Edgardo Toro Quezada
PhD University of Edinburgh.
Social Worker, Master in Applied Social Sciences , Universidad de la Frontera, Chile and Master in Society Sciences , Université París 12, France.
Lecturer School of Social Work, Pontifical University Catholic of Valparaíso, Chile.
Researcher NGO Paicabi, Chile.
My academic and professional interests are: social violence, child sexual violence, social intervention , and qualitative research.
Social Worker, Master in Applied Social Sciences , Universidad de la Frontera, Chile and Master in Society Sciences , Université París 12, France.
Lecturer School of Social Work, Pontifical University Catholic of Valparaíso, Chile.
Researcher NGO Paicabi, Chile.
My academic and professional interests are: social violence, child sexual violence, social intervention , and qualitative research.
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Books by Edgardo Toro Quezada
Su origen es la inquietud e intereses de diversos actores que trabajan directamente con niños, niñas y adolescentes vulnerados en sus derechos, y que han hecho de esta experiencia su carrera disciplinar más allá de lo profesional,
desde una posición ética comprometida socialmente.
Este texto declara que la generación de conocimiento debe concebirse rebelándose contra la tradicional división entre el mundo académico y el mundo de la experiencia. Se trata de construir una plataforma integradora y transformadora de la producción constructiva del saber, que potencie y libere los
puentes y caminos que hay entre la experiencia directa de trabajo y los sentidos y significados necesarios para su desarrollo.
En este sentido, lejos de pretender construir un panorama uniforme y homogéneo frente a este fenómeno, el propósito fue situar líneas de reflexión para los profesionales que trabajen en la temática, que pudieran revelar los posibles puntos de tensión, enfoques de trabajo, y factores de análisis que conforman ejes críticos para el desarrollo de estrategias de intervención acordes a la complejidad del problema y en un marco de trabajo situado histórica y culturalmente.
Hablamos de violencia, de distintas expresiones de ella,algunas más veladas que otras; hablamos de víctimas y de agresores, y de las dinámicas presentes en las relaciones abusivas; hablamos de qué hacemos, o podemos hacer, en relación a la vulneración de derechos en espacios técnicos, reflexivos y creativos; hablamos de ellos, nosotros y de todos.
Papers by Edgardo Toro Quezada
mundo. En Chile, la Ley No. 20,526 busca castigar el acoso
sexual, la pornografía infantil virtual y la posesión de material
pornográfico infantil. La evidencia muestra que las estrategias
preventivas suelen ser ineficaces, principalmente debido a su
lógica adultocéntrica. Por ello, este estudio tiene como objetivo
describir las estrategias preventivas que conocen los
adolescentes y cuáles proponen. Ochenta y dos adolescentes
respondieron una encuesta cualitativa online. El análisis
temático muestra que los adolescentes proponen prevenir la
ASO fomentando el diálogo en el seno de la familia -
equilibrando la supervisión con el apoyo- en lugar de imponer
normas rígidas. Los adolescentes sugieren además incorporar a
la comunidad escolar en este diálogo y que las estrategias sean
continuas, en formatos interactivos y motivadores, más que
rígidos y escolarizantes.
Palabras clave: abuso sexual online, apoyo social, prevención,
supervisión parental
Palabras Clave: Abuso sexual eclesiástico, victimización secundaria, rol del tercero.
Methods We recruited adults in 30 countries covering all World Health Organization (WHO) regions from July 2020 to August 2021. 5 Likert- point scales were used to measure their perceived change in 32 aspects due to COVID-19 (-2=substantial- ly reduced to 2=substantially in- creased) and perceived importance of 13 preparations (1 = not import- ant to 5 = extremely important). Sam- ples were stratified by age and gen- der in the corresponding countries. Multidimensional preference analy- sis displays disparities between 30 countries, WHO regions, economic development levels, and COVID-19 severity levels.
Results 16512 adults participated, with 10351 females. Among 32 as- pects of impact, the most affected were having a meal at home (mean (m) = 0.84, standard error (SE) = 0.01), cooking at home (m = 0.78, SE = 0.01), social activities (m = -0.68, SE = 0.01), duration of screen time (m=0.67, SE = 0.01), and duration of sitting (m=0.59, SE=0.01). Alcohol (m=-0.36, SE=0.01) and tobacco (m=-0.38, SE=0.01) consumption de- clined moderately. Among 13 preparations, respondents rated medicine delivery (m=3.50, SE=0.01), getting prescribed medicine in a hospital visit / follow-up in a community pharmacy (m = 3.37, SE = 0.01), and online shopping (m = 3.33, SE = 0.02) as the most important. The multidimensional preference anal- ysis showed the European Region, Region of the Americas, Western Pacific Region and countries with a high-income level or medium to high COVID-19 severity were more adversely impacted on sitting and screen time duration and social activities, whereas other regions and countries experienced more cooking and eating at home. Countries with a high-income level or medium to high COVID-19 severity reported higher perceived mental burden and emotional distress. Except for low- and lower-middle-in- come countries, medicine delivery was always prioritised.
