A long-standing part of Japanese work culture may have passed the tipping/tipple point, especially in women’s eyes.
working in Japan
You don’t want to be in an argument when your partner has control of your outfit of the day.
Japanese job-quitting service contacted by other job-quitting service because employee wants to quit
Amid a backdrop of recently expanding its workforce by 2,000 crew members, USJ raises the hourly wage and more for part-time workers.
Study shows often overlooked prefecture has second-highest number of working foreign residents in Japan.
Japanese government looking to open a path for immigration to Japan to work in transportation sector.
Yamagata dialect can be very different from the Japanese you learned in school, but this illustrated guide will have people telling you “Jondagodo!” in no time.
Survey also finds a surprising gap in housewife-life appeal depending on whether or not women have kids.
Tokyo-based firm understands it can be hard for some people to speak up when they’re feeling run down.
Governor of Tokyo wants people to stop saying the old term because paternal leave is not a vacation.