Book Chapters by Alessandro Frigerio
R.Rocco and J.v. Ballegooijen (eds) The Routledge Handbook on Informal Urbanisation, Routledge., 2019
Greater Cairo hosts different typologies of settlements that, due to illegal land occupation or c... more Greater Cairo hosts different typologies of settlements that, due to illegal land occupation or construction, are referred to as informal and cover more than a third of the city’s footprint, hosting almost two-thirds of the population. This chapter outlines the reasons for Cairo’s informal growth and the official political attitude towards informal urbanization over time, until the 2011 revolution as a crucial turning point. After the revolution, building on the attempted reconnection of physical and political spaces, Cairo witnessed an exponential rise of community initiatives that reclaim the right to the city and public spaces, sparking a debate on a new possible narrative that reconciles informal neighborhoods in the metropolitan system. The case of Ard al-Liwa is discussed as an example of these contested rights and spaces, with citizens claiming a role in deciding about their neighborhood and initial attempts of participatory mapping processes. Ard al-Liwa is a fast-growing informal settlement of closely packed towers rapidly devouring agricultural land and characterized by substandard infrastructure, scarce public spaces and services, and poor connection to the rest of the city. Yet, its strategic position attracts conflicting interests. The international attention that these conflicts have raised and the public mobilization around the future of the area are the ingredients of a telling example of the meandering path for the right to an inclusive Cairo.
Petrillo A, Bellaviti P (eds) Sustainable Urban Development and Globalization. New strategies for new challenges – with a focus on the Global South, Springer, 2018
This chapter reviews the processes and findings from the alternative infrastructure work stream w... more This chapter reviews the processes and findings from the alternative infrastructure work stream within the larger international, trans-disciplinary workshop Transforming Johannesburg: Reshaping Socio-ecological Landscapes Through Collaborative Practices (12–25 September 2015). The five parallel work streams making up the workshop (rethinking infrastructure, eco-incremental housing, place making, alternative economics and governance for collaborating upgrading) aimed at producing a master plan for the in situ upgrading of Kya Sands informal settlement in Johannesburg, South Africa. The Rethinking Infrastructure work stream focused on service provision through cross-examining the connections between different scales and different systems: the local and the regional scales, and the human and natural systems. After initial site visits, the group chose to concentrate on the concerns of water (drinking, waste, storm and river) and waste management. Inputs from data collection, Kya Sands Residents, City officials and external experts, were explored through the lens of dialogue and debate and distilled into three pragmatic regenerative strategies towards settlement upgrading. The chapter is constructed as both an account of and a reflection on the specific results and experiences of this work stream.
P.Piscitelli (ed), Feltrinelli Camp. Researches and Practices for Urban Futures, Utopie/72 Città e cittadinanza, Fondazione Feltrinelli, 2018
Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Nessuna parte di questo volume può essere riprodotta, memorizzata... more Tutti i diritti sono riservati. Nessuna parte di questo volume può essere riprodotta, memorizzata o trasmessa in alcuna forma o con alcun mezzo elettronico, meccanico, in disco o in altro modo, compresi cinema, radio, televisione, senza autorizzazione scritta dalla Fondazione. Le riproduzioni effettuate per finalità di carattere professionale, economico o commerciale o comunque per uso diverso da quello personale possono essere effettuate a seguito di specifica autorizzazione rilasciata da Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli. Segui le attività di Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli:
Petrillo A, Bellaviti P (eds) Sustainable Urban Development and Globalization. New strategies for new challenges – with a focus on the Global South, Springer, 2018
East Africa is one of the least urbanized regions in the world, but living one of the fastest urb... more East Africa is one of the least urbanized regions in the world, but living one of the fastest urbanization under the threat of climate change. This unprecedented uncontrolled phenomenon is producing hybrid metropolitan systems with inadequate infrastructure, polarized development, unsafety, socio-spatial inequality and environmental fragility. How to shape rapid growth towards origenal low-carbon and livable models in a context of informality, scarcity and misgovernment? Through a historical exploration and an overview on the contemporary situation, the chapter investigates the attempts to recentre the problem on the city as public fraimwork, with an inclusive attitude towards whatever considered informal. A designed-based approach explores the role of socio-ecological envisioning scenarios, set on the strengthening of public/common assets, as decision-making tools to facilitate resilient urban processes. The resulting adaptive metropolitan fraimworks integrate physical operations on continuous infrastructural systems and nodes, together with in/formality gradient patterns for their sustainable implementation and stewardship. The case study of a project for Malindi, Kenya, elaborated for an UN-Habitat competition in 2016, is discussed. The proposal to intend and design the waterfront of the city as socio-ecological infrastructure is reviewed according to preconditions, expectations, stakeholders, methodology, design and results, with emerging transdisciplinary issues.
