Papers by Alexey Kirichenko
Buddhist and Islamic Orders in Southern Asia, 2019
Buddhist Dynamics in Premodern and Early Modern Southeast Asia, 2015
Theravada Buddhism in Colonial Contexts
... libraries. His primary research interests include precolonial history, history of monastic Bu... more ... libraries. His primary research interests include precolonial history, history of monastic Buddhism, historiography and various types of written sources, organization and representations of supreme power in Burma. He published ...
Edited books by Alexey Kirichenko

How did European imperialism shape the ideas and practices of religion in East and Southeast Asia... more How did European imperialism shape the ideas and practices of religion in East and Southeast Asia? Casting Faiths brings together eleven scholars to show how Western law, governance, education and mission shaped understandings of what religion is, and what role it should play in society.
Thomas DuBois
The Transformation of Religion in East and Southeast Asia—Paradigmatic Change in Regional Perspective, 1-19
Part 1: Orientalism and the Western Recasting of Buddhism
Alexey Kirichenko
From Thathanadaw to Theravāda Buddhism: Constructions of Religion and Religious Identity in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Myanmar, 23-45
Judith Snodgrass
Publishing Eastern Buddhism: D. T. Suzuki’s Journey to the West, 46-72
Part 2: Mission and Meaning in Christianity
Roberta Wollons
The Education of Annie Howe: Missionary Transformations in late Meiji Japan, 75-104
Mai Lin Tjoa-Bonatz
Idols and Art: Missionary Attitudes toward Indigenous Worship and the Material Culture on Nias, Indonesia, 1904–1920, 105-128
Peter Hansen
The Virgin Heads South: Northern Catholic Refugees and their Clergy in South Vietnam, 1954–1964, 129-151
Part 3: State and Religious Ethnicity
Iza Hussin
The Making of Islamic Law: Local Elites and Colonial Authority in British Malaya, 155-174
Jennifer Connolly
Christian Conversion and Ethnic Identity in East Kalimantan, 175-189
Xiaofei Kang and Donald S. Sutton
Recasting Religion and Ethnicity: Tourism and Socialism in Northern Sichuan, 1992-2005, 190-216
Part 4: New Media and New Religion
Thomas DuBois
Japanese Print Media and Manchurian Cultural Community: Religion in the Pages of the Shengjing Times, 1906–1944, 217-238
Nancy Stalker
Showing Faith: Exhibiting Ōmoto to Consumers in Early-Twentieth-Century Japan, 239-256
Oscar Salemink
Questioning Faiths? Casting Doubts, 257-263
Papers by Alexey Kirichenko
Edited books by Alexey Kirichenko
Thomas DuBois
The Transformation of Religion in East and Southeast Asia—Paradigmatic Change in Regional Perspective, 1-19
Part 1: Orientalism and the Western Recasting of Buddhism
Alexey Kirichenko
From Thathanadaw to Theravāda Buddhism: Constructions of Religion and Religious Identity in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Myanmar, 23-45
Judith Snodgrass
Publishing Eastern Buddhism: D. T. Suzuki’s Journey to the West, 46-72
Part 2: Mission and Meaning in Christianity
Roberta Wollons
The Education of Annie Howe: Missionary Transformations in late Meiji Japan, 75-104
Mai Lin Tjoa-Bonatz
Idols and Art: Missionary Attitudes toward Indigenous Worship and the Material Culture on Nias, Indonesia, 1904–1920, 105-128
Peter Hansen
The Virgin Heads South: Northern Catholic Refugees and their Clergy in South Vietnam, 1954–1964, 129-151
Part 3: State and Religious Ethnicity
Iza Hussin
The Making of Islamic Law: Local Elites and Colonial Authority in British Malaya, 155-174
Jennifer Connolly
Christian Conversion and Ethnic Identity in East Kalimantan, 175-189
Xiaofei Kang and Donald S. Sutton
Recasting Religion and Ethnicity: Tourism and Socialism in Northern Sichuan, 1992-2005, 190-216
Part 4: New Media and New Religion
Thomas DuBois
Japanese Print Media and Manchurian Cultural Community: Religion in the Pages of the Shengjing Times, 1906–1944, 217-238
Nancy Stalker
Showing Faith: Exhibiting Ōmoto to Consumers in Early-Twentieth-Century Japan, 239-256
Oscar Salemink
Questioning Faiths? Casting Doubts, 257-263
Thomas DuBois
The Transformation of Religion in East and Southeast Asia—Paradigmatic Change in Regional Perspective, 1-19
Part 1: Orientalism and the Western Recasting of Buddhism
Alexey Kirichenko
From Thathanadaw to Theravāda Buddhism: Constructions of Religion and Religious Identity in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Myanmar, 23-45
Judith Snodgrass
Publishing Eastern Buddhism: D. T. Suzuki’s Journey to the West, 46-72
Part 2: Mission and Meaning in Christianity
Roberta Wollons
The Education of Annie Howe: Missionary Transformations in late Meiji Japan, 75-104
Mai Lin Tjoa-Bonatz
Idols and Art: Missionary Attitudes toward Indigenous Worship and the Material Culture on Nias, Indonesia, 1904–1920, 105-128
Peter Hansen
The Virgin Heads South: Northern Catholic Refugees and their Clergy in South Vietnam, 1954–1964, 129-151
Part 3: State and Religious Ethnicity
Iza Hussin
The Making of Islamic Law: Local Elites and Colonial Authority in British Malaya, 155-174
Jennifer Connolly
Christian Conversion and Ethnic Identity in East Kalimantan, 175-189
Xiaofei Kang and Donald S. Sutton
Recasting Religion and Ethnicity: Tourism and Socialism in Northern Sichuan, 1992-2005, 190-216
Part 4: New Media and New Religion
Thomas DuBois
Japanese Print Media and Manchurian Cultural Community: Religion in the Pages of the Shengjing Times, 1906–1944, 217-238
Nancy Stalker
Showing Faith: Exhibiting Ōmoto to Consumers in Early-Twentieth-Century Japan, 239-256
Oscar Salemink
Questioning Faiths? Casting Doubts, 257-263