A simple land use model-the luci2 model-simulates new residential and employmentrelated developme... more A simple land use model-the luci2 model-simulates new residential and employmentrelated development for traffic analysis zones for the state of Indiana. This model has been integrated with the Indiana state travel demand model to create the INtegrated TRansportation Land-Use Demand Estimation model (INTRLUDE). The integrated model is being used by the Indiana Department of Transportation to assess planned project alternatives.
Although a statewide trip table is an important ingredient in the statewide planning process, suc... more Although a statewide trip table is an important ingredient in the statewide planning process, such information is difficult to obtain. The study described in this report investigated the applicability to the state-level problem of existing software developed to estimate trip tables in urban areas (or smaller) from link counts. Criteria that would form the basis for determining the applicability of any particular software package were developed. Packages such as The Highway Emulator (THE), PC-LINKOD, and Fast Matrix Calibration (FMC) were tested using small and medium sized networks. Because FMC performed the best on these tests, it was applied to the state-level trip table estimation problem. However, FMC was designed to update an existing trip table, and Indiana had no such previous trip table. As a result, an “O-D Factoring” procedure was adopted to convert zone-by-zone origen and destination totals into an initial trip table that could be updated by FMC. By making some adjustments to the elasticities in FMC, a trip table was developed for the Indiana state highway network.
This study developed a multi-facted procedure to forecast traffic volumes on urban segments of th... more This study developed a multi-facted procedure to forecast traffic volumes on urban segments of the state and interstate highway systems for the Indiana Department of Transportation. A detailed statistical analysis was conducted to develop alternative models to forecast traffic. The models and the procedures described in this study's Final Report are intended to provide highway planners with a tool for
Page 1. Purdue University Purdue e-Pubs Joint Transportation Research Program Civil Engineering 1... more Page 1. Purdue University Purdue e-Pubs Joint Transportation Research Program Civil Engineering 1-1991 User's Manual for the Software "TFPI" that Implements the Traffic Forecasting Procedure for Indiana Sunil K. Saha Jon D. Fricker ...
... 6. Performing Organization Code 7. Author(s) Kevin M. Ford and Jon D. Fricker 8. Performing O... more ... 6. Performing Organization Code 7. Author(s) Kevin M. Ford and Jon D. Fricker 8. Performing Organization Report No. ... every 5 to 7 years. Estimates for the number of households and vehicles are available at the TAZ and census tract levels. The estimates are based on travel ...
The study identifies various painting systems that are successfully used in Indiana’s surrounding... more The study identifies various painting systems that are successfully used in Indiana’s surrounding states and other industries. The identified systems are further screened and evaluated. After prudently comparing INDOT’s inorganic zinc / vinyl system with the waterborne acrylic system, the moisture cure urethane coating system, and the 3-coat system of zinc-epoxy-urethane, the results show that the new 3-coat system fulfills
13. Type orReport and Period Covered Final Report 14. Sponsoring Agency Code 15. Supplementary No... more 13. Type orReport and Period Covered Final Report 14. Sponsoring Agency Code 15. Supplementary Notes Prepared in cooperation with the Indiana Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration.
Transportation Research Part a Policy and Practice, 1996
... table. 287 288 Shihsien Liu and Jon D. Fricker Models following the EM and IM philosophies ar... more ... table. 287 288 Shihsien Liu and Jon D. Fricker Models following the EM and IM philosophies are developed and analyzed in Van Zuylen and Willumsen (1980), and Beagan (1986) applied these methods on a small net work. ...
Prepared in cooperation with the Indiana Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Adminis... more Prepared in cooperation with the Indiana Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration. 16. Abstract A highway system serves two needs: mobility and accessibility. Access control techniques are used to restrict access to the highway and improve vehicle flow. The objective of this research was to develop a comprehensive procedure to evaluate access control alternatives. The procedure includes the design and quantitative evaluation of alternatives to select the best one. Evaluation of each alternative includes prediction of turning volumes, delays, crash rates, and economic effectiveness. Several existing models predict traffic delays for signalized intersections and for minor streams at unsignalized intersections. Models are needed to predict delays of arterial streams caused by minor streams at unsignalized intersections. To address this missing component, models were developed to predict the delays caused to arterial streams by the following maneuvers: merging onto the arterial, diverging from the arterial, and left turn from the arterial. Models to predict crash rates for multi-lane arterial segments in Indiana based on geometric and access control characteristics were also developed. Models were developed to predict total, propertydamage-only, and fatal/injury crashes. For the economic evaluation of each alternative, delays and stops are converted to operating costs for representative periods, and the crash rates are converted to crash costs. The agency costs can also be estimated. After the economic evaluation of each access control alternative, the best alternative can be selected.
A simple land use model-the luci2 model-simulates new residential and employmentrelated developme... more A simple land use model-the luci2 model-simulates new residential and employmentrelated development for traffic analysis zones for the state of Indiana. This model has been integrated with the Indiana state travel demand model to create the INtegrated TRansportation Land-Use Demand Estimation model (INTRLUDE). The integrated model is being used by the Indiana Department of Transportation to assess planned project alternatives.
... 3 Kevin M. Ford 4 Purdue University 5 School of Civil Engineering 6 550 Stadium Mall Drive 7 ... more ... 3 Kevin M. Ford 4 Purdue University 5 School of Civil Engineering 6 550 Stadium Mall Drive 7 West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2051 8 9 Telephone: (765) 494-2204 10 FAX: (765) 496-7996 11 Email: KMFord@purdue.edu 12 ... For instance, in a study by Barton-45 Aschman, Inc. ...
