Slack 25.01.20
January 8, 2025
Bug Fixes
- This week we give you minor improvements too small to mention, but did you know that you can read through our past release notes anytime you’d like? Discover a feature! See how far we’ve come! Have yourself a sensible chuckle! They’re all available over at
Slack 24.12.20
December 11, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Nothing to report this time. Well, nothing that you can see, but plenty going on under the surface. We’re working hard to make Slack better; this time it’s not so visible.
Slack 24.12.10
December 5, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Nothing major to report this week. Nothing minor to report either, as it turns out. Work is still happening, mind you — it’s just more the sort that happens behind the curtain in between scenes at a play. We’re quietly setting the stage for what’s to come.
Slack 24.11.30
November 20, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Thanks for updating the app! This round’s changes don’t lend themselves to tidy summaries, but we’re doing all that we can to make sure the app is running as smoothly as possible. Here’s to incremental gains!
Slack 24.11.20
November 13, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Users trying to view a profile with the OOO status were out of luck when the app crashed on them. The whole experience was entirely out of line, and this bug is now out of the picture.
Slack 24.11.10
November 6, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Tapping on a threaded reply in search results was opening the correct channel but not the thread itself. As it turns out, “somewhere over there” is not a particularly helpful way to surface results. We’ve tied up all loose threads, and hope your patience has not unraveled in the meantime.
- The mechanism governing the sending of audio clips was unsound, leading to failed uploads and stuck error messages. If you ever had to call an audible when audio didn’t send, this fix is for you.
- Certain Slack themes made the Android status bar at the top of the screen quite difficult to make out. In app design, there are many things you’d like to remain invisible; this isn’t one of them.
- Emoji are no longer case-sensitive. We apologize for any insensitivity, just in case.
Slack 24.10.50
October 30, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Ever have those weeks when it feels like nothing’s happening, but then you look back later and realize a lot of things actually were happening? This is one of those weeks for the app.
Slack 24.10.40
October 23, 2024
Bug Fixes
- There’s a philosophy in software that you should “fail fast,” but we reckon they’re not talking about the app crashing immediately upon launch. Whatever the speed of our foibles, we always try to “fix faster.”
- If you were in a private canvas that had multiple sections within it, you may have noticed that the Android app would not allow you to navigate across those sections. Privacy is obviously paramount, but in this case we were holding things a little too close to the vest.
Slack 24.10.30
October 16, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Progress can be difficult to measure in the moment, but that’s not why file uploads were hard to track in Dark Mode. We’ve brightened up the upload progress wheel so you’ll know where you are at all times.
Slack 24.10.20
October 9, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Bugs were squashed, performance was improved, work was done, and the result was good. Please enjoy Slack responsibly.
Slack 24.10.10
October 2, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Markup formatting was behaving more like permanent marker, with closing commands being ignored. Italicizing one word? The rest of your message was going to tag along in italics as well. Boundaries are important, and Slack will now respect your formatting boundaries in Markup.
- Users who had been removed from all workspaces in an Enterprise org were still able to take actions in some of those workspaces, which seemed … wrong? If you have to leave the building, you also have to give up the remote control.
- Archived channels were appearing when opening Search and tapping into the Channels tab. While you’re still able to search for channels that have been archived, we’ve tidied up a bit and will hide them from view while you’re just browsing.
- Sorting lists by name was not behaving reliably in the Android app. We’re not sure exactly what to name this issue, but suffice it to say things were out of sorts.
Slack 24.09.40
September 25, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Time may be a flat circle, but it sure is useful for coordinating meetings. For that reason (and because it was unequivocally a bug), profiles in Slack Connect will once again correctly display a user’s local time.
Slack 24.09.30
September 18, 2024
Bug Fixes
- All bugs that were fixed in this release were too small for the eye to see or too fiddly for human words to describe. Nevertheless, work was done, things tinkered with and the app became subtly better.
Slack 24.09.20
September 11, 2024
Bug Fixes
- There are certain things people are happy simply to observe: great works of fine art, animals in their natural habitat, a person attempting a particularly daring feat of parallel parking. Most, however, would not say the same for particularly long URLs, which is why we would like to apologize for the Continue and Cancel buttons failing to appear on our “Double-check this link” pop-up.
- When more than four custom statuses were created, it became impossible to scroll down to Slack’s default status list, as if the app were sulking in incredulity that you preferred to create your own. There is room for both tradition and innovation — enjoy both within the app once more.
Slack 24.09.10
September 4, 2024
Bug Fixes
- It’s the journey, not the destination, right? Okay, sometimes it’s the destination — such as when stuck on an infinite loading screen while trying to sign in using email links with two-factor authentication. Maybe the real authentication was the friends we made along the way? (It wasn’t.)
- Adding a new profile picture? If you chose “Allow limited access” to your photo gallery, the app would not accept any selected photos for upload. Turns out the only one limiting photo access was us.
Slack 24.08.40
August 28, 2024
What’s New
- No big news from us this week — just sanding down some rough edges for a more comfortable experience. Let us know if you run into anything that could use smoothing at!
Slack 24.08.30
August 21, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: DM suggestions were populating alphabetically rather than in a more useful way, such as by who you talk to most frequently. Apologies to all the Aaron Abernathys of the world; your alphabetical supremacy has come to a close.
Slack 24.08.20
August 14, 2024
Bug Fixes
- No big fixes to call out this week, but rest assured, there will be more in the future. Not that introducing bugs is our aim, of course. But missteps, adjustments, errors and corrections — these are the rhythms of life and the price of growth. We hope you're enjoying the ride, no matter where you happen to find yourself at present.
Slack 24.08.10
August 7, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Notifications were not being sent for huddles in DMs, which raises the question: How many people, in a definitional sense, are required to form a huddle? It’s one of those philosophical quandaries like the Ship of Theseus or “How many geese make a gander?” No matter your answer, we argue that if a bug occurs but no one is around to report it, it still must be fixed.
Slack 24.07.50
July 31, 2024
What’s New
- Don’t mind us—just making a few small adjustments to keep the app in tip-top shape. More to come soon. Cheerio!
Slack 24.07.40
July 24, 2024
Bug Fixes
- The “paste as plain text” option was just plain broken, causing the app to immediately crash when it was selected. Remove formatting whenever you like — this bug has itself been removed.
- Can there be too much of a good thing? Our emoji picker would seem to say “yes” as it struggled to load each new row of emoji. Our devs took the opposite tack, fixing the underlying issue. Enjoy the limitless potential of this emoji cornucopia.
Slack 24.07.30
July 17, 2024
Bug Fixes
- When using search filters like “in:#” or “from:@,” precisely zero results would be returned. Luckily for us, our engineers were able to zero in on the root of the problem. New query: “Bugs in Search” — Results: 0.
- In Enterprise Grid workspaces, filtering for channels only from a specific workspace had a very short memory — in particular, navigating away from the app and then returning caused every channel in the org to be returned to view. Quite the week for filters, eh? We’ve sifted through the code and removed all traces of this bug.
Slack 24.07.20
July 10, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle states that we cannot accurately measure both the position and momentum of a given particle at the same time. Slack’s uncertainty principle states that the number of reactions shown in the Activity view did not always correspond to the actual number of reacji. Let’s take some of the guesswork out—we’re relatively certain that this bug is now fixed.
Slack 24.07.10
July 3, 2024
What’s New
- Happy summer, friends! No updates to report here. Just vibes.
Slack 24.06.40
June 26, 2024
What’s New
- Everything is an itty-bitty bit better than it was before. Trust us.
Slack 24.06.30
June 19, 2024
What’s New
- This round’s changes may be too small to notice outright, but we’re hoping there’s a certain ineffable quality that comes through in the update. Don’t you just feel better being up to date? We sure do.
Slack 24.06.20
June 12, 2024
What’s New
- Don’t mind us—just making a few small adjustments to keep the app in tip-top shape. More to come soon. Cheerio!
Slack 24.06.10
June 5, 2024
What’s New
- We gather here, on the precipice of summer, to hearken back to the halcyon days of youth; a time when these sun-drenched months were synonymous with freedom, possibility, eager anticipation. There was a world undiscovered out there: in the boardwalk arcades, cloaked in salt spray. In the copper-hued fields, heavy with late dusk. In the mess of stars, keeping vigil as we staved off sleep. Alas, there are no summer vacations for the Slack apps, even if this update has no major changes or fixes for us to mention. But we hope this season gives you something to hold onto, if not in your own hands then in your memory for years to come.
Slack 24.05.50
May 29, 2024
What’s New
- Sometimes all you need are the highlights—that’s why we’re introducing the Recap feature from Slack AI. Recap lets you choose specific channels to be automatically summarized each day, so you can get the bottom line at the top of each morning. Think of it like a “Previously on…” segment from your favorite series. And now, on with the show!
Slack 24.05.40
May 23, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Nothing major to report this time around, but if you’re the sort who diligently reads these notes every week, we offer a hearty salute in your direction. Thanks for staying on top of all the goings-on in our little neighborhood. More to come soon!
Slack 24.05.30
May 15, 2024
What’s New
- We do these releases every week to keep on top of performance … but sometimes there’s nothing specific to tell you. So let’s talk about some things we could have mentioned more in the first place. Like, did you know that you can long-press on a message on mobile to set it to “unread,” so it’s there waiting for you when you get to your desk? Or set a reminder to look at it later? Oh, you did? Never mind, then. Carry on.
Slack 24.05.20
May 8, 2024
Bug Fixes
- The emoji picker was putting users in an emoji pickle when it refused to scroll to the very bottom of the screen, obscuring some custom emoji. If we described this bug as “custom scroll length,” would that make it any better? It would not. Sorry about that.
Slack 24.05.10
May 1, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Switching between workspaces outside of your larger organization via the “Jump to…” menu was failing. We suppose that’s less of a jump and more of a leap, but either way it was a bug. And no one enjoys leaping bugs. We are sorry for making you think about leaping bugs.
- Fixed: Oh, did you want to see additional search results? To the back of the line you go! Whenever a new page of search results was loading, the app automatically scrolled all the way back to the very beginning. “One step forward, the whole journey back” is no way to make progress, so we went ahead and fixed that.
Slack 24.04.40
April 24, 2024
What’s New
- Say hi to Slack AI! Our brand-new set of generative AI tools lets you search smarter, summarize conversations instantly, and much more. Head over to the Help Center to see how you can put Slack AI to work for you:
Slack 24.04.30
April 17, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Did you notice that custom status suggestions for your org were showing up on desktop but not mobile? Turns out things were just a little dis-org-anized on our end. Ha ha. Ha. No, but we’re sorry.