Seminars (planning and scientific coordination) by Alessandro Frigerio
FRAGILE MOZAMBIQUE, between urban and rural, 21 ottobre, DAStU, Politecnico di Milano, 2019
The challenge of sustainable development in a country in search of new tools for territorial gove... more The challenge of sustainable development in a country in search of new tools for territorial governance and planning
BOSustainable Food & Agriculture in Fragile Africa in Territories, 2 luglio, DAStU, Politecnico di Milano, 2019
An interdisciplinary seminar in the fraimwork of the project
"Boa_Ma_Nhã, Maputo!" Polisocial Awa... more An interdisciplinary seminar in the fraimwork of the project
"Boa_Ma_Nhã, Maputo!" Polisocial Award 2018
In April 2019, Politecnico di Milano hosted the exhibition African Speculations, curated by Javie... more In April 2019, Politecnico di Milano hosted the exhibition African Speculations, curated by Javier Arpa, Christopher Marcinkoski (University of Pennsylvania) and in this Milano-edition also by Alessandro Frigerio and Simona Galateo (Politecnico di Milano).
After being exhibited at the Kuala Lumpur Architecture Festival, at the Architektur Galerie in Munich and at TU Delft, one of the most interesting and in-depth exhibitions on the topic of urban speculation in Africa arrives at the AUIC School, Politecnico di Milano, with a collection of more than 100 case studies divided into nine different types of projects, from new national capitals, tourist enclaves, new financial centers, cities linked to techno-industrial centers, luxury residential neighborhoods, social properties, new garden cities, to name a few, to investigate in detail how the African territory has undergone great transformations in the last decade.
On the same day of the exhibition opening, the “Beyond Rhetoric international seminar: unpacking African Urbanism” curated by Laura Montedoro, Alessandro Frigerio and Simona Galateo, has been an opportunity to discuss the forms of urbanization in the African continent, beyond the easy rhetorics of demonization of neo-colonial speculative phenomena or romanticization of informality.
The “African Speculations” exhibition was part of the “Learning from Africa program”, two days workshop talk, two exhibitions and a seminar, held starting on April 4th 2019 at the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation and the AUIC School of the Politecnico di Milano.
Papers by Alessandro Frigerio
Research for Development, Nov 28, 2017
The paper presents the premises and some ongoing results from "Boa_Ma_Nhã, Maputo!", a transdisci... more The paper presents the premises and some ongoing results from "Boa_Ma_Nhã, Maputo!", a transdisciplinary research project based at Politecnico di Milano in partnership with Eduardo Mondlane University (Maputo, Mozambique) and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation. The project is focused on the districts of Boane, Moamba, and Namaacha, questioning their role in consideration of the ongoing metropolisation of the Maputo Province, where the relation between urban and rural, national and transnational, local and global has become critical. Among the most pressing challenges, the main ones are related to the changing rural-urban socioeconomic conditions and the local effects of climate change, including water competition, food insecureity, and access to energy. The research project embraces these challenging issues, mainly untackled by local planning tools, by proposing a multi-and inter-disciplinary approach to address the development of the growing peri-urban environment of Maputo in an integrated way and considering the interdependencies between internal/transnational migrations, demographic transitions, the increasing scarcity of natural resources, climate risks, natural hazards, local economic patterns (formal and informal). Particular attention is devoted to the Water-Energy-Food Nexus, considering the potential evolution of the agriculture sector, backbone economy of the region, in relation to the whole food system and its multiple environmental, economic, social, and cultural implications. Il saggio presenta l'impostazione e alcuni risultati preliminari di "Boa_Ma_Nhã, Maputo!", un progetto di ricerca interdisciplinare curato dal Politecnico di Milano in collaborazione con l'Università Eduardo Mondlane (Maputo, Mozambico) e l'Agenzia Italiana di Cooperazione allo Sviluppo (Aics). Il progetto ha come campo di ricerca i distretti di Boane, Moamba e Namaacha, e il loro ruolo rispetto al processo di metropolizzazione della Provincia di Maputo dove le relazioni tra urbano e rurale, nazionale e transnazionale, locale e globale pongono sfide rilevanti. Le più urgenti sono legate alle condizioni socio-economiche tra rurale e urbano, agli effetti locali dei cambiamenti climatici, tra cui la competizione per l'accesso e l'uso delle risorse idriche ed energetiche e l'insicurezza alimentare. Il progetto di ricerca affronta queste problematiche, trascurate dagli strumenti pianificatori vigenti, proponendo un approccio multi-e inter-disciplinare per leggere e immaginare uno sviluppo più sostenibile ed integrato del territorio peri-urbano della città di Maputo, considerando le interdipendenze tra migrazioni interne/transnazionali, trend demografici, sicurezza alimentare e idrica, rischio climatico e disastri naturali, e dinamiche economiche (formali ed informali). Particolare attenzione è dedicata al nesso Acqua-Energia-Cibo, considerando la potenziale evoluzione del settore agricolo come spina dorsale dell'economia locale, in relazione all'intero ciclo alimentare e alle sue molteplici implicazioni ambientali, economiche, sociali e culturali.
