New York University
Comparative Literature
Tous droits réservés © Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal, 1979 Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que... more
Science des rêves, rêves de la science TIMOTHYJ. REISS À l'automne 1895 Freud rédigeait un document où, pour la première fois, il cherchait à mettre au clair une psychologie capable de se prévaloir de caractéristiques «scientifiques» :... more
A tribute to the life and works of Kamau Brathwaite , a prominant Caribbean poet and scholar born and raised in Barbados, by close friend Dr.Timothy Reiss.
A tribute to the life and works of Kamau Brathwaite , a prominant Caribbean poet and scholar born and raised in Barbados, by close friend Dr.Timothy Reiss.
York University. His most recent books are The Uncertainty of Analysis (Cornell UP, 1988) and The Meaning of Literature (Cornell UP, 1992). He is at work on a sequel to the second of these, as well as on several other volumes: one on the... more
This erudite work of scholarship will change the way that we look at Renaissance intellectual history. With new and abundant evidence, Paul Grendler demonstrates that Italian universities experienced a huge Renaissance between 1400 and... more
Philosophy and the philosophers making it are set in and respond to particular histories. For this collection's writers, to see philosophy ''expressive of something like the human subject's struggle to clarify its consciousness or... more
Introduction: By 1527 or 1528, when Copernicus wrote the final Latin version of his treatise on the minting of money, the long period of dissension between Poland and the Teutonic Knights as claimants of the domains of Royal Prussia had... more