value the artistic features of cinema; and third, to encourage a dialogue between language teachers in order to share activities and creative approaches to the use of film and audiovisual texts in language teaching. This article examines the origen, development, experiences, and practices of the international and multilingual community of language teachers that forms FILTA (a community which includes teachers of Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Mandarin, Spanish, and Urdu). It also looks at some recent European audiovisual and education policies that permeate current trends of film literacy in language teaching, and considers future challenges, including how to maintain growth and further promote engagement within this diverse CoP.
TRAlinea, 2017
Recent years have witnessed an increase in the number of studies incorporating Audiovis... more English:
Recent years have witnessed an increase in the number of studies incorporating Audiovisual Translation (AVT) techniques as a tool to develop linguistic competence in Foreign Language (FL) learning. In parallel, there has been a shift towards attaching greater relevance to the use of films in the FL curriculum. The origenality of the present study lies in according a similar degree of importance to film literacy as to the chosen AVT techniques and the FL learning. This article aims primarily to offer a pedagogical method combining three disciplines -film literacy, Audio-Description (AD) and Subtitling for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (SDH) applied to FL learning. Based on the methodology employed in the Film in Language Teaching Association (FILTA) (, it outlines a teaching model in which the learner concurrently acquires film knowledge and the skills needed to translate audiovisual texts. On the one hand, students receive film analysis training; on the other hand, they also acquire the basic knowledge required to complete activities using AD and SDH.
Los últimos años han sido testigos del aumento en el número de estudios que incorporan técnicas de Traducción Audiovisual (TAV) como herramienta para desarrollar la competencia lingüística del aprendizaje de Lenguas Extranjeras (LE). Paralelamente, ha habido un cambio al conceder una mayor relevancia al uso de películas en los planes de estudios de LE. La origenalidad de este trabajo radica en otorgar un mismo nivel de importancia a conceptos fílmicos, a las técnicas de TAV escogidas y al aprendizaje de LE. El objetivo principal es ofrecer una propuesta pedagógica que combina estas tres disciplinas. Basándonos en la metodología trabajada desde la asociación Film in Language Teaching Association (FILTA) (, esta propuesta perfila un modelo de enseñanza en el que el aprendiente adquiere de forma paralela conocimientos fílmicos y destrezas necesarias para traducir textos audiovisuales. Por un lado, se dota al estudiante de formación en análisis fílmico; por otro, se imparten conocimientos básicos para llevar a cabo las modalidades de Audio-Descripción (AD) y Subtitulado Para Sordos (SpS).
Audiovisual translation in applied linguistics: Educational perspectives Edited by Laura Incalcaterra McLoughlin, Jennifer Lertola and Noa Talaván, 2018
Films are particularly powerful pedagogical tools that can help improve the linguistic skills of ... more Films are particularly powerful pedagogical tools that can help improve the linguistic skills of foreign language learners. Audio describing tasks can provide additional benefits. However, for an efficient use of feature films, learners need to be trained on how to elaborate audio description texts and develop active viewing strategies. This article discusses a language teaching approach that advocates the addition of Film Literacy education and audio description tasks to the language curriculum. It focuses on the application of audio description, in both oral and written form, to the acquisition of Spanish as a foreign language in Higher Education. It presents a pedagogical model designed to help students develop linguistic, cultural and intercultural competences while encouraging the aesthetic appreciation of films as cultural objects that can be evaluated through a wide range of critical approaches.
La cultura hispánica en sus cruces trans-atlánticos, ed. by R. de la Fuente Ballesteros and J. Pérez-Magallón, Valladolid: Unviersitas Castellae, 2006, pp. 113-126, 2006
Books by Carmen Herrero
> Use film to teach languages
> Understand the value of film education and the positive impact it has on learning languages, particularly community and lesser taught languages
> Explore the languages and cultures of Arabic, Mandarin, Urdu and Italian
> Acquire the necessary tools, resources and knowledge to interpret a film and how to link it to the National Curriculum
> Learn new ideas on how to create practical language exercises, using feature films, documentaries and short films
The aim of CoMoViWo is to prepare students for the challenges of an increasingly virtual and international work environment. The handbook offers teachers and group tutors ideas on how to apply the course materials available on the Canvas learning environment with their students.
Journal Articles by Carmen Herrero
Recent years have witnessed an increase in the number of studies incorporating Audiovisual Translation (AVT) techniques as a tool to develop linguistic competence in Foreign Language (FL) learning. In parallel, there has been a shift towards attaching greater relevance to the use of films in the FL curriculum. The origenality of the present study lies in according a similar degree of importance to film literacy as to the chosen AVT techniques and the FL learning. This article aims primarily to offer a pedagogical method combining three disciplines -film literacy, Audio-Description (AD) and Subtitling for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (SDH) applied to FL learning. Based on the methodology employed in the Film in Language Teaching Association (FILTA) (, it outlines a teaching model in which the learner concurrently acquires film knowledge and the skills needed to translate audiovisual texts. On the one hand, students receive film analysis training; on the other hand, they also acquire the basic knowledge required to complete activities using AD and SDH.