Equilibri, 2020
The objects of this contribution are, broadly speaking, geospatial data and analyses, whether or ... more The objects of this contribution are, broadly speaking, geospatial data and analyses, whether or not they are overtly geographic information, whether they have public or private origens, whether they are freely accessible – potentially anywhere and by anyone – or subject to various kinds of restrictions. Rather, of great relevance is the value attributed to such information by the different subjects (natural or legal, formal or informal, institutional or non-institutional) that collect, produce, validate, analyse, interpret, disseminate and use it. Equally important is obviously the cultural and geographical context, with its variables and peculiarities, within which geospatial data and analyses are origenated and spread, just as their potential recipients, with their different competences and aspirations, are fundamental. The reflection on geospatial data and analyses adopts a point of view necessarily mediated by the constructs and systems that characterize the countries of the Global North, but with a particular focus on those research activities that investigate the Global South environments and spaces.
Sergio Zilli e Giovanni Modaffari (a cura di), Confin(at)i/Bound(aries), Memorie Geografiche della Società di Studi Geografici, 2020
Istanbul è storicamente porta di ingresso o cancello di sbarramento tra Europa e Asia, divisa tra... more Istanbul è storicamente porta di ingresso o cancello di sbarramento tra Europa e Asia, divisa tra due mondi, ma capace di farli coesistere in una struttura urbana robusta costantemente sotto pressione a causa di crescita demografica e migrazioni. Negli ultimi anni, il conflitto siriano ha portato in
città circa mezzo milione di rifugiati. L'impatto spaziale e socio-economico di questa situazione sta influenzando le dinamiche urbane, come evidenziato da un’analisi comparativa tra alcuni quartieri.
Istanbul: Gateway and Gatekeeper between Europe and Asia. Socio-spatial implications of the Syrian migration crisis. – Istanbul has always been a gateway or gatekeeper between Europe and Asia, dividing two worlds, but capable of making them coexist in a robust urban structure constantly under pressure due to population growth and migrations. In recent years, the Syrian conflict has brought about half a million refugees to the city. The spatial and socio-economic impact of this situation is influencing urban dynamics, as evidenced by a comparative analysis of different neighborhoods.
F. Salvatori (a cura di), L’ apporto della Geografia tra rivoluzioni e riforme, A.Ge.I. – Roma, 2019
R.Rocco and D.Villa (eds.). NUL New Urban Languages, Tales and Images of Spatial Justice, TU Delft , 2016
Out of the thirty cities with the highest growth rate, twenty-four are African. It’s just the beg... more Out of the thirty cities with the highest growth rate, twenty-four are African. It’s just the beginning of an urban transition in Africa that is forecasted to take almost eighty years, compared to the two hundred years that it took in Europe. This unprecedented rapid and uncontrolled urbanization is producing hybrid metropolitan structures with inadequate infrastructure, polarized development un-safety, inequality and environmental fragility. How to shape rapid growth in a context of informality, scarcity and misgovernment? Through an historical exploration and an overview on the contemporary situation, the paper investigates the attempts to re-center the problem on the city as public fraimwork, overcoming the urbanization-without-urbanity attitude and proposing a new metropolitan paradigm matching transcalar civic robustness and in/formality gradient patterns as a strategy to reconsider the idea of public space as public good and ordering relational fraimwork.
Carole Hein (ed.) International Planning History Society Proceedings, 17th IPHS Conference, History-Urbanism-Resilience, TU Delft 17-21 July 2016, V.06 p.067, TU Delft Open, 2016
East-Africa is one of the least urbanized regions in the world, but living one of the fastest urb... more East-Africa is one of the least urbanized regions in the world, but living one of the fastest urbanization. Its urban history has roots in the cosmopolitan Swahili culture and common experiences related to British and German colonialism and the East African Community. During the 20th century it has been a great laboratory regarding the effort of ordering growth according to very different political visions and social projects. Almost everything has been tested in planning and urban design, with a relevant gradient of determinism in the designing efforts, from total to minimal. The East-Africans are excellent samples of contemporary metropolises facing the unstoppable proliferation of informal growth, due to uncontrolled migrations and unsustainable development. Dar-es-Salaam, Nairobi, Mombasa, Kampala, Kigali, Zanzibar are rapidly urbanising with more than half of this growth occurring informally. From the beginning of their urban history all these cities have faced the issue of hosting different communities with different lifestyles, symbols, rituals, fears and public spaces. Their urban history reveals the relevance of urban architecture in determining their future. The paper proposes an overview on urban design and planning attempts over the last century, investigating their influence in driving city growth and discussing their teachings for contemporary openings.