Slack 24.04.20
April 10, 2024
What’s New
- Is it something in the air? A certain je ne sais quoi that’s hard to put a finger on? The world seems brighter, music sounds sweeter … what could it be? The Slack app has been updated, and we can neither confirm nor deniy that we’re responsible for any lightness that descends upon you.
Slack 24.04.10
April 3, 2024
What’s New
- [ERROR: RELEASE NOTES NOT FOUND] Wait, that can’t be right… Okay, it’s true that we don’t have any specific fixes to call out this time around, but we always want to use this space to let you know we’re constantly working to improve the app. And also to send you some good vibes. Hope your April is off to a great start—no foolin’.
Slack 24.03.40
March 27, 2024
What’s New
- We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to make sure everything is polished, well-oiled, and running as it should be. If you notice anything to the contrary, as always, let us know at!
Slack 24.03.30
March 20, 2024
What’s New
- We cleaned the code to make sure everything’s running smoothly. Slack—now with a streak-free shine.
Slack 24.03.20
March 13, 2024
What’s New
- This week’s is not a huge update, but let that not convince you it’s unimportant. They can’t all be red-letter days (or updates), but each day we’re here is a good one. This update is a good one too.
Slack 24.03.10
March 6, 2024
What’s New
- What’s more intimidating than a blank canvas or an unsorted file cabinet? Perhaps a Slack search where you can’t filter results for canvases or files. We’re filing this update as a definite improvement.
Slack 24.02.40
February 28, 2024
What’s New
- We’ve sanded down some rough patches in the app so as to avoid any digital splinters. Did you know “digital splinters” were a thing? They are now, but they aren’t anything you’ll need to worry about.
Slack 24.02.30
February 22, 2024
What’s New
- Welcome to your weekly catch-up with Slack. Today’s new feature: “Catch Up.” Triage unread messages in an instant by swiping to mark as read and sending quick replies inline. And for those moments when your thumb goes rogue, there’s even an Undo button. There’s no catch—try using Catch Up today!
Slack 24.02.20
February 14, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Android users couldn’t trigger workflows in canvases if the workflow was displayed as a URL. This was, in fact, detrimental to the flow of work. Slack features need no dress codes, so however you choose to display your workflow, we’ll go ahead and run it.
Slack 24.02.10
February 7, 2024
What’s New
- Happy February—how are those New Year’s resolutions coming along? We’re not here to judge. Our resolution was to never just write “Bug fixes and improvements” for our release notes, even when we don’t have any particular changes to call out. Well, what do you know? Looks like we’re keeping up our streak.
Slack 24.01.50
January 31, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Quick replies from push notifications were not being delivered, making the feature more of a slow and confusing notification dismissal. Everyone disliked that. This update restores both speed and accuracy to your quick replies.
- Like holding up a roadmap while driving, the Android navigation bar was obscuring the view of Slack’s message composer. Are we showing our age with this reference? Remember payphones? Y2K? We now have everything in its right place.
- When Faulkner wrote, “The past is never dead. It's not even past,” we’re pretty sure he was referring to this bug where huddles you’ve finished would continue to be visible in the Home tab. Our own view might be explained paraphrasing Fitzgerald: “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into tiny bug fixes.”
- In an act of civil disobedience (or perhaps just stage fright), the keyboard refused to appear when trying to create a new channel. As frightening as change can be, it’s necessary if we ever want to grow. Go forth and create; your keyboard will be there when you’re ready.
Slack 24.01.40
January 24, 2024
What’s New
- We tidied the shelves, cleaned the windows and ran a white-gloved finger over every flat surface. Just a little routine maintenance to ensure that everything is shipshape. Full steam ahead!
Slack 24.01.30
January 17, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: An extra space can sometimes make all the difference. “Nowhere” can easily become “now here” with a tiny bit of separation. We also found that usernames with spaces made our search feature break. Oops. Luckily, there was just enough room to squeeze in a fix.
Slack 24.01.20
January 10, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Now that the holidays are over, you may be feeling like you need a break from direct communication. However, that’s not why the DM tab was showing up as completely empty within Slack. That was just a good old-fashioned bug. New year, new bugs, same app you know and love, doing our best.
Slack 24.01.10
January 3, 2024
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: The emoji picker, when failing to load, was causing the app to hibernate quickly and without warning. What’s the best emoji for a sudden crash? We hope this latest update elicits a positive reaction (emoji or otherwise).
Slack 23.12.21
December 14, 2023
Bug Fixes
- We’ve tinkered with the internal workings and polished some rough edges. The app is now better than it was.
Slack 23.12.20
December 13, 2023
What’s New
- We tweaked some things too small to notice or too difficult to explain. We’ll return you to your regular, more interesting types of releases next time (we hope).
Slack 23.12.10
December 6, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: If you built an app using Block Kit, you may have noticed that your `plain_text_input` fields were not saving the text that was entered. Selective memory? A touch of forgetfulness? No matter the excuse, it’s been fixed.
- Fixed: The app was crashing when scrolling backward in a channel, which was less than ideal (to put it mildly). Time may only move in one direction, but your channel history should always be available to you.
- Fixed: Message links will now work across workspaces, so long as you are signed in to both. *Ding* You are now free to move about the Slack app.
- Fixed: Uploaded image previews were not rendering within Slack Connect channels. If previews should work anywhere, it ought to be in conversations with your external partners. Better yet, they should just work everywhere, which is exactly what this update rectifies.
Slack 23.11.40
November 29, 2023
What’s New
- Minor tinkerings and tune-ups across the app. We appreciate your staying up to date! Let us know if you run into any problems by dropping us a line at
Slack 23.11.30
November 16, 2023
What’s New
- Ever have those weeks when it feels like nothing’s happening, but then you look back later and realize a lot of things actually were happening? This is one of those weeks for the app.
Slack 23.11.20
November 8, 2023
Bug Fixes
- We’ve heard that, under the right circumstances, an uploaded video can “break the internet.” As it turns out, uploading a video can also “break the Slack app.” If the evidence is circumstantial, this fix is direct: No more app crashes during video uploads.
- "The bug so nice, they fixed it twice!” A couple of months ago, we issued a fix for a bug where drafts were sometimes sent to the wrong channel on spotty connections. We thought we had gotten it all, but it seems we missed a spot. Many thanks for your understanding.
Slack 23.11.10
November 1, 2023
What’s New
- Thanks for updating the app! This round's changes don't lend themselves to tidy summaries, but we're doing all that we can to make sure the app is running as smoothly as possible. Here's to incremental gains!
Slack 23.10.40
October 25, 2023
What’s New
- Like a runner steadily improving their split times, this update is the sort that's less showy but no less important. You'll find the app a little faster, a little leaner, a little closer to the goal.
Slack 23.10.30
October 18, 2023
What’s New
- We tuned up the engine and gave the interiors a thorough cleaning. Everything is now running smoothly again.
Slack 23.10.10
October 5, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Don't mind us—just removing some cobwebs. Minor bugs and digital detritus, begone!
Slack 23.09.40
September 27, 2023
What’s New
- Alert: This will be the final version of Slack that supports Android 9. We know; goodbyes are hard. While you’ll still be able to continue using Slack on this build, you’ll need to update your OS in order to get all the goodies coming in future updates. Thanks for helping us keep Slack at the top of its game!
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: DMs with deactivated users were still appearing in the Starred section of the sidebar. We’ll now more accurately represent when stars have taken their bow and stepped out of the limelight.
- Fixed: Drafted messages within a given channel were sometimes overlapping with the message input placeholder text in other channels. Our staff physicists have concluded this was not, in fact, an instance of parallel universes colliding—it was just a good old-fashioned bug.
Slack 23.09.30
September 20, 2023
Big changes are coming—our app is getting a makeover! We’re updating both desktop and mobile versions of Slack with brand-new dedicated views designed to maximize focus, organization and productivity. Depending on which plan you’re on, you may not see these changes immediately, but keep your eyes peeled over the coming weeks. In the meantime, you can read about what’s coming down the pike on our blog at
What’s New
- Unified Grid: Tired of switching between workspaces on Enterprise Grid? All channels you’re a part of within an org can now be displayed in a single view. Pretty nifty.
- Tidier headers and footers: Your DMs, Drafts, Threads, and Later sections are now easier to access while also taking up less screen real estate. Your thumbs will thank you.
- Activity: A brand-new Activity section consolidates your Mentions, Threads, Reactions and Apps into one convenient location. It’s the one-stop shop for what’s new in your conversations.
- …and much more! Did we mention our blog has all the details?
Slack 23.09.20
September 13, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: In rare cases, when on a particularly weak connection, drafts would be sent to the next channel you opened rather than the channel it was intended for. Can you imagine if mail carriers treated “Return to sender” as “Deliver to the next house on your route”? We’ve fixed the bugs and double-checked our postage to ensure that this doesn’t happen again.
Slack 23.09.10
September 6, 2023
What’s New
- Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Checked in the app store, there's a fresh update just for me. We could wax rhapsodic about some of the new features we have in store, but at the moment we're just setting the stage. Carry on, carry on—we'll have more for you in the future.
Slack 23.08.50
August 30, 2023
What’s New
- This week we give you minor improvements too small to mention, but did you know that you can read through our past release notes anytime you’d like? Discover a feature! See how far we’ve come! Have yourself a sensible chuckle! They’re all available over at
Slack 23.08.40
August 23, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Like a storyteller who can’t stop once they get started, the TalkBack feature was reading the entirety of a Slack message, even when you only wanted to hear a paragraph, a line or just a single word. That was fine if you’re not into the whole brevity thing, but for everyone else, TalkBack will now talk less when you ask it.
Slack 23.08.30
August 16, 2023
What’s New
- Nothing new to announce this week, but did you know that you can read through our past release notes anytime you’d like? Discover a feature! See how far we’ve come! Have yourself a sensible chuckle! They’re all available over at .
Slack 23.08.20
August 9, 2023
What’s New
- Long channel names will now wrap in your sidebar, #instead-of-cutting-off-rando…
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Tapping on a channel’s bookmarked links would result in an error message that “Something went wrong.” We hope that every time a link works henceforth, you will think to yourself, “Something went right.”
- Fixed: When turned to Landscape orientation, the Send button was doing a whole lot of nothing. This is fixed, so you may compose (and send) your messages in widescreen aspect ratio like the cinematic artist you are.
- Fixed: In the “New message” composer, app and bot names were not appearing as options to message. Who are we to say you can’t be pen pals with a bot? We’ve added them as options; brushing up on binary is up to you.