Conclusions Global increasing sitting and screen time and limiting social activities deserve as much attention as mental health. Besides, the pandemic has ushered in a notable enhancement in lifestyle of home cooking and eating, while simultaneously reducing the consumption of tobacco and alcohol. A health care system and technological infrastructure that facilitate medicine delivery, medicine prescrip- tion, and online shopping are priorities for coping with future pandemics.
Methods An international cross- -sectional study was conducted in 30 countries across six World Health Organization regions from July 2020 to August 2021, with 16 512 adults self-reporting chang- es in 18 lifestyle factors and 13 in- terim health outcomes since the pandemic.
Results Three networks were computed and tested. The central variables decided by the expect- ed influence centrality were con- sumption of fruits and vegetables (centrality=0.98) jointly with less sugary drinks (centrality=0.93) in the lifestyles network; and quality of life (centrality=1.00) co-domi- nant (centrality=1.00) with less emotional distress in the inter- im health outcomes network. The overall amount of exercise had the highest bridge expected influence centrality in the bridge network (centrality=0.51). No significant differences were found in the network global strength or the centrality of the aforementioned key vari- ables within each network between males and females or health workers and non-health workers (all P-values >0.05 after Holm-Bonferroni correction).
Conclusions Consumption of fruits and vegetables, sugary drinks, quality of life, emotional distress, and the overall amount of exercise are key intervention components for improving overall lifestyle, over- all health and overall health via lifestyle in the general population, respectively. Although modifications are needed for all aspects of lifestyle and interim health outcomes, a larger allocation of resources and more intensive interventions were recommended for these key variables to produce the most cost-effec- tive improvements in lifestyles and health, regardless of gender or occupation.
Su origen es la inquietud e intereses de diversos actores que trabajan directamente con niños, niñas y adolescentes vulnerados en sus derechos, y que han hecho de esta experiencia su carrera disciplinar más allá de lo profesional,
desde una posición ética comprometida socialmente.
Este texto declara que la generación de conocimiento debe concebirse rebelándose contra la tradicional división entre el mundo académico y el mundo de la experiencia. Se trata de construir una plataforma integradora y transformadora de la producción constructiva del saber, que potencie y libere los
puentes y caminos que hay entre la experiencia directa de trabajo y los sentidos y significados necesarios para su desarrollo.
En este sentido, lejos de pretender construir un panorama uniforme y homogéneo frente a este fenómeno, el propósito fue situar líneas de reflexión para los profesionales que trabajen en la temática, que pudieran revelar los posibles puntos de tensión, enfoques de trabajo, y factores de análisis que conforman ejes críticos para el desarrollo de estrategias de intervención acordes a la complejidad del problema y en un marco de trabajo situado histórica y culturalmente.
Hablamos de violencia, de distintas expresiones de ella,algunas más veladas que otras; hablamos de víctimas y de agresores, y de las dinámicas presentes en las relaciones abusivas; hablamos de qué hacemos, o podemos hacer, en relación a la vulneración de derechos en espacios técnicos, reflexivos y creativos; hablamos de ellos, nosotros y de todos.
mundo. En Chile, la Ley No. 20,526 busca castigar el acoso
sexual, la pornografía infantil virtual y la posesión de material
pornográfico infantil. La evidencia muestra que las estrategias
preventivas suelen ser ineficaces, principalmente debido a su
lógica adultocéntrica. Por ello, este estudio tiene como objetivo
describir las estrategias preventivas que conocen los
adolescentes y cuáles proponen. Ochenta y dos adolescentes
respondieron una encuesta cualitativa online. El análisis
temático muestra que los adolescentes proponen prevenir la
ASO fomentando el diálogo en el seno de la familia -
equilibrando la supervisión con el apoyo- en lugar de imponer
normas rígidas. Los adolescentes sugieren además incorporar a
la comunidad escolar en este diálogo y que las estrategias sean
continuas, en formatos interactivos y motivadores, más que
rígidos y escolarizantes.
Palabras clave: abuso sexual online, apoyo social, prevención,
supervisión parental
Palabras Clave: Abuso sexual eclesiástico, victimización secundaria, rol del tercero.
Methods We recruited adults in 30 countries covering all World Health Organization (WHO) regions from July 2020 to August 2021. 5 Likert- point scales were used to measure their perceived change in 32 aspects due to COVID-19 (-2=substantial- ly reduced to 2=substantially in- creased) and perceived importance of 13 preparations (1 = not import- ant to 5 = extremely important). Sam- ples were stratified by age and gen- der in the corresponding countries. Multidimensional preference analy- sis displays disparities between 30 countries, WHO regions, economic development levels, and COVID-19 severity levels.
