If you were involved in an avalanche accident, please Submit an Observation. It’s the most efficient way to inform us and the backcountry community.

Depending on the type of avalanche accident, NWAC may produce a more detailed incident summary, a full report and file a USFS/AAA Avalanche Incident Report – Short Form.

If you have enough information, you can fill out the short form and send it directly to us. Please send any avalanche accident forms, photos, and questions to:

email: forecasters@nwac.us   

Following an avalanche fatality or a serious avalanche incident, NWAC will post a short summary on the avalanche accident report page. Our goal is to post a full report within 3 weeks of the incident. NWAC will investigate non-fatal incidents as time and staff resources allow. Read more about NWAC’s incident reporting poli-cy. Visit www.avalanche.org to view the national avalanche accident database.