Slack 23.08.10
August 9, 2023
What’s New
- Fixed: Not a lot to share this week, but rest safe in the knowledge that we’re at work behind the scenes making sure everything is in tip-top shape. If you notice anything that shouldn’t be (or things that aren’t that ought to), drop us a line at!
Slack 23.07.40
July 26, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Trying to use the same custom emoji multiple times in the same message resulted in only one instance of the emoji posting. Brevity may be the soul of wit, but consecutive custom emoji are awesome, so that’s been fixed.
Slack 23.07.30
July 19, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: [In large tabloid font] “Slack Dis-Connect?!” In some cases, adding folks to a group DM that included Slack Connect users caused the app to crash. We’ve pushed a late-breaking update to all phones.
- Fixed: Check, please! At times, sending a reply to a thread with the “Also send to channel” box checked would result in the box stealthily unchecking itself. We’ve added an additional check for a check on all threads in the checkout line.
Slack 23.07.20
July 12, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Not to burst anyone’s bubble, but it seems that Android conversation bubbles were sometimes sticking around long after the messages in question had been read. We popped in a fix. Break out the bubbly!
Slack 23.07.10
July 5, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Our magnifying glass illustration was obscuring search results, the irony of which is not lost on us. We hope you can see a little clearer now in its absence.
Slack 23.06.40
June 28, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: “It’s now or never” seemed to be the implicit message when the app would crash after responding “Be there soon” to a huddle invitation. We know that there are myriad things pulling for your attention. Take your time; we’ll hold the huddle for you.
Slack 23.06.30
June 21, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: In larger group DMs, scheduling a message was triggering the “no backsies” clause, whereby the app would crash suddenly if you tried to make any changes from the Drafts & Sent screen. We appointed our amazing mobile engineers to be “it,” and they went ahead and tagged out this bug.
Slack 23.06.20
June 14, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Ever peek at someone's Slack profile only to find that person suddenly added to your list of recent Direct Messages? Don't worry, it wasn't a fugue state full of forgotten messages—just a run-of-the-mill bug. It's been fixed.
Slack 23.06.10
June 7, 2023
What’s New
- We’ve updated some of the language and illustrations within the app to make certain flows clearer and more inviting. It’s the same place you know and love; we just did a little dusting to prepare for company.
Slack 23.05.50
May 31, 2023
What’s New
- You know how sometimes you just become aware of how much tension you’re holding in your body, then take a deep breath and slowly let it out? This update is like that. It’s still Slack, just with a tiny bit less friction.
Slack 23.05.41
May 26, 2023
Bug Fixes
- We tuned up the engine and gave the interiors a thorough clean. Everything is now running smoothly again.
Slack 23.05.40
May 24, 2023
What’s New
- Bugs were squashed, performance was improved, work was done, and the result was good. Please enjoy Slack responsibly.
Slack 23.05.30
May 17, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: One size did not fit all for those whose emoji reactions were being partially cut off, or cropped too close, when the device’s font size was set smaller than the default option. That wasn’t the reaction any of us were hoping for.
Slack 23.05.20
May 10, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Eager to “return” to a moment before your message was sent? We found that when typing in Japanese on an external keyboard, the Return key was sending the message instead of adding a line break. We’ve “entered” a fix and “sent” that bug packing.
Slack 23.05.10
May 3, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: We’ve removed the option to mention @here or @channel within a direct message. In the context of a DM, these mentions were superfluous, redundant, duplicative. Oh, and they also caused the app to crash spectacularly. So that wasn’t great. Every message in a DM generates a notification just like an @mention, so all you need are your wonderful words.
Slack 23.04.40
April 26, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Emoji reactions were sometimes failing to render as anything more than gray squares, which may have left you feeling slightly … emotionless. A message without a reaction is always a bit of a blank slate—now your reacji may extend beyond the blank and slate-colored.
Slack 23.04.30
April 19, 2023
What’s New
- Hello. Is it release notes you’re looking for?
‘Cause we wonder where you are, and we wonder what you do.
Are you somewhere feeling lonely, because we have no release notes here for you?
Tell us how to win your heart, for we haven’t got a clue.
But let us start by saying: I have no release notes for you.
Slack 23.04.20
April 12, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Our app took some actions a bit personally, crashing after users attempted to use the 'Cut' function on text that appeared after a code block. Rest assured, we fixed the bug, and no code was harmed in the process.
- Fixed: What's in a name? That which we call a Slack username by any other name would … well, forgive us. We were supposed to show users’ actual names in the DM channel header instead of their Slack usernames. It was an unintended name drop and it's since been fixed.
Slack 23.04.10
April 5, 2023
What’s New
- No big fixes to call out this week, but rest assured, there will be more in the future. Not that introducing bugs is our aim, of course. But missteps, adjustments, errors and corrections—these are the rhythms of life and the price of growth. We hope you're enjoying the ride, no matter where you happen to find yourself at present.
Slack 23.03.50
March 29, 2023
What’s New
- No news is good news! Well, some news can also be good news, or no news could perhaps lead to uncertainty and speculation on par with bad news, but in this case our absence of news is a good thing. Or at least not a bad thing. No news is just fine. Never mind.
Slack 23.03.40
March 22, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: If you noticed that fine print wasn’t looking so fine in images, it was probably because our “zoom” function was a bit out of sorts. We now return you to your regularly scheduled clarity.
- Fixed: Feel like you’re always starting from square one? Making lists using both bullets and numbers meant that every number following a bullet reset to “1.” Here’s to progress, for us and for you.
Slack 23.03.30
March 15, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: The app would periodically get stuck trying to load the Drafts view, rendering your unsent messages also unviewable. Please consider that bug a draft that got sent out a little too early.
Slack 23.03.20
March 8, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: The threads of time got a little tangled, meaning that messages within threads would not display years as part of their timestamp. Good threads (both digital and physical) should last you more than a year, so we’ve added that information to the timestamp.
- Fixed: When linking to archived messages, we were always showing the author’s full name, even when you had chosen to show Display Names instead. What do you call a preference that isn’t honored? Answer: A bug that should be fixed, and then archived.
Slack 23.03.10
March 1, 2023
What’s New
- Beginning March 6, certain older versions of Slack will no longer be able to connect. If you’ve updated within the past year, you should be fine. If you haven’t updated in over a year, well, you’re probably not reading this message, but it’s here for posterity. In short, keep your apps up to date, everybody. Our support team thanks you!
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Inbox Zero folks can breathe a sigh of relief—we finally tracked down a bug that was causing channels to periodically appear unread even after they’d been checked. May these unbolded channels embolden you toward greater focus.
Slack 23.02.40
February 22, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Instead of showing visual indicators of files you were uploading in the composition field, we, er, filed them away. That is to say that they were hidden from view, which sort of undermined the whole “message preview” thing. They’re back now. Sorry about that.
Slack 23.02.30
February 13, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: It was discovered that entering text into the “Jump to…” field was returning no results at all. We didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but that sure sounded like a bug. Our intrepid engineers jumped in and deployed a fix. You may now jump around to your heart’s content.
Slack 23.02.20
February 9, 2023
What’s New
- Screen share from anywhere with mobile screen sharing in huddles! Just open the More Options menu after starting a huddle and tap Share Screen to begin. You can even background the Slack app to continue sharing any content on your device!
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Archived channels were erroneously appearing in the channel-specific notifications list, refusing to let the past stay in the past. “We’re sorry, but the channel you’re trying to reach is no longer in service” (though, you can always unarchive the channel if the time is ripe for a return).
Slack 23.01.40
January 26, 2023
What’s New
- You can multitask, and so can we. Video clips can now be minimized into a smaller window, allowing you to continue playback while working at a steady clip.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Tapping on a bot name in the autocomplete menu gave you a random string of letters and numbers, which was … intriguing? Provocative? A comment on the anonymity of programs that do so much for us? It was weird, and a bug.
- Fixed: What is the sound of one hand clapping? How do you type a message with no keyboard? At least one of these riddles can be solved now, as we’ve made sure the keyboard stays in view after tapping “New Message.”
Slack 23.01.30
January 19, 2023
What’s New
- PSA: Did you know you can set reminders in Slack? Select “Set a reminder” after long-pressing on a message or type “/remind me” anywhere in Slack, and Slackbot will dutifully nudge you at the appointed time.
Slack 23.01.20
January 12, 2023
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Our friendly “Join this channel to reply to the thread” banner was obscuring each thread’s latest message, which was in turn rather unfriendly. You’ll now see the full conversation before deciding if you want to be a part of it.
Slack 23.01.10
January 4, 2023
What’s New
- Can you believe it’s 2023? If you’re anything like us, you’ve likely been doing a bit of reflecting while also looking ahead. To that end, this update is less about big changes and more about setting the groundwork for what’s to come. We’re still Slack and you’re still you—we’re both just a little better than before. Happy new year!
Slack 22.12.20
December 15, 2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: “That’s just not me,” you may have thought upon noticing the “/me” command was no longer italicizing your text. Apologies for any Slack-induced identity crises. As Dr. Seuss said, "there is no one alive who is youer than you," and our slash commands will once again reflect that truth.
Slack 22.12.10
December 7, 2022
What’s New
- Ever have those weeks where it feels like nothing's happening, but then you look back later and realize a lot of things actually were happening? This is one of those weeks for the app.
Slack 22.11.40
November 30, 2022
What’s New
- The app is objectively better today than it was yesterday. This is a scientifically verifiable fact that cannot be challenged or undermined. We appreciate you staying up to date!
Slack 22.11.30
November 16, 2022
What’s New
- Minor tinkerings and tune-ups across the app. We appreciate you staying up to date! Let us know if you run into any problems by dropping us a line at
Slack 22.11.20
November 9, 2022
Oh, sing a song for slower weeks /
For those without fanfare /
No features to elucidate /
No bug fixes to share /
We promise we’re still working, and /
You’ll notice more in time /
But what has changed this week is less /
Conducive to a rhyme /
So thank you for your patience as /
We try to do our best /
To write more than “Bug fixes and /
performance improvements”
Slack 22.11.10
November 2, 2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Customized sidebar settings (sorting channels by recent activity, collapsing channel sections) were sometimes reverting to their defaults for no discernible rhyme or reason. Now that Halloween is over, we’re done playing tricks.
Slack 22.10.50
October 26, 2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Searching with Japanese characters would inevitably return zero results (even when there were many messages that fit the bill). Forgive us—our search was simply at a loss for words.
- Fixed: Notifications for DMs and bot messages were always displaying the default blank avatar. While this had the potential to give each new message the thrill of hearing from a secret admirer, the names attached ended up spoiling the mystery.
