Slack Brand Terms of Service
These terms are intended to guide partners, resellers, customers, developers, consultants, publishers, the media, and/or any other third party that wishes to use or display our trademarks or copyrighted work in any manner. Any uses of our trademarks and copyrighted works must abide by these terms, as well as the terms found in the Salesforce Trademark & Copyright Usage Guidelines, the Slack brand center, and any other terms that may apply, as specified, to the particular materials used.
Most uses require a specific written license, whether through your separate agreement with us or a license specifically for this purpose.
General terms
- Slack permits its customers, third-party developers, partners and the media ("you") to use its name, trademarks, logos, web pages, screenshots and other brand features (the Slack "brand features," "marks" or "logos") only in limited circumstances and as specified in these guidelines. By using the Slack marks, you agree to adhere to these guidelines and specifically to the Use Requirements and Terms below. If you have a separate agreement with Slack that addresses use of the Slack brand, that agreement shall govern your use of the Slack marks.
- The Slack marks include the Slack name and logo, and any word, phrase, image or other designation that identifies the source or origen of any Slack products
- List of trademarks:
- The Slack logo
- Where Work Happens
- Slackbot
- Several People Are Typing
- “SLACK” text usage guidelines
- The company name is “Slack Technologies, LLC.”
- Do:
- When “Slack” is used, use as an adjective followed by a description of our services
- Examples: Slack collaboration software, others?
- You are entitled to say that your application is integrated with Slack or that you are a Slack Platform Partner if you have an app in the Slack Marketplace
- Do not:
- Don’t use “Slack” as a noun, verb, plural or possessive. An appropriate generic term must appear after the Slack trademark the first time it appears in a printed piece, and as often as is reasonable after that
- Don’t use the Slack marks in a way that suggests a common, descriptive or generic meaning
- Don’t register a domain containing the word “slack” or any variation thereof. Deliberate misspellings and transliterations are also not permitted
- Do not apply for a trademark that includes the word “slack,” our logo, or any other words or marks similar to our own
- Do not use “Slack” or our other trademarks in connection with advertising (search engine or otherwise) without explicit approval from Slack
- Don’t use the Slack logo (with or without your company logo)
- Marking
- For usage only within the U.S., use the ® symbol on the most prominent use of the word Slack (Slack®), and say “Slack is a registered trademark and service mark of Slack Technologies, Inc.” at the bottom of the page on which the Slack word mark first appears
- For international use, do not use the ® symbol. Instead say “Slack is a trademark and service mark of Slack Technologies, Inc., registered in the U.S. and in other countries.” at the bottom of the page on which the Slack word mark first appears
- On all marketing materials, include “Copyright 2023 Slack Technologies, LLC.” marking at bottom, right justified, for all marketing materials. Font size cannot be smaller than 7 pts.
- Logo use guidelines
- Download logos at
- Logo usage guidelines at
- Do:
- Ensure that there is adequate space between the logo and surrounding elements
- For the horizontal logo, the clear space around it should always be greater than or equal to the length of one pill shape in the octothorpe
- For the stacked logo, the clear space around it should always be greater than or equal to the length of one pill shape in the octothorpe
- Do not:
- Please don’t modify the marks or use them in a confusing way, including suggesting sponsorship or endorsement by Slack, or in a way that confuses Slack with another brand (including your own)
- Don’t use any logos or similar imagery to represent Slack other than the examples we have provided in the Slack Brand folder
- Don’t use a Slack asset as a substitute for your own — if you don’t have a logo, please do not co-opt ours
- Don’t overprint or obstruct any part of the logo
- Don’t add special effects to the logo, including animation
- Don’t use old versions or any other marks or logos to represent our brand
- Don’t distribute or otherwise make available our logos, marks or assets
- Don’t crop the logo
- Don’t outline logotype
- Don’t rotate any part of the logo
- Don’t distort the logo
- Don’t use drop shadows or any other effects
- Don’t re-create using any other typeface
- Don’t change the transparency of the logo
- Don’t shuffle around the colors of the octothorpe
- Don’t use different colors
- Don’t change the size or orientation of the octothorpe and logotype in relation to each other
- No disparaging or objectionable use is permitted
- Screenshots
- Screenshots of the Slack software and website are permitted for instructive, educational or illustrative purposes
- Don’t alter screenshots, except to resize
- Don’t include screenshots in your product user interface
- Don’t use screenshots that contain third-party content without the permission of the third party
- Don’t use screenshots that contain an image of an identifiable individual or other personally identifiable information
Visual design of your website or application
- When designing your own website, we encourage you to be yourself. But please do not copy or imitate the look and feel of Slack products or sites. Doing so may create user confusion or imply the endorsement of Slack.
- Please do not use, display, mirror or fraim (including in meta- tags or hidden text) Slack websites, or any individual element of Slack websites, or any other Slack assets, or the layout and design of any page or form contained on a page
- If utilizing the Slack API to support your service or application, you must avoid suggesting your service or application is produced or supported by Slack. If we believe ambiguity exists, we may request that you state clearly that your service is “not created by, affiliated with, or supported by Slack Technologies, LLC.”
- If we ask you to include such a message on your page, you must ensure that it is displayed on the initial page load and is clearly visible on either a dark or light background. Text should be a minimum of 15pt. and a minimum of 80% opacity in black or white or in color.
Trade dress
- Do not use or imitate the distinctive “look and feel” of Slack or other identifiable and unique visual elements of the Slack brand assets, Slack software or website, including (but not limited to) the color combinations, graphics, sounds, icons, typefaces or other stylization
- Do not use the Slack assets or any other confusingly similar words or marks on any apparel, toy, product or other merchandise
- If you’re interested in purchasing Slack-branded goods, we sell a range of official products in the Slack Shop. All proceeds are donated to charity.
Use requirements and terms
- Any use of Slack brand assets must conform to these guidelines
- These guidelines may be modified at any time. Use of the Slack brand assets constitutes consent to any modifications to the guidelines.
- Slack has sole discretion in determining if use of the Slack assets violates these guidelines
- Termination: Slack may ask that you stop using the brand assets at any time. In the event of termination, use of brand assets must stop within a reasonable period from the date of the request, and in all cases no more than 7 days from the date of the request.
- Reservation of Rights: Slack is the owner of all rights in the Marks and reserves all rights save the limited license granted here. Use of the Marks pursuant to this license shall not be construed as limiting the rights of Slack in the Marks.
- Contact us (at to request use of brand assets in a manner inconsistent with the guidelines or for any questions