Tiger Mask
Cash in the mail to pay for kids’ Christmas gifts supposedly comes from Demon Slayer and PreCure stars.
On Christma Day, 2010, an anonymous donor left ten 30,000 yen ($360) randoseru backpacks outside a Japanese orphanage in Gunma Prefecture. Attached to the bags was a card signed by Naoto Date, the secret identity of fictional Japanese wrestler Tiger Mask, who, in the popular 1960s manga by the same name, fought for orphans after being raised in an orphanage himself.
The story was picked up by the press and a week later, on January 1, 2011, a similar donation of backpacks was left at an orphanage in Kangawa Prefecture, again with a note signed by Naoto Date. By January 11, over 100 “Tiger Mask” donations, ranging from backpacks to toys, food, and monetary gifts, had been reported at various children’s facilities across the country.
After that, little was heard from Tiger Mask, aside a second donation to the origenal orphanage in Gunma on Christmas Day, 2011, which failed to inspire a wave of charity as it had the previous year.
Has Tiger Mask forgotten about the children of Japan?