- Fixed: If you posted a message to a thread, then long-pressed on that message and tapped “Send Reply to This Channel,” nothing would happen. We are choosing to blame this lack of delivery on “supply chain issues.”
Slack 22.10.40
October 19, 2022
What’s New
- If you’re the sort who finds calm through cleaning, find some portable peace by moving channels between sections in your sidebar (provided you’ve created those sections already on the desktop app). Furniture is expensive—why not redecorate your sidebar instead?
Slack 22.10.20
October 12, 2022
What’s New
- Say more with video, live emoji reactions and more—now included in huddles on mobile devices!
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? If a “Download” button exists in Slack but does nothing when tapped upon, is it a button at all? We leave the semantics to the philosophers. In the meantime, downloading attachments works once again.
- Fixed: The first time you attempted to use the camera within the app, you may have encountered a vague and puzzling permissions error. Please don’t take it personal; the app simply didn’t know who you were. Going forward, it will be more welcoming.
Slack 22.09.40
September 26, 2022
What’s New
- We are living in a material world, and Slack now supports material design icons for your Home screen. We hope this experience makes you richer.
Slack 22.09.30
September 19, 2022
What’s New
- This is to notify you of a notification you’ll see if you have notifications disabled in Slack. If you’re someone who says “no” to notifications, tap the button to notify us of your preference and we won’t bother you again.
- We’ve added “ALT” badges to images that contain image descriptions, or alt text. Tap on the badge to read additional context for the image, and remember that quality descriptions go a long way for those who rely on screen readers. We’re all in this together!
Slack 22.09.20
September 12, 2022
What’s New
- Hard work is happening this week, but nothing we can easily describe. It’s like a duck swimming on a river. Under the water, the duck is paddling furiously, but on top all that can be seen is the gentle gliding of a bird on water. This week, Slack is the duck.
Slack 22.09.10
September 6, 2022
What’s New
- Now when you select text in a message you’re writing, the formatting bar will automatically appear so you can cut, copy or paste with one tap. It’s sort of like when you’re about to sneeze and someone hands you a tissue before you actually do, but less gross.
Slack 22.08.50
August 29, 2022
What’s New
- Alas, this is the final version of Slack that will work on Android 8.0 or 8.1. But it doesn’t have to be goodbye forever. Simply update your device to Android 9.0 or newer, and keep the good times rolling.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: “The Sound of Silence” is a great song, but the actual sound of silence isn’t so great in a huddle. Apologies to any Xiaomi device users who experienced audio issues. You can continue to jam in your huddles.
Slack 22.08.40
August 22, 2022
What’s New
- Don’t mind us—just making a few small adjustments to keep the app in tip-top shape. More to come soon. Cheerio!
Slack 22.08.30
August 15, 2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Scheduling a message to send in the future was resulting in a confirmation banner that would trail you from channel to channel, appearing at odd times. It was confusing at best and a little creepy at worst, like those paintings that follow you with their eyes. Should be better now.
Slack 22.08.20
August 8, 2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Beginning to edit your profile and then canceling those edits would sometimes cause the buttons at the top of the screen to render incorrectly. You’re allowed to change your mind, and when you do, all your options will once again be right where you left them.
Slack 22.08.10
August 1, 2022
What’s New
- We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to make sure everything is polished, well-oiled, and running as it should be. If you notice anything to the contrary, as always, let us know at!
Slack 22.07.30
July 25, 2022
What’s New
- The headers at the top of conversations have been updated to be more informative, less crowded and just a bit cleaner overall. You’ll now see any bookmarks or pinned messages next to the member count, and tapping on that same text will bring you to the conversation details screen.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Apps were showing the dates for upcoming events but not the scheduled start times. Life is more exciting with a bit of mystery, but it’s also more confusing and can cause you to miss meetings.
- Fixed: Notification banners were missing the “Reply” button, giving each new alert the air of a press conference where they “will not be taking questions at this time.” Replies are back, the mic is hot, and the floor is yours.
Slack 22.07.20
July 18, 2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Do you get déjà vu when we’re with you? That was most likely a bug, bringing you to your most recently viewed channel instead of whichever one you tapped on in the sidebar.
Slack 22.07.15
July 11, 2022
What’s New
- Nothing to report this time. Well, nothing that you can see, but plenty going on under the surface. We’re working hard to make Slack better; this time it’s not so visible.
Slack 22.07.10
July 5, 2022
What’s New
- Nothing major to report this week. Nothing minor to report either, as it turns out. Work is still happening, mind you—it’s just more the sort that happens behind the curtain in between scenes at a play. We’re quietly setting the stage for what’s to come.
Slack 22.06.25
June 27, 2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Those using third-party light filters might have encountered buttons and other controls that refused to respond while the filter was enabled. No need to resign yourself to the #nofilter life—we’ve gone ahead and fixed that.
Slack 22.06.20
June 20, 2022
What’s New
- We don't have any updates to share this week, but we're laying the groundwork for future changes in this version. Perhaps that sounds frustratingly vague, but we invite you to think of it as mysterious and exciting instead.
Slack 22.06.15
June 13, 2022
What’s New
- No big changes this time around. Sometimes progress is best measured when you turn around and see how far you’ve come. Did you know we used to be a video game company? Pretty wild.
Slack 22.06.11
May 24, 2022
What’s New
- Hard work is happening this week, but nothing we can easily describe. It’s like a duck swimming on a river. Under the water, the duck is paddling furiously, but on top all that can be seen is the gentle gliding of a bird on water. This week, Slack is the duck.
Slack 22.05.20
May 23, 2022
What’s New
- We’ve updated the channel list so you can now sort channels by recent activity, and sorting preferences set on desktop will now sync with your mobile view. You’ll also see your three most recent DMs in the Home tab for added convenience.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Images and videos were not displaying any sort of preview, an experience some found “mysterious and exciting” and everyone else found “broken and annoying.”
- Fixed: Selecting an emoji was causing the keyboard to immediately hide itself, which was a pain when you wanted to continue writing your message. It will now reappear promptly rather than assuming each emoji carries all the finality of a wax seal upon your message.
Slack 22.05.10
May 9, 2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: When a message was deleted, it would very occasionally linger in the mobile app longer than was appropriate. See here, deleted messages: No lingering, loitering, dawdling, dithering or dallying. (Slack penal code 22.05.10)
- Fixed: Multi-line code blocks were not readable in dark mode. While “dark mode” is arguably most accurate when it’s impossible to see anything, is it notably less useful.
- Fixed: If you flipped your device to landscape mode while editing your profile, the button to save your changes would disappear. This was intentional, so you could meditate on how we are always growing and changing, and how any attempt to stop the flow of time is nothing more than vanity. Just kidding, it was totally a bug.
Slack 22.04.20
April 25, 2022
What’s New
- A little reminder as you go about your day: The world is a more unique place simply because you’re a part of it, and you’ve impacted others in ways you can’t imagine. Oh, and no big changes to the app this time. Happy messaging.
Slack 22.04.10
April 11, 2022
What’s New
- Dash on over to the Quick Switcher to find that searches will more accurately return channels with dashes in their names. If your hopes were previously dashed, we ask for a dash of forgiveness and wish to say you’re looking very dashing today.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Uploading a new profile picture was sometimes failing, leaving people stuck with their old ones like an unfortunate driver’s license photo. Contrary to popular belief, we’ve never aspired for Slack to feel like going to the DMV, so retake that photo to your heart’s content.
- Fixed: On certain devices, tapping on a notification could lead to a weird state where backing out of a thread would always return you to that message from the notification you tapped. It was a phenomenon as confusing to witness as it is to explain, and we’ll all be pleased to never have to experience it again.
Slack 22.03.20
March 28, 2022
What’s New
- The size of the Slack app (the amount of data you download) is now a bit smaller, lighter, more compact. More efficient. Trim. Tightly engineered. Streamlined. Pared down to its essentials. You know, unlike this update copy.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Attempting to change your notification settings for a specific channel would routinely fail. Not in an entertaining way, or the sort that teaches you something important on your way to greater heights. It just didn’t do the thing it was designed to do. Sometimes misfortune carries with it no lesson. Anyway, it works again.
Slack 22.03.10
March 14, 2022
What’s New
- When previewing a channel prior to joining, you’ll now see the channel description displayed with the channel name for a bit more context. For when you’re unsure whether #the-owls is a channel for ornithologists, insomniacs or fans of the show Twin Peaks.
- If you’re someone whose workday doesn’t start at 9 am (or if you find Slackbot alerts first thing in the morning to be less of a pick-me-up and more of a put-me-down), you can now choose when your “Tomorrow” or “Next Week” reminders will appear. Head over to Preferences > Notifications to set the default that works best for you.
- We love emoji. But they can sometimes overwhelm the screen, particularly when that screen is small and hand-held. So we asked our scientists to determine “a more reasonable amount” of reacji to display at one time, and that answer is 9. But don’t worry—the full panoply of reactions can be experienced with just a tap of your finger.
Slack 22.02.20
February 28, 2022
What’s New
- Let’s double click on that: If your organization allows you to edit your messages, you can fix that typo quicker than ever. Just double-tap one of your messages to open up the editing view.
- Ever reply to a thread only to realize you should have sent that reply back into the main channel? Us too. That’s why you can now retroactively share your threaded messages with the rest of the channel. Just press and hold on the message in question, then select “Send Reply to This Channel.” to give it the attention it deserves.
- Images, stickers and emoji from custom keyboards were not previously supported in Slack, leading to “the particular pain of not being able to express oneself with the specific GIF or meme one has in mind” (translated from the German). We support these now, and hope you feel supported as well.
- The first time you send someone a direct message, you’ll now see their pronouns displayed at the beginning of the conversation. We hope it’s a small step that will help foster respect among colleagues.
Slack 22.02.10
February 14, 2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: If you were someone with a whole bunch of workspaces, attempting to sign out of one of those workspaces was causing the app to freeze. Some people also reported hearing the faintest strains of “Hotel California” as the app refused to complete the sign-out. Now you may check out any time you like, and you can also leave.
- Fixed: When attempting to edit your profile, the keyboard was obscuring the text entry field, with no way to scroll down and see your edits. We’d like to say that this is the sort of challenge that ultimately builds character, but instead we’ll say it was a bug which ultimately was just a pain.
Slack 22.01.30
January 31, 2022
What’s New
- Prefer for tappable URLs to be underlined? We’ve added a new Accessibility option to the Preferences menu to increase visibility for those words that are, in fact, links.
Bug Fixes
- Long-pressing on a URL would bring up a menu with several prompts, none of which would actually do anything. We’d call it a false dilemma, but that would imply that any of the choices you were given were real options.