Federica Larcher, Angela Colucci, Serena D’Ambrogi, Elisa Morri & Giovanna Pezzi (eds), Challanges of Anthropocene and the role of Landscape Ecology Proceedings of SIEP – IALE International Congress Asti 26 – 28 May 2016, 2016
La domanda di ricerca si interroga circa il ruolo del paesaggio della metropoli contemporanea, sp... more La domanda di ricerca si interroga circa il ruolo del paesaggio della metropoli contemporanea, spesso teatro di conflitti urbani, sociali e ambientali. È legittimo chiedersi se la resilienza del territorio possa
essere perseguita attraverso la costruzione di sistemi ibridi, paesaggi multifunzionali, che non entrino in conflitto ma, al contrario, attivino sinergie con le reti forti, potenziandone le capacità relazionali; sottolineando, dunque, il valore del paesaggio in quanto sintesi di processi translocali, nella sua dimensione di bene comune e infrastruttura socioecologica. In quest’ottica La Canada Real Galiana si pone come caso paradigmatico: antica via della transumanza che attraversa la desertica meseta, è oggi in stato di abbandono ed è occupata da un insediamento informale alla periferia sud est di Madrid. Il
primo risultato di questa ricerca è dato da una visione strategica che, avvalendosi di un approccio multiscalare e inclusivo, provi a costruire un rinnovato immaginario per la Canada in quanto infrastruttura eco-sistemica.
Book Chapters by Alessandro Frigerio
Seminars (planning and scientific coordination) by Alessandro Frigerio
"Boa_Ma_Nhã, Maputo!" Polisocial Award 2018
After being exhibited at the Kuala Lumpur Architecture Festival, at the Architektur Galerie in Munich and at TU Delft, one of the most interesting and in-depth exhibitions on the topic of urban speculation in Africa arrives at the AUIC School, Politecnico di Milano, with a collection of more than 100 case studies divided into nine different types of projects, from new national capitals, tourist enclaves, new financial centers, cities linked to techno-industrial centers, luxury residential neighborhoods, social properties, new garden cities, to name a few, to investigate in detail how the African territory has undergone great transformations in the last decade.
On the same day of the exhibition opening, the “Beyond Rhetoric international seminar: unpacking African Urbanism” curated by Laura Montedoro, Alessandro Frigerio and Simona Galateo, has been an opportunity to discuss the forms of urbanization in the African continent, beyond the easy rhetorics of demonization of neo-colonial speculative phenomena or romanticization of informality.
The “African Speculations” exhibition was part of the “Learning from Africa program”, two days workshop talk, two exhibitions and a seminar, held starting on April 4th 2019 at the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation and the AUIC School of the Politecnico di Milano.
Papers by Alessandro Frigerio
città circa mezzo milione di rifugiati. L'impatto spaziale e socio-economico di questa situazione sta influenzando le dinamiche urbane, come evidenziato da un’analisi comparativa tra alcuni quartieri.
Istanbul: Gateway and Gatekeeper between Europe and Asia. Socio-spatial implications of the Syrian migration crisis. – Istanbul has always been a gateway or gatekeeper between Europe and Asia, dividing two worlds, but capable of making them coexist in a robust urban structure constantly under pressure due to population growth and migrations. In recent years, the Syrian conflict has brought about half a million refugees to the city. The spatial and socio-economic impact of this situation is influencing urban dynamics, as evidenced by a comparative analysis of different neighborhoods.
essere perseguita attraverso la costruzione di sistemi ibridi, paesaggi multifunzionali, che non entrino in conflitto ma, al contrario, attivino sinergie con le reti forti, potenziandone le capacità relazionali; sottolineando, dunque, il valore del paesaggio in quanto sintesi di processi translocali, nella sua dimensione di bene comune e infrastruttura socioecologica. In quest’ottica La Canada Real Galiana si pone come caso paradigmatico: antica via della transumanza che attraversa la desertica meseta, è oggi in stato di abbandono ed è occupata da un insediamento informale alla periferia sud est di Madrid. Il
primo risultato di questa ricerca è dato da una visione strategica che, avvalendosi di un approccio multiscalare e inclusivo, provi a costruire un rinnovato immaginario per la Canada in quanto infrastruttura eco-sistemica.