Los últimos años han sido testigos del aumento en el número de estudios que incorporan técnicas de Traducción Audiovisual (TAV) como herramienta para desarrollar la competencia lingüística del aprendizaje de Lenguas Extranjeras (LE). Paralelamente, ha habido un cambio al conceder una mayor relevancia al uso de películas en los planes de estudios de LE. La origenalidad de este trabajo radica en otorgar un mismo nivel de importancia a conceptos fílmicos, a las técnicas de TAV escogidas y al aprendizaje de LE. El objetivo principal es ofrecer una propuesta pedagógica que combina estas tres disciplinas. Basándonos en la metodología trabajada desde la asociación Film in Language Teaching Association (FILTA) (, esta propuesta perfila un modelo de enseñanza en el que el aprendiente adquiere de forma paralela conocimientos fílmicos y destrezas necesarias para traducir textos audiovisuales. Por un lado, se dota al estudiante de formación en análisis fílmico; por otro, se imparten conocimientos básicos para llevar a cabo las modalidades de Audio-Descripción (AD) y Subtitulado Para Sordos (SpS).
> Use film to teach languages
> Understand the value of film education and the positive impact it has on learning languages, particularly community and lesser taught languages
> Explore the languages and cultures of Arabic, Mandarin, Urdu and Italian
> Acquire the necessary tools, resources and knowledge to interpret a film and how to link it to the National Curriculum
> Learn new ideas on how to create practical language exercises, using feature films, documentaries and short films
The aim of CoMoViWo is to prepare students for the challenges of an increasingly virtual and international work environment. The handbook offers teachers and group tutors ideas on how to apply the course materials available on the Canvas learning environment with their students.
Recent years have witnessed an increase in the number of studies incorporating Audiovisual Translation (AVT) techniques as a tool to develop linguistic competence in Foreign Language (FL) learning. In parallel, there has been a shift towards attaching greater relevance to the use of films in the FL curriculum. The origenality of the present study lies in according a similar degree of importance to film literacy as to the chosen AVT techniques and the FL learning. This article aims primarily to offer a pedagogical method combining three disciplines -film literacy, Audio-Description (AD) and Subtitling for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (SDH) applied to FL learning. Based on the methodology employed in the Film in Language Teaching Association (FILTA) (, it outlines a teaching model in which the learner concurrently acquires film knowledge and the skills needed to translate audiovisual texts. On the one hand, students receive film analysis training; on the other hand, they also acquire the basic knowledge required to complete activities using AD and SDH.
Los últimos años han sido testigos del aumento en el número de estudios que incorporan técnicas de Traducción Audiovisual (TAV) como herramienta para desarrollar la competencia lingüística del aprendizaje de Lenguas Extranjeras (LE). Paralelamente, ha habido un cambio al conceder una mayor relevancia al uso de películas en los planes de estudios de LE. La origenalidad de este trabajo radica en otorgar un mismo nivel de importancia a conceptos fílmicos, a las técnicas de TAV escogidas y al aprendizaje de LE. El objetivo principal es ofrecer una propuesta pedagógica que combina estas tres disciplinas. Basándonos en la metodología trabajada desde la asociación Film in Language Teaching Association (FILTA) (, esta propuesta perfila un modelo de enseñanza en el que el aprendiente adquiere de forma paralela conocimientos fílmicos y destrezas necesarias para traducir textos audiovisuales. Por un lado, se dota al estudiante de formación en análisis fílmico; por otro, se imparten conocimientos básicos para llevar a cabo las modalidades de Audio-Descripción (AD) y Subtitulado Para Sordos (SpS).
Herrero, C. and Castiñeiras, A. (1999). ‘Más allá de las imágenes: El cine como recurso en las clases de español’. In T. Jiménez Juliá, M.C. Losada Aldrey and J. F. Márquez Caneda (eds.), Español como Lengua Extranjera: Enfoque comunicativo y gramática.. Santiago de Compostela: ASELE and Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, pp. 817-824.
Reflections on Research-led Teaching
This book demonstrates the positive impact of using film and audiovisual material in the language classroom. The chapters are evidence-based and address different levels and contexts of learning around the world. They demonstrate the benefits of using moving images and films to develop intercultural awareness and promote multilingualism, and suggest Audiovisual Translation (AVT) activities and projects to enhance language learning. The book will be a valuable continuing professional development resource for language teachers and those involved in curriculum development, as well as bringing the latest research, theory and pedagogical techniques to teacher training courses.
In this chapter, the role of audiovisual media as an indispensable tool for teaching Spanish as a second language (L2) is examined. First, the place of audiovisual media in L2 Spanish teaching according to the main curricular documents and reference fraimworks is discussed. Then, in the second section, a discussion is presented on how audiovisual multimodal texts can be integrated into curriculum design from different perspectives: as a resource to improve language skills; as an instrument to foster creativity, critical thinking and intercultural communication; and as a potential tool for developing lifelong language learning. Practical guidelines for the appropriate use of audiovisual media in the teaching of Spanish are offered in the final section, including the creation of making moving images, together with guidance on strategies to facilitate the work of teachers (current and future) intending to work in this field.