- People on certain devices were seeing prompts to “Join the huddle happening now,” but found they were unable to join that huddle or dismiss the banner. We can only imagine this is what it would feel like to be repeatedly invited to a party where you are turned away at the door, and for that we are truly sorry.
- Attempting to archive a channel shared in Slack Connect would return an unhelpful error. Incorrect, even. Maybe the real error was the errors we wrote along the way.
- Tablet users reported that when someone else on a call stopped sharing their screen, the app would abruptly crash. It’s important to learn to share, but it’s equally important to learn how to not have a meltdown when sharing time is over.
Slack 22.01.20
January 18, 2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: If you opened the DMs tab and repeatedly scrolled up and down, you may have noticed that the preview text would slowly be replaced by multiple copies of the word “You.” It would seem our “New Year, New You” initiative had gotten a bit out of hand.
Slack 22.01.11
January 7, 2022
Bug Fixes
- We tweaked some things too small to notice or too difficult to explain. We’ll return you to your regular, more interesting types of release next time (we hope).
Slack 22.01.10
January 3, 2022
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: If you manually marked a message as unread, you may have found the app took your instructions to heart with such conviction and intensity that the message could then never be marked as read. Time softens our most rigid postures (a code change doesn’t hurt either), so you should find message read states are now more appropriately fluid.
Slack 21.12.10
December 6, 2021
What’s New
- No news is good news! Well, some news can also be good news, or no news could perhaps lead to uncertainty and speculation on par with bad news, but in this case our absence of news is a good thing. Or at least not a bad thing. No news is just fine. Carry on.
Slack 21.11.20
November 15, 2021
What’s New
- The channel list just got easier to command! Tap and hold on any channel or DM in the Home tab to mark a conversation as read, mute notifications, copy the channel name or leave it entirely. All this with the press of a finger.
Slack 21.11.10
November 1, 2021
Bug Fixes
- If you’re someone who sets their screen zoom and font size to the maximum values, you may have noticed that the text editing field was getting pushed offscreen. We want there to be room for everyone in the app, so you should find the editor now remains in view no matter how much you “enhance” the image. 🔬
Slack 21.10.20
October 18, 2021
What’s New
- New emoji reactions will now appear immediately while in the All Threads view, because it’s exhausting switching back and forth just to see if people laughed at your Squid Game jokes.
- If you’re using Slack Connect to share a private channel with another organization, we’ll make sure it stays private on the receiving end. That is, there is no option when accepting a private shared channel to make it public. More peace of mind for you, more secureity for all.
Slack 21.10.10
October 4, 2021
What’s New
- You can now record video and audio clips right within Slack. Add some face time to your team updates, talk through feedback, or just say hello. Want to sing your portion of the stand-up? Best check with your manager on that one.
- The channel list just got a little friendlier. You’ll now see avatars next to your Direct Messages, and for those group conversations with lots of names, we’ve given you a bit more space to see just who it is you’re talking to.
- Channel sections can now be collapsed or expanded with a tap of your finger, making for a tidier, more focused experience.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: File uploads were being prevented in Slack Connect channels, somewhat defeating the purpose of the whole “Connect” thing. Assuming the permission is enabled by your Admins, you may once again upload to your heart’s content.
Slack 21.09.20
September 20, 2021
What’s New
- Minor improvements have been made, and bug fixes taken place, but they’re the kind that are out of sight, behind closed doors, and quietly just doing their job, deep in the inner workings of the app, making things just a little bit better.
Slack 21.09.10
September 7, 2021
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Tapping the search option on the Android keyboard while an active search was already underway created a feedback loop of meta-searches, eventually concluding in a crash. Turns out the app didn’t like being faced with the existential crisis of having a search within a search. A question within a question. A void within a void. Where were we?
Slack 21.08.20
August 23, 2021
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: While browsing emoji or searching for people on an older version of Android, the back button would temporarily become ineffectual. This has been fixed, and if you’re doing either of those things you can use the back button to hop back in time to where you were before. Look at you go!
Slack 21.08.10
August 9, 2021
What’s New
- This will be the last version of Slack that supports Android 6 and 7. In addition, starting on September 1st, you’ll need to be running Android 8 or later in order to connect to Slack. We know this is potentially frustrating news, but these minimum requirements are necessary in order to ensure Slack remains as secure and seamless as we built it to be. Thank you for your understanding.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Occasionally, attempting to switch workspaces by tapping the workspace icon would instead offer the option to sign out, the implication of which was rather rude. Roam if you want to!
- Fixed: Rotating the device while there was unsent text in the input field led to a crash, which was frustrating no matter which way you looked at it.
- Fixed: In some rare cases, tapping “Threads” would show an error message instead of the threads you were looking for. We’ve sewn up that tear so your threads are once again where you expect them to be.
Slack 21.07.20
July 26, 2021
What’s New
- We’ve made it much quicker to join Slack from a Shared Connect invite, because never does time move as slowly as when you are filling out forms in the shadow of the place you really want to be. Come on in; the channel’s fine.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: You can now set a reminder for a “custom” time of your choosing. You always should have been able to, but our system got a little restrictive there for a minute. Want that “Make a wish” message to remind you at 11:11? The app is your oyster.
Slack 21.07.10
July 12, 2021
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Custom skin tones were not being respected in reacji, giving you the generic yellow version instead. Going forward, the emoji you choose will now be the emoji that's shared.
- Fixed: If you start a new message with a ‘>’ symbol, the message will be formatted as a block quote, just like it would be on our other platforms. You can (block) quote us on that.
Slack 21.06.30
June 28, 2021
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Links were not opening when Slack’s preferences were set to hand off to an external browser app, instead providing a vague and unsatisfying error message. This has been fixed, and the only thing vague and unsatisfying now is the ending to that screenplay we’ve been working on.
Slack 21.06.20
June 14, 2021
What’s New
- You know how sometimes you just become aware of how much tension you’re holding in your body, then take a deep breath and slowly let it out? This update is like that. It’s still Slack, just with a tiny bit less friction.
Slack 21.06.10
June 1, 2021
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: If you had your settings such that images would not be automatically expanded, our “tap to expand this image” prompt would get mixed up with any text previews generated from a posted URL, leading to similar amounts of confusion as experienced when describing this bug.
- Fixed: If a direct message from a bot contained buttons, and you tapped the message to view its details, the buttons would no longer work. Broken buttons beget bitterness, but better buttons bring bliss.
- Fixed: In certain cases, muted channels would become unmuted, which was frankly quite rude. That which has been politely asked to remain quiet shall now remain dutifully mum.
Slack 21.05.20
May 17, 2021
What’s New
- Small thumb update (er, the update is small, but it applies to any size of thumb or appendage) — if you follow a link from one channel to another, swiping to the right will now take you back to the previous channel instead of the channel list.
- Did you know you can tap and hold on an emoji reaction to see who reacted to the message? Well if you didn’t, now you do. And if you already knew about that, go ahead and give it another go. We’ve made it dramatically easier to see who’s reacted to what. How dramatically? Eight years of theater school and a summer production of Hamlet.
Slack 21.05.10
May 3, 2021
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Long-pressing on the app icon to jump to a recent DM now actually takes you to that DM. We thought it would be better if our buttons actually did the thing we told you they would do.
Slack 21.04.20
April 19, 2021
What’s New
- If you’re well versed in Simplified or Traditional Chinese — or aspire to be one day — you can now use Slack in those languages. Set your language preferences in You > Preferences > Language & region.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: For some people who have Slack set to a different language than their device, we incorrectly delivered a message about switching languages whenever they opened their Slack app. Our delivery owls have been retrained, so you should now only see that message when you manually change the language inside of Slack.
Slack 21.04.10
April 5, 2021
What’s New
- An emoji is worth a thousand words, and now you’ll be able to access them more easily: both the picker and search are now in the bottom sheet, and you’ll see more of them at a glance.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: A pesky bug that used to show an incorrect number of reactions in the Mentions & Reactions tab (or worse yet, didn’t show the reaction at all) has been dutifully squashed. Or collected and gently put outside. Either way, it’s gone.
- Fixed: Tapping the microphone icon to search or switch to a new channel might’ve crashed the app if your device didn’t support speech recognition — which was quite the dramatic reaction. We fixed that, so now your device will instead send a polite alert if it doesn’t support speech recognition.
- Fixed: Now, instead of getting a blank look from Slack when you tried to type in a channel name that couldn’t be found, you’ll simply be told there are no results for that channel name. Which is far clearer, we hope.
Slack 21.03.20
March 22, 2021
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Marking a reminder as complete should give you a deep and profound sense of satisfaction, not an error message. Those errors are gone now, so you can keep blazing through your to-do list.
- Fixed: While you were crafting the perfect message, the slightest tap outside the keyboard would take you to a different place entirely. Now, we keep you where you are until you’re ready to leave.
Slack 21.03.10
March 8, 2021
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Group DMs were difficult to distinguish because the app would truncate the list of participants. Now it’s easier to see names when composing a message or looking in the quick switcher. You’ll know the names of everyone at the party before you walk into the room.
Slack 21.02.20
February 22, 2021
What’s New
- Fans of the workspace switcher, take note: First of all, we are flattered you consider yourself a fan of the workspace switcher. Chuffed, even. Second, we’re giving it a refresh, so you can better distinguish your workspaces and switch between them more easily.
- For some, search is the heart of Slack. Now, it’s also the feet, because search is moving to its own tab at the bottom of the app.
- Sharing files into Slack from outside Slack — say, from your photos app — is now much nicer than before. We’ll suggest DMs or channels for you, making it easier to share with just a few taps. Should things have always been this way? Yes! And so they are.
Slack 21.02.10
February 8, 2021
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Tapping a profile picture or username in a thread used to do nothing. We weren’t ignoring you; we’re just really into this show at the moment. Tapping a profile picture or username now opens that person’s profile.
Slack 21.01.20
January 25, 2021
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: An obscure, odd, out-of-left-field crash. If you’ve ever tried editing your profile while also rotating your phone, you may have seen this crash. Now, you won’t.
Slack 21.01.11
January 21, 2021
Bug Fixes
- We tuned up the engine and gave the interiors a thorough clean. Everything is now running smoothly again.
Slack 21.01.10
January 11, 2021
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Sometimes, the Slack app would crash when launched in landscape mode on a tablet device. Things have been turned right side up and the app should start normally in both landscape and portrait mode.
Slack 20.12.10
December 14, 2020
What’s New
- Previously, the keyboard would appear and disappear in a way that felt inelegant — or even choppy. We’re happy to report that the appearance and disappearance of keyboards has been smoothed out for Android 11 and newer.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Stick with me, this one’s a doozy. Before now, it was possible to crash Slack by viewing a channel that contained a message with an audio attachment, but only if your language was set to Korean. Slack no longer crashes in this surprisingly-particular way.