Results 16512 adults participated, with 10351 females. Among 32 as- pects of impact, the most affected were having a meal at home (mean (m) = 0.84, standard error (SE) = 0.01), cooking at home (m = 0.78, SE = 0.01), social activities (m = -0.68, SE = 0.01), duration of screen time (m=0.67, SE = 0.01), and duration of sitting (m=0.59, SE=0.01). Alcohol (m=-0.36, SE=0.01) and tobacco (m=-0.38, SE=0.01) consumption de- clined moderately. Among 13 preparations, respondents rated medicine delivery (m=3.50, SE=0.01), getting prescribed medicine in a hospital visit / follow-up in a community pharmacy (m = 3.37, SE = 0.01), and online shopping (m = 3.33, SE = 0.02) as the most important. The multidimensional preference anal- ysis showed the European Region, Region of the Americas, Western Pacific Region and countries with a high-income level or medium to high COVID-19 severity were more adversely impacted on sitting and screen time duration and social activities, whereas other regions and countries experienced more cooking and eating at home. Countries with a high-income level or medium to high COVID-19 severity reported higher perceived mental burden and emotional distress. Except for low- and lower-middle-in- come countries, medicine delivery was always prioritised.
Conclusions Global increasing sitting and screen time and limiting social activities deserve as much attention as mental health. Besides, the pandemic has ushered in a notable enhancement in lifestyle of home cooking and eating, while simultaneously reducing the consumption of tobacco and alcohol. A health care system and technological infrastructure that facilitate medicine delivery, medicine prescrip- tion, and online shopping are priorities for coping with future pandemics.
Methods An international cross- -sectional study was conducted in 30 countries across six World Health Organization regions from July 2020 to August 2021, with 16 512 adults self-reporting chang- es in 18 lifestyle factors and 13 in- terim health outcomes since the pandemic.
Results Three networks were computed and tested. The central variables decided by the expect- ed influence centrality were con- sumption of fruits and vegetables (centrality=0.98) jointly with less sugary drinks (centrality=0.93) in the lifestyles network; and quality of life (centrality=1.00) co-domi- nant (centrality=1.00) with less emotional distress in the inter- im health outcomes network. The overall amount of exercise had the highest bridge expected influence centrality in the bridge network (centrality=0.51). No significant differences were found in the network global strength or the centrality of the aforementioned key vari- ables within each network between males and females or health workers and non-health workers (all P-values >0.05 after Holm-Bonferroni correction).
Conclusions Consumption of fruits and vegetables, sugary drinks, quality of life, emotional distress, and the overall amount of exercise are key intervention components for improving overall lifestyle, over- all health and overall health via lifestyle in the general population, respectively. Although modifications are needed for all aspects of lifestyle and interim health outcomes, a larger allocation of resources and more intensive interventions were recommended for these key variables to produce the most cost-effec- tive improvements in lifestyles and health, regardless of gender or occupation.
usually exceeds the capacity of healthcare systems. Group interventions allow access for more children and adolescents, but
evidence of their effectiveness is still scarce. Our objective was
to investigate the opinions of Chilean professionals on what
should be considered when designing group psychotherapeutic
interventions for adolescent. Participants were 85 psychologists
and social workers who work with adolescents exposed to
violence. Participants completed an online survey about their
opinions regarding the issues that should be addressed in group
interventions. Thematic analysis uncovered broad support for
this type of group intervention as part of a larger intervention
process. Participants suggested that initial phases of the intervention should be carried out in a group format, address general aspects of trauma and intervention, and highlight personal
resources and aspects of normal life. The individual trauma
narratives should be addressed later, in individual therapy.
Participants proposed a balance between psychoeducation
and experiential activities. The results support group interventions to allow a better use of professional resources to face high
demand for treatment, but it should be part of an intervention
in phases, taking care not to retraumatize group participants.
Por ello, en el año 2019 se desarrolló un modelo de análisis de conflictos
éticos en colaboración con más de 200 investigadores de más de 30 países. Este modelo parece pertinente para América Latina. El modelo propone que los desafíos éticos (y sus soluciones) dependen de cuatro factores presentes durante todo el proceso de investigación:
el lugar donde se realiza la investigación, las personas involucradas, los principios éticos relevantes y los precedentes de investigaciones
pasadas. En este artículo hacemos un análisis de la aplicabilidad de dicho modelo mediante dos análisis de casos referidos a la investigación con pueblos origenarios en Chile y al trabajo con latinos migrantes en la frontera México-Estados Unidos.
Palabras clave (Fuente: DeCS): América Latina; ética; investigación; cultura; grupos minoritarios.
A partir de lo anterior se enunciarán algunas representaciones sobre la idea de bienestar.En su oposición del malestar se nominará un problema social que a mi juicio es uno del más relevante como limitante del bienestar. Finalmente se enumerarán algunos desafíos para la
construcción de una sociedad de bienestar.