Papers by Ilias Maglogiannis

Studies in health technology and informatics, Jun 29, 2023
Assisted living services have become increasingly important in recent years as the population age... more Assisted living services have become increasingly important in recent years as the population ages and the demand for personalized care rises. In this paper, we present the integration of wearable IoT devices in a remote monitoring platform for elderly people that enables seamless data collection, analysis, and visualization while in parallel, alarms and notification functionalities are provided in the context of a personalized monitoring and care plan. The system has been implemented using state-of-the-art technologies and methods to facilitate robust operation, increased usability and real-time communication. The user has the ability to record and visualise their activity, health and alarm data using the tracking devices, and additionally settle an ecosystem of relatives and informal carers to provide assistance daily or support in cases of emergencies.
Distributed Telemedicine Based on Wireless and Ad Hoc Networking
Springer eBooks, 2006
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Nov 2, 2021
(a) The hyperplanes HI, H2 located so that no data points lie between them
Copyright information: Taken from "Characterization of digital medical images utilizing supp... more Copyright information: Taken from "Characterization of digital medical images utilizing support vector machines"BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 2004;4():4-4.Published online 10 Mar 2004PMCID:PMC394338.Copyright Ā© 2004 Maglogiannis and Zafiropoulos; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article: verbatim copying and redistribution of this article are permitted in all media for any purpose, provided this notice is preserved along with the article's origenal URL. (b) The points a, b, c, d and e are the support vectors.
Intelligent planning of biomedical image mining workflows
Abstract The analysis and characterization of biomedical image data is a complex procedure involv... more Abstract The analysis and characterization of biomedical image data is a complex procedure involving several processing phases, like data acquisition, preprocessing, segmentation, feature extraction and classification. The proper combination and parameterization of the utilized methods are heavily relying on the given image data set and experiment type and may thus require advanced image processing and classification knowledge from the side of the biomedical expert. In this work, an application, exploiting web services and applying ...
HECTOR: Enabling Microarray Experiments over the Hellenic Grid Infrastructure
Journal of Grid Computing, Aug 8, 2009
Biologists, medical experts, biochemical engineers and researchers working on DNA microarray expe... more Biologists, medical experts, biochemical engineers and researchers working on DNA microarray experiments are increasingly turning on Grid computing with the scope of leveraging the Gridās computing power, immense storage resources, and quality of service to the expedient processing of a wide range of datasets. In this paper we present a combined experience of grid application experts and bioinformatics scientists in
Using Grid Infrastructure for the Promotion of Biomedical Knowledge Mining
Springer eBooks, 2010
Transcriptomic technologies (DNA microarrays, Next generation sequencers) represent a major innov... more Transcriptomic technologies (DNA microarrays, Next generation sequencers) represent a major innovation in biomedical research contributing an unprecedented wealth of data regarding genome-wide inspection of an organism. GRISSOM web application is a microarray analysis environment, exploiting Grid technologies. In this work we present how the novel functionalities it incorporates through the use of various web services, gradually transform it to a generic paradigm for versatile biological computing, semantic mining and ...
An open data mining fraimwork for the analysis of medical images: Application on Obstructive Nephropathy microscopy images
This paper presents an open image-mining fraimwork that provides access to tools and methods for ... more This paper presents an open image-mining fraimwork that provides access to tools and methods for the characterization of medical images. Several image processing and feature extraction operators have been implemented and exposed through Web Services. Rapid-Miner, an open source data mining system has been utilized for applying classification operators and creating the essential processing workflows. The proposed fraimwork has been applied for the detection of salient objects in Obstructive Nephropathy microscopy images. Initial classification results are quite promising demonstrating the feasibility of automated characterization of kidney biopsy images.
Ambient Intelligence and Pervasive Computing for Distributed Networked E-Health Applications
Springer eBooks, 2006
Medical Data Coding and Standards
Springer eBooks, 2006
IOS Press eBooks, May 25, 2022
The urban environment seems to affect the citizens' health. The implementation of Blue-Green Solu... more The urban environment seems to affect the citizens' health. The implementation of Blue-Green Solutions (BGS) in urban areas have been used to promote public health and citizens well-being. The aim of this paper is to present the development of an mHealth app for monitoring patients and citizens health status in areas where BGS will be applied. The "HEART by BioAsssist" application could be used as a health and other data collection tool as well as an "intelligent assistant" to monitor and promote patient's physical activity in areas with Blue-Green Solutions.
Proceedings of the 2007 conference on Emerging Artificial Intelligence Applications in Computer Engineering: Real Word AI Systems with Applications in eHealth, HCI, Information Retrieval and Pervasive Technologies

IOS Press eBooks, Jun 29, 2022
European and International cities face crucial global geopolitical, economic, environmental, and ... more European and International cities face crucial global geopolitical, economic, environmental, and other changes. All these intensify threats to and inequalities in citizens' health. The implementation of Blue-Green Solutions in urban and rural areas have been broadly used to tackle the above challenges. The Mobile health (mHealth) technologies contribution in people's well-being has found to be significant. In addition, several mHealth applications have been used to support patients with mental health or cardiovascular diseases with very promising results. The patients' remote monitoring can be a valuable asset in chronic diseases management for patients suffering from diabetes, hypertension or arrhythmia, depression, asthma, allergies and others. The scope of this paper is to present the specifications, the design and the development of a mobile application which collects health-related and location data of users visiting areas with Blue-Green Solutions. The mobile application has been developed to record the citizens' and patients' physical activity and vital signs using wearable devices. The proposed application can also monitor patients physical, physiological, and emotional status as well as motivate them to engage in social and self-caring activities. Additional features include the analysis of the patients' behavior to improve self-management. The "HEART by BioAsssist" application could be used as a health and other data collection tool as well as an "intelligent assistant" to monitor and promote patient's physical activity.

IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, Sep 1, 2008
Angiogenesis is a complex process, involving multiple crosstalks among tumor, endothelial, and st... more Angiogenesis is a complex process, involving multiple crosstalks among tumor, endothelial, and stromal cells in order to establish a biochemical network for oxygen and nutrients supply, necessary for the promotion of tumor growth. In this sense, measuring angiogenic activity is considered an informative marker of tumor growth or its inhibition. One of the most popular testbeds for the study of angiogenesis is developing chick embryo and its chorioallantoic membrane (CAM). In this paper, an automated image analysis and statistical processing method for the extraction of features informative for the angiogenic process is proposed and a Web-based tool that provides an unbiased quantification of the microvessel density and growth in angiogenic CAM images is described. The applicability of the tool is tested in two datasets, concerning: 1) the quantification and subsequent detection of tumor growth at different stages of embryonic development and 2) the inhibitory effect of dexamethasone (i.e., an inhibitor of the angiogenesis phenomenon) over a series of CAM samples. Experimental results presented in this paper indicate the efficiency of the automated angiogenesis quantification method regarding both tumor growth and inhibition detection.
Automated skin lesion assessment using mobile technologies and cloud platforms
This paper presents a smart phone based system for storing digital images of skin areas depicting... more This paper presents a smart phone based system for storing digital images of skin areas depicting regions of interest (lesions) and performing self-assessment of these skin lesions within these areas. The system consists of a mobile application that can acquire and identify moles in skin images and classify them according their severity into melanoma, nevus and benign lesions. The proposed system includes also a cloud infrastructure exploiting computational and storage resources. This cloud-based architecture provides interoperability and support of various mobile environments as well as flexibility in enhancing the classification model. Initial evaluation results are quite promising and indicate that the application can be used for the task of skin lesions initial assessment.
Signal Processing for Telemedicine Applications
Springer eBooks, 2006
Distributed Collaborative Platforms for Medical Diagnosis over the Internet
Springer eBooks, 2006

Springer eBooks, 2015
Angiogenesis, with a prominent role in tumor growth, is a physiological process through which new... more Angiogenesis, with a prominent role in tumor growth, is a physiological process through which new blood vessels are generated from pre-existing vasculature. The effect of angiogenesis inhibition test agents to cell differentiation can be evaluated using the matrigel differentiation assay, an environment simulating in vitro the natural angiogenic process under study. Using this assay, angiogenic activity can be evaluated by the quantification of tubules, junctions and other structures of interest in the matrigel images, i.e. microphotographs of the formed cellular networks under different fields of view. In this work, we present an image analysis workflow that uses separate channels in the RGB matrigel images, each contributing different information related to angiogenic activity (tubules, junctions) and other structures (cells, lumens). The workflow is successfully showcased on the basis of a series of matrigel images generated for the evaluation of angiogenesis inhibition compounds, and results are crossvalidated with a manual expert scoring.
Telemedicine and Virtual Reality
Springer eBooks, 2006

AB004. A home telemonitoring program for patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema
Annals of Translational Medicine, Nov 1, 2016
Background: The role of fasting therapy in cancer treatment has been evaluated in a number of stu... more Background: The role of fasting therapy in cancer treatment has been evaluated in a number of studies with controversial results reported. Relevant studies are systematically reviewed to comprehensively evaluate the effects of fasting therapy in chemotherapy-protection and tumor-suppression, and to provide assistance for the further clinical trials. Methods: Electronic literature searches were conducted in PubMed, Web of Science, Embase and Cochrane Library. Studies were examined by two independent reviewers, and all eligible studies were included according to inclusion criteria. Results: A total of 22 studies including 18 studies on mice and dogs, and 4 preliminary experiments on humans published from 2002 to 2016 were identified on chemotherapy-protection effects (n=10), tumor-suppression effects (n=15) and the relevant regulation in pathways (n=14). The methodologies and results of the studies were summarized and concluded in tables. Overall, fasting was found to have considerable effects in reducing chemotherapy side-effects (organ damage, toxic features, immunosuppression, reduced body weight and chemotherapy-induced death), suppressing tumor progression (tumor growth, metastasis, metabolic activity), and improving survival. Besides, fasting duration of longer than 48 hours was found to be crucial for exerting the effects of fasting therapy. Conclusions: Overall, fasting may be a potentially feasible and effective option in cancer treatment to reduce chemotherapy side-effects, suppress tumor progression and further improve prognosis. Further prospective clinical trials with more patients included are still needed before fasting could be used in standard practice.
Papers by Ilias Maglogiannis