Simon Fraser University
Dogs allowed to run free (off-leash) on the beaches of Canada’s Pacific Rim National Park Reserve are identified as a disturbance to migratory shorebirds, and have the potential to habituate wolves to regard dogs as objects of prey.... more
- by Peter Keller
This article describes the methods used to produce a composite index of adolescent health and wellness for the province of British Columbia. The unit of analysis was health service deliveries areas (HSDAs) for which adolescent-centred... more
The multiobjective vending problem (MVP) (Keller, 1985) is a generalization of the traveling salesman problem (TSP) where it is not necessary to visit all nodes in the problem definition. A special case of the MVP is the orienteering... more
Geographic information literacy (GIL) is defined as the possession of concepts, abilities and habits of mind that allow an individual to understand and use geographic information properly. This paper reports the results of an online... more
Ninety-eight reviews of state and provincial atlases are examined in order to address several questions. Reviews are subjected to content analysis to identify the judgement criteria that experts use in evaluating a provincial or state... more
In degraded ecosystems where the impact on wildlife and the destruction of natural systems is high, restoration becomes a critical component of recovery. Monitoring restoration activities plays a key role in determining end points for... more
Background: Tools for estimating population exposures to environmental carcinogens are required to support evidence-based policies to reduce chronic exposures and associated cancers. Our objective was to develop indicators of population... more