“Philadelphia is a good city in which to write American history.“
-Franklin D. Roosevelt
Happy Constitution Day! Today’s the day when we celebrate the signing of the U.S. Constitution in Philadelphia on
September 17, 1787!
The Constitution acted like a colossal merger, uniting a
group of states with different interests, laws, and cultures. Under
America’s first national government, the Articles of Confederation, the
states acted together only for specific purposes. The Constitution
united its citizens as members of a whole, vesting the power of the
union in the people. Without it, the American Experiment might have
ended as quickly as it had begun.
The National Archives is home to the Constitution, as well as the Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights. Today is a great day to brush up on your Charters of Freedom history, or to learn something new about America’s founding documents. Head over to Archives.gov for Constitution Day!
Images: Painted plaster model of Independence
Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Created in 1937 by the Pennsylvania Museum Extension Project (MEP), a
branch of the New Deal’s Works Progress Administration (WPA). From the FDR Library; United States Constitution, page 1.
Happy Independence Day!
John F. Kennedy views the Liberty Bell at Independence Hall, Philadelphia. 7/4/62.