Membership Information & Benefits
Why Be A Member?
- All individual members receive the society’s journal, Historical Archaeology, and the SHA Newsletter. Individual members may vote in the annual election, hold office, serve on committees, and participate in the annual conference at member rates.
- The friend, developer, and benefactor levels include the benefits of regular membership and are acknowledged at the annual meeting and in the SHA Newsletter.
- An Adjunct membership ($55) is available for the partner of any individual member and allows a household to share one set of publications. Adjunct members may vote, hold office, serve on committees, and participate in the annual conference at member rates, but do not receive publications.
- Memberships are for the calendar year (1 January-31 December). Publications are issued quarterly in March, June, October, and December.
All memberships are for the calendar year (January 1 – December 31). If you join after the start of the membership year, you will receive all issues of Historical Archaeology issued to date.
Membership in the society is open to professionals and interested lay persons who share an interest in history and anthropological interpretations as they emerge from archaeological research and the study of written records. Individual memberships include the following:
- Regular ($160)*
- New Professional ($115)*
- Student (full-time) ($80)*
- Retired ($105)*
- Friend ($185)
- Developer ($250)
- Benefactor ($400)
- Life ($5,000)
Dues rates for individuals from under-represented groups (American Indian, Alaskan Native, First Nations, Black (not of Hispanic Origin), Hispanic (including persons of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, and Central or South American origen), Pacific Islander, and Asian) are:
- Regular ($105)
- New Professional ($75)
- Student ($50)
- Retired ($85)
* Membership rates vary according to the country of residence.
**Membership at the New Professional rate is available for two years only to members within five years of employment in historical archaeology. After two years, members must renew at the Regular member rate.
- All individual members receive the society’s journal, Historical Archaeology, and the SHA Newsletter. Individual members may vote in the annual election, hold office, serve on committees, and participate in the annual conference at member rates.
- The friend, developer, and benefactor levels include the benefits of regular membership and are acknowledged at the annual meeting and in the SHA Newsletter.
- An Adjunct membership ($55) is available for the partner of any individual member and allows a household to share one set of publications. Adjunct members may vote, hold office, serve on committees, and participate in the annual conference at member rates, but do not receive publications.
- Memberships are for the calendar year (1 January-31 December). Publications are issued quarterly in March, June, October, and December.
- Join SHA
- SHA 2025 Membership Application (please note: anyone who joins now will be joining for the 2025 membership year)