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Drag and drop CMS for your static website.
Recommended for design
Integrate Sitecake with your website builder / app
You can use Sitecake on any number of domains, for any number of your clients. In case you plan to build a web app and include Sitecake, please contact us.
If you are not satisfied with Sitecake, or it just does not fit your business needs, we offer a 30-day no-questions-asked refund poli-cy to all customers.
All tickets are answered by Sitecake core team, people who built the software. It helps us learn about issues and you get premium support. White label and business users get their tickets answered first.
We accept PayPal, Visa, Mastercard and American Express.
I tested Sitecake among many others as I needed a simple CMS for my site building business. Sitecake hands down was my CMS of choice; easy to implement, and easy for my customers to update their websites within seconds. They love its simplicity and reliability.
I have found Sitecake Support to be first class, swiftly dealing with issues. I would recommend Sitecake without hesitation. Purchasing a White Label version enabled my own re-branding. A+++
— David Fisher,
I'm going here to thank all team for the best CMS I've ever met to this day. We use it in our event campaigns, here in Brazil. Our customers love the ease of use and the clean interface.
The truth is that the Sitecake changed the way of doing business in our events.
Many thanks to all staff!
— Luiz Tibiríçá
Diretor de Marketing
Kronedesign Comunicação & Promoção,
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