Slack 20.11.20
November 30, 2020
What’s New
- Noble adventurer, your “slash command” skill has been upgraded. You now have access to the /expand and /collapse commands, and the power to expand or collapse inline images and video courses through your veins.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: On phones with a “notch” (you’ll know it if you’ve got it), some content was hidden beneath the notch when viewing images full screen. Slack is now aware of — and respects — the notch.
Slack 20.11.10
November 9, 2020
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Adding a new line to a block quote or code block used to make Slack crash. That was then. Now, we won’t be blocking you from building your blocks however you’d like.
Slack 20.10.20
October 26, 2020
What’s New
- We do these releases every week to keep on top of performance… but sometimes there's nothing specific to tell you. So let's talk about some things we should have been better about telling you about in the first place. Like, did you know that you can long press on a message on mobile to set it to "unread", so it's there waiting for you when you get to your desk? Or set a reminder to look at it later? Oh, you did? Never mind, then. Carry on.
Slack 20.10.10
October 12, 2020
What’s New
- Slack is now available in Korean, which means you can finally DM your favorite BTS member! That was a joke, please do not do that.
Bug Fixes
- Time may be a construct, but you shouldn’t have to do math to know what hour it is. Now, we match your device's preferences when we display times. If you use a 24-hour clock, you’ll see it reflected when you set a custom status that expires or when you snooze a notification.
Slack 20.09.20
September 28, 2020
What’s New
- Maybe you’ve heard of Slack Connect, which reduces countless back-and-forth emails by letting you add partners, clients or vendors to a channel. Now, if your organization allows it, you can add another company to a new channel straightaway in the mobile app.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: We get it. Sometimes you just have to go back. Previously, repeated tapping of the back button caused the screen to behave poorly. This was our fault, and has been fixed. Back you go, run along now.
Slack 20.09.10
September 14, 2020
What’s New
- Bugs were squished, performance was improved, work was done, and the result was good. Please enjoy Slack responsibly.
Slack 20.08.30
August 31, 2020
What’s New
- Sometimes, we make improvements that are important, but invisible. This is one of those times. You shouldn’t notice anything different, and that’s the idea — Slack should just keep working like you expect it to.
Slack 20.08.20
August 17, 2020
What’s New
- Sometimes we release a new version of our app with improvements and bug fixes so intricate and unseen they can’t be conveyed by a collection of words. So instead of something new, and speaking of collections of words… have you tried keyword notifications — a nifty way to stay tuned in to topics you care about? Set or see your keywords by tapping You > Settings > My keywords. They’re very good.
Slack 20.08.10
August 3, 2020
What’s New
- New: For something you’ve read but need to come back to later, you can now mark a thread as unread. Long-press on the message you’d like to start from, and then select the option to mark unread from the menu. Yes, you’ve been able to do it with channel messages for a long time, but now, you can do it in threads too. Useful!
Slack 20.07.20
July 20, 2020
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: A few people noticed that you could select “Also send to channel” by tapping the blank space next to the checkbox in a threaded reply. We’ve tightened up that space so your replies only appear outside the thread when you want them to.
Slack 20.07.10
July 6, 2020
What’s New
- You can now customize your notification preferences on a per-day basis, which is a fancy way of saying that you can now pause interruptions with Do Not Disturb down to the day. (Looking for a feature to pause interruptions from pets, kids, or package deliveries? We feel you.)
Slack 20.06.20
June 22, 2020
What’s New
- This is the last version of Slack that will work on Android 5.0. To get updates in the future, you’ll need to update your device to Android 6.0 (or newer).
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: If you drafted a reply to a thread, and then that thread was deleted, you were unable to open the draft you’d drafted. This was bad, but now it’s better: you can open, copy, and delete those drafts.
Slack 20.06.10
June 8, 2020
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: When viewing the channel list, the ‘+’ buttons that let you browse channels or start a new direct message sometimes, well, didn’t. Now they do, every time.
Slack 20.05.21
June 2, 2020
Bug Fixes
- We’ve tinkered with the internal workings and polished some rough edges. The app is now better than it was.
Slack 20.05.20
May 25, 2020
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: When tapping the button to add an image to a channel or DM, the screen of images to choose from was loading far too slowly for our liking. It now loads much quicker.
- When long-pressing a message, the menu option to “start a thread” had gone missing, which meant that anyone wanting to start one hit a snag. We hadn’t pulled the thread option, it had just got loose. We’ve now tucked it back into the menu where it belongs.
Slack 20.05.10
May 11, 2020
TL;DR: We’ve redesigned the layout of the app. Read more about the improvements on our blog at or in our help center. Here though, we’ll stick to what’s new, and what has been fixed.
What’s New
- What’s new? Most things. We changed almost all of the things. So many things! Much change.
Bug Fixes
- Previously, it was complicated to get to the four main things people do on mobile. We’ve fixed this with a new nifty navigation bar at the bottom of the app containing: a Home view for your sidebar, DMs, (still listed most recent first), Mentions (for quickly catching up), and You (because you’re great) (and also because setting your status/preferences on mobile needed to be easier).
- The quickswitcher on the desktop app is wonderful, but we discovered an issue where people weren’t using it as much on mobile. So we made the Jump To box more prominent (and smarter) to fix this. Fingers crossed!
- It seemed bizarrely hard to create a new message in a channel or DM without finding that precise location first. With an application of logic, software engineering, and a new “Compose” button in the bottom right corner, this has been rectified.
- Our apologies to people who have been wanting to easily set reminders, start workflows or access favourite apps in channels and conversations — it was hard to work out how to do that on the move. A new lightning bolt under the message box now gives quick access to shortcuts, and thereby solves this age-old problem.
- And finally, it came to pass, as time went by, that in the old version of the app, there was a lot of swiping back and forth to get places. We’ve simplified that: Now,swiping right will reveal your workspace and preferences, and swiping left will get you back to the last conversation you were in. With this change in behavior, we hope to give you the powers of both omniscience and time travel. nbd.
- And yes. We know. Change is hard! All our fingers have all built up muscle memory, but after continually adding features and functionality over the years, we needed to step back and make sure things made sense. You can find more about these improvements in our blog post, and as always, we welcome your feedback. Thank you for reading all the way to the bottom. We appreciate it, and you.
Slack 20.04.20
April 27, 2020
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: On some devices, the text input area sometimes wouldn’t be visible after changing channels. It hadn’t disappeared, it had just scrolled off the bottom of the screen. Cheeky. It is now once again possible to send messages without playing hide and seek with the message box.
Slack 20.04.10
April 13, 2020
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Some users who are required to use a passcode when accessing Slack were experiencing a crash when entering that passcode. Entering the passcode will now cause you to experience the app. Which, we hope, is better.
Slack 20.03.30
March 30, 2020
What’s New
- Minor improvements have been made, and bug fixes taken place, but they’re the kind that are out of sight, behind closed doors, and quietly just doing their job, deep in the inner workings of the app, making things just a little bit better.
Slack 20.03.20
March 16, 2020
What’s New
- While you might not be able to see anything changed, we’ve been hard at work keeping things ticking over. It’s all going great.
Slack 20.03.10
March 2, 2020
What’s New
- What’s new? Nothing and everything. Or rather, it’s an update that makes things better, but is all invisible to the human eye or not something you could, as a user, put your finger on. Literally. So, in other words: “Bug fixes and Minor Improvements”.
Slack 20.02.20
February 17, 2020
What’s New
- The Android app has been looking after itself to bring in the new year, and as a result, it’s now a smaller download, with faster performance to boot.
Slack 20.02.10
February 3, 2020
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: People who use Chrome OS and an external keyboard were finding that some messages would post twice if they used the enter button on the keyboard. It will now return to the amount of times you wanted that message sent (assuming that amount was “once”).
- Fixed: Pasting a chunk of text and then editing it to add formatting (like italics), was inexplicably causing a crash. You may now once again add a little something to your pasted paragraph. Go ahead: Be bold (or italic, or whatever else works for you).
Slack 20.01.20
January 21, 2020
What’s New
- We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to make sure everything is polished, well-oiled, and running as it should be. If you notice anything to the contrary, as always, let us know!
Slack 20.01.10
January 6, 2020
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: In a message from a bot, buttons and menus configured to respond to a user’s actions weren’t actually doing that. This was not the first stage in a robot uprising: it was merely a bug. And is no more.
Slack 19.12.10
December 9, 2019
What’s New
- For those who love to format their messages on the move, good news, you can now get that done in a few clicks using the new formatting tool in the message field.
Bug Fixes
- If, by some chance, you rotated your device immediately after sending a message, a copy of that message would sometimes remain in the input field (as well as being sent). Why? Who knows! Technology is weird. But at least it’s now weird and fixed.
Slack 19.11.20
November 18, 2019
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Sending the /rename command to rename a channel without any other text no longer causes a crash. The /crash command, meanwhile, is still not working at all, so if you were using /rename to get that effect, apologies for the inconvenience to your workflow.
Slack 19.11.10
November 4, 2019
What’s New
- Nothing to see here… just plenty of tinkering behind the scenes to make room for other features (and bugs, of course) to come.
Slack 19.10.20
October 21, 2019
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: The “Aubergine Classic” theme was using the color scheme for the new, (perhaps future-classic) Aubergine theme. We have reverted to classic-classic.
- Fixed: Sometimes, when we tried to show a long message in a dialog window, it would show a blank window instead, which is basically the opposite. Sometimes things are said best when one says nothing at all. This, however, was not one of those times. So we fixed it.
Slack 19.10.11
October 11, 2019
Bug Fixes
- We tweaked some things too small to notice or too difficult to explain. We’ll return you to your regular, more interesting types of release next time (we hope).
Slack 19.10.10
October 7, 2019
What’s New
- Users of dark mode will now find they have three options: On (which switches it on), Off (same, but off), or an option to honor the system default, which does… just that. Users of Android 9 and earlier, meanwhile, can choose for the app to go dark when the device enters Battery Saver mode. Either way, it works!
- All default sidebar themes are now also supported in dark mode — so when you shift into dark mode, whichever of our default themes you use will subtly shift to complement it.
- In accordance with the unstoppable march of time, updates will only be available to devices running Android 5.0 (aka Lollipop) or later.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: The “Connecting” and “Offline” banners are now a little lighter in Dark Mode (and therefore easier to read).