A simple land use model-the luci2 model-simulates new residential and employmentrelated developme... more A simple land use model-the luci2 model-simulates new residential and employmentrelated development for traffic analysis zones for the state of Indiana. This model has been integrated with the Indiana state travel demand model to create the INtegrated TRansportation Land-Use Demand Estimation model (INTRLUDE). The integrated model is being used by the Indiana Department of Transportation to assess planned project alternatives.
Although a statewide trip table is an important ingredient in the statewide planning process, suc... more Although a statewide trip table is an important ingredient in the statewide planning process, such information is difficult to obtain. The study described in this report investigated the applicability to the state-level problem of existing software developed to estimate trip tables in urban areas (or smaller) from link counts. Criteria that would form the basis for determining the applicability of any particular software package were developed. Packages such as The Highway Emulator (THE), PC-LINKOD, and Fast Matrix Calibration (FMC) were tested using small and medium sized networks. Because FMC performed the best on these tests, it was applied to the state-level trip table estimation problem. However, FMC was designed to update an existing trip table, and Indiana had no such previous trip table. As a result, an “O-D Factoring” procedure was adopted to convert zone-by-zone origen and destination totals into an initial trip table that could be updated by FMC. By making some adjustments to the elasticities in FMC, a trip table was developed for the Indiana state highway network.
This study developed a multi-facted procedure to forecast traffic volumes on urban segments of th... more This study developed a multi-facted procedure to forecast traffic volumes on urban segments of the state and interstate highway systems for the Indiana Department of Transportation. A detailed statistical analysis was conducted to develop alternative models to forecast traffic. The models and the procedures described in this study's Final Report are intended to provide highway planners with a tool for
Page 1. Purdue University Purdue e-Pubs Joint Transportation Research Program Civil Engineering 1... more Page 1. Purdue University Purdue e-Pubs Joint Transportation Research Program Civil Engineering 1-1991 User's Manual for the Software "TFPI" that Implements the Traffic Forecasting Procedure for Indiana Sunil K. Saha Jon D. Fricker ...
... 6. Performing Organization Code 7. Author(s) Kevin M. Ford and Jon D. Fricker 8. Performing O... more ... 6. Performing Organization Code 7. Author(s) Kevin M. Ford and Jon D. Fricker 8. Performing Organization Report No. ... every 5 to 7 years. Estimates for the number of households and vehicles are available at the TAZ and census tract levels. The estimates are based on travel ...
The study identifies various painting systems that are successfully used in Indiana’s surrounding... more The study identifies various painting systems that are successfully used in Indiana’s surrounding states and other industries. The identified systems are further screened and evaluated. After prudently comparing INDOT’s inorganic zinc / vinyl system with the waterborne acrylic system, the moisture cure urethane coating system, and the 3-coat system of zinc-epoxy-urethane, the results show that the new 3-coat system fulfills
13. Type orReport and Period Covered Final Report 14. Sponsoring Agency Code 15. Supplementary No... more 13. Type orReport and Period Covered Final Report 14. Sponsoring Agency Code 15. Supplementary Notes Prepared in cooperation with the Indiana Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration.
Transportation Research Part a Policy and Practice, 1996
... table. 287 288 Shihsien Liu and Jon D. Fricker Models following the EM and IM philosophies ar... more ... table. 287 288 Shihsien Liu and Jon D. Fricker Models following the EM and IM philosophies are developed and analyzed in Van Zuylen and Willumsen (1980), and Beagan (1986) applied these methods on a small net work. ...
Prepared in cooperation with the Indiana Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Adminis... more Prepared in cooperation with the Indiana Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration. 16. Abstract A highway system serves two needs: mobility and accessibility. Access control techniques are used to restrict access to the highway and improve vehicle flow. The objective of this research was to develop a comprehensive procedure to evaluate access control alternatives. The procedure includes the design and quantitative evaluation of alternatives to select the best one. Evaluation of each alternative includes prediction of turning volumes, delays, crash rates, and economic effectiveness. Several existing models predict traffic delays for signalized intersections and for minor streams at unsignalized intersections. Models are needed to predict delays of arterial streams caused by minor streams at unsignalized intersections. To address this missing component, models were developed to predict the delays caused to arterial streams by the following maneuvers: merging onto the arterial, diverging from the arterial, and left turn from the arterial. Models to predict crash rates for multi-lane arterial segments in Indiana based on geometric and access control characteristics were also developed. Models were developed to predict total, propertydamage-only, and fatal/injury crashes. For the economic evaluation of each alternative, delays and stops are converted to operating costs for representative periods, and the crash rates are converted to crash costs. The agency costs can also be estimated. After the economic evaluation of each access control alternative, the best alternative can be selected.
A simple land use model-the luci2 model-simulates new residential and employmentrelated developme... more A simple land use model-the luci2 model-simulates new residential and employmentrelated development for traffic analysis zones for the state of Indiana. This model has been integrated with the Indiana state travel demand model to create the INtegrated TRansportation Land-Use Demand Estimation model (INTRLUDE). The integrated model is being used by the Indiana Department of Transportation to assess planned project alternatives.
... 3 Kevin M. Ford 4 Purdue University 5 School of Civil Engineering 6 550 Stadium Mall Drive 7 ... more ... 3 Kevin M. Ford 4 Purdue University 5 School of Civil Engineering 6 550 Stadium Mall Drive 7 West Lafayette, Indiana 47907-2051 8 9 Telephone: (765) 494-2204 10 FAX: (765) 496-7996 11 Email: KMFord@purdue.edu 12 ... For instance, in a study by Barton-45 Aschman, Inc. ...
Papers by Jon Fricker