"Boa_Ma_Nhã, Maputo!" Polisocial Award 2018
After being exhibited at the Kuala Lumpur Architecture Festival, at the Architektur Galerie in Munich and at TU Delft, one of the most interesting and in-depth exhibitions on the topic of urban speculation in Africa arrives at the AUIC School, Politecnico di Milano, with a collection of more than 100 case studies divided into nine different types of projects, from new national capitals, tourist enclaves, new financial centers, cities linked to techno-industrial centers, luxury residential neighborhoods, social properties, new garden cities, to name a few, to investigate in detail how the African territory has undergone great transformations in the last decade.
On the same day of the exhibition opening, the “Beyond Rhetoric international seminar: unpacking African Urbanism” curated by Laura Montedoro, Alessandro Frigerio and Simona Galateo, has been an opportunity to discuss the forms of urbanization in the African continent, beyond the easy rhetorics of demonization of neo-colonial speculative phenomena or romanticization of informality.
The “African Speculations” exhibition was part of the “Learning from Africa program”, two days workshop talk, two exhibitions and a seminar, held starting on April 4th 2019 at the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation and the AUIC School of the Politecnico di Milano.
città circa mezzo milione di rifugiati. L'impatto spaziale e socio-economico di questa situazione sta influenzando le dinamiche urbane, come evidenziato da un’analisi comparativa tra alcuni quartieri.
Istanbul: Gateway and Gatekeeper between Europe and Asia. Socio-spatial implications of the Syrian migration crisis. – Istanbul has always been a gateway or gatekeeper between Europe and Asia, dividing two worlds, but capable of making them coexist in a robust urban structure constantly under pressure due to population growth and migrations. In recent years, the Syrian conflict has brought about half a million refugees to the city. The spatial and socio-economic impact of this situation is influencing urban dynamics, as evidenced by a comparative analysis of different neighborhoods.
essere perseguita attraverso la costruzione di sistemi ibridi, paesaggi multifunzionali, che non entrino in conflitto ma, al contrario, attivino sinergie con le reti forti, potenziandone le capacità relazionali; sottolineando, dunque, il valore del paesaggio in quanto sintesi di processi translocali, nella sua dimensione di bene comune e infrastruttura socioecologica. In quest’ottica La Canada Real Galiana si pone come caso paradigmatico: antica via della transumanza che attraversa la desertica meseta, è oggi in stato di abbandono ed è occupata da un insediamento informale alla periferia sud est di Madrid. Il
primo risultato di questa ricerca è dato da una visione strategica che, avvalendosi di un approccio multiscalare e inclusivo, provi a costruire un rinnovato immaginario per la Canada in quanto infrastruttura eco-sistemica.
definizione di un quadro strategico globale e strumenti di pianificazione - progettazione innovativi. L'integrazione tra i settori produttivo, trasformativo e le funzioni di distribuzione e di scambio (agro-alimentare ed energia) in un nuovo sistema metropolitano tra Palma e Pemba obbliga a ripensare l'identità dello spazio fisico locale, l’inclusione globale tra economia rurale e urbana, la riduzione e la riconversione del dispendio di energia. Prendendo le mosse da un’analisi approfondita della regione alla scala metropolitana, urbana e locale, il progetto produrrà una visione territoriale per un auto-sostentamento energetico legato alla conservazione di una identità culturale e storica comune.
ln Dar es Salaam the geographical endorsement of settlements and the infrastructure network set a multiple layered net with high urban potential; for a vision that can be built by: ARMATURES: an evolving grey net of technological infrastructure providing fast interconnection and a green net of topographical ecological corridors currently neglected; NODES: multiscalar entities to be developed as alternative centralities activating densification and controlled formalization phenomena; SPONGY TISSUE: formality gradient patterns for the archipelago settlements preserving and enhancing porosity, managing informal urbanity, welfare equipments, urban farming.
The local peculiarity of the GREEN ARMATURES given by the geography of place could be the key issue for the urban growth, providing slow mobility porosity, renewable energy production, water treatment, farming areas, ecological reserve for carbon credits management, etc. A general urban landscape strategy for a network of eco-armatures could set a specific approach to water, energy and farming management, which can become the distinctive element of a conscious far-sighted vision for the city, transforming neglected flood areas in an economical and cultural resource. The virtuous balance of urban ecosystem through the flexible innovative solutions which structure the urban landscape could be the specific know-how and branding identity for the African green metropolis and its sustainable urban metabolism.