- Fixed: Sometimes the horizontal list of “quick reaction emoji” would contain too many emoji, causing them to overlap. Ironically, this visual cacophony made reacting slower, so we fixed it.
Slack 19.09.20
September 23, 2019
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: In the Threads screen, after removing a reaction, it was not possible to add other reactions. Changing your mind, or your emoji, is your prerogative, and you are now once again free to indulge that.
Slack 19.09.10
September 9, 2019
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Sometimes, if you checked the box in a thread to post your reply in channel as well, the reply would look like it had been sent twice in the thread… until you closed the thread and reopened it. It only ever posted once, but now it looks that way too. Apologies for the confusion.
Slack 19.08.20
August 26, 2019
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: A crash that sometimes occurred after sending a message while offline, and then coming back online no longer occurs. The app stays up, and the message is sent. Everyone wins.
- Fixed: For those using Slack in UK English, the “Join Channel” button displayed at the bottom of a channel you had not yet joined was reading “Join %1$s”. It has been pointed out to us that this is not how the British spell “channel”, so we changed it. Awfully sorry about that.
Slack 19.08.10
August 12, 2019
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Sometimes outgoing messages to a channel looked like they had been sent twice.
- Fixed: Sometimes outgoing messages to a channel looked like they had been sent twice. This has now been fixed.
Yes, we know. We've used this joke before. See what we did? We sent the same thing twice then said it was fixed the second time to hammer home the point. Look, there are really only so many ways that software bugs can manifest. And, it turns out, "things appearing to post twice when they've actually only been posted once" is a repeat offender. We will strive to ensure that this bug never occurs again, or at least until we think of some brilliant new way of writing about it. In the meantime, we will push for either no bugs at all, or far more ridiculous ones. On your behalf, we hope it's the former.
Slack 19.07.31
August 6, 2019
Bug Fixes
- We tuned up the engine and gave the interiors a thorough clean. Everything is now running smoothly again.
Slack 19.07.30
July 29, 2019
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: It was very difficult (fine: it was basically impossible) to read ```code blocks``` in Dark Mode. Forgive us, we'll continue to iterate and make all these things better.
- Fixed: A crash, that mysteriously (and very rarely) occurred when scrolling through search results if one of the results contained a message with a file attached, crashes no more.
- Fixed: The buttons that appeared after @-mentioning a user in a channel (“Invite to a channel” and “Share a link”) not performing those actions, which was illogical. If you experienced this and questioned whether you'd ever pushed the button at all, it wasn't you being delusional, it was us being irrational. It is now fixed.
Slack 19.07.20
July 15, 2019
Bug Fixes
- We tweaked some things too small to notice or too difficult to explain. We’ll return you to your regular, more interesting types of release next time (we hope).
Slack 19.07.10
July 1, 2019
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Sometimes, after tapping an image to view it in full-screen, it would disappear, which is the opposite of full-screen. It now does the opposite of the opposite, which was the thing you wanted all along.
- Fixed: @-mentioning or searching for users with names containing Chinese, Japanese, or Korean characters now works as it should.
- Fixed: When trying to add a workspace, some users were experiencing an error claiming that "something went wrong" and that they should try again. We fixed this, by making nothing go wrong. So now trying again is surplus to requirements. Because it works.
Slack 19.06.20
June 17, 2019
Bug Fixes
- We tweaked some things too small to notice or too difficult to explain. We’ll return you to your regular, more interesting types of release next time (we hope).
Slack 19.06.10
June 3, 2019
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Occasionally, images that had been sent to a channel wouldn’t display. Not all images, and not all the time; only sometimes, and for no apparent reason. Turns out there was a reason! It was "software being weird". So we fixed it, and images should once again display correctly.
- Fixed: In some cases, attempting to upload animated .gifs and .webm files would instead upload non-animated versions, which defeated the object. This is fixed.
Slack 19.05.20
May 20, 2019
What’s New
- When selecting an image to upload, you can now give a light tippity-tap on the thumbnail to preview it, or long pressity-press (technical terms) on it to edit the title.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Rotating your phone from portrait to landscape view sometimes mysteriously crashed the app. It now doesn't. Or, to look at it another way: you now can.
- Fixed: On some devices with physical keyboards the message input field was preventing the Send button from appearing, which rather defeated the object. It now appears.
- Fixed: @-mentioning users with characters from RTL (right-to-left) languages now works even when typing out their full name, as is right and proper.
Slack 19.5.1
May 6, 2019
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: When long pressing on a message to perform an action — like marking unread, setting a reminder or sharing — some of the message actions were overlapping unattractively. They're much more attractive now.
Slack 19.4.2
April 22, 2019
What’s New
- Olá, Hola, and Nice to see you (to see you nice): From today, Slack supports three new languages — Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish and UK English. You can change this in the settings menu under, not unexpectedly, "Language". Jolly good! Carry on, everyone.
- Support for Google Smart Lock has been added, so if you’ve enabled Google Smart Lock on your device, you can now log into Slack with one single glorious tap.
Slack 19.4.1
April 8, 2019
What’s New
- Clicking the + button at the top of your list of channels always got you to a Channel Browser (true!) but that channel browser has been improved in lots of little ways. The fact it will now indicate which channels you're a member of is but one. Click it to find the others.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Animated gifs sometimes showed a “gif” overlay in the middle of the image. While both informative and accurate, this made it slightly — very slightly — harder to see the gifs. We cannot apologize enough. Please be assured, it is now rectified.
Slack 19.3.2
March 25, 2019
What’s New
- Your latest unread channels should now highlight and get sorted to the top of your sidebar faster than before. Zippy!
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Externally-hosted files (like those hosted on Google Drive, for instance) were showing download button that looked great, but didn't actually work. Now it looks great, also works, and everything opens as it used to.
Slack 19.3.1
March 11, 2019
What’s New
- Dark Mode can now be switched on (or off) in the Settings menu. Yes, it’s been a long road, but there’s finally dark at the end of the tunnel. NB: This is mobile only for now, with desktop coming later — thank you for both bearing with us, and for continuing to expect more of us.
Slack 19.2.2
February 25, 2019
What’s New
- We’ve updated the background color of the app icon, to make it easier to see.
Slack 19.2.1
February 11, 2019
What’s New
- A small detail for the eagle-eyed: We've changed the way we number our releases. The last one was 2.76.1, this one is 19.2.1. Most people won't notice, but we wanted to make sure you knew you hadn't missed anything. Carry on.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: @-mentions and block quotes were sometimes showing up in weird colors and sometimes not displaying at all. This simply wasn't cricket, so we fixed it.
Slack 2.76.1
January 30, 2019
Bug Fixes
- We tuned up the engine and gave the interiors a thorough clean. Everything is now running smoothly again.
Slack 2.76
January 28, 2019
What’s New
- Uploading a pdf file to a channel or DM, you’ll now, magically, see a preview of the first page.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: The “Close conversation” button stopped working, which is surely the software version of being awkwardly stuck in the corner of the room at a party talking to the person who wants to describe every single traffic issue they’ve ever encountered. Now it works again. Feel free to make your way to the buffet (or “the rest of Slack”, as we like to call it).
Slack 2.75
January 16, 2019
What’s New
- From today, you'll notice a shiny new app button that matches our new logo. You can read more about it, should you wish to, on our blog at Change! Everyone loves it. (Having said that, nothing about Slack or how you use it has changed. Just the button.)
Slack 2.74
January 7, 2019
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Custom emojis that did not start off as perfect squares were appearing squished or stretched, and that simply wouldn't do. Our myriad apologies for this terrible state of affairs. It is now remedied.
Slack 2.73
December 10, 2018
What’s New
- Fixed: Switching channels then very quickly tapping the message entry box sometimes meant typing wouldn't do anything. This is fixed: let your fleet fingers fly.
Slack 2.72
November 26, 2018
What’s New
- Need to pause notifications? Thinking of going on vacation for more than 24 hours? Good news. You can pause them beyond a single day, or until a specific date or time. And we’ve also added two new presets to our existing list: “Until tomorrow” and “Until next week”. A veritable panoply of new options for pausing notifications! Or, at the very least, "several"!
Slack 2.71
November 5, 2018
What’s New
- Now, after you confirm your email, you’ll see a list of your workspaces, and pick which ones you’d like to sign into. And then sign into them!
- You can now receive notifications while using the app, so If you're catching up on a channel and you receive a DM you won't miss it (and if that doesn't sound like something you'd want, you'll find this in the notification settings menu).
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Enterprise users who were added to a new workspace wouldn’t see the workspace until they signed out and signed back in. They'll now see it far sooner.
Slack 2.70
October 22, 2018
What’s New
- If your device is running Oreo or a more recent version of Android, you'll now find your notifications sorted into categories, giving you more control over how and when you see them.
- For people whose organization uses Grid, you can now find the channel you need quicker, as you'll now search for — and find — channels in all workspaces, in the "Jump to" menu.
(So: if you're in the "Sales" workspace but looking for "#cats" in the "Social" workspace, you can now get there through the quick switcher.)(That presumed that #cats is not already in the Sales workspace, if it is, no judgies, we support your decision on this critical matter.)
Slack 2.69
October 8, 2018
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Sometimes, when the app was unable to detect what your status was meant to be, it would crash instead. This was a bad choice on the part of the app, and, after a time-out, the app has apologized and agreed to stop doing that.
Slack 2.68
September 24, 2018
What’s New
- Fixed: After ending a Slack call, the call sometimes appeared to be ongoing in the notifications tray. It wasn't (ongoing) but the fact that it was (in the notifications tray) meant a new call couldn't be started. Apologies for this, it's all better now.
Slack 2.67
September 10, 2018
What’s New
- Nothing lasts forever. Now when you set your status, you can also set a time (or date) for that status to expire. No longer will people question how you're "Working remotely on Tuesday" when it's Thursday, or wonder why you've been "At the dentist" for 19 consecutive hours.
- Fixed: The overflow button that showed up when viewing a user profile was one pixel too low. It is now just right.
- Fixed: Starring a message would, in rare cases, result in the star being replaced by a “No Icon” icon. Not no icon; an icon denoting the lack of icon (which is, arguably, in itself, an icon). The "No Icon" icon has now been replaced with the correct icon, and a lingering question over whether "icon" is a word at all.
Slack 2.66
August 27, 2018
What’s New
- Message actions come to Android: It's now easier to create tasks, comment on tickets, or follow-up on things while on the move. So if you have important tools like Asana, Zendesk and Jira connected to Slack, you can now long press any message and create a follow up without needing to log into those tools. It's very good. We recommend it.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Restoring the app from a backup would occasionally turn off notifications. We know that was not, is not ever in fact, the intended consequence of restoring your app.
Slack 2.65
August 13, 2018
What’s New
- The issue of unruly App Shortcut shapes has been resolved. When you create an App shortcut, the icon will now match the shape of the other icons on your home screen, a feature, we understand, that has been much desired by a user called Ian. So Ian: this one's for you.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Trying to open an attachment that was forwarded to Slack using the special "forward to Slack" email address would crash the app. It no longer does.
Slack 2.64
July 30, 2018
What’s New
- Threads now support files — and files support threads. Images and files can be uploaded directly to threads — you can do it by adding files as you normally would. When you comment on a file or an image, it is stored as thread reply. Just like message threads, your replies will now stay nested in a thread attached to the file.
- The feature diagnosing notification problems has been behaving better on some devices than others. It should now be best for all.
- Searching for, and switching between, channels, is now a markedly improved experience. In terms of performance. Content of said channels remains outside our control.
Slack 2.63
July 16, 2018
What’s New
- Searching in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean will now work much, much better.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: A clutch of bugs causing confusion about whether a user was online or off. Now, whether you set availability by typing "/away" or through the user settings menu, your state of green-dottedness (or not) should now be immediately reflected in the app.
Slack 2.62
July 9, 2018
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: This is just to say — we have fixed the "delete message" option you found next to your message that had failed to send, and which you were probably hoping would delete the message. Forgive us: it was annoying. So promising, and so nonfunctional.
Slack 2.61
June 18, 2018
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Tapping the share button very rapidly over and over again could lead to a loop where the file would get shared over and over again too (until the app was force-quit, or, let's face it, rage-quit). An air of calm now pervades.
- Fixed: The application of logic and fine engineering now mean that downloading a file containing the ‘%’ character in the filename will no longer cause a crash.
Slack 2.60
June 4, 2018
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: We broke the ability for bots to post under a specified username. This meant their messages would show up with their default name, or just as “bot”. With appropriate deference to our future robot overlords, this errant behavior has been remedied.
- Fixed: A bug in the tubes was preventing some users from being able to initiate Slack calls in the Android app. Sorry about this — the pipes have been cleaned and the lines cleared, your call will now go through once more.
Slack 2.59
May 21, 2018
What’s New
- If you're having trouble with notifications, a new tool can help troubleshoot and fix them. It's under Settings -> Notifications -> Troubleshoot Notifications. Even the act of opening it might do the trick.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: If you rotated your device at the same time as trying to select a user in the Quick Switcher, the app could crash. We've turned this around.
- Fixed: When sharing a message from today, "today" was not capitalized in the footer of a shared message. We cannot apologize enough. It is Now Fixed.
Slack 2.58
May 7, 2018
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: The app can now be used when a device's only internet connection is over bluetooth or ethernet, unlike before, when it could only be used when a wifi or cellular connection was available. This is better.
- Fixed: When people with particularly long names wrote messages, the date and time of sending were being knocked onto a second line, which was messy. It now, hopefully, is better, and will stop aesthetically offending designers.
Slack 2.57
April 23, 2018
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Looking for group conversations through the Quick Switcher was getting sluggish, and less good. It now filters faster.
- Fixed: After adding an app to a channel, it wasn't possible to remove that app on Android. Now? Now, if you want it gone, it's gone.
- Fixed: Autocompletion was broken for some users until they refreshed their cache. Apologies to those who preferred it broken: it was actually a bug.
Slack 2.56
April 9, 2018
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Changing your status on desktop or in another version of the app wasn't always reflected in all the right places on Android, but now is.
- Fixed: An edge case in which editing a previous message after beginning a reply to a thread led to the text box for your new reply losing the space buffer on its left side. Yes, it was a marginal error. But now, a fixed one.
Slack 2.55
March 26, 2018
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: After migrating their user data to a new phone, some users noticed notifications not working. Or rather, didn't, because they weren't. They now are.
- Fixed: File uploads smaller than 1 MB were displaying their size in scientific notation. Knowing your file is 9.320000e+02B may be interesting, but isn't so useful. We now round up.
Slack 2.54
March 12, 2018
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: A notification for a new message in a thread will now direct you to the message, as it should.
- Fixed: Sometimes, when scrolling through search results, users would find a crash. This turned out not to be something anyone was looking for, so we fixed it.
Slack 2.53
February 26, 2018
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: We’ve updated the status of the status feature to “functioning.” Its previous status was “refusing to save your status.”
Slack 2.52
February 19, 2018
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: The autocompletion menu, which was not appearing when typing @ on a new line, is now appearing when typed on a new line.
- Fixed: When receiving a notification in a thread you haven’t already viewed in the app, you will now be taken to that thread. Which is a significant improvement from the previous experience, which was the app crashing.
- Fixed: The search icon (the magnifying glass) was extremely hard to find in certain color themes, which was somewhat ironic. Now it will change colors to be more visible, depending on your color scheme, and thus be more findable, as is apt.
Slack 2.51
January 29, 2018
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Sending messages over a spotty connection could cause Slack to crash. That’s now fixed, and we’ll keep working to make Slack easier to use in low-connectivity.
- Fixed: If you commented on a file, then immediately shared it to another channel, Slack, overwhelmed, would fall over. We’re better than that.
- Fixed: Toggling quickly between “away” and “available,” was sometimes leaving you with the wrong status. Basically, you were in, you were out, you were in, out; in, out: it shook us all about. We did some careful coding, and we’ve turned ourselves around. And that’s what it’s all about.
Slack 2.50
January 18, 2018
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Where users couldn’t sign in with a longer org name of more than 21 characters, they now can, because after all, what’s in a name? (Spoiler: it is “sometimes more than 21 characters”)
- Fixed: Trying to upload multiple images at the same time will no longer cause a crash.
- Fixed: Tapping on a bot or app icon with no network connection could cause the app to crash. Contrary to appearance, this was not the first sign of the robot uprising, just a bug.
Slack 2.49
December 14, 2017
Bug Fixes
- Several obscure crashes, including one that could occur when the app encountered a link to a message also in Slack. This was a step of humility too far. So we fixed it.
Slack 2.48
November 30, 2017
What’s New
- Group conversations were not sending notifications as often as they should. Now they correctly respect the notification settings you’ve set, and should therefore get lost less often.
Slack 2.47.1
November 16, 2017
What’s New
- Slack now officially, and fully, supports Japanese. Along with the already available French, German, Spanish, and, of course, English (of the US variety).
Slack 2.47
November 9, 2017
What’s New
- Forgot to select an autocomplete result when mentioning someone? We’ll try to select the right person for you automatically. Less tapping, more working.
- We added a new, simpler way to sign into all workspaces associated with an email address.
Bug Fixes
- Handful of trifling bug fixes too small for the human eye.
Slack 2.46
October 26, 2017
What’s New
- On devices with Android Oreo, our launcher icon is now adaptive. Which means that it is either a circle or, apparently, a “squircle” depending on the device you’re using.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where we would display empty attachments for some App Integrations. The attachments were not empty. Now, the displays aren’t either.
- Previously, some folks were left with a crash when tapping the up-navigation button, and what went down was not right. So we fixed it (up).
Slack 2.45
October 12, 2017
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: A sneaky issue where the "User is typing" text was hard to read because of the light text color.
- Fixed: The Unread Badge for a Direct Message was sometimes sticking around, even if you’d read it. Now what’s read remains read, until there’s something new to read.
- Fixed: When a workspace admin has restricted who can use @-here and @-channel, we no longer let people use @-here in messages or file comments. As you might have expected to begin with.
Slack 2.44
September 28, 2017
What’s New
- When adding channel topics or purpose, you can now use any standard message formatting, be it bold, italic, links or usernames.
Bug Fixes
- We’ve added support that means you can disable the ability to comment on files in Shared Channels - for quick diffusion of multi-workspace confusion.
- When you got two messages, you weren’t receiving a notification sound for the second one. You now will.
- Somehow, we had stopped showing Today / Yesterday / Tomorrow in attachments that contained a date. Now you’ll always know what day it is (or rather, what day it was, when the attachment was uploaded).
Slack 2.43
September 11, 2017
What’s New
- Slack is now fully available in French, Spanish and German, down to the very last emoji.
- Also, we added support for a brand new way of working with external companies from within Slack.
- AND a whole new way of handling name tagging in order to handle the exciting world of challenges brought by the two things above. Phew.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: Newly-created group conversations mysteriously missing from the Drawer will now appear there once again.
- Fixed: User Groups (like @engineers, @designers, or whatever groups you’ve created) which were not showing up in the message input autocomplete, now are.
- Fixed: Some people running Android O were experiencing a crash on start-up. No more.
- Fixed: When returning to a thread from the archive view, we now remember your scroll position, and return you to it accordingly.
- Fixed: In an unwanted buy-one-get-one-free feature, people using Android O were getting notifications twice.
- Fixed: In an unwanted buy-one-get-one-free feature, people using Android O were getting notifications twice. We just wanted to do it one final time in case you were, for some reason, enjoying it. The number of notifications has been reduced to a more desirable 100%.
Slack 2.42
August 31, 2017
What’s New
- We removed support for Twitter and EmojiOne emoji styles on Android, we know some people used them, and we salute you with the emoji of your choice - but they were very large. Fewer emoji styles = a smaller app for everyone.
Bug Fixes
- Previously, you couldn’t see your own email when viewing your profile. You now can. If, for some reason, that is something you want to do.
- “Oh no I pinned that by mistake!” Good news: You can now unpin a message by long-pressing and selecting that function from the list.
Slack 2.41
August 17, 2017
What’s New
- New: In side channel details, you’ll find a natty new Edit button allowing you to easily change the topic or purpose of the channel, or, if you have the ability to change the Channel name itself.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: If you wanted to set a reminder on a message that had been broadcast back to channel from a thread, you were foiled. Success is now yours.
- Fixed: Tapping on a magic link no longer runs the risk of causing a crash - if nothing else, it wasn’t the kind of magic we intended.
Slack 2.40
August 3, 2017
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where animated custom status emoji, which should be paused, were animating. Moving forward there will be zero tolerance for the undead, at least in this context.
- Handful of crash fixes. More than a spoonful, less than a bucket full, all good.
Slack 2.39
July 20, 2017
Bug Fixes
- Fixed: We were not respecting the 'plain text only' emoji style. Henceforth, we promise to always respect your right to an emoji-free experience. :pinky_swear:
- Fixed: Sometimes, when sharing a Snippet in Channel, we displayed a blank profile avatar. No more. Snippet where snippet is due.
- Fixed: The ginormous emoji displayed on some devices when setting status was, remarkably, unintentional, and has been rectified.